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On the national economic plan of the USSR for 1932

A source: 
RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 866.L. 20-28.
Appendix No.  3
to p. 40/1 pr. PB No. 81.

Final revision

On the national economic plan of the USSR for 1932

Approved by the Politburo of the CPSU (b) 18.H II.1931  g ).

The third year of the five-year plan (1931) was a year of new successes and achievements of the working class in socialist construction. Despite the insufficiently rapid growth of certain industries , industrial production increased in 1931 by 20-21% compared with the production of 1930.

Thus, 1931 was a year of a further powerful upsurge in industry, with a continuing decline in industrial production in all the surrounding countries. At the same time, this year was the year of the elimination of unemployment in the USSR with a catastrophic increase in the number of unemployed in all bourgeois states, a year of a significant improvement in the living conditions of workers and a further rise in their wages (by 18%) with an extreme deterioration in living conditions and a fall in the wages of workers in the countries capitalism.

With regard to agriculture, the third year of the five-year plan was the year of its radical restructuring, the decisive victory of the socialist forms of agriculture (collective farms, state farms) over the private-property forms and the defeat of the capitalist elements in the countryside. Collectivization in the countryside has reached 62% of all peasant farms and covered 79% of all peasant sown areas, which means that the five-year collectivization plan has been exceeded by more than three times. This decisive circumstance determined the fact that the gross production of grain and industrial crops, despite the drought in a number of main regions (Volga, Kazakstan, Ural, Western Siberia), gave an increase in comparison with 1930 by 6.5%, and marketable output (non-rural turnover), judging by the growth of grain and industrial crops procurement, increased by 9-10%.

Thus, the past year was a year of a further rise in agriculture in the USSR, with a continuing decline in agriculture in the capitalist countries. This year was, at the same time, the year of the final undermining of differentiation in the countryside, the elimination of poverty and a radical improvement in the material conditions of the working people in the countryside, with a colossal increase in the differentiation and impoverishment of the millions of peasants in countries dominated by capital.

Thus, the successes achieved in the field of industry and agriculture ensure the fulfillment of the five-year plan in four years and determined the completion of the construction of the foundation of the socialist economy in our country.

The Central Executive Committee of the Soviets emphasizes that these successes are the result of the heroic efforts of the working class and the working peasants, the result of their competition and shock work, and, finally, the result of the correct policy of the Communist Party of the USSR, the result of the struggle for the Bolshevik pace against opportunism in all its forms.

The rise of industry, agriculture and other branches of the national economy determined the further growth of the national income of the USSR. As a result, in 1931, the national income increased in comparison with 1930 by 13%, while in all capitalist countries the national income fell by 10-20% over the same year.

Despite the significant successes of the national economy of the USSR, despite the fact that such successes are an unattainable ideal for any capitalist state, the CEC considers these successes to be far from sufficient from the point of view of the capabilities of the socialist economic system. The Central Executive Committee believes that with proper use of the potential of the socialist economy, the national economy of the USSR could give higher growth rates. The main reason for the insufficient use of these opportunities should be considered shortcomings in the work of economic organizations, both in industry and in agriculture and transport, shortcomings in the organization of labor at enterprises, shortcomings in the organization of wages, lack of proper management, lack of performance verification, lack of due attention to self-financing.

The fight against these basic shortcomings of economic management, the fight for the elimination of depersonalization both in the field of industry and agriculture, and in the field of transport, the fight for the elimination of equalization in wages, the fight for self-financing, the fight for the introduction of specific leadership and verification of implementation is the necessary prerequisite , without which the proper use of the possibilities of the socialist economy and the provision of Bolshevik growth rates are impracticable.

These tasks can be accomplished only through further intensified development of socialist production and construction, an even more persistent struggle for the use of our enormous internal resources of the national economy and, first of all, the deployment of the most important economic sectors - the fuel industry, metallurgy, machine building, primarily machine building. for railway transport.

