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Soviet Archives - Collection of Government Documents on Workers

From the Collection of enactment and decrees of the government for 1921, Administration of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR

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Documents on Workers - Labor Code. 1918, No. 87-88, Art. 905

Documents on Workers - About the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.. ( S. U. 1-7 ).

Documents on Workers - Cancellation of payments for the use of mail, telegraph, telephone and radiotelegraph. ( Izv. No. 3, S. U. 2-20 ).

Documents on Workers - On the abolition of payments from Soviet institutions, enterprises and farms for the use of mail, telegraph, radiograph and telephone.

Documents on Workers - Resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense.

Documents on Workers - Telegram to all Provincial Committees for General Labor Service,

Documents on Workers - About requisitions and confiscations.

Documents on Workers - On the regulation of handicrafts and non‐nationalized industry.

Documents on Workers - on the procedure for making clarifications and additions to the General Regulations on the Tariff

Documents on Workers - On the procedure for making clarifications and additions to the general regulation on the tariff

Documents on Workers - About bonuses for labor.

Documents on Workers - on the abolition of payments for any type of fuel provided to state enterprises and institutions,

Documents on Workers - On the abolition of payment for any type of fuel provided to state enterprises and institutions, as well as to workers and employees employed in them.

Documents on Workers - The right of state institutions in the sense of this resolution is also granted to the All‐Russian

Documents on Workers - Cancellation of some cash payments.
Documents on Workers - On abolition of the collection of payments for living quarters from workers and employees and for the use of water supply, sewerage and cleaning, gas and electricity and public baths from state institutions and enterprises and their workers and employees, and on the extension of these benefits to disabled persons of labor and war and persons who are at their expense.

Documents on Workers - On the procedure for providing work to ministers of religious cults.

Documents on Workers - About disciplinary sanctions for violation of official discipline in Soviet institutions.

Collection of Government Documents on Worker On disciplinary sanctions for violation of official discipline in Soviet institutions.

Documents on Workers - Decree of the All‐Russian Central Executive Committee.

Documents on Workers - Amendments to Art. Art. 2 and 5 of the “temporary provision on bonuses in kind”.

Documents on Workers - Interim Regulation on Bonuses in kind.

Documents on Workers - On the secondment in the party order of persons holding Soviet positions

Documents on Workers - On prohibition of the imprisonment of women convicted for labor desertion and other offenses against labor discipline, women who are pregnant or who have children under 3 years of age with them.

Documents on Workers - On the compulsory maintenance of lists of workers and employees by institutions, institutions and enterprises.

Documents on Workers - On the mandatory registration of employees.

Documents on Workers - On the transfer of the Bureau of Accounting and Distribution of Technical Forces to the jurisdiction of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor.

Documents on Workers - On use and remuneration of workers at temporarily stopped enterprises.

Documents on Workers - On the order of registration and use of workers of closing enterprises.

Documents on Workers - About medical examination of the mobilized workers transferred to work.

Documents on Workers - On the mobilization of land survey engineers and topographers

Documents on Workers - On the mobilization of land survey engineers and topographers.

Documents on Workers - About Workersʹ Disciplinary Comrades Courts (Regulations).

Documents on Workers - On cases of minors accused of socially dangerous acts.

Documents on Workers - On imprisonment and on the procedure for parole of prisoners.

Documents on Workers - On the Commissions on deferrals and secondments of workers.

Documents on Workers - Resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense.

Documents on Workers - On the mobilization of miners.

Documents on Workers - In order to improve the situation of workers, settle and eliminate red tape in the matter of wages,

Documents on Workers - Rules on the conditions of employment and remuneration of workers and employees of all enterprises, institutions and farms

Documents on Workers - About labor units.

Documents on Workers - About bonuses in kind to workers.

Documents on Workers - On measures to improve water supply, sewerage and sanitation in the Republic.

Documents on Workers - On the organization of loading and unloading of wagons and ships and the export of goods from railway stations

Documents on Workers - On the liquidation of the Main Committee for General Labor Service and local Committees for General Labor Service and on the reorganization of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor.

Documents on Workers -  On the procedure for universal labor service.

Documents on Workers - On the Committees for General Labor Service (Regulation).

Documents on Workers -  On the order of awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Documents on Workers -  allow continuous overtime work only in those exceptional cases

Documents on Workers - Resolution of the Workers ʹand Peasantsʹ Defense Council.

