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V.M. Molotov speech at the meeting of the Moscow Soviet on November 6, 1939. 12th anniversary of the October Revolution.

The anniversary of the October Revolution has always given us, and today again gives us the opportunity to celebrate the major successes of the Soviet Union in the past period. It is as if Soviet power was born under a lucky star if we Soviet people can do this on every anniversary of the October Revolution. But you, comrades, will agree that the point, of course, is not in some kind of "lucky star" and not at all with the help of heaven to the Bolsheviks, but in the fact that since the October Revolution the peoples of our country have thrown off the power of the bourgeoisie, freed themselves from oppressive fetters of capitalism and therefore became capable of great deeds and miracles of creating a new life.

1.     The ways of capitalism and the Soviet Union.

The October Revolution tore our country out of capitalist society, and since then two worlds have been formed: the old world of capitalism, which encompasses all capitalist countries and the colonies and semi-colonies subject to them, and the new world of socialism, born by Soviet power in our country. Rotten and decrepit capitalism is already looking back and clearly living out its life. The new world born of the October Revolution, gaining new strength every day, is raising its head ever higher.

Capitalism is tenacious, although it is no longer on the rise, but in its decline. Capitalism clings to everything in order to prolong its existence. But what does it bring to the peoples of the capitalist countries, and what is it capable of in our time?

Capitalism, which has amassed and concentrated enormous wealth in the hands of the narrow elite of bourgeois society, does not and cannot provide a correct way of using this wealth in the interests of the masses of the people, in the interests of the working people. The accumulation of this wealth in the hands of a few major capitalists, bankers and money kings only gives rise to frenzied competition and struggle for power in the ruling classes of modern capitalist society, both within these countries and between capitalist states. At the top of such a society, living in the pursuit of new wealth and not enduring any obstacles on this path, there can only be wolf rules of life and public morality and complete disregard for any and all interests of the broad masses of the working population.

The workers, peasants and broad sections of the intelligentsia are left to drag out their share of a half-starved existence, the existence of downtrodden and forced people without a glimmer of a better life under capitalism. Capitalism breeds ever new economic crises, murderous unemployment in the cities. Hopeless hunger strikes in the countryside, increased burdens of national and colonial slavery for many hundreds of millions of people, and endless bloody wars, without which capitalism cannot exist. Still recently, in the years from 1929 to 1933, the capitalist countries experienced the gravest world economic crisis with all its disasters, unemployment and the decline of the material life of the masses of the people in town and country. As soon as this grave crisis, more or less subsided, a new economic crisis began in 1937,

Is there still any need for proof that the accumulation of untold wealth by the top of capitalist society does not give any light to the improvement of the life of the masses of the people? Is there any need for proof that internal affairs in the countries of capitalism are bad as hell? That discontent is naturally accumulating here among the exploited and oppressed masses and unavoidable new outbursts of popular anger against the power of capital are being prepared in various forms, but in all capitalist countries this takes place.

The more we learn about the internal situation and internal contradictions in the countries of capitalism, the clearer it becomes to us why the bourgeois countries of late are increasingly looking for a way out of the existing situation in external adventures, in the seizure and plunder of foreign lands and colonies, in new redivisions of the world by war. Even the richest and, so to speak, fattened by the riches of the country, do not find in their internal forces a way out of the situation that has arisen, and they are not able to look for a way out that will in any way satisfy the masses of the people. As can be seen, the source of the further upsurge of the internal forces of modern capitalist society has been exhausted and is generally coming to an end. This should be seen as the root cause of the new foreign adventures of the imperialist powers. This is the real root of modern wars, the number and scope of which are growing before our eyes.

In the well-known course "History of the CPSU (b)" published last year and in the report of Comrade Stalin, at the 18th Party Congress, a vivid picture of the second imperialist war was given, which in recent years has captured a number of countries in Europe and Asia. As you know, since then this war has not waned, but, on the contrary, has significantly increased its scope.

What do we have today?

For the third year in the East, a war has been going on between Japan and China. This means that Japan, with a population of seventy-two million, is drawn into the war, as well as Japanese colonies with a population of several tens of millions. It also means the participation in this war of China with a population of 450 million people. Thus, about 570 million were involved in one way or another in the imperialist war in Asia. This war has already caused millions of deaths, the devastation of many cities and several thousand villages in China, and there is no end in sight to the bloody victims and enormous disasters.