All the means and forces of the working class, material and monetary resources should be primarily directed to the development of these branches of the national economy. The plan for the production and construction of other industries supplying metallurgy, the fuel industry, machine building and transport with equipment, raw materials and energy must be designed so that all the needs of these decisive sectors of the national economy are fully satisfied.

The regional distribution of new construction in all sectors should be planned taking into account the acceleration of the rise of backward national regions and the creation of industrial centers here, the greater use of internal resources (natural resources, agricultural raw materials) of new regions and the facilitation of the work of railway transport, which requires further increased attention to regions of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Siberia, the Far East.

On this basis, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR decides:

I. By industry.

1) Determine for 1932 the increase in the gross output of state industry at 35%, which means the fulfillment of the five-year plan by the end of the 4th year and gives an excess of the pre-war level of industry by almost 4 times.

The increase in gross output by industries producing means of production is to be determined at 43% and by industries producing consumer goods - at 29%

2) Approve the following production targets for the most important industries: coal  - 90 million tons, pig iron  - 9 million tons, steel  - 9.5 million tons, rolled products  - 6.7 million tons, including high-quality rolled products - 676 thousand tons, mechanical engineering  - in the amount of 6.800 million rubles, including s. x. cars - 940 million rubles, tractors - 82 thousand units, cars - 73 thousand units, steam locomotives - 1.300 units, freight cars in two-axle calculation - 50 thousand units. (including at factories subordinated to NKPS'u - 9 thousand pieces). cotton fabrics  - 3.061 million meters, footwear  - 91.5 million pairs, canned food - 1.0000 million cans.

In the program of mechanical engineering to fully meet the needs of metallurgy, fuel and iron. dor. transport in equipment in accordance with the established plan of capital work in these sectors of the economy.

3) Along with the maximum deployment of coal mining and its mechanization in the Donetsk and Kuznetsk basins, in every possible way to speed up the deployment of coal mining in other regions (Borovichi, Central Asia, Eastern Siberia, the Far East), especially in the Urals and the Moscow Region, which in the shortest possible time should become the main fuel base for Moscow and the Moscow region. In accordance with this, establish a coal production program for Donbass in the amount of 56 million tons, for Kuzbass - 11 million tons, for Moskvugol - 6 million tons, for Karaganda - 2.5 million tons, for Vostsibugol - 3.7 million tons. tons, Uralugol - 6 million tons, Dalugol - 3 million tons and Sredazugol - 1.5 million tons.

To establish the program of capital work in the coal industry for 1932 at 810 million rubles. providing for the construction of new and reconstructed mines with a total capacity of 195 million tons of coal production per year, including in the Donbass - 67 million tons, in the Kuzbass - 43.7 million tons, in the Moscow region - 11.8 million tons and in Karaganda - 10 million tons.

4) In line with the development of ferrous metallurgy, ensure the commissioning in 1932 of 24 blast furnaces with a useful volume of 22 thousand cubic meters. meters, 63 open-hearth furnaces with an annual capacity of 4.400 thousand tons of steel, 12 electric furnaces, 7 blooming mills and 21 new rolling mills.

In accordance with this, set the volume of capital works in ferrous metallurgy at 1.800 million rubles.

5) To bring by the end of 1932 the total capacity of all existing power plants in the country to 5.5 million kW, including the capacity of regional stations up to 3.15 million kW, ensuring the entry into operation during 1932 of new capacities by 1, 5 million kW.

Electricity production in 1932 should be set at 17 billion kWh, providing an increase in electricity production by 6 billion kWh. The production of electric energy at regional stations is to be assumed for 1932 at 10 billion kWh.

6) To charge VSNKh, Narkomsnab, NKPS, NKZem and other utility companies to immediately conduct the most thorough check of the actual fuel consumption rates for metal and s. x. raw materials both in production and in construction and establish mandatory rates of consumption of these materials, providing for savings in comparison with 1931 at least 15% of metal in production, at least 20% of metal in construction, at least 10% reduction in fuel consumption rates.

7) The increase in the number of employed workers is determined in large (qualified) socialist industry from 5.447.000 people in 1931 to 6.216.000 people in 1932, which will be an increase of 14% compared to 1931.

