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Lenin on Dictator and Dictatorship; Bourgeois vs ML sense of concepts

"the will of a class is sometimes carried out by a dictator who alone sometimes does more and is often more necessary" (Lenin, vol. 30, p. 444). 

"The will of tens and hundreds of thousands can be expressed in one person.

We need more discipline, more unity, and more dictatorshipWithout this, one cannot even dream of a great victory...” (Lenin, vol. 30, pp. 472, 480).

We live in a world where the average people get their world view from the bourgeois media; press, TV, Hollywood movies, soap operas and from the bourgeois academicians and intellectuals some may even claim to be "objective" and" realist”. As Marx and Engels stated; those who own the means of production at the same time own the means of mental production” as a consequence of which people are turned in to paraquets who repeat the narratives of the bourgeois in any given subject or event, and who forms a point of view either aligned with or heavily influenced by the bourgeois point of view. This is not a coincidence but an expected result under the current conditions for the general population. However, for those who claim to be Marxist, or Marxist-Leninist, this is not a coincidence but an  indication of a revisionist, reformist tendency or lack of  theoretical knowledge and/or the lack of  the knowledge and ability to apply the dialectics of Marxism to the theories and given conditions. It is for this reason that these people  are against any wars, against any dictatorships, against any “dictators”, against any anti-imperialist struggles, etc., etc.. Not forgetting the fact that every dictator has a class force behind him/her, our subject here is related to the “dictator” in a class “dictatorship”, specifically in a “proletarian dictatorship.” 

How Lenin approached the question of dictator and dictatorship in general and in a socialist state? This article is based on Lenin’s own statements and definitions largely relied on Molotov’s citations of Lenin’s collected works and his correspondence . As Molotov states;

“statement of Lenin, this or that thought of his on this or that issue – was not accidental, was not subsequently forgotten or discarded by him.”

Meaning that these statements of Lenin is not out of context and  never changed in its core.

 The long and extensive letter of Molotov to CC of CPSU which we have translated to English and published, focuses on the so-called” Stalin's personality cult” in which he states ; I cannot but say that the very fact of writing this letter - from my point of view - is one of the concrete manifestations of the negative consequences in a  most destructive way of the so-called struggle of the party with the so-called Stalin's personality cult.

He defines the Leninist perspective of “dictator” and the “dictatorship” and how the use of reformist, bourgeois sense of these concepts “discredits the very idea of the proletarian dictatorship, the very idea of the socialist revolution.

With the new approach to the concepts, and the revisionist, reformist perspective “under the guise of defending Marxism-Leninism from dogmatism and sectarianism, under the guise of Marxist dialectics, all the basic philosophical and strategic foundations of Marxism-Leninism are being revised and adapted to a legal, social democratic existence.”

In Lenin’s words;

only by overcoming the greatest crisis with revolutionary enthusiasm, with revolutionary energy, with revolutionary readiness for the heaviest sacrifices, can the proletariat defeat the exploiters and finally rid humanity of wars ... There is no other way out, because the reformist attitude towards capitalism gave rise yesterday (and will inevitably give rise tomorrow ) imperialist slaughter of people and all sorts of crises without end" (Lenin, vol. 30, p. 317).

The character of proletarian state is forced and dictatorial.

Contrary to the repeated and categorical instructions of Lenin, revisionists and reformists persistently try  "to reconcile two hostile classes and two hostile politicians by means of such a word (the world "in general") which "unites" the most diverse things" (Lenin, vol. 21, p. 263).

In regard to the “dogmatism” accusation of revisionists and reformists  Lenin once stated  that;

"precisely because Marxism is not a dead dogma ... it cannot but reflect upon itself ... changes in social life. The reflection of the change was a deep disintegration, confusion, all kinds of vacillations, in a word - a most serious internal crisis of Marxism. A decisive rebuff to this disintegration , a resolute and stubborn struggle for the foundations of Marxism is again on the order of the day ... "Reassessment of all values" in various areas of social life has led to a revision of the most abstract and general philosophical foundations of Marxism" (vol. 17, pp. 23 - 24).

