Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on primary and secondary schools.
Final revision .
Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on primary and secondary schools.
Following the path of implementing the program of the Communist Party, according to which "the school must be not only a conductor of the principles of communism in general, but also a conductor of the ideological organizational educational influence of the proletariat on the semi-proletarian and non-proletarian layers of the working masses in order to educate a generation capable of finally establishing communism" (program of the CPSU ( b)), the proletarian state has achieved tremendous success in expanding the school network and restructuring the school. The number of students in primary and secondary schools increased from 7.800 thousand in 1914 to 20 million in 1931. The social composition of the school has radically changed; children of workers and the broad masses of working people in the countryside, who previously had no opportunity to teach their children in school, are now the main contingent of the school.
The content of the entire work of the school has become fundamentally different.
The Soviet school, which sets itself the task of "preparing comprehensively developed members of the communist society", gives children an incomparably wider social and political outlook and general development than the pre-revolutionary and bourgeois school. In recent years, the level of general education of children in Soviet schools has increased.
The school achieved especially significant progress after the historic resolution of the 16th Party Congress on the introduction of universal primary education. In the last year alone, the number of students in primary and secondary schools has increased from 13.5 to 20 million. In addition, FZU and technical schools have covered 1.400 thousand students.
Along with the decisive steps in the implementation of compulsory education for school-age children, the school has made significant progress towards combining school education with productive work and social work, which laid the foundation for the restructuring of the school on the basis of polytechnics.
The increase in the number of workshops, although insufficient in number and still poorly equipped technically, in combination with the ongoing attachment of schools to factories, state farms, machine and tractor stations and collective farms, makes it possible to develop more and more widely and at an accelerated rate of polytechnization of the school.
However, despite all these achievements, the Central Committee states that the Soviet school is still far from meeting the enormous requirements that are imposed on it by the present stage of socialist construction. The Central Committee believes that the fundamental shortcoming of the school at the moment is that education at school does not provide a sufficient amount of general education knowledge and unsatisfactorily solves the problem of preparing quite literate people for technical schools and for higher education who are well versed in the basics of native language, geography, etc.). Because of this, the polytechnization of the school acquires in a number of cases a formal character and does not prepare children as comprehensively developed builders of socialism, linking theory with practice and mastering technology.
Any attempt to detach the polytechnization of the school from the systematic and stable assimilation of sciences, especially physics, chemistry and mathematics, the teaching of which should be based on strictly defined and carefully developed programs, curricula and carried out according to strictly established schedules, is a gross perversion of the idea of a polytechnic school. “You can become a communist only when you enrich your memory with the knowledge of all the riches that humanity has developed” (Lenin, vol. XXV, p. 388).
The Central Committee proposes to base all further work of the school on the instructions of Lenin given by him back in 1920. Emphasizing that it is impossible to pose questions of polytechnization in the abstract, that these questions should be resolved in close connection with the concrete tasks facing the party. Lenin pointed out[ 1 ] what is needed:
“1) Avoid early specialization, develop guidelines about it.
2) To expand general education subjects in all vocational schools.
3) An unconditional task is to set the immediate transition to polytechnic education, or, rather, the immediate implementation of a number of steps available now to polytechnic education ...
We need joiners, locksmiths immediately. Certainly. Everyone should become carpenters, locksmiths, etc., but with such and such an addition of a general educational and polytechnic minimum. "
“The task of the schools of the 2nd stage (12-17): or rather, the upper classes of the 2nd stage, to give someone who knows their job, is quite capable of becoming a master and replaces a carpenter, carpenter, locksmith, etc., who are practically prepared for this, so , however, that this "artisan" had a broad general education (knew a minimum of the basic such and such sciences; indicate exactly which ones); was a communist (specify exactly what he should know), had a polytechnic outlook and beginnings, the foundations of polytechnic education.
a) basic concepts of electricity (determine exactly which ones);
b) on the application of electricity to the mechanical industry;
c) also - to chemical;
d) also - about the plan for the electrification of the RSFSR;
e) visited at least 1-3 times a power plant, factory, state farm;
f) knew such and such fundamentals of agronomy, etc., developed a minimum of knowledge in detail ”.
