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About workwear

A source: 
RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 823.L. 27-32.
Appendix No. 5
to p. 21, ave. PB No. 36.

Comrade Molotov's note dated 5 May 1931  and the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.

About workwear.


Comrade Molotov's note to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).

This resolution (with an attachment) was adopted by the Council of People's Commissars (3.V.1931). I submit it for approval by the Politburo of the Central Committee.


V.  Molotov.

Resolution No. ____

Council of People's Commissars of the USSR

“___” May 1931

Moscow Kremlin.

About supplying workers with industrial clothing and special types of clothing and footwear.

In order to improve the supply of overalls and overalls for workers in the main industries and especially workers in those industries where special clothing and footwear is required during work, as well as to improve the organization of the whole matter of supplying overalls and overalls, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decides :

1 . Suggest that the People's Commissariat of Labor, together with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and with the involvement of the Supreme Council of the National Economy, the People's Commissariat for Railways, the People's Commissariat for Water Transport and the People's Commissariat for Water Transport and the People's Commissariat for Water Transport and NKSnab, establish a procedure that would ensure the priority supply of overalls and footwear for workers in the main industries (coal, metal, basic chemicals, large new buildings) and the main groups of workers in transport, and eliminate the order of indiscriminate equalization that existed in some cases in supplying workers with overalls and footwear.

2 . In order to eliminate the existing inconsistency in the norms for the supply of workers with overalls and footwear according to collective agreements and norms of the labor market and the establishment of the same norms for workers of homogeneous professions under the same working conditions, to establish uniform mandatory norms of labor market labor for special and overalls and special footwear.

In the future, it should be considered inappropriate to establish norms for the issuance of special and overalls under collective agreements.

3 . To propose the NKTrud, together with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and with the involvement of the economic people's commissariats, to revise within a month the existing procedure for issuing special and overalls, taking into account the practice of issuing under collective agreements so that this revision is made to the side

a) improving supply against the actual situation for the main groups of workers in the leading industries (coal, metallurgy, basic chemistry, new buildings) and the main groups of transport workers;

b) clarification of the terms of wearing workwear and special footwear, handing them over to the enterprise after the expiration of the terms of wearing and the establishment of mandatory branding of workwear;

c) establishing in paybooks stamps on the time of issue and return of overalls;

d) replacement, where possible, of the tarpaulin fabric with other special fabrics (volcano, cotton, double-thread type, etc.) and

e) establishing a solid list of professions requiring the use of special types of footwear (waders, shoe covers, shoes with wooden soles, etc.).

4 . Consider it necessary to distinguish between the clothes issued to workers in production into two types: 1) overalls and 2) overalls with the fact that

a) overalls and safety footwear are issued to workers working in harmful, hazardous and highly polluting work, free of charge, according to the norms and for the periods established by the KKT labor.

Overalls and special footwear are the property of the enterprise, they are stored at the enterprise, they are not subject to removal from the enterprise, and after the expiration of the terms, the socks are returned to the enterprise;

b) overalls are issued to workers to preserve their own clothing from premature wear and tear and contamination in accordance with the norms established by the NKT labor and for a certain fee.

5 . To oblige the people's commissariats and economic organizations to start immediately and, no later than July 1, finish organizing the storage of overalls and special footwear by arranging locker rooms and cabinets, as well as organize their repair, washing, drying and disinfection, for which to equip factory repair workshops and laundries or conclude appropriate agreements with industrial cooperation for carrying out this work.

6 . Considering it necessary to switch to simplified types and standards of workwear and special footwear (overalls, blouses, jackets of the Austrian model), to propose to the Committee for Standardization of the USSR State Planning Committee within a month to establish firm quality standards for fabrics, types of workwear and special footwear.

7 . To entrust the People's Commissariat of Labor with the distribution of special and overalls to control their correct use.

The annual plan for the production and supply of special and overalls and special footwear is submitted by NKTrud for approval by the service station.

8 . Suggest VSNKh, NKPS, NKSnab, NKZem and other economic agencies to resolutely fight against unfounded and exaggerated applications for overalls and work shoes, establish the strictest savings in their expenditure, take the necessary measures against their plundering, and also single out special persons responsible for the correct distribution, acquisition, repair, washing and storage of workwear at the enterprise.

Suggest NKTruda together with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions within ten days to develop measures to combat the theft of overalls and footwear at the enterprise, as well as measures to organize control by factory committees and labor inspectorates over the correct distribution and careful use of overalls and footwear.

9 . To ensure an uninterrupted and better supply of overalls and footwear for workers in heavy industry, underground workers and those working in hot and hazardous workshops, it should be considered necessary to temporarily significantly limit, and in some places to cancel the issuance of overalls and footwear at such jobs where there is no particular need for their use, in in particular, to cancel the issuance of overalls and overalls in all office establishments.

To instruct the NKTrudu, together with the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and with the involvement of the economic people's commissariats, to revise in accordance with this the norms of special and overalls and the lists of professions that have been granted the right to receive special and overalls and special footwear.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR -
Administrator of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR -

Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR

“___” May 1931
Moscow Kremlin.

About supplying workers with industrial clothing and special types of clothing and footwear.

1 . In view of the fact that in a number of cases, as practice has shown, the previously established terms for wearing workwear and safety footwear are insufficient, it is advisable to extend these terms in appropriate cases when specifying the terms for wearing workwear and safety shoes.

2 . Recognize that the production of large types of special canvas clothing and overalls in 1931 should not be lower than its actual production in 1930.

To take note of the program established by the Supreme Council of the National Economy for leather footwear in the amount of 10.5 million pairs, so that 2 million pairs of them would be produced on wooden soles.

3 . Suggest to NKTrud in its resolution to provide for the establishment of material liability for the theft of overalls and footwear in five times its value.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR -
Administrator of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR

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