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On the development of socialist animal husbandry.

A source: 
RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 839.L. 13-21.
Appendix No. 1
to p. 11/4 ave PB  No. 53
dated 30. VII.1931  .

On the development of socialist animal husbandry.

To all party, Soviet, economic, land and collective farm organizations .

The Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR consider the work to create and strengthen the socialist sector in the field of animal husbandry - state farms and collective farm commercial farms - as the central task of the near future in the field of agriculture. The years 1931 and 1932 should be the years of the same decisive turning point in the development of animal husbandry as 1929 and 1930 were in the organization of socialist grain farming.

Despite the short period of its existence, socialized animal husbandry (state farms and collective farm commercial farms) has already created a significant herd (2 million head of cattle in livestock farms, 745 thousand cows in commercial collective farms, half a million pigs in state farms Pig breeders, 250 thousand sows in collective farms farms) and took a significant place in the production of marketable butter (On July 1 of this year, commercial dairy collective farms and cattle-breeding state farms delivered 680 thousand poods of butter, which is about of the planned procurement).

The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) draw the attention of all party, Soviet and collective farm organizations to the fact that in the person of collective farm commodity farms and hatchery poultry stations, a form has been found for creating socialized livestock and poultry farming, which is most consistent with the current artel stage of development of collective farm economy and , along with the state farms, the most rapidly solving the problem of creating large-scale commercial livestock raising. This form of farming will give a high marketability - up to 70% for milk and butter instead of 10-20% in individual farms and instead of 10-30% in the usual socialized collective farm herd. This economic norm deserves the utmost support from all Party and Soviet bodies.

Along with significant quantitative successes in the development of livestock-raising state farms and commercial farms of collective farms, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR note a sharp backwardness of qualitative indicators: insufficient feeding and poor care of livestock and mismanagement in a number of livestock-raising state farms and some lag in manning the herd of state farms by Soyuzmyaso lines, - circumstances that hinder the implementation of the program adopted by the government for the construction of livestock farms and commodity collective farms in 1931.

By building state and collective farms, the Party has solved the grain problem and has already achieved decisive progress in the development of industrial crops (cotton, flax, beets).

The first steps in the construction of socialist animal husbandry (livestock farms, collective farm commodity dairy and pig farms and hatchery and poultry stations, a socialized herd in collective farms) show that the solution of the problem of raising livestock and increasing marketable livestock production can only be carried out in the same tried and tested way, that is, by creating and strengthening a large socialized livestock farm.

In 1931, a solid foundation must be laid for the further rapid development of the socialist sector of animal husbandry in order to ensure the victory of a truly organized, mechanized large-scale socialist economy based on the latest achievements of science in this last, still poorly socialized branch of agricultural production.

In accordance with this, the Central Committee of the Party and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decide:

1) to increase the number of livestock sovkhozes and collective farm commodity farms by the end of 1931: for the Cattle breeder  - up to 2.800.000 heads, for the Pig breeder - 1.900.000 heads, for the  republican dairy trusts - up to 260.000 cows, including  130.000 cows according to the Molokotrest of the RSFSR , according to Maslotrost  - up to 180,000 heads (with an increase against the plan by 70,000 cows), according to Soyuzsakhar up to 140,000 cows (with an increase against the plan of 50,000 cows) and up to 40,000 sows, according to Shevtsovod to 4,800,000 sheep (with an increase against the plan by 800,000 heads ), according to the Reindeer Herding Trust of the RSFSR up to 200,000 heads, according to Ptitserests up to 3,000,000 head of poultry, according toThe dairy center up to 1,500,000 dairy cows, up to 750,000 sows in the Pig Farming Center, up to 10,000,000 poultry in the Poultry Incubator Center.

2) To propose to the People's Commissariat of the USSR to transfer to state farms and commercial collective farms, by the end of 1931: 1,700,000 head of cattle, including up to 1.X - 1,200,000 heads; calves and young animals 2.500.000 heads, including up to 1.X - 2.100.000; sows 415,000 heads, including up to 1.H. - 315,000 heads; sheep 2.000.000 heads, including up to 1.H. - 2.000.000; poultry to be handed over until 1X: chickens - 570,000 heads, geese 75,000 heads, ducks 300,000 heads, ensuring strict implementation of quarterly and monthly plans for recruiting the herd.