Documents on Workers - On the establishment of a facilitated transition of workers and employees from one enterprise to another. 

Documents on Workers -  On granting adolescents another leave. (S. U. 36‐189 ).

  Documents on Workers - Leave for workers and employees in 1921 (Provisional Regulations).

Documents on Workers - On granting the All‐Russian Central Council of Trade Unions the exclusive right to resolve all tariff issues.

Documents on Workers - On the liquidation of the Main Committee on General Labor Service and local Committees on General Labor Service .

Documents on Workers - On the procedure for universal labor service.

Documents on Workers - On the Committees for General Labor Service (Regulation).

Documents on Workers - About the planned distribution of the peat bogsʹ labor force.

Documents on Workers - On labor mobilization for the procurement and transportation of fuel.

  Documents on Workers - On exemption from labor service (Rules).

 Documents on Workers - On the procedure for deducting products to the in‐kind fund in accordance with the SNK decree of April 7, 1921

Documents on Workers - About labor desertion.

Documents on Workers - About labor desertion and the organs of struggle against it.

Documents on Workers - Regulations on Disciplinary Comradeships.

Documents on Workers - On improving the organization of social security for workers, peasants and families of the Red Army.

 Documents on Workers -  On the transfer of the Central and local Labor Protection Departments to the All‐Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and local associations of trade unions 

Documents on Workers - On the combination of qualified medical and veterinary personnel.

Documents on Workers - On the explanation of Art. 4 decrees on bonuses for workers in kind. 

Documents on Workers - About handicraft and small industry. 

Documents on Workers - Tariff of responsible workers in professional, economic, Soviet and party organizations. (

 Documents on Workers -  On the collective (cash and in‐kind) remuneration of employees in Soviet institutions.

Documents on Workers -  On labor service in the sugar industry. 

Documents on Workers - On labor service in the sugar industry. 

Documents on Workers -  About supply. workers with milk and fats. 

Documents on Workers - On the accounting of diving property and diving specialists. 

Documents on Workers - Explanation of the resolution of the Council of Peopleʹs Commissars on the collective remuneration of employees in Soviet institutions. 

Documents on Workers - On the collective (cash and in‐kind) remuneration of employees in Soviet institutions.

Documents on Workers - The main provision on the tariff issue.

Documents on Workers -  Part‐time position.

Documents on Workers - On measures to improve  the material situation of transport workers. 

Documents on Workers - About paying for business trips. 

Documents on Workers - On providing for the unemployed. 

Documents on Workers - On providing for the unemployed

Documents on Workers -  On the procedure for accounting and distribution of part‐time work of disabled people (labor and war). 

Documents on Workers - According to the report of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor. 

Documents on Workers - On the exemption of employees of state institutions, enterprises and farms from being involved in periodic duties.

Documents on Workers - On the remuneration of workers and employees of enterprises listed in a special list of the Council of Labor and Defense, as well as those transferred to collective supply. 

Documents on Workers - the remuneration of responsible workers in professional, economic, Soviet and party organizations and institutions. 

Documents on Workers - About the addition of the Provisional Regulations on the leaves of workers and employees in 1921. 

Documents on Workers - social insurance of persons employed in hired labor.

Documents on Workers - amendments to the resolution of the Council of Peopleʹs Commissars of October 24, 1921 on the procedure for recording and distributing part‐time work of disabled people (labor and war).

Documents on Workers - On amendments to clause 153 of the general regulations on tariffs and the decree on combating truancy dated April 27, 1920.

Documents on Workers - About casual and special clothing. ( S. U. 77‐638 ). 

Documents on Workers - About partnerships (artels) of responsible labor. ( Izv. No. 271, S. U. 77‐641). 

Documents on Workers - On the issuance of a two‐week severance pay to workers and employees dismissed from service in connection with the transition of enterprises and institutions to new forms of remuneration.

Documents on Workers - On the use of prisonersʹ labor in places of deprivation of liberty R.S.F.S.R. and those serving compulsory labor without imprisonment. 

Documents on Workers - On the implementation of periodic labor‐tax duties on the basis of the labor‐tax tax. ( Izv. No. 269, S. U. 78‐658 ). 

Documents on Workers - Instruction of the Council of Labor and Defense to the Regional and Provincial Economic Councils on the procedure for serving the labor tax by the rural population. 

