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Work plan of the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute.

A source: 
RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 823.L. 19.
Appendix No. 1
to p. 22, pr. PB No. 36.

Work plan of the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute.

(Approved by the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) 5.V.1931)

1 . Finish the 2nd and 3rd editions of Lenin's works, continue publishing "Lenin Sbornikov", having finished in them mainly within the next two years the publication of Lenin's literary legacy and start preparing an academic edition of Lenin's works. To complete the publication of a six-volume edition of selected works of Lenin and to expedite the work of translating it into the languages ​​of foreign countries and some of the nationalities of the USSR. To publish, both in Russian and in the languages ​​of most of the nationalities of the USSR, a number of thematic collections of Lenin's works, giving them an especially popular character.

2 . To continue the international edition of the works of Marx and Engels in the original language and to expedite the Russian edition. To continue publishing the literary legacy of Marx and Engels in the Archives of Marx and Engels. To prepare a popular edition (like the six-volume edition of Lenin's works) of the works of Marx and Engels both in Russian and in the languages ​​of foreign countries and some of the nationalities of the USSR.

3 . To organize research work on the study of the issues of Marxism-Leninism, the history of the Comintern and the international labor movement, the history of the CPSU (b) and questions of party building, and to develop popular publishing work on these issues.

4 . To stage the development of scientific biographies of Marx, Engels and Lenin.

5 . To organize a single "Museum of Marx-Engels-Lenin" for the broad proletarian masses, dedicated to the popularization of the life and work of Marx, Engels and Lenin, the history of the CPSU (b) and the Comintern.

6 . Organize a single archive, concentrating in it materials concerning: a) the life and work of Marx and Engels, b) the life and work of Lenin, c) the history of the CPSU (b) and d) the history of the Comintern.

7 . To reorganize the libraries of the Lenin Institute and the IME into a single library with a large reading room in such a way that its most valuable wealth would be available to a wide range of scientific and party activists.

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