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Formalizing the alliance of Three; Russia-North Korea defense agreement

What does this agreement mean, let’s say, for the Sea of Japan, Asia Pacific, and most importantly for the US forces in the region, for South Korea, Japan?  Is there a similar treaty between China and North Korea? Is this the formal declaration of China, Russia, North Korean defense alliance.?

With all the downplaying headlines and commentaries about the defense treaty between Russia and North Korea, US and West is going through a phase of shock and denial.

The treaty not only affects Asia but the world in general as far as the balance of military power and definitely negates the possibility of nuclear war.

Let’s read the defense related sections of the summary of the treaty published on June 20 in the North Korean News Paper.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation, signed the "Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the DPRK and the Russian Federation" on June 19.

According to the treaty, the two sides, taking into account their national laws and international obligations, shall permanently maintain and develop the comprehensive strategic partnership based on mutual respect for state sovereignty, territorial inviolability, non-interference in internal affairs, principle of equality and other principles of international law concerning friendly relations and cooperation between nations.

The two sides shall exchange views on the issues of bilateral relations and international issues of mutual concern through dialogue and negotiations, including summit talks, and intensify concerted action and cooperation in the international arenas.

The two sides shall aspire to global strategic stability and establishment of a new fair and equal international order, maintain close mutual communication, and strengthen strategic and tactical cooperation.

In case a direct threat of armed invasion is created against any one of the two sides, the two sides shall immediately operate the channel of bilateral negotiations for the purpose of adjusting their stands at the request of any one side and discussing feasible practical measures to ensure mutual assistance for removing the prevailing threat.

In case any one of the two sides is put in a state of war by an armed invasion from an individual state or several states, the other side shall provide military and other assistance with all means in its possession without delay in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter and the laws of the DPRK and the Russian Federation.

Each side is obliged not to conclude with any third country any agreement encroaching upon the other side's sovereignty, security, territorial inviolability, rights to freely opt for and develop political, social, economic, and cultural systems and other core interests, nor to take part in such actions.

The two sides, with the aim of maintaining international peace and security, shall discuss and cooperate with each other in the matters concerning the global and regional development that could be a direct or indirect challenge to their common interests and security within the framework of international bodies, including the UN and its specialized organs.

The two sides shall provide mechanisms for taking joint measures with the aim of strengthening the defence capabilities for preventing war and ensuring regional and global peace and security.

As expected, the Western Media and its proxies in South East Asia trying to downplay the importance of the  treaty and their “experts” commenting that they are “studying to see whether the agreement obligates Russia to an automatic military invention on behalf of the North in war situations or was carefully worded enough to avoid such a commitment”.

Neo-Con fantasy and wishful thinking in their assessment of the world and world powers which actually brought about the forming of China, Russia, North Korea (and Iran) alliance, still works in the same fashion.
They are claiming that “China is not happy with this treaty.”  Their denial of the realities forget that China has only one defense agreement; that is with North Korea. China and North Korea has a historically friendly relationship.

The treaty signed on July 11, 1961, commonly referred to in China as the "China-North Korea military alliance treaty" obligates China militarily to defend North Korea and vice versa. The defense treaty with North Korea is China's only formal military alliance treaty signed with another country that has not been rescinded since the founding of the People's Republic. Even in regard to this treaty the Neo-Con proxies make assessments and comments that “"If North Korea would first attack South Korea and, as a result, there were full-scale arms clashes, China wouldn't aid North Korea." It is more like a wishful thinking than an objective assessment since China would not want to see a Ukraine-like proxy  its border, thus makes sure North Korea wouldn’t lose to South Korea. Chinese media lately carried out in its news channels that China has a defense treaty with North Korea and it is still alive. That cannot be a coincidence.

Soviet troops invaded  North Korea,  which was then a colony of Japan in 1945. North Korea was  under the control of the Soviet Civil Administration and People's Committee of North Korea from 1945 to 1948. The Soviet 64th Fighter Aviation Corps took part in the Korean War . They also provided North Korea and China with badly needed pilots. China sent 3million soldiers to North Korea to fight against the South Korean and UN forces during 1950-1953. The history of the East has a colonial history with fierce anti-colonial wars that created a deep and long lasting friendship feelings among the peoples of these regions. The history of the West is the history of colonialism where they massacred the people and plundered the  countries where the hatred and animosity still reigns.