With their bourgeois outlook and looking at the world through the glasses of bourgeoisie, they criticize a socialist country and a communist party mixing and confusing the systems and conditions. They cry for  the unity of all "left" forces within a country where the capitalists have been smashed and in where the proletarian dictatorship reigns. They claim they are Leninist but they  ignore the words of Lenin;

The clever opportunists are most concerned with preserving the former “unity” of the old parties... " (Lenin,vol. 22, p. 102)

Molotov points to the fact that during the period of  1934-1938 the party knew, understood, and justified the necessity of strengthening the rigidity and firmness of the dictatorship of the proletariat in this period. It was in this period especially that the anti-Soviet, treacherous spy underground was revealed. And he asks the question;  “how in such a concrete historical situation it was possible to forget the instructions of Lenin that 

" what our job is to put the question straight. Which is better? To catch or imprison, sometimes even shoot hundreds of traitors ... who spoke (some with weapons, some with a conspiracy, some with agitation, etc.) against Soviet power ..? Or take matters to the point of allowing ... to kill, shoot, flog to death tens of thousands of workers and peasants? The choice is not difficult."

"Whoever has not yet understood this, who is capable of whimpering about the "injustice" of such a decision, should give up on him, he should be betrayed to public disgrace and ridicule ... "(Lenin, Volume 29, p. 417).

Lenin said:

"I argue soberly and categorically: what is better - to imprison a few dozen or hundreds of instigators, guilty or innocent, conscious or unconscious, or to lose thousands of Red Army soldiers and workers? - The first is better. And let me be accused of any mortal sins and violations of freedom “I plead guilty, and the interests of the workers will win” (Lenin, vol. 29, p. 274).

Again Lenin said;

"Comrade Hungarian workers! Be firm. If there are vacillations among the socialists who joined you yesterday, the dictatorship of the proletariat, or among the petty bourgeoisie, suppress the vacillations mercilessly. Execution is the legitimate fate of a coward in war" (Lenin,vol. 29, p. 360 - 361).

We must say that either those who wanted to destroy us and about whom we believe that he must die must perish - and then our Soviet Republic will remain alive - or, on the contrary, the capitalists will remain alive and the republic will perish ... (Lenin, vol. 33, pp. 48-50).

In reference to purging of party Lenin said;

... There is hope that we will remove one hundred thousand from our party. Some say that there are 200 thousand - and I like these last ones more" (Lenin, vol. 33, pp. 50 - 52).

In 1921, Lenin pointed out  about the Mensheviks -

“In my opinion, of the Mensheviks who joined the Party after 1918, approximately one out of  hundred should be left in the Party, and even then after checking each one three or four times. Why? Because the Mensheviks, as a trend, proved during the period of 1918 - 1921 had two of its properties: to skillfully adapt, to cling to the current prevailing among the workers; the second is to serve the White Guards faithfully and truthfully, to serve it in deed, renouncing it in words ... The Mensheviks, like opportunists, adapt, so to speak, "out of principle" ... they are repainted in a protective color ... This feature of the Mensheviks must be known and must be taken into account. And to take it into account means to purge the party of ninety-nine hundredths of the total number of Mensheviks who joined the RCP after 1918, i.e., then, when the victory of the Bolsheviks began to become at first probable, then indubitable" (Lenin, vol. 83, pp. 19-20).

In reference to applying terror Lenin said;

Until we apply terror - execution on the spot - to speculators, nothing will come of it. In addition, we must also act decisively with robbers - shoot on the spot.

The prosperous part of the population is to be imprisoned for three days without bread..." (vol. 26, p. 457).

"To all reproaches and accusations of terror, dictatorship... although we are still far from real terror... - to all accusations we say: yes, we openly proclaimed what no government could proclaim" (Lenin, Vol 26, p. 419).