3) To propose to the collective farm center to replenish the socialized herd of collective farms by at least 1.5 million calves; 500 thousand piglets and 1 million lambs in 1931 and no less than 4 million calves, 3 million piglets and 2 million lambs in 1932, through the purchase by collective farm boards of young animals from their members; and also by socializing part of the offspring of the collective farmers' livestock.

4) To oblige local party organizations and land bodies to provide all possible assistance in the acquisition of the herd of collective farm livestock farms, by allocating a certain part of their socialized livestock for these farms by the collective farms, as well as by buying from their members to form a herd of farms of cows and pigs, and especially calves and piglets ...

5) To propose to the USSR People's Commissariat of Commons to hand over livestock to state farms and collective farm commodity farms, mainly directly from the primary procurement points, so that the cattle harvested by Soyuzmyas are sent to the feeding herds and for slaughter only after the inspection of these livestock and selection of livestock suitable for production purposes for the acquisition of state farms and collective farm commodity farms against the plan. To establish the time frame for the selection of livestock from the Soyuzmyaso procurement stations by the acceptance officers of the livestock farms from 5 to 8 days.

To propose to the People's Commissariat of the USSR in practice to ensure the implementation of the prohibition on slaughter of pedigree cows and producers established by law, bringing those guilty of violating this law to the strictest responsibility.

To oblige the organs of NKZem to accept pedigree cattle transferred by the procurement bases of Soyuzmyaso for manning the herd of state farms in all regions without exception, regardless of the plans for manning the region.

6) Noting the abnormally high mortality of livestock, especially young animals in livestock farms in the past winter, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR invite livestock trusts, centers of collective farm commodity farms, land authorities and collective farm unions to take appropriate measures to drastically improve the care of livestock and reducing the percentage of retirement from various diseases and unsatisfactory livestock maintenance and to achieve in the coming years a decisive increase in the growth rate of the herd of state and collective farms.

7) To approve the plan of production and delivery by livestock trusts and centers of collective farm commodity farms for 1931 in the following amounts:

a) by oil                            - 34.9 thousand tons

including: Maslotrest ............. - 3.5 thousand tons
             Cattle breeder ............... - 4.0 thousand tons
             Republic of dairy trusts - 1.0 thousand tons
             Soyuzsakhar .............. - 3.4 thousand tons
-------------------------------------------------- ----
                    TOTAL for state farms - 11.9 thousand tons
Commodity farms of the Dairy Center
(translated into milk - 510.000 tons) - 23.0 thousand tons

b) for meat : 146.8 thousand tons

including: Cattle breeder ............... - 48.3 thousand tons
             Pig breeder ............... - 48.0 thousand tons
             Sheep breeder ................ - 8.0 thousand tons
             Animal. republ. trusts and
             Maslotrest ............. - 6.0 thousand tons
             Soyuzsakhar .............. - 18.5 thousand tons
             Pig farming center .... - 48.0 thousand tons

c) for wool : Sheep farmer 8.0 thousand tons under the contract

d) eggs : 50.3 thousand boxes

including: Poultry stands ............. 5.3 thousand boxes
             Incubator poultry center ... 45.0 thousand boxes

e) for milk : Republic. Milk trusts 160.0 thousand tons

f) for casein : Maslotrest 1000.0 tons

g) for cheese and feta cheese : 5.9 thousand tons

including: Maslotrest ........... 1.0 thousand tons of cheese
             Sheep breeder ........... 4.9 thousand tons of feta cheese.

8) Approve the plan of the People's Commissariat of the USSR for the fattening of cattle and pigs on the waste of the food industry, public catering and suburban farms for the period from October 1, 1931 to January 1, 1933 in the amount of 500 thousand heads of cattle and 2.100 thousand heads of pigs, including in the IV quarter of 1931 there were 125 thousand cattle, 451.200 pigs.

9) Noting the enormous importance of small-scale animal husbandry (pig breeding, poultry farming, rabbit breeding) in the meat supply, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR invite all local party, land and collective farm organizations to pay special attention to the development of these early maturing types of animal husbandry.

