On railway transport - 1931
A source: Collection of laws and orders of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the USSR for 1931, pp. 118-126.
Published in No. 28 Izvestia of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the Central Executive Committee of January 29, 1931.
Article number 81.
Appeal of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
About railway transport.
To all party, Soviet-economic, railway, trade union and Komsomol organizations.
Despite a number of serious achievements, the work of railway transport of the last period testifies to an obvious lag in the pace of its work from the rapidly growing socialist economy of the country, which already creates a number of serious difficulties with transportation.
Proceeding from this, the December joint plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission and the third session of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR in their resolutions on the national economic plan for 1931 placed “under the special supervision of the working class and its party ... overcoming one of the most narrow places in the national economy - railway and water transport "and" a decisive tightening of transport to the level of those requirements that the rapid growth of the main sectors of the national economy sets before it. "
For the successful implementation of this directive of the plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) consider it necessary to carry out the following measures:
I. Reconstruction and material supply of railway transport.
1 . Propose to the Labor and Defense Council, no later than February 20, to consider a plan for the reconstruction of railway transport and outline specific measures to ensure the implementation of this plan by industry, starting with their implementation in 1931. In particular, to ensure the full implementation on time of the steam locomotive building program, increased from 612 steam locomotives in 1929 ‑1930 to 1028 in 1931; freight cars - from 17.6 thousand in 1929-1930 to 60,000 (in biaxial terms) in 1931, rails - from 460 thousand tons in 1929-1930 to 609 thousand tons in 1931.
2 . To propose to the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR to fully and timely fulfill the plan for the production of rolling stock, tanks and springs for them, for which, when distributing metal, to provide them primarily with transport engineering and the production of spare parts.
3 . To propose to the Labor and Defense Council to consider the program of work of the People's Commissariat of Railways and the provision by industry with materials for water supply and mechanisms for loading and unloading operations.
4 . To propose to the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR, under the personal responsibility of the chairmen of associations and directors of factories, to fully and promptly provide the People's Commissariat of Railways with spare parts necessary for steam locomotive construction (smoke tubes, water and steam superheaters, large forging, spring steel, tires, wheelsets, steel casting and so on), for which to place the corresponding orders at the factories, ensuring their unconditional fulfillment both in terms of quantity and quality of products, in order to ensure timely and complete supply of transport.
5 . To propose to the People's Commissariat of Railways, within a month, to carry out a number of practical measures to ensure respect for materials and spare parts, their rational use and, in particular, their economy by replacing non-ferrous metals with ferrous ones, reducing the overflow for processing, etc.
6 . To propose to the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR to provide transport ahead of any turn with fuel, taking into account the need to accumulate reserves. At the same time, it is proposed to the People's Commissariat of Railways to take decisive measures to save fuel in transport, and to the People's Commissariat of the Workers 'and Peasants' Inspection of the USSR to establish special supervision over the implementation of this resolution. To achieve a decrease in actual fuel consumption by at least 15 percent within a month, for which purpose to establish fuel consumption rates and ensure the interest of locomotive crews in fuel economy by rewarding them for economy.
7 . The People's Commissariat of Railways and the Road Directorates, within ten days, organize the correct preparation of mixtures (fatty and lean coals) for burning locomotives and outline specific measures to strengthen the instruction of locomotive crews in rational use of fuel.
II. Improvement of the locomotive fleet and driving conditions.
1 . To propose to the People's Commissariat of Railways, together with the People's Commissariat of the Workers 'and Peasants' Inspection of the USSR, within a month to organize a thorough study of the specific conditions and systems for driving and servicing steam locomotives and to bring this issue to the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.
2 . Without waiting for the results of the study of this issue and without abolishing so far impersonal driving on all roads, apply on a large scale paired and triple driving, obliging the People's Commissariat of Communications, no later than February 20, to abolish completely impersonal driving on 6-8 railways and replace it with paired and triple riding.
3 . In view of the difficulty of servicing steam locomotives by two persons, which affects the state of the steam locomotive fleet, to oblige the People's Commissariat of Railways to immediately abolish the practice of two-person driving on steam locomotives with coal and wood heating.
4 . The People's Commissariat of Railways shall, within five days, develop and instruct the localities on how to use various driving systems and specific measures to ensure the proper preservation of the locomotive fleet. In particular, to immediately develop instructions on the procedure for applying scheduled preventive and inter-train repairs, paying special attention to the regularity of washing and caring for steam locomotives both by depot workers and locomotive crews.
