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Letter from the wife of the convict N.D. Pleskevich addressed to Stalin with a request to release her husband and a telegram for release. December 10, 1930 - December 28, 1930

A source: 
Heinrich Yagoda. People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, General Commissar of State Security. Collection of documents. - Kazan, 1997, pp. 350-351.
CA FSB, f. 2, op. 9, d.11, l. 76, 80.

Dear Comrade Stalin!

Sorry for the courage, but I decided to write you a letter. I turn to you with a request and only you, you alone, can do this, or rather forgive my husband. In 1929, while drunk, he tore your portrait off the wall, for which he was prosecuted for a period of 3 years. He still has 1 year and 2 months to sit, but he cannot bear it, he is sick, he has tuberculosis. His specialty is a locksmith, from a working-class family, he has never been a member of any counter-revolutionary organizations. He is 27 years old, he was ruined by youth, stupidity, thoughtlessness; of this he has repented a thousand times.

I ask you to shorten his term or replace him with forced labor. He was already severely punished, before, before that, he was blind for 2 years, now in prison.

I ask you, forgive him, at least for the sake of the children. Do not leave them without a father, they will be eternally grateful to you, I beg you, do not leave this request unsuccessful. Maybe you will find at least 5 minutes of free time to tell him something comforting - this is our last hope for you.

His surname is Nikita Dmitrievich Pleskevich, who is imprisoned in the city of Omsk, article 58, or rather in the Omsk prison.

Don't forget us, Comrade Stalin.

Forgive him, or replace him with forced labor.

10.XII-30 g.   

 Pleskevich's wife and children.

I can send you a copy of the verdict, just please respond. Do not forget.

December 10, 1930


Novosibirsk PPOGPU Zakovsky.

By order of Comrade Yagoda Pleskevich Nikita Dmitrievich to release the checkpoint NR 13566 Bulanov

OGPU Board Secretary Bulanov

December 28, 1930.

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