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The Fighting Alliance Of The U.S.S.R., Great Britain And The U.S.A. Against Hitlerite Germany And Her Allies In Europe

It may now be regarded as beyond dispute that in the course of the war imposed upon the nations by Hitlerite Germany, a radical demarcation of forces and the formation of two opposite camps have taken place: the camp of the Italo-German coalition, and the camp of the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition. 

    It is equally beyond dispute that these two opposite coalitions are guided by two different and opposite programs of action. 

The program of action of the Italo-German coalition may be characterized by the following points: race hatred; domination of the "chosen" nations; subjugation of other nations and seizure of their territories; economic enslavement of the subjugated nations and spoliation of their national wealth; destruction of democratic liberties; universal institution of the Hitler regime. 

    The program of action of the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition is: abolition of racial exclusiveness; equality of nations and inviolability of their territories; liberation of the enslaved nations and the restoration of their sovereign rights; the right of every nation to manage its affairs in its own way; economic aid to nations that have suffered and assistance in establishing their material welfare; restoration of democratic liberties; destruction of the Hitler regime. 

    The effect of the program of action of the Italo-German coalition has been that the people in all the occupied countries of Europe -- Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Greece and the occupied regions of the U.S.S.R. -- are seething with hatred for the Italo-German tyranny, are causing the Germans and their allies all the damage they can, and are waiting for a favourable opportunity to take revenge on their conquerors for the outrage and violence to which they are being subjected. 

    In this connection, one of the characteristic features the present situation is the steadily growing isolation the Italo-German coalition and the depletion of its moral and political reserves in Europe, its growing weakness and disintegration. 

    The effect of the program of action of the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition has been that the people in all the occupied countries in Europe fully sympathize with the members of this coalition and are prepared to render them all the help of which they are capable.  

    In this connection, another characteristic feature of the present situation must be noted, namely, that the moral and political reserves of this coalition are growing from day to day in Europe -- and not only in Europe -- and that this coalition is steadily winning millions of sympathizers who are ready to join in the light against Hitler's tyranny. 

    If the relative strength of these two coalitions is examined from the standpoint of human and material resources, the conclusion one will be forced to arrive at is that the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition has the unquestionable advantage.  

    But the question is: Is this advantage alone sufficient for victory? As we know, cases occur when resources are abundant, hut they are expended so inefficiently that the advantage is lost. Obviously, what is needed in addition to resources is ability to mobilize and skill in expending them properly. Is there any reason to doubt that the men of the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition possess this ability and skill? Some people do doubt this. But what grounds have they for their doubts? In the past the men of this coalition have displayed ability and skill in mobilizing the resources of their countries and expending them rationally for the purpose of economic, cultural and political development. What grounds are there, then, for  doubting that the men who have displayed skill and ability in mobilizing and distributing resources for economic, cultural and political purposes will prove capable of doing the same for the purpose of prosecuting the war? I think there are no such grounds.  

    It is said that the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition has every chance of winning, and would certainly win if it did not suffer from an organic defect which might weaken and disintegrate it. This defect, in the opinion of these people, is that this coalition consists of heterogeneous elements having different ideologies, and that this circumstance will prevent them from organizing joint action against the common enemy. 

    I think that this assertion is wrong. 

    It would be ridiculous to deny the difference in the ideologies and social systems of the various countries that constitute the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition. But does this preclude the possibility, and the expediency, of joint action on the part of the members of this coalition against the common enemy who threatens to enslave them? Certainly not. More than that. The very existence of this threat imperatively dictates the necessity of joint action among the members of the coalition in order to save mankind from reversion to savagery and mediaeval brutality. Is not the program of action of the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition a sufficient basis upon which to organize a joint struggle against Hitler tyranny and to vanquish it? I think it is quite sufficient. 