5 . To oblige the All-Union Association of Repair Plants (VORZ), along with reducing the idle time of steam locomotives for repair, to ensure a qualitative improvement in repair, at the same time strengthening the production of spare parts for repairing steam locomotives in full accordance with the need for them.
III. Wages for steam locomotive crews and steam locomotive repair workers.
1 . Strongly rejecting the policy of equalizing wages that was often carried out in relation to various categories of workers in railway transport, in order to improve the quality of work of locomotive crews, better care for them, improve the condition of locomotives, train traffic on schedule, retain qualified personnel and attract new personnel to transport, to propose to the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Railway Workers and the People's Commissariat of Railways to ensure the actual implementation of the resolution adopted by the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of January 10, 1931 on increasing the wages of locomotive brigades by increasing the per-kilometer pay, based on the following:
a) for the drivers of passenger trains, set the size of kilometers per kilometer at the rate of 100 percent in relation to the basic tariff rate, which will amount to 252 rubles for the 115 percent belt instead of the existing 209 rubles;
b) for the drivers of freight trains of powerful series of steam locomotives, set the kilometer rate at the rate of 100 percent in relation to the basic tariff rate, which will amount to 225 rubles 80 kopecks in the 115 percent zone, instead of the existing 188 rubles 55 kopecks;
c) for the drivers of freight trains operating on low-power series, set the size of the kilometer at the rate of 80 percent in relation to the basic tariff rate, which will be 204 rubles. on the 115% belt, instead of the existing 188 rubles. 55 kopecks;
d) assistants to the drivers of passenger and freight trains, who have the right to operate a steam locomotive, set the size of the kilometer at the rate of 70 percent in relation to the basic tariff rate, which will amount to 178 rubles. 50 kopecks instead of the existing 142 rubles. 50 kopecks;
e) assistants to the drivers of passenger and freight trains without the right to drive a steam locomotive to set the size of the kilometer at the rate of 70 percent in relation to the basic tariff rate, which will be 164 rubles. 90 kopecks. instead of the existing 132 rubles. 50 kopecks;
f) set the wages of train stokers in the first group up to 100 rubles. per month and the second group 90 rubles. per month instead of 84 rubles. and 75 rubles;
g) the payment for shunting drivers shall be set at 180 rubles. for 115% belt instead of the existing 152 rubles;
h) to set the payment for the assistant of shunting drivers at 125 rubles. 50 kopecks on a 115% belt instead of the existing 112 rubles.
2 . The payment of kilometers per kilometer to train drivers and driver assistants should be linked to the quality of their work, namely:
a) driving without delay according to the schedule with the fulfillment of the mileage norms;
b) compliance with the rules guaranteeing the safety of train traffic;
c) the maintenance of steam locomotives in good condition and cleanliness.
If the listed conditions are not met, make a deduction from the kilometer.
Maneuvering crews, instead of kilometer-long ones, get extra earnings for successful shunting work.
3 . To improve the quality of repairs and attract highly qualified workers, increase the wages of workers engaged in the repair of steam locomotives, establishing a commitment for the quality of work performed.
The salary of highly qualified workers for the above types of repairs should be increased to 178 rubles. per month for 115 percent belt, instead of the existing 150 rubles.
4 . The wages of those in charge of organizing the repair of steam locomotives (foremen, foremen's assistants, and fitters) shall be increased in proportion to the increase in the wages of the groups of workers they lead in order to have an incentive for more qualified workers to take up lower administrative and technical positions.
5 . Simultaneously increase the wages of all lower and middle technical personnel of enterprises related to the movement of trains and the repair of rolling stock, in the same amount as the groups of workers they lead (depot attendants, train drivers, trainers, dispatchers, supervisors and assistants to station managers, compilers trains, chief conductors).
IV. Transportation planning and regulation.
1 . To improve the management of train traffic, consider it necessary to clarify the procedure for drawing up and changing transportation plans, ensuring their complete mutual consistency. Simultaneously with the loading plans, establish plans for the delivery and acceptance of loaded and empty wagons at exchange offices, organizing careful monitoring of compliance with the specified standards.
2 . To link the work of industrial enterprises with railway transport, propose to the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR within a month to develop specific proposals with such an organization of work in the plant transport, which would ensure both the normal development of enterprises and the smooth operation of railways, and in agreement with the People's Commissariat of Railways submit messages to the Labor and Defense Council.
