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On the mass mobilization of workers and employees for cleaning in Ukraine, the North Caucasus and the Urals.

Archive source: http://sovdoc.rusarchives.ru
Archive: RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 927.L. 66.

Appendix No. 7 to p. 61/47 pr. PB No. 142.

On the mass mobilization of workers and employees for cleaning in the Ukraine, the North Caucasus and the Urals.

Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR from 27. VII.1933

1 . In all regions of Ukraine, as well as in some areas of the North Caucasus and the Urals, a massive mobilization of factory workers and employees for cleaning is being carried out. As a result, a mass of people who are completely unfit for the village are sent to the village. x. work and the work of factories is disrupted.

The Central Committee and the Council of People's Commissars consider these indiscriminate mobilizations of workers, especially office workers, to be wrong and propose to stop them unconditionally. Instead, to really focus on the organization of the collective farmers and workers of the state farms, the Central Committee and the Council of People's Commissars are allowed to use, in agreement with the NKVoenmore, to help state farms and collective farms with an acute shortage of labor, conscripts undergoing training, sending them in the order of a military organization to certain state farms and collective farms ...

2 . According to the SNK and the Central Committee, in the same areas there are numerous facts of completely unreasonable haste, replacing the organization of cleaning with sports excitement in the pace of cleaning, which can only discredit the cleaning. The Central Committee and the Council of People's Commissars propose when organizing harvesting to be strictly guided by the terms of harvesting and grain delivery established by the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee, without running ahead and excessive feverish nervousness.

Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) - I. Stalin .

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR - V. Molotov (Scriabin).

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