    These people's assumption is unsound also because it has been utterly refuted by the events of the past year. Indeed, if these people were right, we should be observing the steady mutual estrangement of the members of the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition. Far from this being the case, however, facts and events point to the steadily growing friendship among the members of the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition and to their amalgamation into a united fighting alliance. Events of the past year supply direct proof of this. In July 1941, several weeks after Germany attacked the U.S.S.R., Great Britain concluded with us an agreement "On Joint Action in the War Against Germany." At that time we had not yet any agreement with the United States of America on this subject. Ten months later, on May 26, 1942, during Comrade Molotov's visit to Great Britain, the latter concluded with us a "Treaty of Alliance in the War Against Hitlerite Germany and Her Associates in Europe and on Collaboration and Mutual Aid Thereafter." This treaty was concluded for a period of twenty years. It marks a historic turning point in the relations between our country and Great Britain. In June 1942, during Comrade Molotov's visit to the U.S.A., the United States of America concluded with us an "Agreement on the Principles Applicable to Mutual Aid in the Conduct of the War Against Aggression," which represented a substantial advance in the relations between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. Lastly, mention must be made of so important a fact as the visit to Moscow of the British Prime Minister Mr. Churchill, during which complete mutual understanding was reached between the leaders of the two countries. There can be no doubt that all these facts point to the steadily growing friendship between the U.S.S.R., Great Britain and the United States of America and to their amalgamation in a fighting alliance against the Italo-German coalition. 

     It follows that the logic of facts is stronger than any other logic. 

    The only conclusion to be drawn is that the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition has every chance of vanquishing the Italo-German coalition, and that it certainly will do so. 


    The war has torn aside all veils and has laid bare all relationships. The situation has become so clear that nothing is easier than to define our tasks in this war. 

    In an interview with the Turkish General Erkilet, published in the Turkish newspaper Gumhuriet, that cannibal Hitler said: "We shall destroy Russia, so that she will never be able to rise again." This is clear enough, one would think, although it is rather silly. (L a u g h t e r.) We do not pursue the aim of destroying Germany, for it is impossible to destroy Germany, just as it is impossible to destroy Russia. But we can and must destroy the Hitler state. (L o u d  a p p l a u s e.) 

    Our first task is, in fact, to destroy the Hitler state and its inspirers. (L o u d  a p p l a u s e.) 

    In the same interview with the same general, that cannibal Hitler went on to say: "We shall continue the war as long as there is an organized military force in Russia." This is clear enough one would think, although illiterate. (L a u g h t e r.) We do not pursue the aim of destroying Germany's entire organized military force, for every literate person will understand that this is not only impossible as regards Germany, just as it is in regard to Russia, but also inadvisable from the point of view of the victor. But eve can and must destroy Hitler's army (L o u d  a p p l a u s e.) 

    Our second task is, in fact, to destroy Hitler's army and its leaders. (L o u d  a p p l a u s e.) 

    The Hitler scoundrels have made it their rule to torture Soviet war prisoners, to slay them in hundreds, and to condemn thousands of them to death by starvation. They outrage and slaughter the civil population of the occupied territories of our country, men and women, children and the aged, our brothers and sisters. They have set out to enslave or exterminate the population of the Ukraine, Byelorussia, the Baltic Republics, Moldavia, the Crimea and the Caucasus. Only villains and scoundrels destitute of all honour, who have sunk to the level of brutes, can commit such outrages against innocent and unarmed people. But that is not all. They have covered Europe with gallows and concentration camps. They have introduced the vile "hostage system." They shoot and hang absolutely innocent citizens whom they take as "hostages" because some German beast was prevented from raping women or robbing civilians. They have converted Europe into a prison of nations. And this they call the "new order in Europe." We know the men who are guilty of these outrages, the builders of this "new order in Europe," all those upstart governor-generals, or just ordinary governors, commandants and sub-commandants. Their names are known to tens of thousands of tormented people. Let these butchers know that they will not escape responsibility for their crimes or elude the hand of retribution of the tormented nations. 

    Our third task is to destroy the detestable "new order in Europe" and to punish its builders.  

    Such are our tasks. (L o u d  a p p l a u s e.) 

