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On the labor settlements of the OGPU.

A source: http://sovdoc.rusarchives.ru
Archive: RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 926.L. 39-40; Op. 162.D.15.Sheet 14

Appendix No. 5 to p. 37/28 ave. PB No. 141.

About the labor settlements of the OGPU.

Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party / b / of July 5, 1933

1 . The solution is a special folder.

In the amendment of the Central Committee resolution of April 17, pp. in accordance with the instructions of the Central Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of May 8 - to send during 1933 to the labor settlements of the OGPU in Western Siberia and Kazakstan, in addition to those already evicted, who arrived at places and are on the way - 124,000 people, an additional 426,000 people.

2 . To approve the organizational structure of labor settlements presented by the OGPU, based on the following:

the creation of settlement and district commandant's offices for administrative management of labor settlements in the field. In Western Siberia - the Office of the Siberian camps and labor settlements of the OGPU, and in Kazakstan - the Office of Labor Settlements under the OGPU PP;

creation of non-statutory artels as the main form of industrial and economic activity of labor settlers;

organization of social and welfare institutions (dispensaries, hospitals, schools, baths, reading rooms) to meet the everyday needs of labor settlers.

3 . The issue of ensuring all the activities of the OGPU related to the organization of labor settlements and material resources and funds, and such financing issues should be submitted to the USSR Council of People's Commissars for consideration.
Basic provisions for the organization of labor settlements of the OGPU in Western Siberia and Kazakstan.

1 . For the development of new agricultural areas and the resettlement of elements in them, evicted in the order of the instructions of the Central Committee and the Council of People's Commissars dated May 8, 1933, labor settlements of the OGPU are being created in Western Siberia and Kazakstan.

2 . The main types of economic activities of these contingents will be: agriculture, industrial gardening, handicrafts and fishing.

3 . The primary administrative unit of a labor settlement is a settlement with a population of 300 to 500 households, governed by a Chekist commandant and three to five police officers.

4 . The commandant's task is to manage all the activities of the village: the construction of dwellings and communal buildings, the organization of economic activities of labor settlers, monitoring the implementation of production standards, maintaining public order and labor discipline, fighting escapes and absenteeism, receiving and analyzing complaints.

5 . To help the commandant to serve various village needs (communal, sanitary, firefighters), village commissions are created from the best activists-labor settlers who have shown themselves.

6 . The village commandant's offices, in number from 10 to 20, are connected by one district commandant's office, headed by the district commandant and two assistants. The tasks of the district commandant's office are similar to the tasks of the village commandant's offices, with the imposition of the responsibility of the district commandant's office to systematically inspect and control the activities of the village commandant's offices.

7 . The activities of the regional village commandant's offices are regulated by the regulations on special settlements developed by the OGPU and the prosecutor's office.

The OGPU and the Prosecutor's Office monitor the actions of the commandant's offices and consider complaints from labor settlers about the illegal actions of the commandant's offices.

8 . All labor settlers, as a rule, unite in non-statutory agricultural cartels, with the ultimate goal of providing the state with marketable products handed over through the OGPU.

9 . To service agricultural production of non-statutory artels, MTS and MTM are organized in each district, the head of which is the deputy district commandant. MTS is a self-supporting organization that carries out all agricultural work of non-statutory artels on a contractual basis.

10 . All managerial positions in the labor settlement apparatuses are staffed by security officers, who are the full chief executives in all branches of the work of a given region or village.

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