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Strengthen the ideological foundation of daring to fight and being good at fighting

Author: Chen Long    Published: 2024-07-26    Source: Guangming Daily

Read classics to learn theory

The spirit of struggle and the ability to struggle are not innate. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must learn, understand, and implement the Party's innovative theories, master the Marxist standpoints, viewpoints, and methods, consolidate the ideological foundation of daring to struggle and being good at struggle, be clear in theory, be firm in politics, and have the confidence and strength to fight." This puts forward the important requirement of guiding struggle with scientific theory and innovating theory in struggle. Revisiting the relevant discussions of Marxist classic writers is of great significance for us to deeply understand the relationship between the Party's innovative theories and great struggles in the new era, and to strive to consolidate the ideological foundation of daring to struggle and being good at struggle in complex and severe struggles.


Marx pointed out that "all social life is essentially practical" and "philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways; the point is to change the world." This clearly reflects the practical nature of Marxism.

From the perspective of its origin, Marxism has never been a study in the study room, but was created in the struggle against oppression and exploitation in order to change the historical destiny of the people. With the rapid development of the industrial revolution, capitalist production has become increasingly socialized, while the means of production are in the hands of a few capitalists. The polarization of society and the frequent outbreak of cyclical economic crises have promoted the rise of the workers' movement. In the struggle against bourgeois exploitation and oppression, the proletariat has gradually become conscious and is eager for the guidance of scientific theory. In this context, Marx and Engels clearly pointed out that their theory is by no means based on ideas or principles invented or discovered by any reformer, "these principles are nothing more than a general expression of the real relationship of the existing class struggle and the historical movement before our eyes."

From the perspective of theoretical themes, Marxism clearly points to the practice of changing the world. Marx criticized idealism that did not recognize the materiality of the objective world and human sensory activities, and also criticized all the simple and mechanical old materialism, including Feuerbach, and clearly pointed out that "all the mysterious things that lead theory to mysticism can be reasonably solved in human practice and in the understanding of this practice." It is in the practical activities of changing the objective world that people create the material conditions of their own lives and form various social relations, which promotes the development of human society. Practicality has become a significant feature of Marxism that distinguishes it from other theories.


"Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement." Marxism believes that practice determines knowledge, knowledge has a reaction to practice, and correct knowledge can promote the development of practice. The reason why Marxism is called truth is that it scientifically reveals the laws of development of nature and human society. It is a scientific theory that is generated from objective practice and tested in objective practice. Furthermore, if we have such a correct theory, but we just talk about it for a while and put it on the shelf without guiding practical work, then this theory is meaningless no matter how good it is. As Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out, "Marxism values ​​theory precisely and only because it can guide action." If theory is not linked to practice, it will become a theory without an object; if the struggle practice is not guided by scientific theory, it will become a blind struggle.

Great struggles require the guidance of scientific theories, which is also a conclusion drawn from the tempering of blood and fire in revolutionary struggles. Engels pointed out that the best way to clearly understand theory is to learn from one's own mistakes and painful experiences. It was from the setbacks of leading the patriotic movement in his early years that Comrade Mao Zedong gradually realized that it was necessary to arm the masses with correct revolutionary ideas in order to promote the continued progress of the patriotic movement. He pointed out: 
"We say that Marxism is right, not because Marx is a 'sage', but because his theory has been proved to be right in our practice and in our struggle." However, this need must not be confined to letters and words. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "If we ignore the changes in historical conditions and actual situations and stick to certain individual judgments and specific action programs made by Marxist classic writers under specific historical conditions and in response to specific situations, we will not be able to move forward smoothly, and even make mistakes because our thoughts are divorced from reality." The most important thing to adhere to Marxism is to adhere to the basic principles of Marxism and the positions, views, and methods that run through it. This is the essence and living soul of Marxism. It is precisely this stance, viewpoint and method that "provides us with powerful ideological weapons to understand and transform the world, and points out the correct direction for world socialism."

On the new journey, strategic opportunities coexist with risks and challenges, and various uncertainties and unpredictable factors are increasing. We must always be prepared to withstand major tests of high winds and rough seas, and even stormy waves. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era scientifically answers major contemporary issues such as what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics should be upheld and developed in the new era, and how to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics. It has made scientific analysis of the contradictions, risks and challenges encountered and may be encountered in various fields such as reform, development, stability, internal affairs, diplomacy, national defense, and governance of the party, the state, and the army, as well as strategic and tactical guidance, providing a theoretical guide for us to overcome the risks and challenges on the road ahead. We must strive to master the positions, views and methods contained therein, learn to understand the principles, theories and philosophies contained therein, and persevere in using them to arm our minds and guide our practice, and constantly win new victories in the great struggle of the new era.


We insist on using Marxism as a guide to carry out struggles, not only because it is a scientific theory that can clear up the complex fog in the struggle, but also because it is a scientific theory that conforms to the actual situation of the struggle. Therefore, Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out, "Sometimes the situation seems bad. At this time, we must have a firm opinion and not be confused by temporary phenomena or temporary darkness. Don't be arrogant, don't have an inferiority complex, don't belittle yourself, don't be superstitious, and put yourself in the right position. We must dare to think, dare to speak, dare to do, and dare to act. The theoretical basis for us to dare to think, dare to speak, dare to do, and dare to act is Marxism-Leninism"; "We need 'books', but we must correct the book worship that is divorced from the actual situation." Talking about Marxism without considering China's characteristics is just abstract and empty Marxism; "But if we apply theory to reality, use the Marxist standpoint and method to solve China's problems and create something new, then it can be used."

At the same time, the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture is a continuous process. Our actual situation and our struggle environment are constantly developing and changing, which determines that we must constantly promote the theoretical innovation of the Party. Comrade Mao Zedong once said, for example, that "On Practice" and "On Contradiction" were written to meet the needs of the revolutionary struggle at that time, but after entering the socialist era, if new theoretical works are not written based on the new actual situation of the struggle, new problems under socialist conditions cannot be solved and new struggle needs cannot be met. Entering the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we must accurately grasp the general trend of the times and respond to the needs of reality, "better unify the adherence to Marxism and the development of Marxism, persist in using the "arrow" of Marxism to shoot the "target" of China in the new era, continue to promote the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture, so that Marxism presents more Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style, and continues to write a new chapter in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism."

The rich experience of struggle in the new era needs to be further sublimated in theory, and its theoretical guiding significance should be exerted on a larger scale and to a deeper degree. The world is changing all the time, and China is also changing all the time. We must keep up with the times in theory, constantly understand the laws, and constantly promote theoretical innovation, practical innovation, institutional innovation, cultural innovation and other innovations. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the face of prominent contradictions and problems that affect the long-term governance of the Party, the long-term stability of the country, and the happiness and well-being of the people, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has assessed the situation and overcome difficulties, united and led the whole Party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to resolutely carry out great struggles with many new historical characteristics, and accumulated rich experience in struggle. Under the new era conditions, we must summarize and make good use of the great struggle experience accumulated by the Party, strive to consolidate the ideological foundation of daring to struggle and being good at struggle, and transform scientific ideas and theories into a powerful material force for understanding and transforming the world, so as to better uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.

(Author: Chen Long, researcher at the Hunan Contemporary Chinese Marxism Research Center and professor at the Mao Zedong Thought Research Center of Xiangtan University)

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