 That is why it is not easy for the West to comprehend the friendly feelings of the region and do not even consider this in their striving to pit them against each other. It works occasionally but only through their proxies.  That is why the US and West was shock and in denial when, contrary to their expectations, Russia and China joined hand in against the West in the case of Ukraine. They are in shock and in denial that Russia joined in an alliance with North Korea. A country that the US West tried so many years for regime change, applied economic and military embargo to. They forced North Korea to concentrate in military industry . Although that was the purpose of the US (so that economy would not develop and people rise against the regime- same tactic used for Cuba) but they never expected that NK could become a powerhouse for military industry. Same ‘regime change”, “sanction” policy and proxy war against Russia made Russia both economically and militarily stronger than before. The policy of conflict and wars, black mailing and economic sanctions, NED and its NGOs interfering in the internal affairs of every country was bound to backfire eventually and looks like that time has come and initiated.

Considering the latest relationship of Russia and China, a logical conclusion is that although China was not in North Korea physically, but it was there through Russia with which China had preparatory discussions and had inputs, approvals, and confirmation of prepared agreement ahead of the visit.

US and the west have been trying to drive a wedge between China and Russia  which started way  before the Sino-Soviet split and  continued with the propaganda, tactics, and provocations to pit them against each other up to now.  

Ironically, after 1960s,gradually  Russia was seeing itself as “European” and “close “ to the West. It is the Neo-Con policy of exceptionalism and aggression, the written plans to weaken and Balkanize Russia that made Russia slip from their hands. In every step, Neo-Cons shot themselves in the foot in relation to Russia. With the war they forced upon Russia in Ukraine, following the coup, NATO expansions, fake MINSK agreements to prepare Ukraine for war, made Russians realized that they are not “Europeans” and “West” is not their friends but foes. That brought about an informal existential alliance of China and Russia which extended to North Korea and to some degree to Iran.

Adding the Russia-North Korea defense treaty to the China-North Korea defense treaty, now we have an indirect defense treaty between China and Russia. Simply because any attack to one will include all directly or indirectly due to the combined defense treaties with North Korea.

So, the formal declaration of Russia-North Korea defense treaty is in fact a formal declaration of Russia-China-North Korea defense agreement, defense alliance.

How does this affect the Sea of Japan and East China Sea? How will this affect the US- South Korea, US-Japan proxy relations and the military presence of US?

Neo-Con Western media and analyzers could not get rid of their fantasies and delusions and looks like they will not be able to without a serious slap on their face to sobber them up. They claim that “anything happening in the West will remain in the West, will not affect the East, or wise a versa.” They forget that Russia extends from east Europe all the way to the east, to Sea of Japan. Based on the Russia-North Korea agreement, any attack to Russia by US, Britain, or France in or due to Ukraine will trigger the defense agreement and will bring about the possibility of attacking the military forces of these countries in the in the  Sea of Japan where Russia and North Korea shares a border.

In return, any attack to North Korea will trigger the defense agreement between China and North Korea. This will make the Yellow Sea, East China sea “a sea of war” for the US-Western military in which their forces will be a target including those in South Korea and Japan.

This is a hypothetical situation with real consequences which is becoming so obvious to South Korea, Japan, and the US.  Although the Western Media does not cover, the anti-war movement and protests  in South Korea and Japan is not a rare, occasional one. This new development and its implications will be bound to strengthen the anti war sentiments and movements in these countries. A repetition of desertion of the proxies by the US in Ukraine, like in Vietnam, Afghanistan will force not only the people but the ruling elites of these countries to think  twice before playing the role of a war-proxy for the US. It will take some time but it will happen. It is not a coincidence that a staunch ally of US, Thailand stated it’s desire to participate in BRICS, and did not sign the Ukraine Peace Summit communique.  If not all, most of the South East Asian countries deserting pro-Western stands and choosing a neutral stand.  Small countries slowly but surely  finding courage to stand up the “bully”. The courage to stand up against the pressures, lessening of the fear of economic and other sanctions and taking stand  has actually started in Africa with heavy blows to France in its semi-colony countries. Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger are examples of this side effect of the new multipolar world order.

In this sense, the formal declaration of defence alliance  will have a wide range of indirect impact from East Asia to other corners of the world. The chain of fear of reprisal will be shattered gradually. Countries will start acting more neutral than before and concentrate on their economy.

What will be the impact of the  Defense Alliance as far as the war in Ukraine  and NATO’s  paper-tiger wows are concerned?