Documents on Workers - On the procedure for the implementation of a labor tax for the preparation and removal of firewood. ( Izv. No. 278, S. U. 79‐666). 

Documents on Workers - On the supply of horse‐drawn labor, attracted through the laborhorse tax. ( Izv. No. 288, S. U. 79‐671 ).

Documents on Workers - On providing the working faculties with hostels. ( Izv. No. 93, S. U. 36‐194 )

Documents on Workers - On the Labor Departments of the Volost Executive Committees. ( Izv. No. 17, S. U. 6‐50 ). 

Documents on Workers - About labor units. ( Izv. No. 76, S. U. 27‐155 ). 

Documents on Workers - On the liquidation of the Main Committee for General Labor Service and local Committees for General Labor Service and the reorganization of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor. ( Izv. No. 65, S. U. 30‐164 ). 

Documents on Workers - On the staff commission at the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor. 

Documents on Workers - About social insurance of persons employed in hired labor. ( Izv. No.263, S. U. 76‐627 ).

Documents on Workers - On transferring the Bureau of Accounting and Distribution of Technical Forces to the jurisdiction of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Labor. ( S. U. 19‐118 ).

Documents on Workers - On measures to raise the level of engineering and technical knowledge in the country and to improve the living conditions of engineering and technical workers R.S.F.S.R. ( Izv. No. 198, S. U. 62452 ).

Documents on Workers - On the cessation of the mobilization of certain categories of specialists and professions. ( Izv. No. 234, S. U. 68‐545 ).

Documents on Workers -  About mobilization of specialists in printing industry. ( Izv. No. 123, (S. U. 50‐267 ). 

Documents on Workers - On the temporary suspension of the decree “on admission to students of higher technical educational institutions” and Articles 2 and 3 of the decree “on the urgent release of specialists.” ( Izv. No. 132, S. U. 51‐292 ). 

Documents on Workers - On the secondment of specialists of maritime transport from the Red Army. ( Izv. No. 140, S.U. 52‐306). 

Documents on Workers - On the mobilization of specialists in agricultural construction. ( Izv. No. 139, S. U. 52‐309 ).  

Documents on Workers - On the return to work in their specialty of tax workers. ( Izv. No. 213, S. U. 65‐488 ). 

Documents on Workers - About attracting specialists for work under the Small Council of Peopleʹs Commissars. (Izv. No. 232, S. U. 68‐532 ).

Documents on Workers - On the establishment of increased pensions for the elderly and disabled teachers. ( Izv. No. 17, S. U. 6‐49 ). 

Documents on Workers -  On the social security of workers and employees and members of their families. ( Izv. No. 18, S. U. 8‐53 ).

Documents on Workers - On the correct use of live and dead implements by means of mutual labor assistance in order to cultivate and sow low‐power and Red Army farms. ( Izv. No. 61, S. U. 25‐146 ). 

Documents on Workers - the procedure for enrollment in the natural social security fund of property confiscated by court and in the administrative procedure, as well as ownerless and escheat property. (Instruction). ( S. U. 53‐320 ). 

Documents on Workers - the collection of fees for services provided by public utilities. ( Izv. No. 193, S. U. 62‐445 ). 

Documents on Workers - strengthening the work on social security. ( Izv. No. 196, S. U. 62‐448 ). .

Documents on Workers - the supply of food and basic necessities to consumers who remain on state supplies. ( Izv. No. 198, S. U. 62‐453 ). 

Documents on Workers - On changing the order of publication in cases of divorce, change of surname, guardianship, social security, unknown absence and change of the names of the bodies conducting the above acts. (Izv. No. 234, S.
U. 67‐512 ).

Documents on Workers - On state property insurance. ( Izv. No. 234, S. U. 69‐554 ). 

Documents on Workers - On the provision of workers and employees   with temporary disability. ( Izv. No. 237, S. U. 70‐561 ). 

Documents on Workers - About additional benefits for women in labor. ( Izv. 1922, No. 1, S. U. 79‐668 ). 

Documents on Workers - About grants for the burial of workers. ( Izv. No. 292, S. U. 79‐669 ). 

Documents on Workers - About social security; disabled people. ( S.U. 79‐672). 