Based on all this, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) decides:
[ 1 ] Lenin's remarks on the theses of NK Krupskaya on polytechnic education.
1. The main tasks of the school.
To offer the People's Commissars of the Union Republics to immediately organize a scientific-Marxist study of programs, providing them with a precisely delineated circle of systematized knowledge (native language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, history), with the expectation that from January 1, 1932, to begin teaching on revised programs.
At the same time, on the revision of the programs, the People's Commissars should take a number of measures to ensure the real possibility of teaching under the new programs (instructing teachers, issuing appropriate instructions, etc.).
Applying in the Soviet school various new teaching methods that can contribute to the upbringing of initiative and active participants in socialist construction, it is necessary to launch a decisive struggle against frivolous methodological projecting, the imposition of methods on a mass scale that have not been previously tested in practice, which has recently been revealed especially clearly in the use of the so-called “Project method”. The attempts to put the so-called “method of projects” as the basis of all school work, stemming from the anti-Leninist theory of the “withering away of the school,” actually led to the destruction of the school.
The Central Committee obliges the People's Commissars of the Union Republics to immediately organize and raise scientific research work to the proper level, attract the best party forces for this work and rebuild it on a strictly Marxist-Leninist basis.
Proceeding from the fact that an integral part of communist education is polytechnic education, which should give students the "foundations of science", acquaint students "in theory and practice with all the main branches of production", to carry out "a close connection between education and productive labor" - to propose the allied republics throughout 1931 to widely expand a network of workshops and work rooms at schools, combining this work with the attachment of schools to enterprises, state farms, MTS and collective farms on the basis of contracts.
The combination of instruction with productive labor must be carried out on such a basis that the entire socially productive labor of students is subordinated to the educational goals of the school.
Enterprises, state farms, machine and tractor stations and collective farms to provide all possible assistance to the People's Commissariat for Education in solving this problem by allocating the necessary equipment and tools for school workshops and laboratories, allocating skilled workers and specialists for direct participation in the work of the school, helping teachers in studying production, etc.
The People's Commissars of the Union Republics to create in each district and in all cities a network of exemplary schools, placing them in more favorable material conditions and concentrating the best pedagogical forces in them so that the teaching masses, workers, collective farmers and students could learn in practice from them the construction of a polytechnic schools.
In order to facilitate the polytechnicization of the school, the People's Commissars of the Union Republics should organize in the 1931-32 academic year a network of small polytechnic museums, as well as special polytechnic departments at the existing local history museums. VSNKh to provide financial and organizational assistance to the holding of this event. The People's Commissariat of Education, together with state publishing houses, to create standard polytechnic libraries for students and teachers in their native language. The People's Commissariat of Education, together with film organizations, to develop measures for the use of cinema for schools, especially for polytechnics.
In the period of socialism, when the proletariat carries out the final destruction of classes under conditions of heightened class struggle, sustained communist education in the Soviet school and the intensification of the struggle against any attempts to instill elements of anti-proletarian ideology in children of the Soviet school are of exceptional importance.
In this regard, the Central Committee proposes to the Party organizations to strengthen the leadership of the school and to take under direct supervision the organization of the teaching of social and political disciplines in seven-year schools, in pedagogical colleges and pedagogical universities.
Confirming the need to fulfill on time the Central Committee resolution of July 25, 1930 on universal compulsory primary education. The Central Committee, in order to speedily implement the demand of the party program on general and polytechnic education for all children and adolescents under 17 years of age, proposes to the USSR Council of People's Commissars to develop a plan for universal compulsory seven-year education.