8) Establish an increase in wages in 1932 compared with the average annual wage of the previous year for industrial workers by 11% and, in accordance with this, determine the annual wage fund for industrial workers at 8.051 million rubles, i.e. increase payroll fund for 1. 690 million rubles. compared to the previous year.

9) Determine the growth of labor productivity in industry by 22% in relation to the average annual 1931. Make it a duty of economic organizations to strictly monitor the bringing of the number of workers in full compliance with these targets for the growth of labor productivity.

10) The decrease in the cost of production in 1932 for industry shall be determined at 7% against the actual average annual cost of the previous year.

11) To approve the total volume of capital work in socialist industry at 10.700 million rubles, against 8.200 million rubles. in 1931.

II. Agriculture.

1. To bring the total size of sown areas and spring crops in 1932 to 102 million hectares, against 97.4 million hectares of spring sowing in 1931. Set the sown area of ​​cotton at 2.437 thousand hectares, against 2.137 thousand hectares in 1931 city, flax (fiber) - 2.560 thousand hectares, against 2.336 thousand hectares, beet - 1.670 thousand hectares, against 1.649 thousand hectares.

2. Plan for winter crops in 1932, set at 42 million hectares, against 39.2 million hectares sown in 1931.

3. Determine the sown area in 1932 (spring and winter crops) on state farms at 14 million hectares. The sown area of collective farms shall be set at no less than 108 million hectares, of which at least 76 million hectares of spring crops. In 1932, the sown area of ​​machine and tractor stations should be set at 46 million hectares, of which 33 million hectares are spring crops.

4. Set the task of raising the yield of one hectare of grain up to 8.5 centners, sugar beet - up to 145 centners, raw cotton in irrigated regions of Central Asia up to 6.7 centners, flax fiber up to 2.6 centners and sunflower up to 6 centners with one hectare.

5. To ensure the supply of agriculture with the means of production in 1932 in the following amounts:

a) tractors of our own production of at least 1 million horsepower;

b) supply of agricultural machines of our own production in the amount of 900 million rubles, of which most of them are harvesting equipment.

6. To increase the number of MTS Traktorotsentr up to 3,100 with a tractor fleet capacity of 1,360 thousand horsepower, for which to organize 1,700 new machine and tractor stations.

7. Bring the herd in 1932 Skotovodoobedineniya to 2.950 million against 2.100 thousand heads. Heads in 1931 .; flock Svinovodobedineniya to 2,900 thousand. heads against 1 Mill. heads in 1931 g .; herd Ovtsevodobedineniya  - up to 7.300 million heads, against 4.780 thousand heads 1931 .;.. herd Masloobedineniya  - up to 320 thousand cows, against 216 thousand in 1931..

To bring the number of cows in farms Molokokolhoztsentra to 2,700 thousand heads.; number of pigs in farms Svinovodkolhoztsentra  - up to 4.5 million head;. livestock Ovtsevodkolhoztsentra  - up to 9 million head..

8. The delivery of marketable products by animal husbandry allied trusts of the People's Commissariat for Land should be determined at 162.2 thousand tons of meat and 548 thousand tons of milk and the delivery of marketable products by collective farm commodity farms should be defined as 162 thousand tons of meat and 1.375 thousand tons of milk.

9. Determine as the minimum task to bring the sowing of forage crops to 7,900 thousand hectares, sowing of silage crops  - up to 1,200 thousand hectares, and ensure the construction of silos, trenches and pits in the amount ensuring the silage of at least 200 million centners of silage crops.

10. The volume of capital investments in agriculture (socialist sector) shall be determined at 4.360 million rubles, against 3.600 million rubles in the previous year.

III. Transport and communications.

1. To establish the size of capital work on railroad, water, road and air transport for 1932 at 3.330 million rubles, with the concentration of new work on railway transport on the development of the Moscow-Donbass lines, outlets from Donbass and the Moscow-Magnitogorsk lines Kuznetsk.