"... I received your telegram... It is necessary to carry out mass merciless terror against the kulaks, priests, and White Guards. Doubtful lock up in a concentration camp outside the city"

"... I advise you temporarily to appoint your superiors and shoot conspirators and waverers, without asking anyone and without allowing idiotic red tape ...

"Catch the bastards named here by all means ... This bastard must be dealt with so that everyone will remember for years."   ("Leninsky collection", vol. 18, p. 202).

“A White Guard uprising is clearly being prepared in Nizhny Novgorod. It is necessary ... to form a trio of dictators ... to immediately impose mass terror, shoot and take out hundreds of prostitutes, drunken soldiers, former officers, etc. Not a minute of delay ... We must act with all our might: mass searches... Mass expulsion of Mensheviks and unreliable..." ("Bolshevik", No. 2, 1938, p. 69 - 70).

It was no other than Lenin, in 1922, in a letter to the People's Commissar of Justice D. I. Kursky, wrote about the notorious article 58 - 10 of the Criminal Code:

"... The court should not eliminate terror; to promise this would be self-deception or deceit, but to substantiate and legitimize it in principle, clearly, without falsehood and embellishment. It is necessary to formulate as broadly as possible, because only revolutionary legal consciousness and revolutionary conscience will lay down the conditions for practical application " (vol. 32, p. 76).

Gorky states;

“I often had to talk with Lenin about the cruelty of revolutionary tactics and way of life.

What do you want? he asked in surprise and anger. - Is humanity possible in such an unprecedentedly ferocious fight? Where is the place for kindness and generosity? We are blocked by Europe, we are deprived of the expected help of the European proletariat, the counter-revolution is attacking us from all sides like a bear, and what about us? Shouldn't we fight, resist? Well, sorry, we're not stupid. We know that what we want, no one can do, but us. Do you suppose that if I were convinced otherwise, I would be sitting here? (A. M. Gorky about Lenin. Soch., vol. 17, pp. 5 - 17).

Lenin recommended "ruthlessly suppressing hesitation", "taking them to concentration camps" and even shooting them, "without asking anyone and avoiding idiotic red tape." These words of Lenin is echoed in different forms by Stalin “the dictator”. No one dared to call Lenin a “dictator “ -other than bourgeoisie and fifth column of course.

As Molotov points out; “ you often hear that,  this is  true, but only for the period of civil war, for the period of war communism, etc. etc. They refer to dialectics, concrete historical conditions, and so on. But for some reason they forget that for Lenin the dialectician, for Lenin the Marxist, the socialist revolution did not end with the overthrow of the power of the bourgeoisie in one country, did not end with the destruction of the exploiting classes in this country, did not cease to be "a life-and-death war between two classes, two worlds" with the victory of socialism in one country.”

Lenin did not get  tired of emphasizing that

"We continue to be a besieged fortress... and in this besieged fortress we must act with military ruthlessness, with military determination, with military discipline and self-sacrifice..." (vol. 80, p. 466).

None other than Lenin taught that

A bad revolutionary is one who stops short of the necessity of the law at a moment of acute struggle. Laws in transitional times have a temporary significance. And if the law hinders the development of the revolution, it is canceled or corrected” (Lenin, vol. 27, p. 478).

The “dictator” and the Marxist-Leninist doctrine of the proletarian party as the “dictatorship”

"Marxism does not deny the role of outstanding people in history, the role of the leaders of the working people in leading the revolutionary liberation movement, in building a new society. Lenin emphasized with all his might the role of revolutionary leaders as organizers of the masses. The materialist understanding of history developed by the classics of Marxism-Leninism recognizes that the working masses, the people are the creators of a new society, makes it possible to correctly understand and evaluate the role of leaders, organizers, initiators, heroes who are created and put forward by the people themselves. Outstanding personalities, thanks to their characteristics, which make them most capable of serving the public interests, can play a serious role in society as organizers, leaders of the masses, who understand events deeper and see further than others.