II. Improving the methodological leadership of the school.
Noting the unsatisfactory state of the staff and the organization of the methodological leadership of the school in the bodies of public education, the Central Committee invites Kultprop, together with the People's Commissariat of Education and the Cultpropae of the Central Committee of the National Communist Parties, to develop measures for training Marxist-Leninist cadres for methodological work in public education bodies and to strengthen the leading links of the methodological leadership of the best party theoretical and pedagogical forces.
Noting a significant gap between research institutions in the field of pedagogy from the practical tasks of the school, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks invites the People's Commissars of the Union republics to concentrate the work of the relevant research institutes mainly on studying and generalizing the experience accumulated by practical workers of the school, especially polytechnics.
To oblige the People's Commissars of the Union republics to introduce the institute of instructors into the system of public education bodies, starting from the district levels, for constant practical assistance to the teacher and his daily work at school. The instructors should be staffed from experienced teachers who know the school well and its tasks, at least two per district. To oblige all Communists who are in leadership work in the field of public education to master the methodological aspect of school work as soon as possible.
To set before the society of Marxist pedagogues at the Communist Academy the task of developing, according to the instructions of the People's Commissariat of Education, the main issues of methodological assistance to teachers in their daily work.
Revise the existing periodicals on pedagogy in order to drastically improve the quality and turn them towards the school and its needs, with the obligatory involvement of teachers in the editorial staff.
III. Frames.
In work among teachers, one should be guided by the instruction given by Lenin back in 1922: "Our people's teacher must be at such a height at which he never stood, does not stand and cannot stand in bourgeois society" (vol. XVIII, p. 2 nd, p. 115).
Taking into account the growing need in connection with the implementation of universal education in pedagogical personnel and their advanced training, it is proposed to the USSR State Planning Committee and the People's Commissariat of Education of the Union republics to draw up, within 2 months, a plan for the training of pedagogical personnel that fully meets the need for teachers for primary and secondary schools and submit it for approval Council of People's Commissars of the USSR.
To organize familiarization of teachers with the basics of production at factories, state farms, machine and tractor stations and collective farms in such a way that during 1931-1932 this familiarization will cover all teaching staff.
When determining the contingents for educational institutions for the training of agronomists, the USSR People's Commissariat should take into account the need of schools for collective farm youth, as well as provide the necessary assistance to public education authorities in attracting agronomic forces engaged in production to work in the SHKM.
Introduce in all industrial and c. x. universities, familiarization with the methods of work on the polytechnization of schools and the organization of industrial and technical training.
Suggest the Central Committee of the Komsomol and the People's Commissars of the Union republics to develop special measures for the selection of pioneer leaders, securing them at work, improving their general and special pedagogical qualifications, considering them as a valuable reserve for training new teaching personnel.
Instruct the State Planning Committee, the NKFin, the Central Committee of the Rabpros and the People's Commissariat for Education of the Union republics, within a ten-day period, to develop measures to increase salaries for teachers in primary and secondary schools. The Central Committee of the Union of Rabpros, together with the People's Commissariat of Education of the Union republics, within a month to develop a system of differentiated remuneration for teachers by district, by qualifications and quality of work.
The supply of teachers with food and manufactured goods should be carried out in the following order: in cities and industrial areas through attachment to closed work distributors and canteens according to the norms of industrial workers; to supply the teachers in collective farms with foodstuffs from the food stocks of the collective farms in accordance with the norms of industrial workers in the region; supplying rural teachers with manufactured goods and industrial products, as well as supplying teachers with food products in villages where there are still no collective farms, should be carried out from centralized supply funds at the rates of industrial workers in the region. In all work among teachers, to develop socialist competition and shock work in every possible way, encouraging drum teachers in every possible way.
