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Is Trump a fascist or a "peace president"?

February 22, 2025

This is the main focus of the discussions and comments that totally disregards the changes happening in our world that is and will impact the laboring masses, the struggles in ex and neo-colonial countries and the future of their people. 

As usual discussions are limited to and turned into the discussion of "identities" and "identity politics". There is always a class behind any leader at any given time that puts him there as leader.  No individual is above and beyond the class struggle in particular and the struggle in world general; mainly between the progressive and reactionary forces and very often between those whose interests lie in conflicts and war and those whose interests are aligned with peace at any given time and period. 

Is Trump taking the initiative for "peace in Ukraine",  for the reason that  he is a "peace loving" leader.? Every indication in Middle East and East Asia proves it to be otherwise. He is taking this initiative because of the concrete facts of the real world not with the fantasy world of Russophobia factions of Neo-Cons. It is not the "peace "but the concrete "realities"  guiding him. The reality that Russia is winning the war in Ukraine. The reality that even entire Europe comes together militarily they can not defeat Russia but on the contrary, they will be defeated by Russia utterly. As Trump pointed out, there is a "beautiful ocean" between US and Europe, which means even the US is not capable of challenging Russia in a conventional war, the logistics of war will be a decisive obstacle in winning any war against Russia. If there was any chance of winning a war against Russia, Trump would have continued the same policies of former administration. This is the fact that drove the elites standing behind them to put him in power and initiate a "peace" talk with Russia, not because they are for "peace", they never have been for peace because their economy is heavily based on war economy and military industry. Trump represents the China-phobia faction of the Neo-Cons like the other one, they are warmongering faction focused on "different enemy". They are two sides of the same coin.

As I have noted previously, this is not a "peace talk" for Ukraine. This is a first step for a "face saving exit" from the Ukraine war and initiate "talks" with Russia. What is aimed or hoped for is to pull Russia on their side or at least neutralize them in their warmongering actions against China.- and in particular urgency, against Iran. 

Who really cares if Trump and republicans are fascist or not. Biden was and democrats have been equally -if not more fascist than Trump. What we care about is their policies at a given time  and the concrete analysis of how will those policies affect the lives of laboring and oppressed people of the world.  Left (I mean ML left not bourgeois liberal left) has to stop the abstract  slogan mongering based on learned by rote theories- theories are not principles, they are analysis and generalization of conclusions at a given time. It is time to move from the abstract to the concrete, concrete realities of the present and inform, educate  people in ways that they can understand; slogans do not tell them anything about the concrete situation they are in.

I do not think the "peace talks' will go anywhere -except the capitulation of Ukraine- as far as the Ukraine war is concerned. But as Stalin put it; “ if it succeeds result in preventing a particular war, in its temporary postponement, in the temporary preservation of a particular peace, in the resignation of a bellicose government and its supersession by another that is prepared temporarily to keep the peace. That, of course, will be good. Even very good."...... “But all the same, it will not be enough to eliminate the inevitability of wars between capitalist countries generally. It will not be enough, because, for all the successes of the peace movement, imperialism will remain, continue in force -- and, consequently, the inevitability of wars will also continue in force. To eliminate the inevitability of war, it is necessary to abolish imperialism.”

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