In recent months, a big war has broken out in the West as well. Participating in this war are, on the one hand, England, and France, which are increasingly drawing into the war not only their own population, but also the population of their dominions and colonies, and, on the other hand, Germany, the second largest state in Europe. This means that up to 750 million people are involved in the war in the West - if we consider that the colonies of England and France are to some extent involved in the war.

It turns out that in both the West and the East, not even counting the colonies, about seven hundred million people have already been drawn into the war, and together with the colonies this will amount to over 1,300 million people. Thus, more than half of the world's population of 2.120 million people is, to one degree or another, already involved in the war in Europe and Asia.

Such is the main, so to speak, "achievement" with which the capitalist world has come to this day.

Despite this, it cannot be said that the further scope of the war has already been suspended. The case is quite the opposite. True, there was a small misfire. Some plans to expand the war were frustrated, for example, by drawing the Soviet Union into the war. We, the Soviet people, showed once again in time that we live not with someone else's mind, but with our own mind. (Applause. Voices: "Correct").

But if we talk about the capitalist world, then now there is a most intense struggle between the warring powers to increase the number of their allies, to win neutral countries over to their side. We must not turn a blind eye to the fact that the drawing of neutrals into the orbit of the war is carried out very actively and already has known results. This prepares for the further expansion of the field engulfed in war. We know, for example, what serious questions were raised by the conclusion of the British and French mutual assistance pact with Turkey. A struggle is unfolding to draw into the orbit of the war some Balkan countries, individual countries of Scandinavia, as well as other states. If the European war is destined to drag on - and the ruling circles of England and France are doing everything precisely for this prolongation and kindling of the war, in order to use it in the interests of strengthening their world domination and securing their numerous colonies, then the number of neutral countries in Europe will decrease, and the number of states drawn into the imperialist war will inevitably increase. It is also known that for some countries neutrality serves only as a mask to cover up the incitement and expansion of the war, from which they hope to get high profits at the expense of the warring peoples, at the expense of their grief, victims, and ruin.  

Thus, so far not only is there no end in sight to the war in Europe and Asia, but rather, on the contrary, the passions around this war are all flaring up, since the imperialist circles, apparently, have completely lost faith in the possibility of improving their internal affairs and are building their calculations, mainly , on new imperialist conquests, on a new redivision of the world in favor of the most powerful imperialist powers, and on crushing and eliminating their competitors and all claims to their colonies and colonial wealth.

Consequently, in the present war the foundations have been laid for a new, and already worldwide, imperialist war, provided, of course, the working class agrees to tolerate the continuation of such a policy of the imperialist powers.

Today we face the danger that the war in Europe, together with the war in Asia, will turn - if this is not resolutely rebuffed - into a new, worldwide, bloody slaughter of nations. This is what the capitalist world has produced today.

The Soviet Union meets the 22nd anniversary of the October Revolution with different results. Thanks to the consistent pursuit of its peace policy, the USSR, as before, enjoys the benefits of peace in order to advance even more successfully along the path of upsurge in all branches of the country's economic and cultural development. In the light of the new successes of socialism, with which the Soviet Union has come to this day, the hopeless crisis of capitalist society becomes even more obvious.

Compare the state of affairs in the multinational Soviet Union with what happened in Poland, which yesterday still represented a multinational bourgeois state built on the oppression of all non-Polish nationalities. The state created by the Polish landlords and capitalists went bankrupt with all its leaders. Bourgeois Poland collapsed in spite of the "guarantees" promised to it by certain great powers, thereby showing not only its own weakness, but also some obvious trouble in the policy of certain European powers. But, if the multinational Polish state, built against the will of the Polish people themselves, on the oppression of non-Polish nationalities, showed, at the first test, its weakness, fragility, and failure, then the Soviet Union is a multinational state of a different type, - built on a completely different basis, namely, on the basis of equality and friendship of all its nationalities - showed, on the contrary, its strength and indestructible strength. In the USSR, the friendly life of the entire family of numerous Soviet peoples is ensured and the moral and political unity of the Soviet, socialist society is steadily growing stronger, which is a guarantee of the invincible might of our state, built on the basis of the great principles of the Leninist-Stalinist national policy, on the basis of equality and the fraternal union of the nations that make up into its composition.(Applause).

