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SPO OGPU about the mood of the student youth.

"Top Secret": Lubyanka to Stalin on the Situation in the Country (1922-1934)

Archive: F. 2. Op. 10. D. 62. L. 1-7. Script

Not earlier than May 1932*

Top secret

1) The active, effective part of the k.-r. intellectuals are young students, young researchers.

2) Personnel k.-r. young people doing active a/s work are made up of socially alien elements hostile to Soviet power (children of the bourgeoisie and bourgeois intelligentsia, "former people", kulaks, merchants, tsarist officials, etc.), penetrating into universities and technical colleges under cover of "worker-peasant origin" (confirmed by the relevant false documents). Characteristic are the following figures for Moscow. Selectively, 453 people were tested in 10 universities. During the verification process, it turned out that out of 453 - 128 people entered the university, hiding their social origin.

The most affected institutions among those tested were:

Name of educational institutionsHow many checkedHow many were alien
Moscow State University6115
Institute of New Languages5124
Moscow Aviation Institute3312
Consumer Cooperation Institute3111

3) An analysis of data on youth groups liquidated in 1931-1932 shows that a/s formations among student youth, as a rule, are not linked to underground political parties, and the process of formation itself takes place outside the direct influence of the political ideology of a/s parties ( Menshevism, Socialist-Revolutionary, Anarchism). Even the Trotskyist influences, which at one time affected the formation of a/c groups among the youth, are now quite insignificant.

The emergence of a/s formations among young students is basically a grassroots process of consolidating elements that are alien to Soviet power, in one way or another infringed by it, looking for forms and methods of struggle. It is these elements that are the organizing, leading beginning. Under their influence in k.-r. The formation involves young people from intermediate social groups (children of handicraftsmen, artisans, employees) and individuals from social strata close to Soviet power.

Presence in a number to organizations of members of the Komsomol is mainly due to the socially alien element in the Komsomol.

4) In conditions of political isolation from the masses, k.-r. groupings of young people, which previously (even in 1931) usually expected to become the core of a ramified underground organization, relying not only on youth forces, but also on a / s elements in the countryside, among the workers, in the Red Army, are now increasingly becoming isolated, as conspiratorial groups of like-minded people, whose immediate goal is exclusively active actions (terror, sabotage, exes), as a result of which it is possible to expect the movement of the masses and their participation in the c.-r. group work.

“We have chosen terror as a method of struggle. We stopped at terror because we considered it absolutely impossible under the present conditions to create a party, because. her failure would be inevitable. The basis and support of our movement should be a / c circles abroad, on the instructions of which (having recommended ourselves as a terrorist attack) we had to act. The attacks were supposed to raise the movement of all dissatisfied elements within the USSR, especially the peasants opposed to collectivization. This ferment inside the country would serve as a guarantee of a successful inventory and would force foreign powers to decide on a military action against the USSR ”(Terrorist youth group of the Central Chernozem).

5) Active k.-r. actions as the immediate task and the main method of k.-r. works are put forward by the majority of K.-R. youth groups. So, according to the PP in the Moscow region, out of 15 k.-r. groups, opened in March-May, 12 were of a terrorist nature. Terror acts here not only as an intention, but as a practically prepared act, for which the groups, first of all, look for (buy, steal) weapons, establish surveillance of the intended persons, examine the place of the assassination, etc., etc.

To characterize the armament of the c.-r. groups are characterized by the results of the May Day operation in Moscow: during the liquidation of 4 k.-r. SPO OGPU groups seized 9 revolvers, 122 live cartridges, rifles, and edged weapons. The organization "Independent Socialist] Union" (Leningrad) possessed rifles, all the materials for making bombs (an attempt was being made on Comrade Kirov and acts of sabotage in industry and transport). The Freedom Society (NVK) also possessed weapons and explosives (it was planned to blow up the GPU building).

6) K.-r. groups of university youth justify the need for terrorist activities theoretically “as a historical necessity and the will of progress” (“Union of Doubters”, LVO). The terrorist group CCHO (sons of bourgeois intellectuals and bourgeois nobles) recite poems praising terror and terrorists.

“My love is the letter “Ka” to me,
Beads flicker around it,
And let the
wrestlers Kaplan and Kanegisser receive the light of the wreath.
And let everyone remember who has
love for their dear one, a glint in their eyes. The fighters of Koverd and Konradi
took revenge on the trampled honor .

The consideration that "the names of Stalin's killers will go down in history" is very important for the terrorist-minded C.R. young.

7) Recently, the orientation is becoming more and more clear not on a single act against the leader of the party, but on a terrorist action against the leadership of the party as a whole. The attempt is conceived as an attack during a demonstration by a group of demonstrators armed from a column on the Mausoleum.

