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On the work of technical personnel at the enterprise and on improving the living conditions of engineering and technical workers.

A source: 
RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 835.L. 26.
Appendix No. 3
to p. 18/39 pr. PB No. 48.


Not for print

On the work of technical personnel at the enterprise and on improving the living conditions of engineering and technical workers.

(Decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks dated July 10, 1931).

In order to improve the working conditions of engineering and technical personnel at enterprises and institutions of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the following proposals of the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR are approved:

1 . The heads of enterprises and institutions, party and trade union bodies to raise the authority of the engineering and technical personnel and to achieve the full exercise of the rights and obligations of engineers in the management of production. It is especially necessary to support young professionals, ensuring their further growth in the process.

2 . Provide an opportunity for engineering and technical personnel to show broad initiative in rationalizing and improving production processes, allowing production risk, the unsatisfactory results of which are considered a failure, subject to technical and economic analysis only by the heads of enterprises and associations.

3 . The heads of enterprises and institutions should in every possible way encourage the manifestation of ingenuity, skillful leadership, energy and initiative by specialists in their work, by rewarding them, publishing in the press about their achievements and, in especially outstanding cases, providing engineering and technical workers with awards.

4 . Reconsider the cases of specialists convicted and sentenced to forced labor for malfunctions and mistakes made in their work and for violation of labor laws. With regard to convicted specialists who have proven their dedication to the cause of socialist construction by their work, remove their convictions by excluding the corresponding entries in their labor lists.

To enforce this resolution, set up special commissions at enterprises and institutions of representatives of the People's Commissariat of Justice, the administration of this enterprise and the ITS bureau of the corresponding trade union, which within a month will complete their work on reviewing these cases. These commissions shall be given the right to make final decisions.

5 . In order to make the best use of the available engineering and technical personnel, revise the workload of specialists working in enterprises and institutions and release them from clerical and other unusual work, shifting this to the service personnel.

6 . Strengthen the practice of appointing engineering and technical workers to the position of head. workshops, head. design, technical, etc. departments and other managerial positions.

7 . In terms of improving the living conditions of engineering and technical workers, take the following measures:

a) provide places for the children of engineering and technical workers when they are admitted to educational institutions on an equal basis with the children of industrial workers;

b) to provide engineering and technical workers with rest homes and sanatoriums on a par with industrial workers;

c) sick engineering and technical workers during their illness to be given benefits on an equal basis with workers;

d) with regard to the conditions of supply of engineering and technical workers and their families, equate them with industrial workers;

e) when transferring engineering and technical workers from production to work in institutions, in order to strengthen the technical leadership of the highest levels of management, to prevent deterioration of the conditions of payment for their labor;

f) to equate engineering and technical workers with industrial workers in the rights to receive living space. To equate existing cooperatives of engineering and technical workers with workers' housing cooperatives.

Propose to the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR to allocate an additional 10 million rubles for 1931. in excess of those provided for by the plan, through housing cooperatives, to strengthen housing construction and provide housing for engineering and technical workers in the most disadvantaged points in this regard.

Propose to the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR to allocate an additional fund of building materials for the implementation of these investments

When setting the standard for living space, proceed from the need to provide specialists with work carried out at home to improve their skills, giving them the right to additional space on an equal basis with responsible employees.

8 . To propose to the Enforcement Commission under the Council of People's Commissars to have constant supervision over the implementation of the said resolution.

9 . To extend clause 5 (“a”, “b”, “c”) of the decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR from 3.VI-31 to the entire Union:

a) Prohibit the police, the criminal investigation department and the prosecutor's office from interfering in the production life of the plant and conducting an investigation into production cases without special permission from the directorate of enterprises or higher authorities.

b) To consider the existence of official representative offices of the OGPU at enterprises inappropriate.

c) Prohibit party organizations from canceling, correcting or delaying operational orders from the plant management.

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