The internal fortress, military might, and international prestige of the Soviet Union are now making themselves felt more and more. As a result of this, in connection with the collapse of the Polish state and the successful actions of our Red Army, Western Ukraine with a population of eight million and Western Belarus with a population of almost five million are now reunited with Soviet Ukraine and Soviet Belarus. (Stormy applause.) This is one of the most remarkable successes of our foreign policy in recent times. To this day, this is one of our most glorious results, which the Soviet Union, faithful to the principles of its peaceful foreign policy and proletarian internationalism, can be proud of. (Applause).

Soviet Belorussia almost doubled in size and population and became a state with a population of ten million, which many European states do not have. From now on, an end has been put to the splitting of the Belarusian people. Throughout the territory, the Belarusian people are united into one whole, and we can now say that Belarus is completely reunited. The same should be said about the Ukrainian people, which for many centuries was split into parts and survived for a long time the most severe national oppression. Now the Ukrainian people throughout the entire territory are united into one whole. The cherished dreams of the best of the Ukrainian people, who made incalculable sacrifices for the cause of their national liberation, came true. Finally, it's time to say: from now on, Ukraine is reunited. (Applause). One must think that Ukraine, with its current thirty-nine million inhabitants and rapid population growth, will soon be able to catch up with some great countries, at least France, with its forty-two million population. Our fraternal republics, Ukraine, and Belarus, grew up, and our brothers from Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, with great joy and faith in their future, joined the ranks of Soviet citizens. (Prolonged applause.) Thus, the entire Soviet Union also grew, pushing its borders significantly to the West. There is something to congratulate the Soviet Union on the 22nd anniversary of October! (Stormy, prolonged applause.)

Of course, we must not forget that 9/10 of humanity still lives within the framework of capitalist society, under the domination of capitalism. The Soviet Union makes up less than 1/10 of the world's population. But, as you can see, the capitalist world has recently had to make some room and retreat (a cheerful revival in the hall), and the Soviet Union, with the inclusion of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, has grown in its territory, as well as in terms of population - by about thirteen million people. On this basis, we have the right to congratulate the peoples of the Soviet Union on the fact that our Soviet family of 170 million has become 183 million Soviet people. (Stormy, prolonged applause.)

Thus, a comparison of the paths of development of the countries of capitalism and the Soviet Union speaks not in favor of the capitalist world, but quite the contrary.

Even at the beginning of the first imperialist war, analyzing the present, highest stage of capitalism, Lenin gave a brilliantly profound assessment of the modern capitalist world. Even then, Lenin said that with all its achievements in the field of material culture and technology, modern capitalism is decrepit, parasitic capitalism, rotting in the bud. Approximately a quarter of a century has passed since then, and the Marxist analysis given by Lenin has received countless practical and scientific-theoretical confirmations. Since then, many gaping cracks and fetid abscesses have been exposed in the entire organism of capitalist society, not to mention the fact that the October Socialist Revolution practically raised the question of the final demolition of the entire capitalist system.

Everything now points to the fact that the internal forces of capitalist society have been so undermined by the processes of decay of capitalism that without war, without new and new external imperialist adventures, capitalism can no longer exist.

For the vast majority of the population of the capitalist countries, the workers, peasants, broad sections of the intelligentsia, capitalism can no longer provide any tolerable and stable position, despite all the enormous wealth that has accumulated in the hands of the top of the ruling classes. The greater the size of these riches, the more violent the imperialists' striving for world domination and the more implacable they are towards their competitors, whom they are ready to put an end to at any cost at the expense of their own people and other peoples, but only not by concession in terms of their world domination.

Therefore, the former speeches of the leaders of the bourgeoisie that the first imperialist war would also be the last war have long been forgotten. On the contrary, the leaders of modern capitalist states, especially the most powerful of them, and their accomplices of the Blume and Attlee group are looking for an improvement in their affairs and a way out of their internal difficulties in a new imperialist war. The criminality of modern warfare lies on their responsibility, on the responsibility of those who are prolonging and fomenting the current war, on the responsibility of those who do not cease to be engaged in the criminal deception of the broad masses, as if all this is done in the name of defending democracy. From this it must be concluded that the modern rulers of capitalist society and their "socialist" clerks cannot be expected to voluntarily renounce war, its kindling and expansion, but, on the contrary, one can most likely expect the transformation of the present war in Europe and Asia into a new world bloody slaughter of peoples for the sake of preserving and strengthening the world domination of the interested imperialist powers.

