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On river transport -1931

A source: 
Collection of laws and orders of the Workers 'and Peasants' Government of the USSR for 1931, pp. 126-137.
Published in No. 39 Izvestia of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the Central Executive Committee of February 9, 1931.

Article No. 82.

Appeal of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).

About river transport.

To all party, Soviet economic, water transport, trade union and Komsomol organizations.

The growth of the national economy of the USSR requires the river transport to radically restructure its work in accordance with the pace of the expanded socialist reconstruction.

Meanwhile, river transport has not yet been rebuilt, and the description given to its state in the report of the Central Committee to the 16th Party Congress remains fully valid to this day.

The economic condition of river transport does not meet the increased demands on the part of the national economy. From year to year, the failure to fulfill the production program is repeated, the reconstruction has not yet begun, the percentage of accidents is very high, the directive of the Central Committee on the implementation of one-man command has not been fulfilled, socialist competition and shock work are poorly developed.

Considering all this, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) consider it necessary to urgently implement the following measures.

I. Reconstruction, shipbuilding and ship repair.

1 . Propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport within 2 months to complete the development of a plan for the reconstruction of river transport based on the directives of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of January 5, 1930 and the Labor and Defense Council of February 19 of the same year and submit it for approval by the Labor and Defense Council ...

2 . Without waiting for the complete development of the reconstruction plan, it is necessary to consider it necessary now, based on the directives of the Central Committee of the Party and the Council of Labor and Defense on the installation of the most rational types of ships for individual basins and types of cargo, on the reconstruction of existing ship repair shops, etc., to use in this direction the funds allocated for capital work in river transport in the amount of 215 million rubles for 1931

Invite the Labor and Defense Council to consider a plan for the use of these funds in accordance with this directive.

3 . To consider it established that orders for shipbuilding were given by the All-Union Association of River Transport (VORT) beyond any plan, and the drawings and types of ships do not correspond to the directives of the Central Committee and the Council of Labor and Defense on the reconstruction of water transport.

To propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport for those ships that have not yet begun construction, to give changed types in accordance with the decisions of the Central Committee and the Council of Labor and Defense.

To propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport and the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR, within a month, to organize a single powerful design bureau for the design of new ships, ship machines, mechanisms, etc.

4 . To consider it established that Rechsoyuzverf and the Kotloturbine and Parvagdiz factories, to which orders for new shipbuilding were transferred, do not fulfill these orders on time.

To propose to the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR, within a ten-day period, to accurately establish the actual situation with the fulfillment of shipbuilding orders at different plants by type and size and to determine a firm schedule for the release of ships, unconditionally obligatory for implementation, in order to ensure the release of ships on time, intended for navigation in 1931 without stopping at some reduction in work on ships intended for the autumn release.

5 . To propose to the Labor and Defense Council to outline the procedure for the implementation by industry of the entire shipbuilding plan outlined for the five-year plan, and to develop a plan for the transition to technically advanced methods in the field of river shipbuilding (device of slipways, slipways, slipways).

To propose to the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR in a two-decade period to assign to the shipbuilding industry the necessary factories producing auxiliary mechanisms.

The party, economic, trade union and Komsomol organizations of the factories where the ships are built should intensify their work to ensure the completion of shipbuilding on time.

6 . In order to ensure the timely departure of ships for the opening of navigation, it is proposed to the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR to provide ships that are being completed afloat with main and auxiliary mechanisms and boilers.

To propose to the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR to allocate an additional 50 million rubles from the reserve fund for the needs of the reconstruction of shipbuilding and the construction of new shipyards, in particular the Krasnoarmeiskaya, Perm and Doshchatinskaya.

Propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport and the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR to resolve the issue of the type of gasoline tanker within a month and jointly outline a plan for the construction of gasoline tankers both at the Rechsoyuzverf factories and in the VORT workshops.

In view of the exceptional importance of the technical fleet for river transport and industry, it is proposed that the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR, within a month, determine the factories where the production of the technical fleet can be launched according to the program established by the State Planning Commission of the USSR.

7 . To make a fundamental change in the existing technical supervision of river shipbuilding. The responsibility for the good quality of the production of ships shall be assigned to the plant management. To oblige the directors of factories to develop a clear procedure for control in the production process and to assign responsible persons for this.

To propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport to develop precise instructions on the acceptance of ships issued by the Supreme Council of National Economy of the USSR, indicating the procedure for conducting tests and persons responsible for acceptance tests of ships, while ensuring that the People's Commissariat of Water Transport has the right to control shipbuilding in the process of building ships.

Limit the functions and obligations of the Register of the USSR in relation to supervision of shipbuilding and overhaul, so that responsibility for shipbuilding remains with the plant management and Rechsoyuzverf, and the Register of the USSR remains with the functions of briefing and occasional technical inspections. Accordingly, to reduce the staff of the Register of the USSR in order to transfer the maximum number of workers to production.

In order to prepare ships in a timely manner for the start of navigation, suggest VORT to urgently take all the necessary measures to ensure timely repair, and the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR to take measures to ensure uninterrupted provision of this repair with the necessary materials within 20 days.

In view of the special importance of wooden shipbuilding in conditions of a shortage of metal, it is proposed to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport in a two-decade period to give places an assignment to expand the 1931 program for new wooden shipbuilding of both non-steam and steam fleets, using existing machines and auxiliary mechanisms from wrecked ships.

8 . To propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport, no later than March 1, 1931, to complete the transfer to cost accounting of all ship repair shops of the first and second category.

To unite the most important factories and workshops in the backwaters into an independent economic association for the repair of ships of the VORZ type, subordinated to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport, seeking their specialization in a certain type of shipbuilding and repair.

Establish personal responsibility for the heads of the backwaters and the administration of the shops for the timely implementation of shipbuilding and repair plans, especially for their quality.

9 . In view of the complete insufficiency of the current pace in the mechanization of loading and unloading operations in water transport, to propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport to develop the production of the simplest means of mechanization in its own workshops and transfer to the backwaters no later than February 20, this year, all projects for the manufacture of loading and unloading operations with the obligatory provision for the manufacture of ordered loaders to the beginning of navigation and their timely installation in the field.

The People's Commissariat of Water Transport should develop a specific plan for mechanizing loading and unloading operations in water transport and report this to the Labor and Defense Council.

The Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR to ensure the fulfillment of the loading and unloading mechanisms manufactured at the factories by the orders of the People's Commissariat of Water Transport on time and their equipment on time.

Propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport to take measures to bring into serviceability of the cash loading and unloading mechanisms for maximum use.

10 . In view of the fact that navigable rivers, including such important arteries as the Volga and the Dnieper, are extremely neglected, which poses a threat to normal navigation, to propose to the Labor and Defense Council to consider the issue of systematic putting in order of navigable rivers (dredging, coastal plantations, etc. etc.), taking into account the obligatory linking of the plan of cleaning and dredging works with the plan for the supply of dredging shells and caravans.

In view of the great importance of local rivers for timber rafting, local executive committees are obliged to take measures to cleanse local rivers and ensure normal timber rafting with the involvement of interested union organizations (Soyuzlesprom, etc.) in this matter.

II. Transportation planning and regulation.

1 . In order to maximize the use of water transport and eliminate the unacceptable situation, when at the most favorable moment for water transport - in the spring flood - river transport works with a large underload, to propose to the Labor and Defense Council to develop a plan for the direction of bulk cargo (grain, coal, oil , salt, metal, timber, building materials) from mining and collection sites to consumption areas and for export with maximum use of waterways.

2 . The People's Commissariat of Water Transport and the Special Interdepartmental Conference on Transportation shall immediately begin drawing up firm plans for transportation for navigation in 1931, having finished and teaching them the places: for southern steamers - by March 1, for northern ones - by March 15.

To propose to the Labor and Defense Council no later than February 20 of this year to hear a plan of specific measures of the People's Commissariat of Water Transport and clientele on preparation for the concentration of goods for loading the first voyage.

Establish financial and legal liability of the clientele for failure to present cargo within the timeframe established by the plan, for the unrealistic nature of applications for the submission of the fleet, for the actual refusal to accept and unload on time, and the same liability for water transport for failure to supply tonnage and traction

3 . Propose to the People's Commissariat of Railways, together with the People's Commissariat of Water Transport and the main clientele, as soon as possible to outline practical measures for the construction and organization of access roads and the main points of large river cargo turnover.

4 . Propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport at the points of loading and unloading operations, as well as loading and unloading, to establish a strict idle rate for ships, with the involvement of persons and organizations, through whose fault the ships are delayed, in excess of the established rate. In particular, the Labor and Defense Council, within a decade, check the implementation of the existing resolution on expanding the network of oil depots and re-equipping pumping facilities for loading and unloading oil.