3 . To improve planning of transportation and better use of rolling stock, oblige the Special Meeting on Transportation, the People's Commissariat of Railways, the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR, the People's Commissariat for Foreign Trade of the USSR, the People's Commissariat of Supply of the USSR and the Tsentrosoyuz to develop and implement specific measures within a month. more accurate accounting of goods to be transported, regulating transport specifically according to the degree of importance of goods.
4 . Establish the responsibility of industry and trade authorities for the reality of applications for rolling stock, proposing to the People's Commissariat of the Workers 'and Peasants' Inspection of the USSR to strengthen the fight against the irrational use of rolling stock and unrealistic applications of economic associations, procurement and trade organizations.
5 . The People's Commissariat of Railways, simultaneously with the transportation plans, establish plans for the delivery and acceptance of loaded and empty wagons at exchange offices, organizing careful monitoring of the fulfillment of the specified standards.
6 . To oblige the People's Commissariat of Railways to take the most decisive measures against the directorates of roads and areas that violate the regulatory orders of the People's Commissariat of Railways, up to and including trial and dismissal.
7 . Instruct the People's Commissariat of Railways in no case to allow oncoming traffic.
V. Organization of management of railway transport.
Introduce the following fundamental changes to the organizational reform of railway transport carried out by the People's Commissariat of Railways in 1930:
1 . For the station manager, leave the functions of technical and commercial operation (traffic control, reception, formation and departure of trains, monitoring the order at the station and timely loading and unloading), as well as the operation of the telephone and telegraph.
2 . For the correct organization and maintenance of traction facilities, separate the main and turnover depot, as an independent economic unit, with the head of the depot at the head, subordinating it directly to the district. For the depot to assign current repairs and maintenance of all rolling stock (steam locomotives and carriages). The power plant and water supply must be connected to the depot.
3 . To drastically improve the maintenance of the track facilities (in particular the roadbed, rail and sleeper facilities and artificial structures), restore the staff of road foremen in the distance, one for 15–20 kilometers.
4 . In order to concentrate the work of the distance and road foremen exclusively on the maintenance and repair of the track, release them at large junction stations from the duties of monitoring civil structures and repairing them, creating a special small body for this.
5 . In connection with changes in the structure and functions of stations, distances and depots and in order to better organize the apparatus, change the structure of the district, creating instead of the numerous groups (19-22) that currently exist in the district administration, no more than 6-7 departments, the functions of which should basically coincide with the functions of the business units below. To create in the region approximately the following departments: operation, traction, track, communications and signaling, planning and financial, labor and personnel.
6 . The structure of the directorates of the road should be brought into line with the changed structure of the district, keeping the rationalization department in it.
7 . To abolish the main directorate of the People's Commissariat of Railways, creating independent departments within the People's Commissariat of Railways in accordance with the directorates of the Directorates of the roads and the departments of the regions (operation, traction, track, communications and signaling, etc.). Put a member of the board at the head of each department.
8 . The entire reorganization must be carried out no later than February 15, 1931 so that it is not carried out mechanically, but carefully prepared and explained to the grassroots workers in the order of giving appropriate instructions and leaving the leading workers of the People's Commissariat of Railways to the field.
Vi. Frames.
1 . In connection with the change in the structure and functions of railway transport, to offer the directors of the roads and local party organizations within a month to complete the management personnel of the depot and traction departments of the districts.
2 . Propose to the People's Commissariat of Railways and road directors, no later than February 15, to ensure proper management of the largest stations in terms of operation, in particular by staffing them both at the expense of graduated young operators and at the expense of old operators who do not work in their specialties.
3 . The People's Commissariat of Railways and the directors of the roads, no later than March 15, to strengthen the main areas (30-40). To strengthen and replenish the lower links of railway transport with qualified workers, transfer at least 250-300 qualified engineering and technical workers from the apparatus of the People's Commissariat of Railways and road directorates within a month, carrying out this transfer primarily to the most important highways and junction stations.
4 . Propose to the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR, when providing labor and its distribution over construction, to equate the largest objects of railway construction (Novosibirsk - Leninsk, the second tracks Svedlovsk - Vyatka - Kotelnich, the second tracks of the Kolchuginsky line, Ruzaevka - Syzran, Chelyabinsk - Omsk, the construction of Mozheres, etc. etc.) to such priority construction projects of the national economy as Magnetostroy, Kuznetskstroy, etc.