All this is opposed by the Soviet Union with its policy of peace, with its ardent striving to bring the war to an end as soon as possible. From this it is clear that the peaceful foreign policy of the Soviet Union not only meets the fundamental interests of the peoples of our country and the interests of the states allied to us, but also the interests of all mankind, if we actually mean the masses of the people of other states, and not the ruling handfuls of bosses of the imperialist powers. This means that the all-round growth of the internal forces of the Soviet Union and the strengthening of its international prestige is not only our sacred duty, the sacred duty of all Soviet people, but also meets the deep interests of all peoples who yearn for peace and the speediest end to the war.

That is why the great names - the name of Lenin, the father of the Soviet Union, and the name of Stalin, the leader of the peoples of the USSR (stormy, long-lasting applause, turning into an ovation. Everyone stands up), are pronounced with such love and faith in the future, not only in our country, but and far, far beyond the Soviet Union. The names of Lenin and Stalin give rise to bright hopes in all corners of the world and thunder like a call to fight for peace and the happiness of peoples, to fight for complete liberation from capitalism. (Prolonged applause.)

2.     The growth of the internal forces of the Soviet Union.

The growth of the internal forces of the Soviet Union is now showing in everything—in our economic construction, in the development of the culture of the Soviet peoples, in the increased power of the country's defense, in all our policy and its successes.

In the economic field, we have put forward a program, the implementation of which means that in a short 10-15 years we will be able to overtake and outstrip the most developed capitalist countries also economically. This means that our country, despite all the successes and the tremendous rise in the technical level of industrial production and transport achieved, is still economically behind some of the capitalist states. But this also tells all of us, the Soviet people, all the workers, peasants, and intelligentsia of the Soviet Union, that the feelings of Soviet patriotism in our hearts must be kindled even more strongly in order not only to solve, but also to accelerate in every viable way the solution of this basic economic task of the USSR.

Today we can sum up some of the results of the development of the national economy over the past year, or, more precisely, over the 10 months of 1939.

The relevant data, when compared with last year, show that our industry, taken as a whole, shows a growth of 14.4 percent, while large-scale industry directly gives a growth of 15 percent. This means that the growth rate of our industry this year is higher than the rate of growth last year, when industry also showed not a slight increase, namely, by 12 percent. This also means that the rate of growth of our industry is not only at the level of the targets of the third five-year plan, according to which the average annual increase is set at 14 percent, but even exceeds this target. The products of machine-building and defense enterprises stand out for their growth. Here the increase reaches 29 percent. As for the defense industry itself, which grew at an accelerated pace in past years, (Animation in the hall. Applause).

It can be said that our industry is fulfilling its tasks successfully for the most part. This does not relieve us, however, of responsibility for the absolutely unacceptable lag in such important industries as metallurgy and fuel. We would, of course, like greater growth in our light industry, although we are well aware that even now, we must still give unconditional priority to the needs of strengthening the country's defense and its industrial might. However, our light industry, including the textile industry, must be able to cope successfully with the fulfillment of the annual plan set for it.

Further, we should note our achievements in raising the productivity of labor in large-scale industry. The implementation of certain measures to strengthen labor discipline and to bring the management of industry closer to the enterprises themselves has already yielded positive results. If last year we had an increase in labor productivity in industry by 11 percent, then this year we have an increase in labor productivity in excess of the established plan, namely, by 17 percent. This means that we have been able to carry out a significantly increased volume of industrial production compared to last year with the same and even somewhat smaller composition of workers, which, given the shortage of skilled workers in our country, is of a very positive sign.

In the field of agriculture, several significant measures for collective-farm construction have been adopted over the past year. It suffices to point to such decisions of the Party and government as the resolution on measures to protect the public lands of the collective farms from squandering, measures to strengthen labor discipline on the collective farms, and very important measures to promote public animal husbandry on the collective farms. All these measures are imbued with one main goal: to eliminate petty-bourgeois distortions in the practice of collective farm construction, as a result of which the private interests of the collective farmers often come out ahead of the public interests of the collective farm economy.