    Comrades! We are waging a great war of liberation. We are not waging it alone, but in conjunction with our Allies. It will end in our victory over the vile foes of mankind, over the German fascist imperialists. On its standard is inscribed: 

    Hail the victory of the Anglo-Soviet-American fighting alliance!  (A p p l a u s e.) 

    Hail the liberation of the nations of Europe from Hitler's tyranny!  (A p p l a u s e.) 

    Hail the liberty and independence of our glorious Soviet motherland!  (A p p l a u s e.) 

    Damnation and death to the German fascist invaders, to their state, their army, their "new order in Europe"!  (A p p l a u s e.) 

    Glory to our Red Army!  (L o u d  a p p l a u s e.) 

    Glory to out Navy!  (L o u d  a p p l a u s e.) 

    Glory to our men and women partisans!  (L o u d  a n d  p r o l o n g e d  a p p l a u s e.  A l l  r i s e.  O v a t i o n.) 



No. 345


    Comrades, Red Armymen, commanders and political instructors, partisans, men and women! Working people of the Soviet Union! 

    On behalf of the Soviet Government and of our Bolshevik Party, I greet and congratulate you on the 26th Anniversary of the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution. 

    A quarter of a century ago, under the leadership of the Bolshevik Party and our great Lenin, the workers and peasants established the Soviet regime in our country. Since then the peoples of the Soviet Union have traversed a glorious road. In the course of these twenty-five years our country grew into a mighty socialist industrial and collective-farm power. After winning their freedom and independence, the peoples of the Soviet State united in an indestructible, fraternal commonwealth. The Soviet peoples freed themselves from all oppression, and by their persevering labours secured for themselves a prosperous and cultured existence. 

    Today, the peoples of our country are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution amidst the conflagration of a fierce struggle against the German fascist invaders and their associates in Europe. 

    At the beginning of this year, in the winter, the Red Army inflicted severe blows on the German fascist troops. After repelling the German attack on Moscow, it took the initiative, passed to the offensive, and drove the German troops to the West, liberating a number of regions of our country from German slavery. By this the Red Army proved that, given certain favourable conditions, it can vanquish the German fascist troops. 

    In the summer, however, the situation at the front changed for the worse. Taking advantage of the absence of a second front in Europe, the Germans and their allies scraped together all their reserves, hurled them at our Ukrainian front, and broke through it. At the price of enormous losses the German fascist troops succeeded in advancing on the South, threatening Stalingrad, the Black Sea coast, Grozny and the approaches to Transcaucasia. 

    True, the staunchness and courage of the Red Army has thwarted the German plan to outflank Moscow on the East and strike at the capital of our country from the rear. The enemy has been checked at Stalingrad. But although checked at Stalingrad, and having already lost there tens of thousands of men and officers, the enemy is hurling new divisions into the battle and exerting his last efforts. The struggle on the Soviet-German front is becoming increasingly intense. On the outcome of this struggle depend the fate of the Soviet State, the freedom and independence of our country. 

    Our Soviet people have passed the test to which they have been subjected with flying colours and are imbued with unshakeable confidence in victory. This war has served as a stern test of the strength and stability of the Soviet system. The calculations of the German imperialists that the Soviet State would collapse proved to be utterly groundless. Socialist industry, the collective farm system, the friendship among the peoples of our country and the Soviet State have proved to be firm and indestructible. The workers and peasants and the entire intelligentsia of our country, everybody in the rear, is working conscientiously and self-sacrificingly to supply the needs of our armed forces. 

    The Red Army is bearing the brunt of the war against Hitler Germany and its associates. By its self-sacrificing struggle against the fascist armies it has won the love and respect of all the freedom-loving nations of the world. The men and commanders of the Red Army -- who had not had sufficient military experience before -- have learnt to strike the enemy unerring blows; to destroy his man power and material, to thwart the enemy's designs and staunchly to defend our towns and villages against the alien invaders. The heroic defenders of Moscow and Tula, of Odessa and Sevastopol, of Leningrad and Stalingrad have set an example of boundless courage, iron discipline, staunchness and ability to win. Our entire Red Army is following their heroic example. The enemy has already had a taste of the Red Army's power of resistance. It will yet learn the power of the Red Army's crushing blows. 