Exposing the petty-bourgeois, anarchistic radical intellectuals who opposed the organizing role and authority of the party, Lenin said:

We need the authority of the theoreticians of world social democracy in order to clarify the program and tactics. But this authority, of course, has nothing in common with the official authority of bourgeois science and police policy.

This authority is the authority of a more versatile struggle within the same ranks of the world socialist army. " (Lenin,, vol. 29, p. 75).

Lenin said that "the revolution will put forward a collective organizational talent, without which millions of proletarian armies cannot achieve their victory."

 And Lenin further said this:

 "But the proletarian revolution is strong precisely because of the depth of its sources. We know that in the place of people who selflessly gave their lives ... it will put forward the ranks of other people ... And in this sense, we are deeply sure that the proletarian revolution will put forward groups, and groups of people around the world, put forward numerous layers of proletarians, from the working peasants who will give that practical knowledge, the one, if not sole, then collective organizational talent,, without which the million army of proletarians cannot come to their victory ”(Lenin, vol. 22, p. 73 - 75.).

Dictatorial nature of the behavior of the Central Committee

Is it by chance that Lenin, speaking of the general secretary of our party, pointed to him as a person who "concentrated immense power in his hands"?

No, not by chance. This statement by Lenin, only once again confirms his idea, based on real life, that “we need autocracy and a “firm hand”, that “the will of a class must sometimes be carried out by a dictator who will do more and is more needed."

Lenin repeatedly pointed out that

"the will of a class is sometimes carried out by a dictator who alone sometimes does more and is often more necessary" (Lenin, vol. 30, p. 444). 

"The will of tens and hundreds of thousands can be expressed in one person. This complex will be worked out in the Soviet way.

We need more discipline, more unity, and more dictatorshipWithout this, one cannot even dream of a great victory...” (Lenin, vol. 30, pp. 472, 480).

"... I leave aside the question whether the Prosecutor General enjoys sole power or shares this power with the Supreme Tribunal and the Collegium of the People's Commissariat for Justice, because this question is completely secondary and can be decided one way or another depending on whether the party trusts one person with a huge power or distributes this power between the indicated three instances " (Lenin, vol. 33, pp. 328 -329).

Lenin wrote:

“Recently ... The question arose of how the sole administrative power (power that could be called dictatorial power) is compatible with democratic organizations in general, with a collegial principle in management - in particular, and - with the Soviet socialist principle of organization - in particular. "Undoubtedly, the opinion is very widespread that the sole dictatorial power is incompatible neither with democracy, nor with the Soviet type of state, nor with collegial management. There is nothing more erroneous than this opinion. 

... The question arose of really enormous importance: firstly, the fundamental question is whether the appointment of individuals, vested with unlimited powers of dictators, is compatible with the fundamental principles of Soviet power; secondly, what is the relation of this case - this precedent, if you like - to the main tasks of power at this particular moment. 

That the dictatorship of individuals in the history of revolutionary movements has very often been the spokesman, bearer, and conductor of the dictatorship of the revolutionary classes is evidenced by the indisputable experience of history. With bourgeois democracy is undoubtedly combined the dictatorship of individuals. But on this point the bourgeois detractors of Soviet power and their echoes always show sleight of hand... and say: personal dictatorship is absolutely incompatible with your Bolshevik (that is, not bourgeois, but socialist) Soviet democracy.

The reasoning is bad. If we are not anarchists, we must recognize the necessity of the state, that is, coercion for the transition from capitalism to socialism, the form of coercion is determined by the degree of development of a given revolutionary class, then by such special circumstances as, for example, the legacy of a long and reactionary war, then by the forms of resistance of the bourgeoisie.. Therefore, there is absolutely no fundamental contradiction between Soviet (that is, socialist) democracy and the exercise of dictatorial power by individuals. The difference between the proletarian dictatorship and the bourgeois dictatorship is that the former directs its blows ... in the interests of ... the majority, and then that the latter is carried out - and through individuals - not only by the masses of the working and exploited, but also by organizations built so that it is precisely such masses to wake up.