8) The political ideal of the overwhelming majority of the K.-R. youth groupings is "flourishing capitalism with a bourgeois-democratic state system." “Freedom of the individual and personal initiative”, “lack of privileges, equality of citizens and free competition of individuals”, “freedom of creativity”, etc. are glorified. etc. Fascist and social-fascist groups (set as the goal of evolution to socialism through "cultural capitalism") constitute a minority among the youth k.-r. formations. For all these groups, without distinction of ideological and political attitudes, the idea of ​​"state hegemony of the intelligentsia" is characteristic.

Freedom to the People Group (Nizhny [Novgorod])

“Undoubtedly, it is impossible to admit workers and peasants to the leadership, to make them the captain of a Soviet ship. They will not be able to lead, build, arrange forces, organize work. They are far from being able to cope with these tasks, and they will be forced to give up their positions.

“A more knowledgeable person enters the stage, a person who has mastered the basic levers of the sciences in the person of the middle and higher intelligentsia. If so, if we have two groups among humanity: a group of intelligentsia and a group of the gray population, then we need to immediately subdivide the functions of these groups and create a complete interest in the transition from the group of the gray population to the group of intelligentsia.

“First of all, the gray class will need an appropriate authority, which would be a teacher who prepares for the transition to the second stage.”

"Independent Socialist Union" (LVO)

“Concerning the role of the intelligentsia in the progress of the country and considering that the intelligentsia is in the position of an oppressed class, we, drawing an analogy between the Great French Revolution and modernity, defined the intelligentsia as the third estate of the era of the French Revolution.”

The "Organization of Enlightened Youth" (LVO) in its program had the following clause: "Parliament will be elected from among the enlightened part of the population with the representation of one third of its composition - the peasant and working population."

9) If the political attitudes of the c.-r. groupings in the lower levels of education are often insufficiently thought out, not formalized, and are predominantly “negative”, k.-r. groupings in the higher levels of study, especially k.-r. groups of young scientific workers are hard at work on the theoretical substantiation of their struggle against the Soviet regime. These theoretical guidelines, presented in the form of extensive "creeds", journal articles ("The Independent Socialist Union" (LVO), the underground journal "Storm Union of Doubters"), political programs serve as guiding material for processing and educating those recruited into groups. Characteristic is the intensified work of a group of scientific workers on the detailed program of the group, built on the principle of the "Communist Manifesto" and called upon to play the same role in the formation of the c.-r. personnel,

10) An essential moment in the political and tactical attitudes of the K.-R. youth groups is their orientation towards the bourgeois interventionist circles abroad. Bourgeois Europe and America are perceived as c.-r. youth as a true "fatherland". Flight abroad in order to settle down in the bourgeois system (career guarantee - political and economic information about the USSR, political assassinations within the USSR, etc.) or in order to obtain support, guidance and funds for terrorist and sabotage activities around the USSR is an integral part of the plans of the majority of K.-R. youth groups. Intervention, along with terror, is regarded as the best way to overthrow Soviet power. Terrorist acts are more often seen as a pretext for intervention. Hence the plans for terrorist attacks against foreign representatives ("Union of 4",

11) Currently, for k.-r. groups are characterized by the search for connections and support in foreign missions. For this purpose, the members of the groupings first of all select materials that are interesting from the point of view of espionage, which could make representatives of other countries "believe the devotion" of their bearers. Thus, a group of Polish students led by A. Pershin (Valyuk) collected information for the Polish consulate about the deployment of Soviet troops on the western border and about party members sent to work in Poland.

A group of Pokrovsky brothers for the French embassy drew on the map a plan of the airport under construction near Moscow, having previously collected all the necessary information. K.-r. a group led by Osipov (Moscow) intended to transfer secret drawings of the Electrozavod to the French consulate, etc. etc.

12) The role of the "older generation" in relation to k.-r. youth groups is mainly reduced to ideological and political leadership, which is carried out mainly through the head of the c.-r. youth groups, which is the conductor of this influence. He is usually entrusted directly with the organizing role. The facts of the direct leadership of the "older generation" of practical k.-r. activities of groups are insignificant and are characteristic, mainly, for k.-r. formations of young people in the lower levels of education (the leading role of teachers, parents of a terrorist group - "SVBD - Moscow", "Freedom to the People" - Nizhny Novgorod).

Head of the 4th department of the SPO OGPU

F. 2. Op. 10. D. 62. L. 1-7. Script.

* Dated according to the content of the document.

** Attachment is missing in the file.

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