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Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) on the report of the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

Archive source: http://sovdoc.rusarchives.ru
Archive: RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 750.L. 18-20.

Appendix No. 3 to item 9, ave. PB No. 90.

Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (b) on the report of the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Communist Party (b).

( Finally edited by Comrades Molotov and Moskvin on the basis of the PB decree of 25. VII.1929, pr. No. 90, p. 9 ).


The Central Committee notes major achievements during the years of Soviet power in the economic and cultural development of Azerbaijan: a radical reconstruction of the oil industry, the rise of agriculture (an increase in cultivated areas above the pre-war level), the strengthening of the national language on the basis of the Leninist national policy, the development of industrial centers and the creation of national proletarian cadres , the growth of national culture and the introduction of a new Turkic alphabet. The material and, to a certain extent, cultural level of the workers has grown greatly, and their political activity and confidence in the Party have increased enormously. The overcoming of petty-bourgeois nationalist influences (Musavatists, Ittihads, Dashnaks) and the strengthening of international solidarity among the proletarian masses are proceeding successfully. In the struggle against anti-Leninist vacillations and vacillations - Trotskyism,

With all these political and economic achievements, the Central Committee of the AKP (b), however, did not provide the organization of conditions for the development of self-criticism and for the actual promotion and training of new workers and did not master the task of mobilizing the broad masses to fight against specific shortcomings, which is mainly explained by the lag leadership of the organization from the growing activity of the working masses. Self-criticism was in many cases of a declarative nature, and sometimes the practice of clamping down was carried out (the case of Ar ...). even their obvious smearing on the part of certain leading party and Soviet workers. The promotion of workers to managerial work was extremely weak, in this regard, the proletarian stratum is insignificant in the governing nucleus, and there was no systematic renewal of it. Mass work, despite the (1927) instructions of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) about the existing significant shortcomings in this area, turned out to be unsatisfactory at a number of enterprises. In particular, the involvement of the masses in the real leadership of the process of reconstruction of production was carried out poorly. The work on strengthening the proletarian influence on the countryside is insufficient, which is to a certain extent connected with the general little attention on the part of the Central Committee of the AKP (b) to work in the countryside.

The Central Committee especially notes that in some organizations of the Azerbaijani Communist Party (Kazakh, Lankaran) and even the Baku proletarian center (Binagadik and Zavokzalnaya), among some of the leading workers there were facts of direct decomposition and clearly anti-party actions (the case of Gorobchenko-Moroz, part of the Lenin RK-Vyryaev , Sesina, etc.).

Proceeding from all this, the Central Committee, considering the state of the Azerbaijan organization to be mostly satisfactory, recognizes the state of the leadership (before it was replaced by a resolution of the Central Committee from I.VII. Of the year) as unsatisfactory.

At the same time, the Central Committee obliges the Zakraikom to ensure in the future a real strengthening of the leadership of the Zakraikom in relation to the central committees of the national partners (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia).

The Central Committee proposes to ensure the actual deployment of self-criticism, in particular, during the purge of the Party organization and the re-election of Party organizations, seeking their strengthening on the basis of the bold promotion of new cadres of workers, especially from local nationalities. To wage an energetic struggle against bureaucratic distortions in the work of the party organs, widely deploying internal party democracy, bringing to justice everyone, regardless of the person, who practices suppressing criticism of the masses.

Noting the unsatisfactory composition of some of the Soviet organs, the debris, insignificance, and in some cases even the reduction of the proletarian stratum in them, the Central Committee proposes to start strengthening the Soviet apparatus. First of all, to ensure the real participation of the broad workers and peasants in the verification of the composition of the Soviet organs and thereby strengthen the authority of the Soviet apparatus with the masses.

The party organization should set as its main task the mobilization, especially on the basis of socialist competition, of the broad masses of workers around the solution of the fundamental tasks of the organization in Azerbaijan: rationalizing industry and reducing its cost, working in the countryside, fighting bureaucracy, promoting new personnel. Given the difficulties in mass work arising from the characteristic features of the Azerbaijani proletariat - the scattering of the working mass in oil production, the predominance of workers associated with the countryside in the textile and silk industries, the multinational composition of the proletariat and the diversity of the political and cultural level of its various national strata - to instruct the Central Committee and the BC AKP (b) to develop measures to revitalize the work of mass proletarian organizations, first of all,

As a result of the nationalization of the entire oil economy of the region and the largest work on its reconstruction (over half a billion capital investments), there are great achievements in the development of the oil industry, complete electrification, a doubling of production in 5 years, a significant reduction in production costs. Further development of the oil economy and the fulfillment of the tasks set by the five-year plan require increased attention to drilling and improved exploration work to find new oil-bearing areas and, at the same time, the elimination of a number of serious shortcomings in the practice of economic bodies - insufficient planning in rationalization and capital construction, excessive centralism of management and weakness of the economy regime at a number of enterprises.

Pay special attention to training new and retraining existing business personnel, in particular, from local nationalities. Along with this, reorganize the work of party and professional organizations in such a way as to ensure the real involvement of the broad masses in the leadership of the reconstruction of production and in all the practical work for its implementation (socialist competition, production conferences, workers' inventions, etc.).

Pay special attention to the work to improve the skills of workers from local nationalities (Persians and Turks) and to combat the turnover of workers.