To propose to the Pig Farming Center to fatten and hand over to the state in 1932 at least 2 million heads of pigs; In addition, to propose to the Kolkhoz Center to set a task for collective farms that do not have pig and poultry commercial farms, to organize collective breeding and collective sale to the state in each collective farm: from 10-50 pigs in fattened form, depending on the capacity of the collective farm, in sheep breeding areas from 10 to 50 sheep, in poultry areas from 100 to 500 poultry and in rabbit breeding areas from 100 to 300 rabbits.

Suggest the Tsentrosoyuz to set the same task for rural consumer societies.

Instruct the NKSnab of the USSR, together with the People's Commissariat of Agriculture, the Kolkhoztsentr and the Tsentrosoyuz, to outline measures for material incentives for collective farms and consumer societies that successfully fulfill the specified task within 2 ten days.

10) To ensure the fulfillment of the plan for the delivery of marketable products of livestock farms and collective farm commercial farms:

a) oblige the land authorities in the future to further strengthen the supervision established by them over the course, delivery of marketable products by state farms and commercial farms, steadily bringing directors of state farms and commercial farms, guilty of squandering marketable products, to strict liability, as for embezzlement of national property;

b) establish special bonuses for overfulfilment of the plan for the delivery of products by individual state farms and collective farm commodity farms, both in the form of cash and in-kind payments to directors, workers and specialists of livestock farms who have overfulfilled the plan, and in the form of bonuses to state farms and commodity farms in general by issuing tractors in excess of the plan , machines, as well as additional supply of concentrated feed, breeding producers, etc .;

c) to ensure in respect of all specialists, top administrative personnel and senior workers of state farms, without expiration, the system of increasing the wages of these categories of state farm workers, established by the USSR People's Commissariat of Agriculture, in accordance with the size of production and delivery of marketable products.

11) 0to oblige the Central Committee of the National Communist parties, regional committees (regional committees), Council of People's Commissars of the Union and autonomous republics and regional executive committees to establish regular monitoring of the progress of the acquisition of the herd of state farms and collective farm commodity farms, as well as the delivery of marketable products by state farms and collective farm commodity farms, and to ensure full and timely implementation of the plan for the acquisition of the herd of state farms and commercial collective farms and their implementation of the plan for the delivery of marketable products.

12) Noting that the creation of a solid fodder base is a decisive condition for the successful deployment of livestock farms and commercial collective farms to offer land bodies, collective farms and livestock trusts and collective farm centers to fully provide all livestock of livestock farms and collective farms with their own coarse and succulent fodder, for which purpose the current hay-harvesting campaign to harvest hay on state farms on an area of ​​at least 11 million hectares and on collective farms at least 30 million hectares, and to silage at least 10 million tons of silage on collective and state farms.

13) Offer the NKSnab of the USSR to release from the state fodder resources of the harvest of 1931 to the People's Commissariat of the USSR to cover the deficit in concentrated fodder of the livestock farms of the People's Commissariat for Agriculture and collective farm commodity farms:

cake .......... - 18 million poods.
bran .......... - 60 million poods.
grain crops. - 100 million poods.

including to cover the deficit in concentrated feed of livestock farms NKzema to release:

cake ........... - 15 million poods
bran .......... - 50 million poods
grain fodder ...... - 93 million poods

To cover the deficit in concentrated feed of collective farm commercial farms that do not have a sufficient amount of their own concentrated feed, release from state resources: 20 million poods, including: cake 3 million poods, bran - 10 million poods, grain fodder - 7 million poods. pood.

14) To strengthen the state resources of concentrated feed, it is necessary to recognize the need for widespread processing of waste from the food industry for feed, for which to propose in the second half of 1931 and in 1932:

  • Soyuzsaharu - to produce 1.5 million centners of dry pulp
  • Soyuzrybe - to produce 0.11 million centners of fishmeal
  • Soyuzmyaso - to produce 0.15 million centners of blood and meat and bone meal
  • Starch-blade association - to produce 450.0 thousand centners of corn pulp
  • Soyuzspirtu - to produce 70.0 thousand centners of dry stillage
  • The fermentation association is to produce 100.0 thousand centners of grains and 50.0 thousand centners of yeast.

