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On financing technical and agricultural education and on improving the material situation of students.

A source: http://sovdoc.rusarchives.ru
Archive: RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 763-1. L. 4-5.

On financing technical and agricultural education and on improving the material situation of students.

( Approved Politburo WCP 18.X .1929 g . ).

In order to ensure a further decisive shift in strengthening and expanding the material base of industrial-technical and agricultural education, it is necessary to consider:

1) Expand the practice of contracting by economic organizations students of VTUZ'ov, agricultural universities, industrial and agricultural technical schools in order to extend the contracting to the majority of students of those courses in which the corresponding specialty has already been determined (from the 3rd and even from the 2nd  courses).

2) To provide in 1929/30 with the state budget and scholarships on average across the Union 70% of the students of technical colleges and agricultural universities and 50% of students of industrial and agricultural technical schools, including through contracting to provide approximately 25% of students of technical colleges , 15% of agricultural universities, 15% of industrial technical schools and 10% of agricultural technical schools. In accordance with this, the amount of appropriations for contracting in the current year is to be determined at approximately 33 million rubles from the internal resources of the relevant sectors of the economy, so that 22,200 thousand... rubles, for transport - 2,500 thousand rubles, for agriculture (Zernotrest, Sovkhoztsentr, Kolkhoztsentr, agricultural cooperation, etc.) - 7 million rubles and 1,500 thousand rubles for other departments (NKPIT, industry of NKTorg and NKFin, Vsekopromsoyuz, utilities, etc.). The State Planning Commission should be instructed to allocate the indicated appropriations for contracting for agriculture and other departments (a total of 6.500 thousand rubles) within 2 weeks.

The NKT will work within a month, together with interested organizations (Supreme Council of the National Economy, trade unions, etc.), to develop the forms and procedure for contracting.

3) Establish the following rates of budgetary scholarships for students of higher educational institutions and agricultural universities (for the 1st belt with a corresponding change for other belts):
I and II courses - 45 rubles instead of 35 for ind. and 30 to p. x.
III course - 50 rubles instead of 35 for ind. and 30 to p. x.
IV and V courses - 55 rubles instead of 45 for ind. and 30 to p. x.

and for students of industrial and agricultural technical schools:
I course - 30 rubles instead of 25
II course - 35 rubles instead of 25

4) NKTlrud, together with the concerned authorities, to establish approximate contractual scholarship rates so that contracting rates, starting from 75 for the 2nd course, do not exceed 80-100 for the 3rd course maximum and 120-150 for the 4th and 5th courses.

5) To raise the salaries of professors and teachers in higher and secondary industrial and agricultural educational institutions, by defining an additional wage fund, compared with 1928-29, taking into account the growth of the regular contingent of 18 million rubles.

To instruct the NKTrud, within a two-week period, together with the concerned authorities, to work out the salary rates for the current year, taking into account the need for a more significant salary increase for the junior teaching staff.

6) In order to improve the quality of teaching, it is advisable to allocate about 10% of non-co-professors and 5% of non-co-professors, setting especially high salaries for them (about 500 and 700 rubles per month).

7) To increase the norms of educational and operational expenditures in higher and secondary industrial-technical and agricultural educational institutions.

8) Establish the size of capital expenditures in 1929/30 for the construction of new higher educational institutions and technical schools, repairs and equipment in higher and secondary industrial and technical and agricultural sectors. educational institutions, as well as hostels with them, in 135 million rubles (against 31 million rubles in 1928-29), having allocated for this purpose 115 million rubles from the state budget and 5.750 thousand rubles from the local budget of the RSFSR (for the construction of industrial and agricultural technical schools and hostels with them).

The rest of the funds for capital construction should be found through additional attraction of funds from industry, transport and other economic organizations by belonging, as well as funds from the local budget (in terms of building hostels).

The State Planning Commission will allocate additional funds between the relevant departments and the local budget and the Council of People's Commissars to approve the title list of capital works, as well as the distribution of capital investments between industrial-technical and agricultural educational institutions.

9) Taking into account the sharp increase in the volume of capital construction, organize a special body, Giprovtuz, within the Supreme Council of the National Economy, which would ensure the reliability of the projects being developed, the planned nature of the construction itself and its compliance with the requirements of educational life.

10) In accordance with these decisions, to determine the total amount of expenditures for higher and secondary industrial, technical and agricultural education in 1929-30 at 271 million rubles against 97 million rubles allocated in 1928-29, of which 218 are in the budget and the rest 53 million from the funds of departments (industry, transport, agricultural authorities, etc.) and the local budget.

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