5 . Eliminate the widespread facts of large transit vessels serving local auxiliary traffic on roadsteads, using them exclusively for transit mass traffic. To provide the fleet with roadstead work, to develop in the field the production of small motors and boats, using the local industry, as well as the workshops of the water transport itself.

6 . Improve the dispatching service by establishing such a procedure in which the state shipping company, the region, as well as the most important vessels, would receive timely data on the passage of the vessel. In order to improve traffic management, the People's Commissariat of Water Transport should be asked to develop a program to strengthen wire and wireless communication on river routes within a month, using radio frequency monitoring of ships in remote parts of the basins.

7 . To propose to the State Planning Commission of the USSR and the People's Commissariat of Water Transport within a month to revise the gauges, including the norms for the loading of ships in the direction of their maximum increase.

8 . To propose to the Labor and Defense Council to consider the application of the People's Commissariat of Water Transport for fuel within a ten-day period, taking into account the need to accumulate normal reserves. The People's Commissariat of Water Transport urgently prepares a number of measures to save fuel in river transport already during this navigation.

9 . The People's Commissariat of Water Transport in the navigation of 1931 to ensure the planned reduction of tariffs by 5-7 percent. and, in addition, in some basins, allow a further decrease of about 3 to 5 percent. depending on local conditions.

10 . Propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport, the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR and the Kolkhoz Center to draw up by March 1, this year, a plan for providing manpower for loading and unloading operations at all pier points.

III. Organization of river transport management.

Introduce fundamental changes to the organizational reform of river transport, carried out by the People's Commissariat of Railways in 1930.

1. The ship . In order to eliminate the largest shortcomings in the condition of the vessel (low efficiency in using its speed, power and carrying capacity, poor technical condition of machines and poor maintenance of them, lack of careful supervision when accepting a steamer from repair, weak discipline, poor organization of unloading and loading work and the lack of unity of command), establish the following order.

The ship, as a primary economic unit, must be equated to an enterprise. The vessel must operate on a self-supporting basis and have a firm industrial financial plan.

The captain, navigating the ship on the basis of one-man command, is responsible for order on the steamer, for the accurate and accurate performance of their duties by all service personnel, for correct navigation (prevention of accidents, downtime, grounding, etc.), for the full implementation of operational technical meters and for the implementation of the industrial financial plan established for the vessel. The captain is fully responsible for the technical condition of the vessel, for the work of the engine crew, including the mechanic, who is fully subordinate in his work to the captain.

The captain is responsible for a thorough inspection and assessment of the repair of the ship when it is taken out of repair, for the identification of defects and for the precise determination of the scope of the repair when handing over for repair and oversees the complete implementation of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the repair in the backwater.

The People's Commissariat of Water Transport shall develop a precise regulation on the rights and duties of the captain and his assistants, determining the number of assistants on various types of ships and establishing the categories of masters and their assistants in accordance with the categories of ships (5 categories).

In order to increase the proportion of the management personnel of the engine room, appoint a mechanic as deputy master of the vessel for technical matters.

2. The pier . The marina must play a decisive role in the timely loading and unloading of steamers and therefore in the acceleration of their turnover.

The duties of the head of the pier include:

monitoring the timely loading and unloading of ships and the full utilized capacity of ships in terms of their loading;

monitoring the timely dispatch of ships and strict adherence to the schedule;

correct and timely formation of freight caravans; control and maintenance of the roadstead by small vessels and monitoring the performance of all auxiliary functions by them;

timely supply of all ships and crews with materials, fuel, food;

rendering assistance to the captains of ships in emergency repairs, when grounding, etc .;

accurate and uninterrupted operation of communication (telephone, telegraph, radio, dispatch service);

management of the pier, maintaining cleanliness and order, work on the repair of the pier and the services adjacent to the pier;

monitoring the warehouse facilities of the pier;

acceptance, storage and delivery of goods, timely warning of the shipper about the receipt of the goods and impact on the shipper in order to accelerate unloading;

creating the necessary conditions for servicing passengers (timely boarding, keeping the marina clean, etc.).

At the main large and nodal marinas, the heads of the marinas should be assigned for the whole year without dismissing them for the winter.

The heads of the marinas are directly subordinate to the district administrations.