The results of these activities are visible. Despite some unfavorable climatic conditions, this year we have achieved new significant successes in agriculture. Thus, the grain harvest reached 6.5 billion poods, which is 11 percent higher than last year's harvest. For raw cotton, we have a further increase in production by 5 percent, for flax - by 16 percent, for sugar beet - by 26 percent, while for potatoes this increase reaches 60 percent against last year. There is also a steady growth, one might say, in all types of animal husbandry. Grain procurement this year also showed an increase against last year.

I will say a few more words about the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, especially since next year it will have its continuation. Almost three and a half million people visited the exhibition. Familiarization of the collective farmers and the population in general with the outstanding achievements of our agriculture will be of great importance for the further development of the creative initiative of the advanced collective farmers and for the development of collective farm economy in general. The exhibition gave many thousands of collective farmers the opportunity to get acquainted with the numerous outstanding achievements of collective farms and collective farmers, often of world significance. So, links TT. Efremov and Chumanova in the Altai Territory served as an impetus for a whole movement on collective farms for a harvest of 400-500 pounds of wheat per hectare. Moreover, the exhibition widely spread throughout the country not only that the collective farmer Chumanov received a wheat harvest of 512 pounds per hectare, and the collective farmer Kovbas - 510 pounds of wheat per hectare, but also such a fact as the achievement this year by the collective farmer Sergeeva of 607 pounds of wheat per hectare. The exhibition also widely popularized such achievements as the yield achieved by the unit of the collective farmer-Azerbaijani Aliyeva, 151 centners of cotton per hectare, or the yield achieved in Uzbekistan by the unit of the collective farmer Khudoev, 125 centners of cotton per hectare. As you can see, the world American cotton harvest record of 60 centners per hectare was broken several times in the Soviet Union. The news about the many remarkable achievements of the collective farms in the field of animal husbandry has now spread widely throughout the collective farms.

A number of measures were taken at the exhibition in order to widely popularize the best examples of work in our agriculture and to facilitate the transfer of the experience of the best collective farms, collective farmers and collective farmers to new areas and new branches of agriculture. But it must be admitted that the agricultural exhibition can do much more than it has already done for the development of competition between collective farms, between districts, between regions and republics, and that it has a lot to do in the future to ensure an even faster rise of collective-farm and state-farm economy.

In the area of ​​raising the culture of the peoples of the Soviet Union, we have made a major new step forward in the past year. This is evidenced by the growth of our schools and libraries, the steady growth of our press, theater, cinema, and other arts. We are witnessing not only the rise of national cultures, but also the rapprochement of these cultures with each other. All the new decades of displaying national art in Moscow, testifying to the great achievements of our republics, and arousing great interest in our capital, clearly testify to this. This is also evidenced by such facts that the nationwide celebration of the anniversaries of such great people as the Russian poet Pushkin and the Ukrainian poet Shevchenko is joined by new famous names of national poets and legendary heroes of other peoples of our country.

It must be admitted that socialist culture has already made considerable progress in our country. The profoundly revolutionary character of this new culture does not signify a denial of the cultural achievements of the past, does not signify a rejection of the cultural heritage of the peoples. On the contrary, all the real achievements of the culture of the peoples, no matter how far they go back in time, are highly valued in a socialist state and now stand up before their people and before the peoples of the entire Soviet Union revived, in their real ideological splendor. The Bolsheviks are not among the people who do not remember kinship with their people. We, the Bolsheviks, have come from the very midst of the people; we appreciate and love the glorious deeds of the history of our people, as well as of all other peoples. We know very well that real progress, which is possible only on the basis of socialism, (Stormy applause.)

The most important thing in the achievements of the Soviet Union to date is that we, all over the country, among all the Soviet peoples, have grown cadres of new, conscious Soviet people who are leading millions and tens of millions. These people have a new way, not in the way that is encountered at every step, in capitalist society, and not in the way it was until recently in our country, but really in a new way, in a socialist way, regarding their work and their duties to state. This does not mean that there are no backward people in our Soviet environment. No, there are many more. Moreover, it must be admitted that the social and cultural level of the broad strata has not yet risen quite enough, judging from the point of view of the prospects of communism. But our people, the people of the Soviet country, have gone through 22 years of the October Socialist Revolution. They already have to a certain extent, new ideas about relations between people and new views on duties to the people and the socialist state have grown, which are fundamentally different from the ideas of people imbued with the bourgeois prejudices of capitalist society. It is these new people who set the tone in our country, right down to the plants, factories, and collective farms.