IV. Material, base of primary and secondary schools.
Noting that the material base of schools - the construction of new buildings, the repair of existing ones, the production of educational equipment and teaching aids - is extremely insufficient and is becoming one of the obstacles to improving the work of schools, the Central Committee invites the State Planning Committee of the Union to develop a five-year plan for new school construction. To consider it obligatory for all new constructions to complete the construction of schools by the beginning of the enterprise's work.
In order to expand the fund of school premises, the Central Committee proposes to local party and Soviet organizations to ensure the return of unreleased former school premises to schools, as well as the use of confiscated kulak houses for schools.
It is necessary to widely attract the initiative and funds of the collective farms to improve the material base of the school and improve the provision of teachers.
VSNKh to create an All-Union association of industry that manufactures educational and school equipment and teaching aids, having considered the production plan of this association in 2 months, so that by 1932 the bulk of both primary and secondary schools would be equipped with the necessary a minimum of training equipment. The People's Commissars of the Union Republics within a month to draw up an application and submit it to the Supreme Council of the National Economy, having developed standards for teaching aids and polytechnical equipment.
To propose to the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR to transfer to schools that cannot be used at the enterprise and are suitable for the working rooms of school workshops, machines, tools and various waste (scrap, scrap, flap). The Sovnarkoms of the Union Republics, the Territory and the Oblast Executive Committees and the bodies of industrial cooperation, as soon as possible, organize the production of textbooks and educational equipment for the mass school on the spot, using local resources for this purpose.
V. School management and administration.
Noting the successes achieved in recent years by the People's Commissars of the Union republics in restructuring all their organizational work, the Party Central Committee emphasizes that improving the quality of school work is impossible without a decisive improvement in the quality of school leadership by the organs of the People's Commissariat for Education, their speedy transition to operational, specific and differentiated leadership, taking into account the economic and political significance of individual regions and districts, national peculiarities, etc., with the establishment in all levels of public education of strict, excluding impersonality, responsibility for the work entrusted, the Central Committee demands from all bodies of public education work and leadership in a new way, in accordance with increased requirements which the socialist reconstruction of the national economy presents to school.
The Central Committee invites the People's Commissars of the Union Republics to decisively restructure the practice of leadership in public education bodies, making it truly operational and differentiated, focusing on the most important industrial regions (metal, coal, oil, etc.), state farms, MTS, areas of continuous collectivization and new construction projects. Eliminate the “equalizing” approach in the distribution of forces and resources, concentrating them primarily on the leading sectors of socialist construction.
The People's Commissars of the Union Republics ensure the implementation of one-man command in school management. Trade union organizations should provide the necessary assistance to the public education authorities in this matter.
The People's Commissars of the Union republics, by organizing practical assistance to teachers in their work, should increase the responsibility of teachers for the quality of school work, highlighting and encouraging dedicated and knowledgeable teachers.
To arrange the work of children's self-government bodies at schools in such a way that it was mainly aimed at improving the quality of learning and strengthening conscious discipline at school.
The Central Committee believes that for the successful implementation of the tasks set by this resolution, the People's Commissars of the Union republics must wage a decisive struggle against those elements in the public education bodies who resist the turn in the school's work in the direction indicated by this resolution and, instead of improving the quality of education, either get carried away with leftist phrases or pull back to the bourgeois school.
The Central Committee stresses the growing importance and role of the school in socialist construction, the Central Committee invites all organizations to wage a systematic and unswerving struggle against the opportunist anti-Leninist distortions of the Party's policy in the field of school work. Success in combating the main danger on the path of building a polytechnic school, with right-wing opportunistic distortions of party policy, leading to the rejection of polytechnization of the school, to attempts to preserve the old verbal school, to a gap between theoretical teaching and practice, presupposes an intensification of the struggle against leftist opportunist perversions, with theories “Withering away of the school” and reducing the role of the teacher.
The Central Committee draws the attention of all Party organizations to the need for a decisive increase in attention to the mass school, the work of the teacher and the strengthening of the concrete day-to-day leadership of the school.
Central Committee of the CPSU (b)
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