... Any large-scale machine industry - that is, precisely ... the source and foundation of socialism - requires an unconditional and strict unity of will that directs the joint work of hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of people. Technically, economically, and historically, this necessity is obvious; everyone who thought about socialism has always recognized it as its condition. But how can the strictest unity of will be ensured? - Submission of the will of thousands to the will of one.

This submission can, with the ideal consciousness and discipline of the participants in the common work, resemble more the soft leadership of the conductor. It can take sharp forms of dictatorship if there is no ideal discipline and consciousness ... This transition from one political task to another, which in appearance is completely different from it, is the whole originality of the moment experienced. The revolution has just shattered the oldest, strongest, heaviest fetters to which the masses obeyed under duress. It was yesterday. And today the same revolution, and precisely in the interests of its development and strengthening, precisely in the interests of socialism, demands the unquestioning obedience of the masses to the unified will of the leaders... It is clear that such a transition is unthinkable all at once. It is clear that it is feasible only at the cost of the greatest shocks, upheavals, and returns to the old.

Lenin himself taught:

"Collegiality is the school of government. You can't sit in the preparatory class of the school all the time"  there is absolutely no fundamental contradiction between Soviet (that is, socialist) democracy and the exercise of dictatorial power by individuals.

Collegiality at best results in an enormous waste of energy and does not satisfy the speed and clarity of work...” (Lenin, vol. 30, pp. 285-286).

“At the moment we are living through, when Soviet power and dictatorship have sufficiently strengthened, when the preparation of the masses by the functioning of Soviet institutions for independent participation in all public life has been sufficiently carried out, the task of strictest separation of discussions and meetings from the unquestioning fulfillment of all the instructions of the leader is put forward. This means separating the necessary, useful preparation of the masses for the implementation of a certain measure and for monitoring its implementation - to separate it from this implementation itself" (Lenin, vol. 27, p. 430).

There are people who object and say that Lenin, advocating unity of command, for "dictatorship", for the unquestioning subordination of the will of tens of thousands to the will of one person, meant only production relations, only relations between leaders and subordinates in the labor process at manufacturing enterprises, only in economic matters.

Is it so? Did the leader of our party really have in mind only relations of production, or did he also have in mind the party as "the direct ruling vanguard of the proletariat," as the leader of all, including the economic activities of the proletarian state?

Let's try to find the answer to this very important and interesting question from Vladimir Ilyich himself, -

“In the theses of comrades Osinsky, Maksimovsky and Sapronov ... everything is a complete theoretical distortion. They write that collegiality in one form or another constitutes the necessary basis of democracy. I affirm that in the 15 years of pre-revolutionary social democracy you will not find anything similar. Democratic centralism only means that representatives from the localities gather and choose a responsible body that should govern. But how?

It depends on how many good people there are, on how many good "administrators" there are. Democratic centralism lies in the fact that the congress checks the Central Committee, dismisses it, and elects a new one" (Lenin,vol. 30, p. 430).

According to the direct meaning of Lenin's words, to link the issue of collegiality, collectivity with the principle of democratic centralism - the basic principle of the organizational structure of the proletarian party - is "a complete theoretical distortion", "a monstrous fundamental absurdity."

In a letter to E. M. Alexandrova, Lenin said:

"You are striving, if I am not mistaken, for autocracy (single center of power)  and a 'firm hand'. It is a good thing, and you are a thousand times right, right that this is exactly what we need" (Lenin, vol. 34, p. 131).

Lenin repeatedly pointed out that

"the will of a class is sometimes carried out by a dictator who alone sometimes does more and is often more necessary" (Lenin, vol. 30, p. 444).

It turns out that Lenin also extended the individual personality to party work

The party elects a congress - a meeting of delegates from the field. The congress, guided by considerations of a political and business nature, elects a Central Committee consisting of several dozen of the most authoritative and respected members of the party - the highest executive and administrative body of the party in the inter-congress period. The Central Committee, according to the Rules, meets at least once every six months for its plenary sessions - plenums of the Central Committee.