2. To establish the total number of workers in railway transport in the amount of 1.185 thousand people, an increase in wages compared to the average annual level of the previous year by 13%, in accordance with which for 1932 the wages fund in railway transport to determine in the amount of 1.494 million rubles. , against 1.313 million rubles. in the previous year.

Decrease in the cost of transportation by rail should be determined in the amount of at least 10% in comparison with the actual cost of transportation in 1931.

Reduce fuel consumption rates for railways by at least 9% against the actual consumption rates in 1931.

3. Determine the growth of communications work in 1932 by 25% against 1931, paying particular attention to improving the quality of work. The increase in the number of production communications workers for 1932 should be approved at a rate of 21% against the average annual number of 1931 and wages - by 10.3%.

IV. Utilities and Housing.

To approve the total volume of capital investments in urban housing construction in the socialized sector of the national economy at 1.942 million rubles and in communal services and landscaping in the amount of 990 million rubles, which is more than doubling against investments in 1931.

To concentrate the main honor of capital investments in municipal housing construction in the coal-metallurgical regions, in Moscow, Leningrad and in the main new industrial regions.

V. On supply.

1. To determine the fund of consumer goods for supplying the population in 1932 at retail prices of 1931 at 35.500 million rubles. against 27,200 million rubles. in 1931, which will increase the socialist sector of retail turnover by 30% in 1932 against 1931.

2. To expand extensively in 1932 the capital construction of the light industry and the food industry. To begin the construction of a new powerful textile mill in Central Asia for processing Central Asian cotton and supplying fabrics to the population of Central Asia and Siberia.

To speed up the construction of large meat factories in Moscow, Leningrad, Semipalatinsk and Orsk and the medium-sized meat factories that have been started; to start the construction in 1932 of five medium and eleven small meat processing plants. Along with the continuation and completion of the construction of five sugar factories, begin the construction of thirteen new sugar factories and state farms to supply them with raw materials, of which at least eleven in new regions (Kazakhstan, the Far East). To complete in 1932 the seven canning factories that were started and to build in 1932 six canning factories and two glass-container factories for the production of canned fish, vegetables and meat.

3. To charge the People's Commissariat of Education, Tsentrosoyuz, VSNKh and NKZem to widely expand in 1932 the construction of stores in cities and villages, bringing the points of sale of goods as close as possible to the consumer, in particular, to oblige NKSnab and Tsentrosoyuz to open an additional 10 thousand stores in 1932 (5 thousand for each of them) so that NKSnab stores were opened in all regional centers and in provincial industrial centers.

Vi. For labor, personnel and culture.

1. To determine for 1932 an increase in the number of workers and employees in all industry, transport, agriculture (state farms) and other branches of the national economy in 21,000 thousand people. against 16.700 thousand people. in 1931

2. In accordance with the tasks of the plan for increasing wages in certain sectors of the national economy, determine the annual wages fund of workers and employees in all sectors of the national economy and cultural construction for 1932 at 26,800 million rubles against 21,100 million rubles. in 1931

3. The total volume of all expenditures on cultural and social needs of the population (education, personnel, science, health care, social security, labor protection, social insurance benefits) shall be determined in 1932 at 9.200 million rubles. against 6.600 million rubles. in the previous year.


a) The sum of all expenses for personnel training shall be determined for 1932 at 2.795 million rubles, including 445 million rubles for capital construction.

b) The sum of all expenses for mass education shall be determined at 2.618 million rubles, including capital investments of 476.1 million rubles.

c) The sum of all expenses for research institutions and work shall be determined at 646 million rubles, including 170 million rubles for capital construction.

d) The sum of all expenditures on health care, including physical education, should be approved by 1.737 million rubles, including 310 million rubles for capital expenditures.

4. The annual budget of social insurance of workers and employees for 1932 shall be determined at 3.490 million rubles. against 2.500 million rubles. in 1931.

5. To determine the release in 1932 of the following contingents of graduating educational institutions: from universities - 56 thousand people, from technical schools - 175 thousand people, from workers' faculties - 121 thousand people, from schools of factory apprenticeships - 364 thousand. people

Vii. In terms of the total volume of capital construction, the national income and the state budget.

