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Condescending hypocrites hiding behind “ultra left” comments and criticisms

After the Marxist coalition made up of 21 diverse groups*, including political parties, youth organizations, women's groups, trade unions, and civil society organizations under the  leadership of  Anura Kumara Dissanayake won the elections  in Sri Lanka, hypocrites (consciously or unconsciously) in the service of  National Endowment for Democracy (NED) started their condescending commentaries and critiques.  

Analysing and evaluating  the coalition and elections is not my subject here. I will try to expose the hypocrisy of those who attack and belittle the success of a democratic struggle regardless of how minimal it is or not.

Sophists and demagogues in the service of bourgeoisie hiding behind ultra-left slogans disregard the democratic struggle and belittle every democratic gains.  Lenin puts it bluntly;

"Can a class-conscious worker forget the democratic struggle for the sake of the socialist struggle, or forget the latter for the sake of the former? No, a class-conscious worker calls himself a Social-Democrat for the reason that he understands the relation between the two struggles. He knows that there is no other road to socialism save the road through democracy, through political liberty. "(1)

They have, or they promote, the idea that socialism is a one-leap revolution and built  overnight. Socialism is not a figment of the imagination.  Socialism is not a state- a stagnant situation at a given moment, but a very  long process. Not understanding this fact, they attack every anti-imperialist struggle, every democratic struggle from Africa to Latin America with hypocritic know-it-all commentaries. They selectively disregard the Leninist assessment that “the national movement in .. dependent countries.. every step of which along the road to liberation,.. is a steam-hammer blow at imperialism, i.e., is undoubtedly revolutionary step." (2)

The hypocritical criticism of  Sri Lanka election result mostly reflects itself in the  “chauvinism “  accusation of  the leadership.

Marxist Leninists while recognizing the rights and right to self determination for the minorities, do not recognize the rights and right to self determination only for the bourgeois elite class minority in any country.

The issue of "rights" apply to all minorities, "right to self determination " is related to the minorities that has the character of "nation", not to a "nation state" - which is related to the  issue of "independence". Political independence of a "nation" relates to the gaining of its independence  from the oppressor "nation-state" that forcefully keeps the nation within its borders.  Independence of a "nation-state" is related to independence from an external colonial, imperialist power.

Not all minorities have the right to self determination but all the colonies and neo-colonies have the right for independence.

It is the confusion on these differences that pushes one to defend the "right to self determination" for a nation-state even if it is a proxy and/or fascist state.

It is the same confusion that claims the right to self determination for a minority that does not have the fundamental character of a "nation".

It is the same confusion that pushes one to deny the right to self determination to a "nation" while defending it for the" nation-state" where that 'nation' is located.

However, in most cases these is not due to confusion but due to chauvinism or consciously serving the interests of the imperialist bourgeoisie and its domestic lackeys. This hypocrisy and double standard shows itself in labeling democratic progress as chauvinistic in another country while denying the right of self determination for "nations" within their own country. Similarly, this hypocrisy shows itself in not focusing in his own country and on the struggle within his own country,  but criticizing and totally focusing on other countries and on the democratic and anti-imperialist struggles. This hypocrisy goes further with the critique of socialist and or socialist oriented countries who have already waged anti-imperialist wars and won their independence.

These condescending, know-it-all hypocrites are not even capable of organizing antifascist or anti-imperialist fronts in their own country, yet they preach  to those who already got rid of the imperialist domination and  are struggling to build socialism in their countries.

During the discussion on Cuba, one Cuban comrade had in fact put this condescending approach to its right place. He had said;

 We evaluate every criticism from internationalist communists to the extent that it is appropriate to the existing situation and conditions, and take it seriously. Likewise, we sincerely and cordially wish each of them success -within the shortest possible duration- in their struggles in their own countries. Because their overthrow of the bourgeois government in their own countries and their steps in the construction of socialism will ease and facilitate our success here. At the same time, the political, social, and economic steps they will take to establish socialism, their attitudes against internal and external pressures, and the measures and successes they take will provide "living" examples not only to us but also to others.” (3)

That means ; focus on your own problems in your own country rather than focusing on and criticizing other countries, especially on those who are waging anti-fascist, anti-imperialist struggles or who already waged such struggles and trying to build socialism.   

“While they cannot show a serious (theoretical and practical) leadership, a serious organization, even a serious struggle – which is the struggle to seize the political power, and is the prerequisite for the construction of socialism – in their own countries, where the fascist dictatorship and reaction have been dominant for years, to criticize a country that has the political power already,  in a pedantic and arrogant way on the questions of the struggle period after the seizure of power, is called pontification.”  (3)

Their hypocrisy has nothing to do with the “internationalism of Leninism”.  Lenin states;

There is one, and only one, kind of real internationalism, and that is—working whole-heartedly for the development of the revolutionary movement and the revolutionary struggle in one’s own country, and supporting (by propaganda, sympathy, and material aid) this struggle; this, and only this, line, in every country without exception." Proletarian internationalism remains the selfless struggle of the working class and its party for “the utmost possible in one country for the development, support and awakening of the revolution in all countries".  (4)

What we see in most ultra-left commentaries in the name of “internationalism” comes down to the “critiques of every other country waging struggle and making headways in their struggle.  What we see in the countries of the most “critiques”  is the  lack of  serious struggle. What we see in some is that the right to self determination is denied in their own countries and labeled as “separatists”, yet they are the champion of the “right to self determination” in other countries. It is the practice of chauvinism disguised as the critique of chauvinism. It is the practice of pacifism hidden behind the mask of “ultra leftism” and ultra-left slogans and commentaries.

Erdogan A

September 9, 2024





Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP Sri Lanka) , 71 Sahodrathwa Sansadaya (Brotherhood Society of 71), Aluth Parapura (New Generation), Aluth Piyapath (New Wings), Ethera Api, Mass Guiding Artists, Public Servants for Public Service (PSPS), Janodanaya, National Bhikkhu Front, National Intellectuals Organization, National Trade Union Centre, Dabindu Collective, Sri Lanka Communist Party (Alternative Group), University Teachers for Social Justice, Doctors for Social Justice, Progressive Women's Collective, Samabhimani Collective, Husmata Husmak, United Left Power, All Ceylon Estate Workers' Union

(1) Lenin: Petty-Bourgeois and Proletarian Socialism

(2) Stalin, foundation of Leninism

(3) Pontificating on Cuba with learned by rote theories - – On the concrete conditions and situation of Cuba

(4) Lenin, “The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky”




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