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The Menace of imperialist War and the Proletarian Struggle Against imperialism

Report by O.W. Kuusinen

From 13th Plenum of ECCI

1. The war Danger at the Present Time

The whole international situation at the present time one of extreme tension. 

The League of nation, which has been abandoned by Japan and German, and which Italy is preparing to abandon, cannot serve as an arena for the achievement of an agreement between England and France, the two imperialist powers which most relied upon it; and it is ceasing to serve as a screen to hide the furious preparations for war. The system of imperialist bargaining which laid the basis of the Versaille Treaty, and the Washington Agreement has utterly collapsed. The Disarmament conference has resulted in a hitherto unprecedented race for armament between the imperialists and as a result of the London Conference on "eco­ nomic disarmament" a currency and tariff war has broken out among the imperialist along the whole front. 

The struggle between the Versailles bloc and the anti-Versailles group led by Germany and Italy for the redrafting of the map of Central and South Europe and the Balkans, is Raring up more and more particularly around the question of Austria. The an­tagonism between the United States and England has, as a result of the unconcealed struggle for market, assumed unprecedented acuteness (the war between the dollar and the pound, the irrecon­cilable position of both opponents on the question of inter-allied debt, etc.). The intensification of Anglo-American conflict is taking place at all points where the interests of these two-imperialism come into conflict, particularly on the Pacific. The race for armament. between Japan, the USA and England in the Pacific is no longer concealed in London, Washington and Tokyo. Japan is building a new naval base at Port Arthur and is fortifying the island; Eng­land is fortifying Singapore and the Australian coast, while the U.S. is fortifying the Pacific coast, Hawaii, and Guam. England fear the strengthening of her principal rival, the U.S.A., in the event of war between the latter and Japan, but it also fears the ex­cessively large appetites of the Japanese militarists, the strengthening of Japanese imperialism which, by its super-dumping, is already hit­ting her in all markets. 

The tenseness of the international situation is determined by the sharp intensification of the inherent contradictions of the capital­ist world. But the intensification of these inherent contradictions directly increases the aggressiveness of the imperialists against the land that is building socialism, is compelling the world bourgeoisie to seek a solution of these inherent contradiction of capitalism at the expense of the U.S.S.R., "the Land of the soviet, the citadel of the Revolution, which by its very existence is revolutionizing the working class and the colonies, preventing. . . (the bourgeoisie) ... arranging for a new war, preventing ... [them] ... dividing the world anew, preventing... (them) ... from being masters of our extensive internal market so necessary for capitalists, particularly today, owing to the economic crisis." (Stalin, Speech at the Sixteenth Congress of the CPSU)

The Japanese monarchy, Hitlerist Germany and British impe1i­alism are playing the most active role in organizing war against the Soviet Union. British imperialism is doing everything it can do to encourage and spur on Japan towards an adventurist attack upon the USSR in the East. At the same time, it is striving to fan the antagonisms between Germany and France and between France and Italy in order to recover its position as arbiter in Europe and is organizing the forces of the international bourgeoisie for an attack upon the USSR. in the west. German fascism is combining the executioner.' civil war against the proletariat and the toilers of Germany with preparations for war for the repartitioning of Eu­rope, with feverish efforts to smooth out the antagonisms in the camp of the impcrialists by means of joint action for an attack upon the U.S.S.R. Hitlerist Germany and Pilsudki Poland are striving to settle the increasingly acute conflicts between them at the ex­pense of Soviet territory. The Hitlerite are organizing a fascist coup in Estonia and Latvia for the purpose of preparing for a similar war, and they are trying to find common ground with the -anti-Soviet group among the French imperialist at the expense of the USSR.

Brandishing the Samurai sword and relying upon the magnates of the financial oligarchy the Japanese Minister for war, Araki, solemnly declares:

"For twenty years already, disorder has been continuously reigning in China; up till now no central government has been established there and, in fact, there is no government. Neither in Central Asia nor in Siberia can a scrap of liberty be found. And Mongolia, too, seems to have been transformed into a second Central Asia ....Awakened imperial Japan can no longer tolerate the tyranny of the white race."

It is well known that for barbarity the Japanese monarchy con­cedes nothing to tsarism. It represents 3,000 millionaires who like an octopus have wound their tentacle around a great nation. It represents 40,000 landlords, who like leeches are sucking the blood of the tormented toiling peasants of Japan. It represents the slave owning textile concerns who buy the daughters of the peasantry and pay their workers the wages of colonial coolies. It represent a repulsive, arrogant militarism, which has converted Korea, Formosa, Manchuria, and part of northern China into an arena of savage torment and mockery of enslaved nations and has acquired notoriety for "unprecedented brutality combining all the latest inventions of technique with purely Asiatic torture" (Lenin). 

Through the mouth of Araki is expresed the rage of the British Diehards of the German fascists and of the whole of the reactionary bourgeoisie against the U.S.S.R. They may start a war against the U.S.S.R., but they cannot emerge from such a war without broken head. 


Fascism and Social-Fascism

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