"The Central Committee elects: to manage the work of the Central Committee between its Plenums - the Presidium (Politburo); to manage the current work, mainly in the selection of personnel and organization of verification of performance - the Secretariat" (Charter of the CPSU).

Is it by chance that V.I. Lenin, speaking of the general secretary of our party, pointed to him as a person who "concentrated immense power in his hands"?

No, not by chance. This statement by Lenin, only once again confirms his idea, based on real life, that “we need autocracy and a “firm hand”, that “the will of a class must sometimes be carried out by a dictator who will do more and is more needed."

Lenin did not have any illusions about the fact that the General Secretary of our Party must necessarily be and will be an ideal communist and an ideal person, that he will be completely insured against certain mistakes and mistakes in his work, that he will be absolutely free from feelings of personal hostility, distrust of one or another workmate, etc. etc.

Lenin, the leader, and founder of party unshakably believed in the strength and revolutionary spirit of the working people, the proletariat, in the mind, honor and conscience of our era - in the proletarian communist party.

The great Marxist, even for a moment, could not imagine such a situation in the proletarian party, when one or several tens, or even thousands of people, could turn the party around like a toy for their own personal and selfish purposes, could carry out a policy in their leading and administrative work, going against the aspirations of a million-strong party.

It is hard to believe, and, from the point of view of the truth of life, it is impossible to believe that for two decades a million-strong revolutionary party was led and ruled by tyrants and despots who, by some miracle, managed to fool the party around their finger like a blind kitten. It is difficult, impossible to believe that in the million-strong Party of Communists there was not a single honest Communist-Leninist (if one does not include members of the Trotskyist-Zinoviev-Bukharin terrorist groups) who did not find the courage to remove such a person from our path.

Lenin taught:

"... The masses decide, who, if a small number of people do not approach them, ... do not treat this small number too politely" (Lenin, vol. 31, p. 257).

Party led by its leader Lenin understood this very well and, precisely proceeding from the principles of democratic centralism, from the Marxist doctrine of the party and its leaders, party was not afraid of one-man and "dictatorship", knowing that it could always, at the next party congress or the Plenum of the Central Committee, give a proper assessment actions of this or that person, draw appropriate conclusions from this assessment and approve or stop the activity of this person if he makes major mistakes or embarks on the path of abuse of his power.

Lenin taught that

 "without a dozen talented (and talents are not born in hundreds), tested, professionally trained and long-term school trained leaders, who perfectly mellowed with each other, a steadfast struggle of not a single class is possible in modern society" (Lenin, vol. 5 , p. 430).

It goes without saying that leaders are not born, that the authority and influence of leaders on the masses are not acquired and manifested immediately - they are developed over a long period of time, developed as a result of people's gradual inner conviction that this particular person "understands events deeper and sees them further than others" that it is pursuing a policy that is in their common interest.

The faith of the masses in the leader acquired over the years, their trust in the leader, is an important and a necessary element in the historical development of society. Without the trust of the masses in their leaders - and this trust is not a constant value acquired once and for all - there can be neither the "leader" as such, nor the firm policy of the party as a mass public organization, in the Marxist-Leninist sense of these concepts.

Until the end of his days, Stalin enjoyed great authority and trust of the people only because this authority and this trust were based on the only possible, from the point of view of Marxism-Leninism, solid foundation - on the basis of real, tangible successes of the party policy by every Soviet person in raising the living and cultural level of our socialist society.

But, nevertheless, it could not be otherwise, our people never opposed Stalin to the Politburo, the Politburo to the Central Committee, and so on. etc. Paying tribute to Stalin, stormily welcoming him, we met with the same sincere feeling all other prominent figures of the party and state - Molotov, Voroshilov, Kirov, Ordzhonikidze, Kaganovich, Mikoyan, Khrushchev, Kalinin, and others. .

The Party has always well understood that the education of the leaders of the revolution, the leaders of the working class, is a matter of many years and hard work.

