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USSR foreign policy documents 24 volumes - In Russian

  • Primary sources Collection

    USSR foreign policy documents
  • This book is from the Military Literature site , also known as Militera . The Military Literature project is non-commercial. All texts on the site are intended for free reading by anyone who wishes. Use in your studies and work, quote, memorize ... in general, enjoy. You can place these texts on your pages without asking, in this case, please accompany this act with a link to the site "Military Literature" , also known as Militera .
  • 24 VOLUMES
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    The first volume of this edition is published in the days when the peoples of the Soviet Union and progressive people around the world solemnly celebrate the 40thanniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, which opened a new era in the history of mankind. 

    Volume I of the documents cover the period from November 7, 1917 to December 31, 1918. Thus, the published documents illuminate the foreign policy of the period of the emergence and approval of the Soviet power. Since its inception, the young Soviet state, defending the fundamental interests of workers and defending its freedom and independence, has waged a tense struggle for peace.. A concrete expression of this peace-loving policy was the struggle for Russia's withdrawal from the imperialist war, the struggle against foreign armed intervention and internal counter-revolution, the steady desire to resolve peacefully by conflict with capitalist countries and to establish broad economic cooperation with them. All these measures of the Soviet government were aimed at strengthening the Soviet system and providing conditions for peaceful socialist construction..

This volume includes documents of Soviet foreign policy for the period from January 1, 1919 to June 30, 1920.
The Second Volume Documents largely reflect the foreign policy activities carried out during this period by the governments of the RFSR and other Soviet republics aimed at fighting to end foreign armed intervention, to ensure peace and peaceful coexistence of the Soviet republics with other countries. This peace-loving policy was met with sympathy and support of workers in foreign countries. 
As can be seen from the published documents, the Soviet republics repeatedly appealed to the Entente powers and the United States, which has made armed intervention against our country, with proposals for peace. At the same time, in the harsh conditions of civil war, devastation and economic blockade, the peoples of the Soviet republics, heroically defending their national independence and the right to build their lives on socialist basis, rejected any attempt to impose conditions incompatible with State sovereignty.

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