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Final Declaration of the 27th Plenary Session of ICMLPO on Ukraine

The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations

In an atmosphere of revolutionary unity and fraternity, we developed a very productive debate and took a position on the complex economic and political situation in the world, and we defined precise guidelines to advance in the work that our parties and organizations carry out with the working class, as well as with the other exploited and oppressed classes, which are part of the driving forces of the revolution.

The ICMLPO notes that we are living at a particularly important time, which expresses the general crisis of capitalism and creates better conditions for the development of revolutionary activity in each country and internationally. The world economy is facing a new period of slowdown in its growth rate, causing concern in monopoly and financial circles that, until recently, projected higher growth rates. But, above all, we are witnessing a clear sharpening of the fundamental contradictions of the epoch and, in particular, the exacerbation of those that counterpose the monopolies and the imperialist countries among each other.

The struggles between the imperialist countries and powers to redivide again and again a world already divided, to conquer new markets and areas of influence, is the fundamental cause for the outbreak of war in Ukraine which, as we have already denounced, is a conflagration of an inter-imperialist nature. The ICMLPO condemns this war and the warmongers who promoted and nurtured it; we express our solidarity with the people of Ukraine who are victims of the military invasion of Russian imperialism led by Vladimir Putin, of US imperialism – led by Joe Biden – and its allies – the members of the European Union and NATO – and of the reactionary regime of Vladimir Zelensky. But, as in any   conflict of this nature, the effects of war go beyond the local borders and all peoples are bearing   their negative effects on their backs. The danger of famine haunts the poor, particularly in several regions of Africa.

We join our voice to that of millions of workers, youth and women fighting for peace; we demand the end of the war and the dissolution of NATO and other military   pacts of the capitalist countries and imperialist powers, because they constitute a sword of Damocles that hangs over the lives of the peoples. We condemn all the bourgeois political forces: neoliberals, social democrats, fascists, and opportunists who support the war policies.

On all continents, the monopoly bourgeoisie and the oligarchies that govern the countries are continuing with their   well-known policy of placing on the shoulders of the working class and peoples the effects of the serious problems of the world and local economy, but the peoples do not accept with resignation the adjustment plans, the restriction of rights, the laws of capitalist exploitation, the racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant policies, the fascist-ization of the States. The working class and peoples of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe are fighting, demanding that their needs and rights be taken care of, demanding work and better wages, fighting for health care, for the education of the children and young people, for housing, for land to work. By resisting and fighting the policies of the bourgeoisie and oligarchies they are fighting against capitalism and its effects, although not everyone is aware of this situation. Our solidarity with all the workers and peoples of the world who struggle and with their own effort carve out a future of freedom, to all those who have chosen the path of open protest, of the paralysis of production, of insurrectionary action!

We, the parties and organizations that are members of the ICMLPO, reaffirm our commitment to make our best efforts to organize the struggle of the working class and peoples and to direct it against imperialist domination, of the local ruling classes and to achieve social and national emancipation with the exercise of the revolutionary power of the working class    and people. The historical tasks that we Marxist-Leninist communists have in mind, in order to defeat the power of capitalism-imperialism, demand that the proletariat fulfill its leading role in the process, also raise  the need for a broad and iron  unity of the working class with the oppressed peoples and the unification of the   struggle of the proletariat of the advanced capitalist countries  with the struggle of the workers and peoples of the dependent countries.

Only the social revolution of the proletariat will liberate the workers and peoples from the chains of capitalist-imperialist exploitation and oppression; only socialism-communism is the society that guarantees well-being for all humanity. These are the strategic objectives that animate the struggle of the organizations and parties that make up the ICMLPO, to advance to the winning of these objectives, its 27th Plenary has defined precise orientations and tasks that will be part of our daily politics.

The 27th Plenary calls on its members to continue working to strengthen our organizations and improve ties with the working class and people, in order to build a mass revolutionary movement whose aim is the seizure of power and build socialism-communism.

With Marxism-Leninism, for revolution and socialism!

27th Plenary of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations ICMLPO

Dominican Republic

May 2022

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