The Party has always understood that the authority of our leaders among the people acquired over the years is the same authority of the Party among the people.

The respect acquired over the years for the deeds and names of the leaders, their influence on the masses, is at the same time the influence of the party on the masses. One from the other - the party and its leaders - are inseparable. According to Mayakovsky, -

"The Party and Lenin are twin brothers, - // who is more valuable than mother history? // We say - Lenin, we mean - the party, // we say - the party, we mean - Lenin."

What is the meaning of these lines? It is unlikely that anyone would argue that they are propaganda of the cult of personality.

The Party has always perfectly understood that an attack on the leaders invested with its confidence is an attack on the Party itself.

The Party has always understood that attacks by opposition elements on the leaders of the majority are attacks on the majority as a whole, that these attacks are directed not personally at this or that politician, but are directed at the policy pursued by this figure in the interests and with the consent of the majority.


Ideological struggle makes up the core of the struggle for socialism; integrated democratic and socialist struggle on the way to socialism. Under the conditions of bourgeois dominance, the approach to the “concepts” with the bourgeois or bourgeois influenced perspective is an  inevitable outcome for most. For a bourgeois perspective every man is greedy and out for himself and for bettering himself, because it is “human nature”. Every man wants to be rich and powerful, has a tendency to “own” more and more, an instinct to  abuse his position for his own personal gains.  With that perspective, they deny the possibility of the existence of “professional revolutionaries”, the ever possibility of individuals who are idealist and have the interests of people in mind without having any  personal interests isolated from the interests of the people.  With this bourgeois outlook, concealed anti-Leninists deny the concept of professional revolutionaries and the communist Party organized by them. Philistines and sophists of such, base their arguments to Marx’s comment that "The emancipation of the working class must be the work of the working class itself..." "The movement of the working class is conscious, independent of the broadest masses but for the benefit of the broadest masses" etc. lies at its core. According to these philistines, Marx and Engels said that the political consciousness of the working class will develop spontaneously and will carry out the revolution without the need for parties and professionals.

One of those famous NED fed professor from Turkiye states; "Didn't Marx say that 'the emancipation [liberation] of the working class will be its own work'? Could the emancipation of a class be the work of others? Isn't entrusting the work of revolution to the vanguard party, entrusting the fate of the oppressed and exploited classes to other hands, entrusting them to others?" According to this sophist hiding behind “Marxist” mask,  a party of communists is the party of “others”.  What did Marx and Engels say in the manifesto;

Communists fight for the immediate goals of the working class and for the realization of their interests at that moment; but within the current movement, they also represent and secure the future of this movement.

They deny the role of professional revolutionaries and of the communist party. Unlike Lenin’s explanation in “What is to be done” which states that the “Political class consciousness can be given to the workers only from outside”,  they deny this crucial task through which they leave the process of  gaining “conscious” to the dominant bourgeois ideological means of mental production.  Typically, as the same Professor  claims, “”Based on this observation, it was concluded that the revolution could only be made by a revolutionary party consisting of revolutionary intellectuals and revolutionized workers, who would lead the struggles. This observation also constituted the justification for professional revolutionism.”  “”However, the juxtaposition of the words revolution and professional is a complete  oxymoron. Therefore, it is absurd to put them side by side. Isn’t it absurd to think that someone whose profession is to make revolution could exist? “

Lenin continues in his same article;

"We said that there could be no social-democratic consciousness among the workers. This consciousness had to be brought to them from outside. The history of all countries shows that the working class can develop only trade union consciousness, that is, the belief that it is necessary to unite in trade unions, to struggle against the employers and to force the government to enact the necessary labour laws, etc., by its own efforts.”