5 . Taking into account the insufficient availability of qualified drivers and their assistants who can ensure the recovery and correct operation of the steam locomotive fleet, we propose to the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR, trade unions and all party organizations, within two months, to return to the railway transport all drivers and assistants to train drivers who left the transport during the last five years old and currently working outside their specialty.
6 . To instruct the People's Commissariat of Railways and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Railway Workers to carry out a number of measures to organize various kinds of retraining courses for traction and operation workers, both introductory and test.
Vii. Labor discipline and work of trade unions.
1 . Taking into account the extremely hard work of transport, its responsible role both in achieving the projected rates of development of the national economy and in strengthening the country's defense capability, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR set the most important task for the rapid and decisive elimination of violations of labor discipline in transport. both among workers and employees, and among administrative personnel.
2 . Noting the extreme backwardness of transport organizations in the exercise of one-man management in transport, all administrative and economic personnel will achieve a radical change in this matter in the shortest possible time.
3 . To reorganize the work of the trade union of railway workers from top to bottom with the angle of strengthening trade union discipline and mobilizing the broad masses to raise railway transport, suggesting that the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions conduct the necessary verification of the work of the union within two months.
4 . All party and economic transport organizations to wage a decisive struggle against the fluidity of the labor force and the frequent turnover of administrative, technical and managerial personnel, especially the lower economic levels (depot, station, workshop).
5 . To propose to the regional committees, regional committees and the Central Committee of the national communist parties, together with the factions of the Dorprofsozh, during February 1931, to complete the verification and strengthening of the Rayprofsozh cadres.
6 . In order to raise and use the production activity of the main groups of workers in railway transport, it is necessary to organize production sections of locomotive brigades and scheduled distribution repairs, traffic, tracks, VORZ factories, loading and unloading, etc., as part of trade union organizations, regional trade union organizations, dorprofsozhey and the Central Committee of the Union of Railwaymen. . P.
7 . The main task of the mass work of party and professional organizations in production should be to ensure a new upsurge of shock workers and socialist emulation, the transfer both from industry and inside transport from one road to another of models of mass work and their extension to the entire railway transport, especially in the lower production level. - workshop, repair group, track repair, traveling crews, etc.
8 . To propose to the USSR People's Commissariat of Supply, the Central Union and all local organizations to ensure as soon as possible the implementation of the directives of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the supply of railway workers and to prosecute persons and organizations that do not comply with these directives, establishing a thorough check for implementation. To speed up the implementation of the resolution on the restoration of special transport consumer cooperation.
9 . Ensure the supply of overalls for railway workers, especially those related to the movement of trains.
10 . To free all living space in houses belonging to the railway transport from persons who are not related to it or who have lost contact with transport. The supervisory authorities verify the implementation of this decision by local organizations, having completed the actual release no later than June 1, 1931.
Propose to the Council of Labor and Defense to consider the plan for housing construction in transport for 1931, proceeding from the need to increase it.
VIII. The turn of the party and Soviet economic organizations to face the railway transport.
1 . The Central Committee of the Party and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR assign to local party organizations and executive committees the same responsibility for the timely implementation of decisions of the Central Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR for transport, as for the implementation of the most important political campaigns (grain procurement, spring sowing campaign, indicators for industry, etc. etc.). To pay special attention to the work of the station party committees and station and depot cells, strengthening them with party forces, increasing the party layer at intermediate stations, achieving the organization of party members where they do not exist.
2 . In view of the fact that the transport regions do not coincide with the administrative regions, covering the territory of 6-8 administrative regions, it is necessary to establish the institute of secretaries-organizers of the party work, managing the work of all railway cells and station committees within the entire transport area.
3 . To propose to the regional and regional committees to take decisive measures to raise labor discipline, first of all, among party members, without stopping at the removal and expulsion from the party of disorganizers, tailors who do not fulfill party directives, etc.
4 . To propose to the krai and regional committees within two months to transfer at least 1,000 party workers to party mass work in transport to ensure the most important roads, the least provided with party cadres.
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The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks call on all party, Soviet-economic, railway, professional and Komsomol organizations to immediately begin work on the implementation of this resolution so that through careful preparation, mobilization of the creative activity of the working masses and the maximum involvement of technical personnel to implement it in the shortest possible time and achieve a decisive turning point in the work of railway transport.
Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR V. Molotov (Scriabin) .
Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) I. Stalin .
Moscow Kremlin.
January 15, 1931
Published in No. 28 Izvestia of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the Central Executive Committee of January 29, 1931.
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