As I have noted on previous articles, Russia already has won the war in the context that it has the control over the duration and phase of the war in Ukraine. Russia has the control in achieving its strategic goals set forth at the second phase, following the rejection of Istanbul agreement. US’s damping of money,  NATO’s support of Ukraine will not change the outcome of this war.  Engels formulating the law said that " . .. the whole organisation and method of warfare, and along with these victory or defeat, prove to be dependent on material, that is, economic conditions: on the human material and the armaments material, and therefore on the quality and quantity of the population and on technical development".  There is no economy to speak about in Ukraine, European economy is in shambles, European people largely against the war, NATO countries supporting Ukraine depleted their own military arsenal, it has no power to replenish the losses for  either man or means.

NATO’s or individual country governments statements that they will send troops to Ukraine is a bluff with a weak hand. Russia already has given the final warning  for the deployment of foreign troops to Ukraine. Doing so will make not only those foreign troops a legitimate target within Ukraine, but also beyond Ukraine.

Russia has the “quality and quantity of the population and technical means" to defeat NATO without any need of using tactical nuclear weapon. That is why Putin stressed that Russia will not be the first to use nuclear weapon but will respond in a devastating magnitude and form. Russia, with its defense agreement with North Korea, and with the existing defense agreement between China and North Korea sends a strong deterrent message and indicates that a nuclear war will not be only between US-West and Russia, but between the-US- West and Russia-China-North Korea.  

Russia coined this reality with North Korea defense agreement.

With this alignment it would be “A  war with no definite political aim but a total destruction of all – definitely of Europe, US, Russia, NK, and Russia with secondary, tertiary destructive affects of the south. Is such a war, although possible,  likely?


In politics, right and left (although in different context) acknowledge that “War is a continuation of politics by violent means.” Neo-Con bourgeois  ideologists try to conceal this fact and the essence of their imperialist, exceptionalist, hegemonic  politics as  "supranational" policy defending the free world, democracy, the rule based international world order.  They claim that during military actions, war is completely independent of politics. In the nuclear age, nuclear weapons  have freed themselves of the control of politics, because nuclear war  abolishes the distinction between front and rear and threatens both belligerents with catastrophic consequences.

They dupe people by concealing the political content and character of war and its main causes and sell the idea that they wage wars not for the political interests and aspirations of monopoly capital, but to save the lives of people at large, and they self-authorize themselves to save -implant democracy and thus  the lives of people in any given country.

Nuclear war is a war and a continuation of politics, in fact, it is even more "political", Lenin pointed that  when the "war seems the more 'warlike', the more political it is ... "

In a war, the use of nuclear missiles will ultimately be subordinated to the interests of a definite policy, will become a means of attaining a definite political aim.

Will total destruction of the world be considered a “definite political aim” of any country?

On my brief article on the “likelihood of a nuclear war” I had pointed out that Finance Capital-monopoly capitalists;

are the real decision makers behind any decision that concerns their interests, especially the existential ones.

On every decisions, especially on the decisions for a Nuclear War, the fundamental question is who will benefit and who will lose. The response to this question is elementary when the issue is Nuclear war and the destruction of the World.

Peoples in general have nothing to lose but the Finance Capital who owns or at least have a large stake in the banks, most large industries, information, trade, agriculture, trade transaction technologies and have stake on every sector of life will inevitably be the ultimate loser. …..

With the technological - satellites, Artificial intelligence, precisian guided sub-sonic, supersonic, hypersonic missiles, UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), USVs (Unmanned Surface Vehicles), lately introduced Robot Tanks, lasers, signal jamming, and so many other to count-development,  the need for the use of nuclear weapons is diminishing. This new technological war machines are also extremely destructive but can be localized and their extent is controllable.

For these reasons I do not see any likelihood of nuclear world war.

New technological weapons will continue to be destructive in the service and for the benefit of Military Industrial complex and of the Finance Capital. However, most likely the wars will be proxy wars with the use of new weapons at the expense of the people and the destruction of the proxy countries in where the new “technological weapons” will be tested on the field and improved accordingly.

The defense agreement between North Korea and Russia, and the existing defense agreement between North Korea and China made sure that any nuclear war will be catastrophic in where no large countries and no “capitalists – as the gatekeepers of policy “ will have any chance to survive. Unless they want to commit suicide all together, the likelihood of an all out nuclear war is diminished.

Erdogan A

June , 2024

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