Announcement of the PKK Executive Committee in regard to the call of PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan.
"To Our Patriotic People and Democratic Public
"Leader Abdullah Öcalan's statement titled 'Call for
Peace and Democratic Society' on February 27 is the Manifesto of our era, which
illuminates the path of all forces of freedom and democracy. We salute Leader
Apo for giving our people and humanity such a manifesto of a democratic
It is clear that a new historical process has begun in
Kurdistan and the Middle East with this call. This will also have a major
impact on the development of free life and democratic governance around the
world. On this basis, the responsibility rests with all of us; Everyone has to
take care of their duties and responsibilities and fulfill what is necessary.
"We state that we will comply with the requirements
of the call and implement it"
"We are declaring a ceasefire effective from
It is very clear that the PKK has been the great heroic and
true movement of the last half century in Kurdistan. Everything was won with a
very brave and self-sacrificing struggle, with costs and efforts. We
commemorate all the heroic martyrs of this great struggle for freedom with deep
respect, love and gratitude. Now, with the same spirit and belief, we are
carrying these historical achievements to a new period of struggle. The
consciousness given by Leader Apo and the great accumulation of experience
created by the PKK give our people the power to carry out the struggle for
goodness, righteousness, beauty, and freedom through democratic politics.
In this context, we are declaring a ceasefire effective
today in order to pave the way for the realization of Leader Apo's Call for
Peace and Democratic Society. None of our forces will take armed action unless
there is an attack on them.
Moreover, the practical leadership of Leader Apo can only
make issues such as laying down arms practical.
"We are ready to convene the congress, Apo must
conduct it himself"
On the other hand, we are ready to convene the party
congress as Leader Apo wants. However, in order for this to happen, a suitable
secure environment must be created and for the success of the congress, Leader
Apo must personally direct and carry it out. So far, we have done the
management of the war, with all its faults and inadequacies; however, only
Leader Apo can govern the Peace and Democratic Society Period.
"Öcalan needs to have physical freedom, living and
working conditions"
The concrete facts clearly show that in order for the Call
for Peace and Democratic Society to be successfully implemented, for the
democratization of Turkey and the Middle East on the basis of a democratic
solution to the Kurdish question, and for the development of the global
democracy movement, Leader Abdullah Öcalan must have physical freedom, living
and working conditions, and be able to establish unhindered relations with
anyone he wants, including his friends. We hope that the requirements of this
will be fulfilled by the relevant institutions of the state.
"The call is not an end, it is a brand new
Dear People and Friends!
The Call made by Leader Apo is certainly not an end, but a
brand new beginning. As the statement reveals in a very striking way, what we
should have been doing for the last 35 years in general, and for the last 20
years in particular, but which we could not do enough at the time, is now being
done very clearly and sharply. In this respect, it is necessary to understand
the call for Leadership, its causes, and the characteristics and tasks of the
new process it has initiated, correctly and adequately, and to successfully
fulfill their requirements. It is of historical importance to approach the
content of the call with great responsibility and seriousness and to implement
it successfully in every field.
Let's not forget that Leader Apo always shouldered the
burden himself, illuminated our path, and led us. Now, it is taking a new step
with the 'Call for Peace and Democratic Society' and starting a new process of
struggle for all oppressed people, especially women and youth. So, let's
understand the features of this new process correctly and successfully carry
out its tasks, on the basis of always being prepared for all kinds of tricks
and attacks. Let us develop our democratic organization and our struggle for
freedom in all areas with great courage and devotion in Kurdistan, the Middle
East and all over the world. Let us all feel responsible for the success of the
call for leadership.
March 8 and Newroz are called for stronger ownership
Here we have entered a new month of March, we are
experiencing the excitement of a new March 8 and Newroz. We are developing the
Women's Liberation Revolution on the basis of gyneology and organizing moral
and political social life along the lines of Democratic Civilization. We are
trying to understand the Apoist truth more accurately and adequately, and to
develop the revolution of truth, which is a revolution of mentality and
lifestyle. It is on this basis that Leader Apo's last call is a call for
stronger ownership and more enthusiastic celebration of March 8 and Newroz.
More than anyone else, women and young people need to understand this call
correctly and take strong ownership of it and fulfill its requirements.
On the basis of these, we are already celebrating the 8th of
March Working Women's Day and Newroz of all women and youth, our people, and
our friends, and we call on everyone to embrace the Call for Leadership in the
spirit of 8 March and Newroz and to develop the struggle for freedom in every
Long live the PKK, the heroic pioneer of our
people! Bijî Rêber APO!"
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