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General Vlasov: a story of betrayal - In Russian

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General Vlasov: a story of betrayal
Volume 1: Nazi Project "Aktion Wlassow"

The first volume of the collection of documents is devoted to the history of the treachery of General A.A. Vlasov and the so-called "Vlasov movement". It contains documents from federal and departmental archives of the Russian Federation, some of which have recently been declassified, as well as documents from the archives of Belarus, Germany and the United States. The volume contains documents on the history of the surrender of General A.A. Vlasov, the history of the creation of the Russian Committee, the Russian Liberation Army (ROA), the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR), the military operations of the ROA battalions on the Western and Eastern Fronts. The publication is intended for researchers studying domestic and world history, the events of World War II, the history of collaborationism in general and the specifics of Soviet collaborationism in particular, as well as anyone interested in history.

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General Vlasov: a story of betrayal
Volume 2: From the investigation file of A.A. Vlasova

This edition is the second volume of the collection of documents "General Vlasov: the history of betrayal", which presents documents from the investigation file of A.A. Vlasov and his accomplices (interrogation protocols, transcripts of confrontations, extracts from interrogation protocols), stored in the Central Archives of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. The second book of the second volume presents the final documents of the investigation, a protest in the order of supervision of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in the case of A.A. Vlasov and his accomplices, as well as the memoirs of Vlasov's contemporaries, containing different opinions about his personality and the "Vlasov movement". The publication is intended for researchers studying domestic and world history, the events of World War II.

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