3. District administration . Organize up to 50 regional river fleet administrations. Propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport to determine the exact boundaries of the regions, taking into account the volume and nature of cargo turnover, the technical and operational conditions of the river and the needs of the region.

The district office manages river transport within the district. As the organ of the river state shipping, the district administration fulfills all its directives and orders for the operation, repair and maintenance of the track and transit fleet, which is at the operational disposal of the state shipping company.

The district administration conducts direct operational and economic work within the fleet that is assigned to this district for intra-district transportation. In this part, the district administration has its own industrial financial plan and operates as a self-supporting unit, under the control and general management of the state shipping company.

The duties of the district administration include managing the work of the heads of the marinas, monitoring, on behalf of the shipping company, the progress of winter repairs in the backwaters located within this region, current construction and maintenance.

The district administration has the following main departments: operation, track, repair and workshops for maintenance, communications and planning and financial.

4. Management of river transport (state shipping) . Reorganize the existing state shipping companies in the following direction:

Divide the entire river fleet into two parts. The first, the main and largest part of the vessels serving transit passenger and cargo traffic, as well as technical vessels, are directly operational and economic subordination of the river state shipping. The second part, the fleet of local regional significance, which is directly under the operational subordination of the regional administration and is included in the industrial financial plan of this region, is controlled and regulated by the state shipping company.

The State Shipping Company is an organ of the People's Commissariat of Water Transport and manages river transport within the basin or part of the basin allocated to it. The state shipping company has its own industrial financial plan and works on the basis of cost accounting.

The state shipping company has the following departments: operation, routes, economic planning, communications, personnel and labor economics, rationalization and inventions, supply, mechanical and ship and construction.

Instead of the existing 23 state shipping companies, create the following 15 shipping companies 1. Volzhskoe, 2. Moskovsko-Okskoe, 3. Kamskoe, 4. Dneprovskoe, 5. Dnepro-Dvinskoe 6. North-West, 7. North, 8. Dono-Kubanskoe, 9. Transcaucasian, 10. Central Asian, 11. West Siberian. 12. Yenisei, 13. East Siberian, 14. Lenskoe, 15. Amur.

Note . On the Ural River, create a district administration subordinate directly to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport.

To abolish the existing state shipping agencies (in the amount of more than 500), transferring their functions to district administrations and large hub quays.

To propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport within ten days to develop specific directives for carrying out this reorganization and to complete it no later than within a month.

The People's Commissariat of Water Transport undertakes to give practical instructions to the places, sending its representatives to the basins and convening, as necessary, meetings of the leadership staff to explain the essence of the reform and the tasks of the nearest navigation.

IV. Wages, supplies and housing.

In order to improve the work of the command staff of steamers, retain qualified workers and command personnel in river transport and increase their labor productivity, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport, together with the Central Committee of water workers, to increase the wages of certain categories of workers within a month. river transport, linking it increased with the quality of work (performance of quantitative and qualitative meters, the safety of the vessel, compliance with the norms of unloading and loading operations, fuel economy, etc.).

The People's Commissariat of Water Transport and the Central Committee of water workers, in addition to the tariff payment of the following categories, within a 10-day period, increase wages by introducing a ton-kilometer payment for these groups, based on the following:

1 . a) for masters of ships with a capacity of 801 indicator forces and above, set the size of the ton-kilometer payment at 50 percent. their basic monthly navigation rate, which will amount to 285 rubles instead of the existing 190 rubles;

b) for the captains of ships with a capacity of 481 to 800 indicator forces, on the same grounds, set 262 rubles instead of 175 rubles;

c) to set the size of the ton-kilometer payment at 35 percent for the captains of steam-motor ships with a capacity of 321 to 480 indicator forces. their main monthly navigation rate, which will amount to 223 rubles instead of 165 rubles;

d) to set the size of the ton-kilometer payment at 35 percent for the captains of steam-motor ships with a capacity of 161 to 320 indicator forces. their basic monthly navigation rate, which will amount to 202 rubles instead of 150 rubles;

e) to set the size of the ton-kilometer payment for the captains of steam-motor ships with a capacity of 61 to 160 indicator forces: for ships performing transit and local transportation - 35 percent, and those working in the roadstead - 20 percent. basic monthly navigation rate, which will amount to 189-168 rubles. instead of 140 rubles.