Documents on Workers - On social security of members of families of workers in the event of the death of the breadwinner of the family. ( Izv. No. 296, S. U. 79‐681 ). 

Documents on Workers - On social security for temporary disability and motherhood. ( Izv.1922, No. 1, S. U. 79‐682 ).

Documents on Workers - Enhanced pensions. ( Izv. No. 296, S. U. 80‐697 ).

Documents on Workers - On the use: and remuneration of workers at temporarily stopping enterprises. ( S. U. 20‐123 ). 

Documents on Workers - Member of the Presidium, Head of the Labor Rationing Department of the All‐Russian Central Council of Trade Unions A. Goltsman Leave to workers and employees in 1921. (Provisional Rules). ( Izv. No. 77, S. U. 31‐168 ). 

Documents on Workers - Plans to supply workers with uniforms, footwear, soap and consumer goods. ( Izv. No. 80, S. U. 32‐175 ).

Documents on Workers - On the procedure for deducting products to the in‐kind fund, according to the decree of S.N.K. dated April 7, 1921 ( Izv. No. 107, S. U. 45‐224).

Documents on Workers - About the exchange fund of workers and. employees. ( Izv. No. 107, S. U. 47‐228 ).

Documents on Workers - Organization and supply of rest homes

Documents on Workers - On the explanation of Art. 4th decree on bonuses for workers in kind. ( Izv. No. 151, S. U. 53‐318 ). 

Documents on Workers - supplementing the decree “On payment for transportation by rail and waterways”. ( Izv. No. 162, S. U. 54‐329 ). 

Documents on Workers - supplying workers with milk and fats. ( Izv. No. 175, S. U. 59‐392). 

Documents on Workers - supplementing the decree ʺon collective pay for employees in Soviet institutions.ʺ ( Izv. No. 217, S. U. 65‐493 ). 

Documents on Workers - Rules for free travel of workers and employees of railway transport on the railways RSF.S.R. ( S. U. 68‐531 ). 

Documents on Workers - On the addition of temporary rules on vacations to workers and employees in 1921 ( Izv. No. 213, S. U. 76‐621 ). 

Documents on Workers - On the issue of a two‐week severance pay to workers and employees who are dismissed from service in connection with the transition of enterprises and institutions to new forms of remuneration. ( Izv. No. 273, S. U. 77‐646 ). 

Documents on Workers - On changing the wording, clause “e” of the resolution “on the abolition of certain cash settlements”. ( Izv. No. 21, S. U. 6‐46 ).

Documents on Workers - On disciplinary comradeship courts. (Position). ( Izv. No. 93, S. U. 23 / 24‐142 ).

Documents on Workers - According to the report of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Finance. ( Izv. No. 228, S. U. 72‐593 )

Collection of Government Documents on Workers On plans to supply workers with uniforms, shoes, soap and consumer goods. ( Izv. No. 80, S. U. 32‐175 ).

Documents on Workers - On the mobilization of citizens who worked at the factories of the electrical industry. ( Izv. No. 7, S. U. 3‐26 ). 

Documents on Workers - About the dissolution of citizens born in 1886‐1888 who were called up for labor mobilization. ( Izv. No. 93, S. U. 36‐196 ).

Documents on Workers - About the return to work in their specialty of workers of education and socialist culture. (Izv. No. 103, S. U. 45‐225 ). 

Documents on Workers - On the introduction of representatives of the Provincial Workersʹ Cooperative Committee into the composition of the Provincial Commissions for the supply of workers. ( Izv. No. 207, S. U. 64‐473 ). 

Documents on Workers - prohibition of the Provincial Executive Committees and Economic Conferences to change the orders of the Peopleʹs Commissariat of Food and the Central Commission for the supply of workers. ( Izv. No. 205, S. U. 65‐496 ).

Documents on Workers - abolition of the collection of payments for living quarters from workers and employees, and for the use of water supply, sewerage and cleaning, gas and electricity and public baths ‐ from state institutions and enterprises and their workers and employees, and on the extension of these benefits to persons with disabilities of work and war and their dependents. ( Izv. No. 20, S. U. 6‐47 ). 

Documents on Workers - provision of food to the families of the Red Army. ( Izv. No. 234, S. U. 76‐622). 

Documents on Workers - Navy men who, in terms of kinship, age, material status and physical  On the social security of disabled people. ( C. U. 79‐672 ).

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