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On the contracting of spring crops 1931

A source: 
Collection of laws and orders of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the USSR for 1931, pp. 113-118.
Published in No. 22 Izvestia of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the Central Executive Committee of January 22, 1931.

Article No. 80.

Appeal of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).

On the contracting of spring crops in 1931

To all party, Soviet economic, cooperative collective farm and Komsomol organizations.

The overfulfillment of the five-year plan assignments over the past two years, especially in the branches of heavy industry and the production of agricultural machine-building, makes it possible for the Soviet government in the third year of the five-year plan to further increase investments in agriculture against previous years and thus strengthen the state's assistance to the countryside for collectivization. the poor and middle peasants and the implementation of the task of eliminating the kulaks as a class.

In accordance with this and in connection with the upcoming campaign for contracting spring crops, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) consider it necessary to carry out the following main activities:

I. Measures of state aid to agriculture.

1 . To send to agriculture during 1931 120 thousand tractors (translated into a 10-strong tractor) with a total value of 200 million rubles.

2 . In addition to the existing 360 machine-tractor stations, to organize during 1931 1,040 new machine-tractor stations with a total tractor park of 980 thousand traction forces so that in the spring of 1931 1.105 machine-tractor stations with a tractor park of 692 thousand forces, providing sowing with machine-tractor stations in the spring of 1931, 18 million hectares, instead of 4 million hectares last year. To allocate 540 million rubles for the capital construction of machine-tractor stations in 1931.

3 . To double the supply of agriculture with agricultural machinery in 1931 against 1930 (768 million rubles instead of 400 million rubles, including 157 million rubles for harvesting machines). Send the bulk of these machines to collective farms and machine-tractor stations at low-cost government prices set. To supply agriculture by the spring with machines worth 370 million rubles.

4 . Send 7,000 trucks and cars to agriculture, including at least 2,000 machine-tractor stations.

5 . To supply agriculture in 1931 with mineral fertilizers in the amount of 24 million centners (145 million poods) worth 105 million rubles, including 13 million centners (78 million poods) by the spring.

6 . To supply agriculture with means of pest control for the season in the amount of 40 million rubles instead of 19 million rubles last year.

7 . To ensure the growth of the yield on the collective farms, release 21 million centners (126 million poods) of varietal and improved seeds, including:

cereals ............ - 11.500 thousand centners.
corn ............ - 600 thousand centners.
sunflower .......... - 500 thousand centners.
legumes ............. - 1.100 thousand centners.
soybeans ................. - 250 thousand centners.
sugar beet ..... - 430 thousand centners.
fiber flax ....... - 760 thousand centners.
curly flax ........ - 120 thousand centner.
hemp ............. - 310 thousand centners.
seed potatoes. - 2.500 thousand centners.
cotton .............. - 1.600 thousand centners.
others .............. - 1.330 thousand centners.

The fund of varietal grain shall be formed from the State Sort Fund in the amount of 4.1 million centners and commodity-varietal grain from centralized procurements in the amount of 7.4 million centners.

Of the total amount of grain varietal seeds (11.500 thousand centners), release 10.900 thousand centners in exchange for ordinary grain and without exchange 600 thousand centners of seeds of the State Sort Fund in the manner of contracting with return in the fall. When issuing seeds to sowers, the premium on procurement prices for varietal and improved seeds should not exceed 15 percent.

8 . State farms of Zernotrest to provide assistance to collective farms by means of spring plowing on collective farms at least 500,000 hectares and sowing at least 500,000 hectares. To intensify all other types of assistance from state farms to collective farms (agricultural assistance, the use of agricultural machinery, repairs, personnel training, etc.).

9 . To allocate one billion and fifty million rubles for the collective farms and machine-tractor stations in the budget and a long-term loan.

10 . In addition to all the above measures, to oblige the State Bank to release 355 million rubles for all crops (both marketable and seed) for a cash advance payment to sowers contracting their field crop products, the bulk of which must be released during the processing period and before harvesting.

All these investments should ensure a tremendous increase in the technical armament and material base of the developing collective-farm movement and thereby increase the country's raw material and food resources.