2. For mechanics (machinists), according to the same breakdown of vessels by capacity, set the amount of ton-kilometer payment:

a) and b) - 40 percent. their basic monthly navigation rate, which will amount to 266-245 rubles. instead of 190-175 rubles;

c) and d) - in 25%, which will amount to 206-187 rubles. instead of 165-150 rubles;

e) for ships performing transit and local transportation - 25 percent, and those working in the roadstead - 10 percent. the main monthly navigation rate, which will amount to 175-154 rubles. instead of 140 rubles.

3. Assistant captains : a) and b) - 40%. basic monthly navigation rate, which will amount to 228-213 rubles. instead of 163-152 rubles;

c) and d) - in 25 percent. basic monthly navigation rate, which will amount to 174-160 rubles. instead of 139-128 rubles;

e) for ships performing transit and local transportation - 25 percent, and those working in the roadstead - 10 percent. basic monthly navigation rate, which will amount to 147-129 rubles. instead of 117 rubles.

4. Assistant mechanics : a) and b) - in 30%, which will amount to 212-198 rubles. instead of 163-153 rubles;

c) and d) - in 15%, which will amount to 160-147 rubles. instead of 139-128 rubles;

e) for transit and local transportation - 15 percent. and those working on the roads - 10%, which will amount to 135-129 rubles. instead of 117 rubles.

5. For senior pilots the ton-kilometer payment shall be set at 20 percent. monthly navigation rate, which will amount to 190 rubles. instead of 158 rubles.

6. For pilots and helmsmen (where there are no pilots), the ton-kilometer payment shall be set at 20 per cent. to the monthly navigation rate, which will be from 178 to 104 rubles. instead of 148-87 rubles.

7. For stokers on ships operating on solid fuel, the ton-kilometer payment shall be set at 25 percent. to the monthly navigation rate, which will amount to 97 rubles. instead of 78 rubles., and on ships operating on liquid fuel - from 20 percent. That will amount to 85 rubles. instead of 71 rubles.

In addition, set a bonus for fuel economy.

8. To establish a tonne-kilometer payment for buttermen at a rate of 10 percent. to the monthly navigation rate, which will be from 96 to 86 rubles. instead of 87-78 rubles.

9. For captains of steam-motor ships working especially on towing rafts, regardless of the established ton-kilometer payment for the respective groups of ships, to establish an additional increase in wages by 35%. to their basic navigation rate, attributing this ton-kilometer allowance to all categories of ships.

10 . The payment of tonne-kilometer to the above categories of workers should proceed from the achievement of maximum performance indicators (performance of tonne-kilometer products per one indicator force and norms per one top of the vessel's carrying capacity) and at least 85 percent. running time from the navigation period, as well as from the quality of their work, namely:

a) fulfillment of the vessel traffic schedule (schedule),

b) compliance with the rules guaranteeing traffic safety and elimination of accidents,

c) keeping ships and ship mechanisms in good working order and cleanliness,

d) maximum reduction of unproductive downtime of ships,

e) safety of goods from damage and theft.

In case of partial under-fulfillment of the listed conditions, make an appropriate deduction from the ton-kilometer payment.

In case of systematic under-fulfillment of the specified conditions, the payment of ton-kilometers should not be made at all.

11 . To establish the payment of a) the  chiefs of the wharves of the first category - 200 rubles. per month instead of 142 rubles;

b) the chiefs of wharves of the second category - 150 rubles instead of 128 rubles.

Link this payment with the increased responsibility of the heads of the marinas for the timely preparation of cargo for loading onto ships, the fastest execution of work on loading and unloading of ships and the maximum reduction in ship idle time, the timely implementation of roadstead work on the supply of ships for loading and unloading and for the formation of caravans, the maintenance of the pier economy in good condition and cleanliness and ensuring normal passenger service.

12. Technical fleet . Increase the salaries of the main categories of workers in dredging caravans, namely:

a) to the head of dredgers - by 40 percent for all categories of ships, which will be from 300 to 238 rubles instead of 215-170 rubles;

b) for dredger dredgers - by 25 percent for all categories of vessels, which will be from 256 to 200 rubles instead of 205-160 rubles;

c) mechanics (machinists) - by 25 percent, which will be from 260 to 212 rubles. instead of 215-170 rubles;

d) mechanic assistants - by 20 percent, which will amount to 473 to 136 rubles. instead of 144-113 rubles;

e) swans - by 15 percent, which will amount to 90 rubles. instead of 78 rubles;

f) sailors, helmsmen, buttermen and stokers - by 10 percent.

