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Does freedom of expression encourage war and destruction?

May 24, 2024


Constitutional Court robbers wearing legal uniforms are justifying the distribution of anti-North Korea leaflets

* This article is the full text of remarks made at a press conference on May 24, 2024, at 10:00 am: “Call for and condemn the distribution of anti-North Korea leaflets.”

I heard that the distribution of anti-North Korea leaflets is resuming.

As soon as I heard the news, I immediately thought of World War I, which broke out in 1914.

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Crown Prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in Sarajevo by 19-year-old Serbian far-right nationalist Gavrilo Princip directly sparked a war between the nationalist powers.

In a situation where the conflict between imperialists who occupy and seize colonies and semi-colonies like trophies is heightened, this assassination became a catalyst, leading directly to the devastation of a world war that resulted in the deaths of up to 25 million people, which led to the second peace treaty of Versailles. It was the direct cause of the Great War.

In history, coincidence and necessity intersect like this. However, the distribution of anti-North Korea leaflets is not accidental, but intentional and systematic.

A single gunshot erupted into a world war during the confrontation between imperialists and the war of plunder, plunging humanity into a war of slaughter, and the recent distribution of anti-North Korea leaflets is likewise an extremely dangerous play with fire.

The Moon Jae-in administration, which obeyed the United States' hostile policy toward North Korea, destroyed the Panmunjom Declaration and the Pyeongyang Joint Declaration that it had agreed upon, and eventually, when the Yoon Seok-yeol administration came into power, it called for the theory of North Korea as an enemy and preemptive strike, and openly engaged in an unprecedented scale and unprecedented number of strikes together with the United States. By openly carrying out war maneuvers to invade North Korea under the guise of training, war clouds once again descended on the South, North, and Northeast Asia.

In the end, the North announced its position to transform compatriot/ethnic relations into hostile relations, and the ever-present war crisis has now become a rather strange situation if war does not break out.

Although World War I started with a single, unpredictable gunshot, we can make some predictions about where the fighting between North and South Korea will begin.

These are military exercises between South Korea and the United States, which are a war of aggression against North Korea, confrontation over the northern border in the West Sea and other areas, and distribution of anti-North Korea leaflets.

In a situation where the agreement between North and South Korea is effectively neutralized, anti-North Korea leaflets with sordid and low-level content that are even embarrassing to say are distributed and the North destroys the inter-Korean liaison office. When we look at the third example of the distribution of anti-North Korea leaflets, how dangerous is playing with fire? You will know better.

The reason these far-right forces openly resumed their dangerous and crazy actions was because they were protected by constitutional court robbers wearing legal uniforms.

On September 26, 2023, the Constitutional Court ruled that the ‘Partial Amendment to the Act on the Development of Inter-Korean Relations’ (the so-called Anti-North Korea Leaflet Distribution Prohibition Act) was excessive infringing on freedom of expression, and two and a half years after it was enacted, “The purpose of the legislation is justified, but the principle of prohibition of excess does not apply.” It was ruled unconstitutional, saying it “violates”.

Seven out of nine judges of the Constitutional Court ruled that it was unconstitutional, and these so-called thieves protecting the law claimed that Article 24, Paragraph 1, No. 3 of the Inter-Korean Relations Development Act (prohibition on distributing leaflets in border areas with North Korea) “The harm to the lives and bodies of citizens is entirely attributable to North Korea.” Considering that it is caused by provocation, this provision shifts responsibility to the person who spreads leaflets,” and “For a crime to be established, there must be an intention to cause harm to the lives and bodies of citizens due to the act of spreading leaflets, etc. This is used as the basis for determining that this law is unconstitutional.

However, anyone who knows anything about the truth of history clearly knows that the conflict and war crisis between North and South Korea is due to the United States and its domestic allies, who have occupied this land as an occupying force since liberation and have pursued a hostile policy toward North Korea. The same goes for the collapse of agreements between South and North Korea, including the inter-Korean military agreement that heightened the current war crisis. However, those sitting in the Constitutional Court wearing judicial uniforms were ignorant of this historical truth and made decisions without knowing how dangerous they were playing with fire.

In order for the distribution of leaflets to be considered a crime, “there must be an intention to cause harm to the lives and bodies of the people.” This leaflet distribution caused a war between North and South Korea to break out, killing and injuring millions and tens of thousands of people, and turning our home into a sea of ​​fire. We can go back to the Stone Age, but they cause no harm and have no intention. Does it make sense for these robbers to be guardians of the law?

There is no way to suppress my anger at the shameless double standards of these guardians of the law.

The Constitutional Court said on the same day that the ban on leaflets against North Korea was unconstitutional as it excessively infringed on the freedom of expression, but also said on the same day,

“Regulating the possession and distribution of subversive acts and subversive expressions is a timely exercise of public power to ensure the safety of the nation.” “It is an inevitable choice to protect the existence, survival and freedom of the people,” the decision said, adding that the National Security Act is constitutional.

The exact opposite decision was made based on a completely double standard that promotes playing with fire that triggers war as freedom of expression, but condemns the progress of this society and freedom of conscience when speaking of truth and truth.

By whom are the “security and existence of the nation, and the survival and freedom of the people” being violated?

This regime, which actually has the power to appoint six judges, including the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, is behind this crazy play. And as always, the United States is behind it all.

Susan Scholte, chairwoman of the North Korean Freedom Coalition (NKFC), told the Voice of America (VOA) on April 25, 2024, “The truth will set the North Korean people free,” and that the inflow of information on North Korea is “absolutely important,” and actively distributed leaflets against North Korea. I defended it.

It is a known fact that Susan Salty's source of funding is the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), an organization created by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

Sang-hak Park revealed through conservative media that he received money directly from Susan Solti, and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the Human Resources Development Foundation (HDRF) of the U.S. State Department also continued to provide funds to Sang-hak Park. (Reporter Lee Chang-yoon, “US support for distributing anti-North Korea leaflets threatens the lives of Koreans,” Daebulcheong and other young religious leaders send protest letter to US President Biden, 2021-05-31, Buddhist Journal)

When you look at the legal battle over embezzlement and misappropriation of funds between far-right North Korean defectors who send out anti-North Korea leaflets, you can clearly see how ugly and dangerous this game of fire is.

Sending leaflets to North Korea is playing with fire and setting fire to a powder keg. We must stop sending anti-North Korea leaflets and root out those behind them.

Freedom of expression should be for truth, truth, and social progress, not for lies, destruction, and war.

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