It is the same bourgeois idea that there cannot be “professional revolutionaries” , it is against the human nature not to be selfish.  Lenin, however, states;

””The worker-revolutionary, in order to be fully prepared for his task, must likewise be a professional revolutionary. “””” Lenin (From the Scope of Organizational Work)

And Lenin continues;

" Others, far removed from any theory of “gradualness”, said that it is possible and necessary to “bring about a political revolution”, but that this does not require building a strong organisation of revolutionaries to train the proletariat in steadfast and stubborn struggle. All we need do is to snatch up our old friend, the “accessible” cudgel. "

Lenin states in his article the Scope of Organizational Work;

we are not doing what is necessary to "direct" the workers to the path of professional revolutionary education, which is the common path of both workers and "intellectuals"..."”””..

As we clearly  see the approach to the concept of ” professional revolutionaries”  is denied with the bourgeois outlook that it is against the “human nature”. For bourgeoisie and from the perspective of bourgeois there cannot be any  human being without any greed and desire for personal gains . They cannot imagine that there will be  idealist people who have the interests of general people in their mind. For them, despite the historically proven facts,  there cannot be professional revolutionaries who live and die for a cause in the interests of laboring masses, for the cause of socialism. This deeply rooted bourgeois perspective, unfortunately,  has  influenced and penetrated the subconscious minds of  large population of the masses who claim to be socialist. They are for socialism but a socialism of their own imagination, a socialism mixed with bourgeois perspectives denying any “dictatorship” . A  socialism without  the dictatorship of working class. A socialism without the full, dictatorial control of the Party. A Party without the control of congress, without an authoritative direction of central committee, a central committee without the authoritative role of its general secretary “who concentrates immense powers in his hands”.. 

As I have noted we live in a world where the people get their world view from the bourgeois media and from the bourgeois academicians and intellectuals some of whom may even claim to be "objective" and" realist”. As Marx and Engels stated; “those who own the means of production at the same time own the means of mental production” as a consequence of which people are turned in to paraquets who repeat the narratives of the bourgeois in any given subject or event, and who forms a point of view either aligned with or heavily influenced by the bourgeois point of view. This is not a coincidence but an expected result under the current conditions for the general population. However, for those who claim to be Marxist, or Marxist-Leninist, this is not a coincidence but an  indication of a revisionist, reformist tendency or lack of  theoretical knowledge and/or the lack of  the knowledge of  and ability to apply the dialectics of Marxism to the theories and given conditions. It is for this reason that these people  are against any wars, against any dictatorships, against any “dictators”, against any anti-imperialist struggles regardless of the interests of the working class and oppressed, subjugated nations and nation-states. They all forget that the “bourgeois democracy” put on the stage is, in its practical reality, a skillfully  concealed dictatorship of bourgeoisie over the laboring people. The so called “cradle of democracy” , the US is a great example of it as compared to the other countries in where there are more parties , at least on surface or as intention representing different sections of people. In two party system US,  regardless of which party is “elected” to the administration , the real  decisional power is always at the behest of the “unelected” officials of the state apparatus in the service of the bourgeoisie; in the hands of finance capital , military industrial complex.

It is ridiculous to be against the “dictator” representing a class yet to be for a disguised “dictatorship” of the same class. In the final analysis, it is which class the dictator and/or dictatorship is serving the interests of. Paraphrasing  Lenin, it is with whose interests of the governing class (or strata of it) coincides  with; with the interests of the large masses or with the interests of the capitalist minority class?

If the political power in the state is in the hands of a class whose interests coincide with those of the majority, that state can really be governed according to the will of the majority.

 But if the political power is in the hands of a class whose interests differ from those of the majority, any form of minority rule is bound to deceive or oppress the majority.” Lenin, Constitutional Illusions

Lets clear it; Lenin is not talking about “working class” but the “majority” here. Whether it is a “dictator “ or a “dictatorship” what matter for the Marxist Leninists lies in the response to the question of “whose interests of the power coincide with”.

"the will of a class is sometimes carried out by a dictator who alone sometimes does more and is often more necessary".

We should stop looking at the concepts through  the glasses of bourgeois definitions and bourgeois narratives to determine and to take a stand on a given phenomenon.

 Erdogan A

January 10, 2025


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