To recognize it as necessary to ensure this program to increase the volume of capital expenditures in the relevant industries of the NKSnab for the disposal of food industry waste by 27 million rubles, with the allocation in the current 1931 of 10 million rubles. The rest of the amount should be foreseen in the plan for the 1st half of 1932.

15) Along with the development of the compound feed industry in the system of the NKSnab of the USSR, create in the system of the NKZem of the USSR a special trust "Compound feed" for the construction of factories and the organization of the production of compound feed.

To propose to the NKSnab of the USSR and the NKZ of the USSR in a ten-day period to submit to the service station a plan for the deployment of the feed industry in the system of NKSnab and NKZem of the USSR for the second half of 1931 and for 1932.

To propose to the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR, in a month's time, to begin the deployment of the production of equipment for the feed industry and the disposal of waste from the food and agricultural industries.

16) Propose to the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR to establish special monitoring of the progress of the implementation of the established program for the construction of standard silo towers at timber industry factories and to ensure the supply of the necessary equipment and construction materials provided for by the government plan for silo construction.

To propose to the NKZem of the USSR to organize a special office in the Soyuzselstroy system to supervise the construction of silo structures and to provide technical instructions for the construction of silos carried out by livestock trusts and collective farms in an economic way, having allocated 1 million rubles for this office from the reserve fund of the NKZem of the USSR.

17) The concentrated fodder fund, allocated in accordance with this resolution for state farms and collective farm commodity farms, propose to release the NKSnab at the disposal of the NKZem of the USSR, and keep it spent according to the plans and instructions of the NKZem of the USSR, agreed with the NKSnab of the USSR, while the strictest observance of the procedure for issuing concentrated feed to collective farm commercial farms, depending on the delivery of marketable products by them, in accordance with the concluded contractual agreements.

To simplify and improve the procedure for obtaining fodder by state farms, maintain in all regions the system of registering state farms directly to elevators, mills and oil mills,

18) Noting the completely unsatisfactory fulfillment of the plan for capital construction in livestock state farms, oblige the regional committees (regional committees) and the Central Committee of the national communist parties, Soyuzselstroy, livestock trusts to ensure the completion of construction on state farms necessary for placing livestock no later than November 15, 1931. To do this, establish a regular, at least 1 time per month, hearing reports on the progress of construction in the regional committees (regional committees) and regional party committees, entrusting one of the members of the bureau of regional committees and regional committees with systematic monitoring of the implementation of the capital construction plan in livestock farms. To propose to the Supreme Council of the National Economy and the People's Commissariat of Railways to complete the delivery of construction materials, especially timber, supplied to the livestock farms for the first three quarters, no later than September 1, 1931.

19) In view of the fact that the deployment of a large dairy farm in the current year encounters significant obstacles due to the lack of special milk equipment for transporting milk (flasks, cans, etc.), sizes to ensure the safety and delivery of milk to processing and consumer points, using primarily the handicraft industry.

20) To provide livestock-raising state farms and collective farm commodity farms with appropriate cadres of managers and specialists, propose to livestock trusts and the Collective Farm Center of the USSR:

a) to increase in 1932 in each state farm the number of highly qualified specialists up to 6-8 people and of average qualification up to 15-20 people and in each collective farm commodity form up to 2-3 specialists of higher and intermediate qualifications, both by deploying an appropriate network of universities and technical schools, so and through training and retraining through coursework is;

b) to organize in the system of livestock trusts and collective farm centers a wide network of short-term courses for the training of qualified labor (senior herders, cattlemen, milkmaids, shepherds, pigs, poultry houses, veterinary paramedics, etc.);

c) oblige the regional committees, regional committees and the Central Committee of the national communist parties, within a decade, together with the boards of livestock trusts, to revise the entire composition of authorized trusts and special collective farm centers; bearing in mind the need to select people who are really knowledgeable and able to ensure an improvement in the organization of the case;

d) the personnel department of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks shall, within a month, transfer to the NKZem of the USSR to strengthen the personnel of the cattle-breeding state farms of the Cattle breeder, Pig breeder, Sheep breeder, Maslotrest, the necessary number of workers to fill the posts of directors and assistants. directors of newly organized state farms and strengthening of old state farms;

e) in accordance with the fact that the role of local authorities and their responsibility for the results of the development of socialist animal husbandry is increasingly increasing, especially in the field of construction, the formation of a herd and the delivery of marketable products, to recognize as correct the expansion of the rights of regional authorized livestock trusts made by the NKZ USSR and transfer to them a number of operational functions. To approve the decree of the NKZ of the USSR of May 14, which determined the expansion of the rights of authorized trusts.

