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Note of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR to the Ambassador of Turkey to the RSFSR Ali Fuad.

A source: 
USSR foreign policy documents. Volume 4. p. 49. Moscow. State Political Publishing House. 1960

April 6, 1921 No. 11/552

Mr. Ambassador,

We received information that on April 2 the communists reoccupied Erivan and that the remnants of the counter-revolutionary Dashnaks who were there fled, pursued by the communists, to the mountains of Zangezur, where their forces would soon completely cease to exist. Since the entire area of ​​Alexandropol and Erivan is again in the hands of the Armenian Soviet Government, the time has come for the Turkish troops to withdraw abroad, established in the Moscow Treaty *, and we strongly hope that we will immediately receive a message from you that the evacuation of Armenian territory by Turkish troops completed.

Please accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my highest consideration.


To this note G.V. Chicherin received the following answer from Ali Fuad dated April 7, 1921, No. 261:

"Mr. Commissioner,

I had the honor to receive your letter dated April 6, 1921 No. 11/552, to which I hasten to reply.

I am very glad to know that the city of Erivan was again occupied by the communists on April 2, 1921, and that the counter-revolutionaries who took refuge in the Zangezur mountains will soon be destroyed. I am very glad that in this way the ideas and parties that were a blind instrument in the hands of imperialism disappeared in Armenia. I have brought to the attention of my Government your wish regarding the evacuation of the city of Alexandropol in connection with this new situation.

Since the factors of counterrevolution, which all the time forced us to take military measures on our Eastern Front, are on the verge of extinction, the city of Alexandropol, left to Armenia by virtue of the Alexandropol and Moscow treaties and under our occupation, only in terms of military measures in connection with the Armenian counterrevolution, will, I hope, be evacuated as soon as circumstances permit.

Please accept, Mr. Commissioner, the assurances of my highest consideration. "

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