You know that the best representatives of these new people in the working class are the Stakhanovites and Stakhanovites, who really break the old, low standards of labor productivity and provide remarkable examples of highly productive socialist labor. The number of such Stakhanovists is growing, which, in turn, is a good indicator of the rise in the cultural and technical level of the working class. Their ranks are now replenished by the initiators of multi-machine work, who have switched from working on one machine to working on several machines, not only not lowering, but even increasing the productivity of each machine separately. Among them should be included the initiators of the combination of professions, as well as the initiators who came out from among Soviet women in the development of some new professions and industries for women. The new technology, which is widespread in our industry, and the presence of increased production experience and knowledge among a wide circle of workers and working women, allow us to hope that these new forms of the Stakhanovist movement will continue to develop successfully. This will advance labor productivity, alleviate the shortage of qualified production personnel and, at the same time, will further raise the cultural and technical level of the working class and bring it closer to the level of engineering and technical workers. The Stakhanovite movement, in all its forms of growth, is an indication that the new people brought up by the Soviet government have gained great weight in the Soviet Union and there is a broad and growing desire among the masses to be equal to these advanced people of our country.

The Stakhanovite movement is growing in our country, and the new socialist-conscious attitude to work is capturing ever broader masses of the working class and the collective-farm countryside, making special progress where there are worthy leaders of the cause.

In our country, among young people, and even just among children, a new attitude to learning is becoming stronger, imbued with a sincere desire for knowledge and, at the same time, a deep desire to become truly useful citizens of their state, their people. Every true leader, teacher, educator knows this and finds the greatest satisfaction in it.

We have a great desire for culture, for art and for various forms of social life among the broadest masses of the working people in town and country. We should learn to satisfy these growing demands and the craving of the masses of the people better and more widely for culture and for a new, brighter life.

We have laid the reliable foundations of Soviet patriotism, for which our Red Army is famous and for which the peoples of the Soviet Union are so widely embraced. This Soviet patriotism took its toll off the coast of Khasan and on the Mongol-Manchu border. The campaign of our Red Army in Western Ukraine and Western Belarus was imbued with the spirit of high Soviet patriotism, when our Red Infantry made transitions of 60-70 kilometers a day. We know the high qualities of Soviet patriotism, we know that when our fighters selflessly, like heroes, rushed into battle with exclamations: “For the Motherland!”, “For Stalin!”, then all of us, brought up by the Lenin-Stalin party and the peoples of all The Soviet Union saw in this that for Soviet patriots, the motherland and communism are united into one inseparable whole. (Loud applause.)

All this means that the Soviet Union is not only a powerful advanced industry, with its rapid and steady Bolshevik rise, and not only the collective farms created by the Soviet government, representing the highest form of organization of the peasant economy, but it is, first and foremost, millions and tens of millions. Soviet people, new people on the globe, imbued with a socialist-conscious attitude to work and study, inspired by Soviet patriotism to do glorious deeds for their people and for the common cause of the peoples of the whole world. (Applause). Much has already been done for the communist education of the Soviet people. But this is only the beginning of the work. Even now we must recognize as one of the main tasks of our domestic policy the task of communist education of the workers, peasants, office workers and our entire intelligentsia. Helping the advanced people of our country in everything and raising high the names of the selfless heroes of socialism, we must take special care of the backward and the lagging behind - those who especially need Bolshevik leadership. At the same time, we must in many ways intensify our concern for cultivating cadres of our own, the Soviet intelligentsia, who are second to none in their cultural level and completely devoted to the people and the socialist state. (Applause). Needless to say, forgetting about the enemies of the people in the field of domestic politics or giving them some kind of indulgence means committing a crime against your people, against your homeland.

Next in line are new elections to workers' councils. The scope of this election campaign is evidenced by the fact that throughout the Soviet Union 1,300,000 deputies are to be elected to village, district, city, and regional soviets. The number of these deputies exceeds, as you see, the number of inhabitants of small European states. (Laugh). In these elections we must further consolidate the bloc of communists and non-party people. We will not only not regret, but we will welcome if the elections carry out a purge of the Soviet apparatus of useless and corrupted bureaucratic elements. That's what the new elections are for, in order to do a good job of cleaning our bodies from any bureaucratic mold. For this, by the way, it is necessary to strengthen the bloc of communists and non-party people in every possible way.

