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Control of the flow of information that is contrary to the Western Narrative – now using force is included

Trying to construct a social reality that is not the reality.

The Ukraine events presenting so much parallelism to the era of the rising of Nazi Germany not only in military, political sense but in the sense of information control. Especially after the Covid pandemic, the politics in the World indicated a tendency to reaction and has been heading towards autocracy with so many restrictions on the freedoms of people – freedoms mostly gained through struggles of many years, in some cases by blood. This limiting the freedoms have been carried out through the use of “fear factor” and with consent. However, as the Ukraine example shows, the use of threat, blackmailing, preventing from speak and the control of all media outlets including the internet. 

Sole purpose is to prevent any information contradicting their narrative to be read or seen by literally anyone within their “jurisdictions” – meaning within their vassal countries and possible beyond.

Henry Luce, the founder of TIME magazine, once said; "From the first page to the last...whatever comes out has to reflect my view, and that is the way it is." Nothing has changed since then other than the fact that the media has been increasingly deeply monopolized with strong ties and stakes in the financial and industrial institutions. A thorough search on the internet can show that most of the board members of a large monopoly contain members of other industries including media monopolies. Each is intermingled with the other in order to protect the rights of monopolies and make sure that their interests are protected. From Henry Luce to now, it has become “From the first page, TV screen, to the news and commentary...whatever comes out has to reflect their point of view, and that is the way it is.”

The narrative on Ukraine is one sided and they want to make sure it stays that way, or at least their narrative is dominant. Fake news, concentration on “emotions” rather than on the facts – exploitation of emotions and emotional manipulation, eclectic quotations of opposition in a way that fits their narrative, spreading false hopes and false reality have become the main current on the western media. Simply, “big Lie” is the tactic as it was during the Nazi Era. 

Lies, regardless of how ridiculous they are, play an important role in shaping the minds, creating a consent to their actions. They are important and play a crucial role during the phase of the event, in this case, Ukraine. People have a tendency to believe narratives that are in line with their own (previously injected views) regardless of how fake it sounds or looks. So, the lies become reality even long after the conclusion of event. Such cases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and others. People still believe that Saddam had WMD to use and that was the reason US-NATO invaded Iraq, or they still believe that US saved the world from Nazis and Soviet aggression. There are literally hundreds of cases where the “big lie” tactic has been used to manage the minds manufacture consent for their action. In all, the media was the main instrument.

Now things have gone beyond that. Confiscating the assets of the individuals belonging to opposing country, threats, black mailing, banning sportsmen, coaches in sports, in arts, and in other professions, forcing people to make public statements fitting their narratives. The irony is that they are doing this publicly and in the name of “democracy.” In one case that online news channel, they have stopped the conversation of a retired general, and on top a former senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense, Douglas Macgregor who was making comments defying their narrative. 

Here is what he was saying before he was stopped and removed. 

 “"The first five days Russian forces I think frankly were too gentle, they have now corrected that. So, I would say another ten days this should be completely over." “The war could have "ended days ago" if Zelensky had accepted what the Russians have sought, which is a "neutral Ukraine." "I think Zelensky is a puppet, and he is putting huge numbers of his own population at unnecessary risk,"

On the question of if Zelensky was a hero, He replied, "I don't see anything heroic about the man, I think the most heroic thing he could do right now is come to terms with reality. Neutralize Ukraine." "This is not a bad thing. A neutral Ukraine would be good for us and Russia. It would create the buffer that frankly both sides want but he is, I think being told, I think to hold on and try to drag this out, which is tragic for the people that have to live through this."

At that point, the interview ended.

On another interview he said: "We will not send our forces to fight, but we are urging Ukrainians to die pointlessly in a fight they can't win. We're going to create a far greater humanitarian crisis than anything you've ever seen if it doesn't stop."

It has come to a point that they cannot even stand their own general and silence him just because he makes comments contrary to western media narrative. 

It is not only the media but those in the pocket of Western NGO’s, especially in that of NED have been mobilized to propagate the Western narrative of the events through demonstrations and well written professional banners. One aim; to create, impose and reproduce social meanings - to construct a social reality that is not the reality.

Even during the time when Nazis were losing the war, they made the German people believe that they were winning up to the point that they have seen Red Army soldiers on the streets. 

Controlling the flow of information by all means is the method of Nazis’, now that of fascist US-NATO aggressive imperialism. US-NATO plans in Ukraine is not so much different than that of their plans for the pre-Nazi Germany was as far as their interests and their strategy and tactics are concerned. And it is not too much different related to the other countries bordering Russia. They were more concentrated in Ukraine because of its geostrategic location, the size- which is the largest country in Europe, with forty million population and a Neo-Nazi pleasing political power supported by Neo-Nazi militias and influence, and presence of Neo-Nazis in military and police. With its four nuclear power plants and over a dozen biochemical research facilities, military strength, it is the viable choice for the creation of a proxy- Nazi Germany on the border of Russia. 

Political aims always require actions. Actions require pseudo or not a political reality with new meanings and require consent in line with the action that will follow based on those meanings. 

Western media and political power have been trying so hard to block the flow of information by all necessary means, including the use of force in different forms and thus, to construct a social reality that is not the reality. Unfortunately, they have been quite successful since they have tailed most of the left behind them on this part. But what will happen and how the events in Ukraine will turn out will be determining factor on their success in the first major step of their goal. 

Erdogan A

March 6, 2022

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