21) To ensure the deployment of socialized animal husbandry in national livestock regions (Central Asian republics, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Buryat-Mongolia, Kara-Kalpakia, Dagestan, Kalmykia), instruct the NKSnab and NKZem of the USSR together with the governments of these republics and regions in the implementation of the grain procurement plan , drawing up a sowing campaign plan, a plan for meat harvesting and, when developing measures to settle the nomadic population, ensure that measures are taken to stimulate the development of commercial livestock farming in these areas, such as:

a) to envisage the further widespread development of machine-haymaking stations in these areas, bringing their number in 1932 to no less than 350;

b) the deployment of subsidiary, consumer-oriented crops of grain crops and vegetables in areas that until now are exclusively livestock raising;

c) strengthening the supply of these regions with manufactory, footwear and other goods produced locally from leather and wool;

d) when contracting livestock in these areas, provide for the provision of the necessary grain fund in the manner of contracting, similar to who is the case with industrial crops:

e) the final elimination of epizootics, which are especially destructive for nomadic animal husbandry within the next 2-3 years;

f) Strengthening measures to improve the qualifications of workers at livestock sovkhozes (herders, shepherds, etc.) formed from the local population by organizing a network of short-term courses and technical schools in these areas.

22) In order to create a stable raw material base for improved meat factories under construction in large consuming centers and in the main livestock production areas, propose to the USSR NKZem:

a) to ensure the deployment of the necessary network of livestock farms in the areas of construction of meat processing plants (Leningrad, Moscow, Ural regions, Siberia, etc.);

b) to ensure delivery to meat processing plants in 1933 at least 6 million heads of pigs by state farms of the Pig Breeder and at least 7 million heads of collective farm pig farms and, in general, 80% of the needs of meat processing plants, and in 1935 the receipt from state farms of the Pig Breeder and collective farm pig farms for those the same factories are not less than 15 million heads of pigs;

c) to ensure the delivery of at least 1 million heads by state farms of the Cattle breeder to meat processing plants in 1933 and 1.6 million heads in 1935, which should amount to at least ⅓ of the production capacity of meat processing plants;

d) to ensure that at least 1.8 million sheep and in 1935 at least 3 million heads of sheep from the Sheep Breeder's sovkhozes to meat processing plants in 1933, which should amount to about ⅔ of the meat processing plants' load.

23) Instruct the STO, no later than August 1, to provide appropriate funding in the 3rd and 4th quarters of the program for the deployment of livestock farms and collective farm commodity farms in the amount necessary to fulfill the entire program outlined by this decree.

24) To approve the decree of the USSR NKZ and the Kolkhoz Center on increasing, in accordance with this decree, the size of lending to the Molkolkhoz Center up to 165 million rubles, the Pig Breeding Center to 55 million rubles, the Incubator and poultry center up to 38 million rubles and the allocation of 18 million rubles to sheep-breeding collective farms by redistribution of the long-term lending funds allocated to the USSR People's Commissariat of Agriculture and at the expense of the long-term lending fund reserve.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR - V. Molotov (Scriabin) .

Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - I.  Stalin .

Resolution of the Central Committee and the Council of People's Commissars

"On the provision of fodder for collective farm commercial farms from their own resources."

To meet the needs of collective farm commercial farms in concentrated feed, the regional party committees, NKSnab bodies and land authorities, when implementing the grain procurement plan, set regional and collective farm targets, taking into account the needs of collective farm commercial farms in concentrated feed from the resources of the collective farms themselves, in accordance with the norms established by the USSR NKZem by agreement with the NKSnab of the USSR so that the total amount of grain armored by collective farms for the needs of collective farm commodity farms in the USSR should amount to 168 million poods.

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