At the same time, we have full confidence that the new elections to the workers' councils will be a powerful new demonstration of the invincible moral and political unity of Soviet society, rallied around our party and government. (Applause). In these elections questions of the daily life of the working people and the improvement of the work of local soviets should take center stage. This is, of course, correct. But it is also correct that these elections will in many ways help to raise all our political work, to make even more understandable to the broad masses not only the internal but also the foreign policy of the Soviet Union.

* * *

There is no need for me to dwell on the foreign policy of the Soviet government today. All the main things were said recently at the Supreme Council, and you are well aware. Nevertheless, it is useful to recall certain events and the lessons we have learned in connection with the underestimation of the dangers in our midst associated with the existence of the Soviet Union in the conditions of an external capitalist encirclement.

The now defeated enemies of the people, from among all these Trotskyist-Bukharin agents of foreign intelligence, as you know, drew their treacherous conclusions from the fact of the capitalist encirclement. They went for the sale of the Soviet Union, for secession in favor of the capitalist powers and Primorye, and Ukraine, and Transcaucasia, as well as Central Asia and Belarus. These crimes against the peoples of the Soviet Union were not destined to be committed, because the peoples of the Soviet Union strongly believe in their cause, because our ship is being led by Comrade Stalin. (Stormy applause, turning into an ovation. Everyone rises.) Despite the intrigues of enemies, internal and external, the criminal plans failed and covered their heads with shame. The Soviet Union remained unshakable, even stronger and, as you see, stepped forward, expanded Soviet territory, and our country became even more formidable for enemies and even more dear to the Soviet peoples, all their sincere friends throughout the world. (Prolonged applause.)

We are rightfully proud of the successes of our domestic policy, but we also speak with satisfaction of the major successes of our foreign policy.

The capitalist world is beginning to learn more and more that the USSR is not what they would like to see it. They would like to see our country weak, succumbing to pressure from outside, but in reality, it turns out the opposite (applause), because the Soviet Union has been and remains firmly united, powerful, and indestructible. (Applause). And this is because all these years we have been tirelessly concerned about the security of our state, about the strength of our defense. It cost considerable material sacrifices, but we ensured peace for the peoples of the Soviet Union. (Stormy applause.)

We cannot know what external tests we will have to face. But we know one thing very well: we must not weaken, but even more and more persistently strengthen the defense power of our state. (Applause).

The Bolshevik policy provided the Soviet Union with an enormous growth of internal forces, and now our country is no longer afraid of any external trials. (Applause). The mighty source of the internal forces of the Soviet Union is inexhaustible, and every year our enemies have to reckon more seriously with this indisputable historical fact. (Applause). And yet we know that the best foreign policy of the Soviet Union is our tried-and-true peace policy, which has already ensured us no small success.

We must continue to pursue this domestic and foreign policy unswervingly. In this we see the will of the peoples of the Soviet Union, inspired by the great party of Lenin-Stalin.

We are entering the twenty-third year of the October Socialist Revolution. We will go forward along the same true, tried, and tested Leninist Road, as we have been going through all these years. This is the path that leads us to the final victory of Soviet power.

Long live our October Socialist Revolution! (Stormy applause.)

 Long live the working class, the collective farm peasantry, the socialist intelligentsia of the Soviet Union! (Applause).

Long live our powerful defense and its indestructible strength - our Red Army, our Navy! (Applause).

Long live the great invincible banner of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin! (Stormy applause, turning into an ovation. Everyone rises.)

Long live Leninism! (Applause).

Long live the Bolshevik Party and long live our Stalin! (Stormy, prolonged applause, turning into an ovation. Everyone rises. The orchestra plays the Internationale. Shouts in honor of Comrade Stalin are heard in the hall.). Comrades! The anniversary of the October Revolution has always given us, and today again gives us the opportunity to celebrate the major successes of the Soviet Union in the past period. It is as if Soviet power was born under a lucky star if we Soviet people can do this on every anniversary of the October Revolution. But you, comrades, will agree that the point, of course, is not in some kind of "lucky star" and not at all in the help of heaven to the Bolsheviks, but in the fact that since the October Revolution the peoples of our country have thrown off the power of the bourgeoisie, freed themselves from oppressive fetters of capitalism and therefore became capable of great deeds and miracles of creating a new life.

Translated for the evaluation process of current issue 

Marxist Leninist Discussion Group

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