Link this payment with improving the quality of the technical fleet, maximum loading of dredging shells, shortening the preparation time for work, and maintaining the shells in good technical condition.

If the listed conditions are not met, establish an appropriate deduction from this surcharge¹ *.

13 . In winter, the floating stock receives a salary without tonne-kilometer pay, and the technical fleet does not receive the allowance specified in clause 12.

14 . To propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport, together with the Central Committee of Vodniks, within a 2-decade period, to develop maximum operational meters and norms for the use of the power and carrying capacity of the fleet and dredging shells, in relation to the conditions of a separate basin and region, the nature of movement and type of cargo, putting them in the basis of the industrial plan each individual vessel.

15 . In view of the unsatisfactory living conditions of the water workers, to propose to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport to increase the allocations for housing construction from 11 million rubles allocated according to the target figures for 1931 to 16 million rubles at the expense of the reserve of the People's Commissariat of Railways.

No later than June 1 of this year, vacate the living space in houses belonging to water transport from persons who have lost contact with transport or are not related to it. Instruct the prosecutor's office to check the execution of the decision of the Central Executive Committee on this issue by local organizations.

16 . Based on the peculiarities of water transport, create a water cooperation by March 1, this year, according to the structure established for the cooperation of railway workers.

Taking into account the need for public catering of the ship crew during the entire navigation period, suggest that economic and cooperative organizations deploy a catering network on ships, and the USSR People's Commissariat for Supply and the Tsentrosoyuz should provide the release of the necessary products.

Instruct the USSR People's Commissariat for Supply and the Tsentrosoyuz to organize closed distributors in the largest creeks and water basins, providing them with regular supply according to established standards.


¹ * All the listed rates are taken for the Volga basin. In all other basins, calculations are made at their existing rates with unconditional observance of the percentages of ton-kilometer payment established here.

V. Work of trade unions and party organizations. Frames.

The Central Committee of the CPSU (b) notes the unsatisfactory state of the work of the professional and party organizations of water workers. The trade union and party organizations of the water workers failed to mobilize and organize the masses for the successful implementation of the industrial financial plan and for increasing labor productivity. Among the workers of the water transport, and especially among the sailing personnel, socialist competition and shock workers are poorly developed, labor discipline and labor productivity are low. The decision of the Central Committee of the party on one-man management was not implemented.

Party organizations of river transport are the most backward in organizing party and mass production work in comparison with Party organizations in other sectors of the national economy. The work of recruiting workers into the party was clearly unsatisfactory and the party layer was extremely low (2-3 percent), which led to the almost complete absence of ship cells.

Eliminating these shortcomings in the shortest possible time is the combat task of the Party, economic, professional and Komsomol organizations of river transport.

The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR suggest that local party and Komsomol organizations concentrate the focus of all mass work on a decisive struggle against truancy, avarice, for raising labor discipline, relying on the advanced strata of workers in the water sector, on shock workers. It is necessary to arrange the work of comradely courts in such a way that they actually become organizations of comradely influence and education of the backward strata of water workers. All work to improve labor discipline should be developed around the fulfillment and overfulfillment of production targets based on socialist competition, shock work, deployment of production conferences and the widespread use of incentive measures for shock workers both by improving their financial situation and by promoting them to more responsible work.

Imposing enormous tasks on the command staff of the river fleet and expanding its rights, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR pay special attention to economic, party and trade union organizations to setting the task of correctly promoting workers to command posts. Such workers should be promoted to command posts who have shown in practice their dedication to the cause of the working class, have gone through a practical school of work in the navy, have shown the ability to lead the fleet, have shown a willingness to learn and retrain the business of managing the fleet, have the desire and ability to master the technique of business. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) believe that only having mastered this method of promoting workers in the river fleet to command posts, it will be possible to strengthen the cadres and raise them to the proper height.

The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks do not doubt that the Party, Soviet, economic, trade union and Komsomol organizations will not be slow to take all measures to ensure that this appeal is unconditionally implemented.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR V. Molotov (Scriabin).

Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b ) I. Stalin .

Moscow Kremlin.

5 February 1931

Published in No. 39 Izvestia of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR and the Central Executive Committee of February 9, 1931.

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