In the development of the republican industry in Azerbaijan, with the well-known achievements in increasing production and growth of the labor force, there are major shortcomings that indicate its unsatisfactory condition: mismanagement and unplanned capital construction, the lack of cost reduction at a number of enterprises, etc. The Central Committee of the AKP (b) to outline a system of measures to improve the state of the republican industry in Azerbaijan, in particular, to improve capital construction and the deployment of rationalization work.

Despite the still strong position of the kulaks, using everyday and religious vestiges among the masses, the struggle against them in practice is still extremely weak. The issues of stratification and enslaving relations (Rajbarism) and in this regard, the tasks of protecting the interests of the poor were not given the necessary attention, despite all their acuteness in the multinational region.

The Central Committee especially notes the major shortcomings in the water economy of Azerbaijan, which is of decisive importance in the development and reorganization of agriculture - the lack of a system and plan in capital construction, lack of attention to the indigenous irrigation system, the lack of ameliorative cooperation and the involvement of the poor and middle peasants in the water construction business.

The Central Committee invites the Zakkraikom and the Central Committee of the AKP (b) to develop measures to strengthen the water economy and regulate water use in Azerbaijan and submit a plan of relevant measures for approval by the Central Committee of the AUCP (b).

To a greater extent to link the work on the reconstruction of agriculture with the industrial development of Azerbaijan, developing industries that process local agricultural raw materials (silk, cotton, wool, tobacco, grapes). To develop more widely the forms of production linkage in the Azerbaijani countryside and to develop more energetically the socialist reorganization of agriculture in it: the contracting of cotton and cocoons, production cooperation, especially in livestock and cotton-growing regions, large cotton-growing state and collective farms, and greening stations.

In order to strengthen the development of farms of the 6nd and middle peasant masses, to correct mistakes made in land distribution, as well as to work out measures to consolidate the settledness of livestock farms and settle the pasture issue (eylagi).

Noting the complete insufficiency of the organized influence of the workers on the countryside, the Central Committee proposes to mobilize the broad proletarian masses to help the countryside, paying special attention to training and nurturing workers for work in the countryside and in organizations leading work in the countryside (NKZ, agricultural cooperation, agricultural credit, Azvodkhoz, NKF, etc.).

In cultural work, pay more attention to mass forms of cultural construction: the elimination of illiteracy and universal primary education, increasing the industrial and technical knowledge of the proletarian masses, agro-technical and cooperative propaganda among the peasant masses, ... the Turkic alphabet, the fight against seclusion and veil.

To wage a decisive struggle against the narrow-administrative observer approach to solving cultural problems (when removing the veil, etc.), seeking to mobilize the broadest workers and peasants to actively support the cultural events held by the party and the Soviet government.

The Central Committee especially notes that the Central Committee of the AKP (b) did not begin in a timely manner to correct major mistakes made in anti-religious work: the massive closure of mosques with a crude administrative approach to this, and suggests further intensifying the ideological struggle against religious influence.

In the matter of recruiting workers into the party, there is often a fascination with the quantitative side, in connection with which there is a turnover of those who are accepted (their “dropout” reaches 25%), and in some cases there is a direct swelling of organizations. In Binagadah, with the weakness of cultural cadres, this stratum reached an average of 40%, and in recent years, admission to the party took place mainly at the expense of workers with no experience of responsible work (60% of those who were not in the labor asset) and with little experience in production. It is necessary in the future to focus on ensuring that the growth of the organization, in accordance with the general party directives, takes place at the expense of the really advanced workers and their consolidation in the party on the basis of strengthening their Leninist education.

Noting the unsatisfactory composition of a part of the village organizations (connection with an alien element, the extremely low political and cultural level of village communists) and the weakness of their political growth, the insignificant involvement of farm laborers, poor selection for admission to the party, a significant dropout of village organizations - to propose the Central Committee of the AKP (b) to develop and carry out a system of measures to strengthen the party network in the countryside.

As a result of significant work to emancipate the female working masses of Azerbaijan (the fight against everyday prejudices, the economic and cultural events of the Soviet regime), there is an increase in the political activity of women, which was especially pronounced during the campaign for re-election of the councils. The Central Committee proposes to focus on consolidating the political activity of the female working masses, by involving women in the practical work of councils and cooperatives and their decisive and bold nomination (especially female workers and farm laborers) to leadership work.

The Central Committee notes a number of distortions in the work of everyday emancipation of women and proposes to resolutely prevent further administration and to shift the center of gravity to the deployment of economic and cultural events - to speed up work to raise the cultural level of working women, train a cadre of Turk women and more energetically involve them. in the main branches of industry, cooperation of women and their involvement in collective farms.
Special regulations.

1 . The Central Committee notes that even after the decree of the AUCP (b) on the change of the leadership of the Central Committee and the BC of the AKP (b), part of the leading nucleus of the Baku organization, reflecting false ideas about the prestige of the party leadership and a lack of understanding of the meaning of self-criticism, reached the point of directly glossing over the ones indicated by the Central Committee of the AUCP (b) deficiencies in leadership in terms of leading cadres (decision of the Presidium of the Lenin District Committee of July 4) and even slipped into anti-party threats - threats to fight against the Zakraikom and even the weakening of the Zakfederation (decision of the Presidium of the Factory District Committee of July 4).

2 . The Central Committee notes a number of negative phenomena in the oil industry in Baku (well curvature, watering of oil-bearing strata, insufficient use of imported equipment, etc.) and, along with this, significant underperformance of the production program, and instructs the Supreme Council of the National Economy and Azneft, with the involvement of the OGPU, to identify the causes of these shortcomings and inform the Central Committee VKP (b).

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