1. In accordance with the main tasks of the national economic plan for 1932, to approve the total volume of capital investments in the socialized sector of the national economy in the amount of 21.2 billion rubles, against 16.1 billion rubles of capital investments in 1931.

2. A decrease in the cost of construction shall be established in 1932 by no less than 10% in comparison with the actual cost of construction in 1931, including a decrease in the cost of clean construction by no less than 17%.

3. To oblige all economic people's commissariats and republics to achieve in 1932 maximum savings in the expenditure of building materials, the widespread deployment of production and the introduction of local and new building materials, the rational use of workers in construction, a decisive shift in the use of mechanisms in construction, the destruction of excess reserves of strength increasing the cost of capital works.

4. To establish the annual average number of employees during the 1932 construction workers in the amount of 2.719 thousand. People. with an increase in wages of 5.6% against the average annual wage in 1931

5. The national income of the USSR in 1932 shall be determined at 49.2 billion rubles, against 37.8 billion rubles. 1931, which means an increase in the national income in 1932 by 30%, compared with the previous year, so that the share of the socialist sector of the economy in the national income in 1932 was 91%, against 81.5% in 1931 ...

6. To approve the state budget for 1932 in terms of revenues in the amount of 27.429 million rubles. and in expenses in the amount of 26.929 million rubles, with the formation of a state reserve in the amount of 500 million rubles, against 20.5 billion rubles in income and expenses in 1931.

+ + +

The successes of socialist construction have completely and finally ensured the victory of socialism in our country. The fulfillment of the national economic plan of 1932, which means the end of the five-year plan in four years, will be the greatest success in the struggle against the capitalist encirclement and the greatest victory not only of the working class of the USSR, but of the entire international proletariat.

The achievement of the absolute preponderance of the socialist sector in agriculture, which is the greatest world historical victory of socialism, means a tremendous increase in the might of the working class of the USSR and a tremendous increase in the authority of the Soviet government among the working people of the whole world, which, in particular, was reflected in the crisis that took place among the intelligentsia and, in among the engineering and technical personnel. Along with the unfolding struggle for mastery of technology, our task is to finally consolidate this turning point with the simultaneous Bolshevik struggle against numerous manifestations of resistance from the class enemy.

The plan of economic construction for 1932 determines the concentration of the efforts of the working class on the solution of fundamental economic problems — on the improvement of metallurgy, fuel, machine building, and transport. At the same time, it is necessary to develop the entire capital construction in such a way that would ensure the acceleration of the start-up of the most important construction projects and the commissioning in 1932 of the largest number of new enterprises.

To ensure the fulfillment of this business plan, it is necessary to carry out a timely contract campaign and the strictest discipline in the implementation of contracts between business organizations.

It is of paramount importance to eliminate in practice the shortcomings in the organization of labor and, above all, in the elimination of depersonalization and expulsion from the practice of equalization in wages. Along with this, it is necessary to put an end to the scornful attitude towards the existing factories in order to please the exaggerated demands of new buildings, as a completely intolerable phenomenon. The Party's instructions with regard to all these tasks must be carried out with all decisiveness and with due regard for the specific features of individual industries and regions.

The Central Executive Committee of the Union believes that the focus of attention of all Soviet and economic bodies (VSNKh, NKSnab, NKPS, People's Commissariat for Land, economic associations, etc.) should be placed on the verification of the implementation of the decisions of the party and government and their own decisions. The practical work of all Soviet and economic bodies must be transferred from the track of decree-directive decisions and orders to the track of systematic verification of the fulfillment in practice of the assignments given to subordinate bodies.

The Bolshevik mobilization of the forces of the working class, the further development of socialist competition and shock workers are the main prerequisites for fulfilling the task of completing the five-year plan in 1932 . Relying on the multimillion-dollar masses of the collective farm peasantry, the working class of the Soviet Union will make the fulfillment of this historic task its part.

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