Setting the task to radically improve the supply of raw materials and foodstuffs to industry on this basis, to oblige the People's Commissariat of Supply of the USSR and the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR to conduct through the agricultural cooperation, the Collective Farm Center, the Traktorocenter and the Semenovodkolkhoz Center, the contracting of spring crops in 1931 on the following grounds:

II. For grain and oilseeds.

1 . Establish a plan for contracting grain and oilseeds for collective farms and poor and middle peasant individual farms in the amount of 58 million hectares, including:

through the Bread Center ......... - 39.500 thousand hectares
through Traktorocenter ...... - 15.500 thousand hectares
through the Semyonovodkolkhoz Center - 3.000 hectares

(varietal crops for varietal reproduction).

For crops, carry out contracting:

cereals .......... 51,000 hectares
sunflower ......... 4.430 thousand hectares
soybeans .................. 400 thousand hectares
legumes ............ 2.000 thousand hectares
rice ................. 170 thousand hectares

2 . In addition to the released machines and production loans, to release 40 million rubles for cash advance payment of row crops, including:

for sunflower - 9 million rubles
for corn - 10 million rubles
for soybeans - 6 million rubles
for other legumes - 9 million rubles
for rice - 6 million rubles

Issuance of advances is made before hilling and tilling.

When delivering sunflower and soybeans, ensure that collective farms receive 4 kilograms of vegetable oil and 8 kilograms of oil cake for each centner for their members; individual poor and middle peasants - 3 kilograms of vegetable oil and 6 kilograms of oilcake for each centner of sunflower and soybeans handed over.

III. Cotton.

1 . To contract the entire expected harvest of raw cotton in collective farms and poor and middle peasants for 1931 in the amount of 19 million centners.

2 . In addition to the 19 machine-tractor stations existing in the cotton regions, in 1931, to organize 130 machine-tractor stations with a tractor fleet of 125 thousand horsepower, including 118 machine-tractor stations by the spring, covering 1,200 thousand hectares of cotton crops.

3 . To bring 48 thousand cotton seeders, including 11,000 four- and two-row planters, to cotton regions by the season of field work; 55,000 cultivators, including 2,000 tractors; 23,000 hillers and 1,000 cotton pickers.

4 . In 1931, release 8,200 thousand centners (50 million poods) of grain and 1,640 thousand centners (10 million poods) of grain fodder to cotton collective farms and poor and middle peasants' individual cotton farms at cheap state prices set by the government, making the rate of grain delivery to the farm strictly dependent on thoroughness processing of cotton fields and the amount of cotton handed over to the state.

5 . To bring industrial goods worth at least 250 million rubles to cotton regions for sale to cotton growing farms in 1931 so that they can be sold to cotton growing farms in the order of normal commodity turnover at established cheap state prices.

6 . To release 100 million rubles for advancing cotton sowers with the issuance of 20 percent of this amount before sowing, 30 percent - before the first ridge and 50 percent - before the third ridge, and the issue before the third ridge is made only if the first two ridge are completed.

7 . To give out 1.800 thousand centners of mineral fertilizers to cotton sowers on an interest-free loan with reimbursement of the cost of fertilizers in a timely manner.

8 . Provide sowers with sowing seeds in an amount that fully covers the entire need (1.600 thousand centners) in the order of contracting.

IV. Beetroot.

1 . Contract the entire area of ​​sugar beet crops in collective farms and poor-middle peasant individual farms in the amount of 1.210 thousand hectares.

2 . To organize 150 machine-tractor stations in the sugar-beet regions, including 120 machine-tractor stations by the spring, covering 375,000 hectares of beets.

3 . To bring industrial goods worth at least 60 million rubles to sugar beet growers for sale to sugar beet growers, so that they can be sold to sugar beet farms in the order of normal trade turnover at established cheap state prices.

4 . To preserve in 1931 the issue set for last year for each centner of beets handed over free of charge 58 kilograms of bagasse and 1.05 kilograms of molasses and at the expense of payment for beets 60 grams of sugar.