    There can be no doubt that the German invaders will plunge into new adventures. But the enemy's strength is already sapped and is now reaching its limit. During the course of the war, the Red Army has put out of action over 8,000,000 enemy men and officers. The Hitler army is now diluted with Rumanians, Hungarians, Italians and Finns and is much weaker than it was in the summer and autumn of 1941. 

    Comrades, Red Armymen, commanders and political instructors, partisans, men and women! 

    The defeat of the German fascist army and the clearing of our Soviet soil of the Hitler invaders depends upon your tenacity and staunchness, your military skill and readiness to perform your duty to your country; 

    We can and must clear our Soviet soil of the Hitler scum! 

    To achieve this we must: 

    1. Staunchly and stubbornly defend the line of our front, prevent the enemy from advancing any further, do everything to wear the enemy down, exterminate his man power and destroy his material; 

    2. In every way reinforce iron discipline, the strictest order and individual responsibility in our Army, perfect the military training of our troops and perseveringly and persistently prepare for a crushing blow at the enemy; 

    3. Fan the flames of popular guerilla warfare in the enemy's rear, destroy the enemy's bases and exterminate the German fascist scoundrels. 


    The enemy has already felt the weight of the Red Army's blows at Rostov, Moscow and Tikhvin. The day is not far distant when the enemy will again feel the weight of the Red Army's blows. Our turn will come! 

    Hail the 25th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution! 

    Long live our Red Army! 

    Long live our Navy! 

    Long live our brave men and women guerilla fighters! 

    Death to the German fascist invaders! 

J. Stalin 

People's Commissar of Defence

of the U.S.S.R.


    On November 12, Mr. Cassidy, the Moscow correspondent of the Associated Press, wrote to J. Stalin, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the U.S.S.R., requesting him to reply to three questions which interested American public opinion. 

    Comrade Stalin sent Mr. Cassidy the following reply: 

Dear Mr. Cassidy, 

    I am answering your questions which reached me on November 12. 

    1. What is the Soviet view of the Allied campaign in Africa? 

    ANSWER., The Soviet view of this campaign is that it represents an outstanding fact of major importance demonstrating the growing might of the armed forces of the Allies and opening the prospect of disintegration of the Italo-German coalition in the nearest future. 

    The campaign in Africa refutes once more the sceptics who affirm that the Anglo-American leaders are not capable of organizing a serious war campaign. There can be no doubt that no one but first-rate organizers could carry out such serious war operations as the successful landings in North Africa across the ocean, as the quick occupation of harbours and wide territories from Casablanca to Bougie and as the smashing of the Italo-German armies in the Western Desert, effected with such mastery. 

    2. How effective has this campaign been in relieving pressure on the Soviet Union and what further aid does the Soviet Union await? 

    ANSWER. It is yet too soon to say to what an extent this campaign has been effective in relieving immediate pressure on the Soviet Union. But it may be confidently said that the effect will not be a small one and that a certain relief in pressure on the Soviet Union will result in the nearest future. 

    But that is not the only thing that matters. What matters first of all is that since the campaign in Africa means that the initiative has passed into the hands of our Allies the campaign changes radically the political and war situation in Europe in favour of the Anglo-Soviet-American coalition. That campaign undermines the prestige of Hitlerite Germany as the leading force in the system of Axis powers and demoralizes Hitler's allies in Europe. That campaign releases France from her state of lethargy, mobilizes the anti-Hitler forces of France and provides a basis for building up an anti-Hitler French army. That campaign creates conditions for putting Italy out of commission and for isolating Hitlerite Germany. Finally, that campaign creates prerequisites for the establishment of the second front in Europe nearer to Germany's vital centres which will be of decisive importance for organizing victory over Hitlerite tyranny, 

    3. What possibility is there of Soviet offensive power in the East joining the Allies in the West to hasten final victory? 

    ANSWER. There need be no doubt that the Red Army will fulfil its task with honour as it has been fulfilling it throughout the war. 

With respect,           

J. Stalin 

November 13, 1942 

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