5 . Allocate 41 million rubles for advance payments to beet sowers so that, in addition to the already issued 25 percent of this amount, 50 percent of it will be given during processing and 25 percent before harvest.

6 . To issue to collective farms and poor and middle peasants individual farms that are sowing beets, mineral fertilizers (superphosphate) on an interest-free loan of 2 centners per hectare with reimbursement of the cost of fertilizers on time and free of charge beet seeds at 32 kilograms per hectare.

V. On flax and hemp.

1 . Contract sowing of flax and hemp on collective farms and poor and middle peasants in the following amount: for fiber flax for fiber and seed - 1.950 thousand hectares, for curly flax for seed - 400 thousand hectares, for hemp for fiber and seed - 700 thousand hectares.

2 . To organize in the flax-growing regions during 1931 150 machine and tractor stations with a tractor fleet of 75,000 forces, so that by spring 77 machine and tractor stations with a tractor fleet of 38,500 forces, covering 280,000 hectares of flax sowing, will be organized.

3 . In addition to the existing 38 flax and hemp factories for primary processing, to build 489 new factories in 1931, covering all the flax and hemp farms, machine and tractor stations and points in which the construction of flax and hemp machine and tractor stations is planned in 1932.

To oblige the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR to produce in 1931 600 sets of machines for the equipment of these factories and 10,000 pieces of flax grinders, including 4,500 pieces by September 1.

4 . To release by the spring of 1931 to the flax-hemp-growing collective farms 1,500 thousand centners of mineral fertilizers with reimbursement of the cost within the established time frame.

5 . To ensure the sowing of flax and hemp in new regions and the expansion of sown areas in old regions by issuing 760 thousand centners of fiber flax seeds, 120 thousand centners of curly flax and 310 thousand centners of hemp seeds.

6 . To release 60 million rubles for advance payments to sowers of flax and hemp, of which 40 percent is given before sowing and 60 percent before harvesting.

7 . In the flax-growing and hemp-growing regions of the consuming strip and non-grain regions of the producing strip, give flax and hemp sowers 1.25 centners of bread versus 1 centner of the supplied fiber, so that by the spring sowing, this rate will be given ½ centners per hectare (total 5.3 million poods of bread in the spring).

8 . To preserve in 1931 the supply of flax and hemp seed suppliers with vegetable oil and oilcakes according to the 1930 standards (7 kilograms of oil and 10 kilograms of oilcakes versus 1 centner of flaxseeds for collective farms; 5.7 kilograms of oil and 8 kilograms of oilcakes for individual farmers).

9 . Collective farms and individual poor and middle peasants of the flax-hemp-growing regions of the consuming and non-grain regions of the producing strip are exempted from the usual norms for the delivery of grain of the 1931 harvest, provided that these farms sow at least 10-15 percent of flax or at least 5-7 percent of hemp of the total sown area and with the obligatory fulfillment of flax delivery by them under contractual agreements.

10 . To bring in flax and hemp-growing regions for sale to sowers of flax and hemp in 1931 industrial goods worth not less than 100 million rubles, so that they are sold to sowers in the order of normal commodity circulation at established cheap state prices.

The size of the contract for the rest of the crops and seeds shall be determined by the USSR People's Commissariat of Agriculture and the USSR People's Supply Commissariat within two days.

To instruct the People's Commissariat of Supply and the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR, on the basis of these instructions, to approve model contracts on contracting.

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The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) call on all party, Soviet-economic, cooperative-collective farm and Komsomol organizations to take up the Bolshevik business of contracting spring crops. to mobilize their forces and explain to the masses of workers and peasants the significance of the measures carried out by the Soviet government for the technical re-equipment and collectivization of the peasant economy, to lead a new upsurge in the collective-farm movement of the millions of rural masses and thereby ensure decisive successes in the elimination of the kulaks and the socialist reorganization of the countryside.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR V. Molotov (Scriabin) .

Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) I. Stalin .

Moscow Kremlin.

January 21, 1931

Published in No. 22 Izvestia of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the Central Executive Committee of January 22, 1931.

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