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New rhetoric of the elites of Western "democracy"; "peace is more dangerous than the war"

The new rhetoric of the elites of Western "democracy" is that "peace is more dangerous than the war". Recent rhetoric of "Western democracies" with a long history of colonialism, slavery, genocides, plunder, exploitation of the colonies and people of colonies without developing any infrastructure in colonies, contrary hindering the development in colonies, who created conditions of continuous conflicts and armed the conflicts in these colonies actually fits their economic and political character.

The question is, for whom the peace is more dangerous than war? One obvious respond to this question for any one who is capable of thinking will be ; dangerous for the military industry and the finance capital behind them. US military industrial complex at the head, the same identities in the European countries have been the winners of all the active-passive conflicts and wars at the expense of the destruction of countries, deaths and suffering of millions of people.

Looking at the increasing anti-war demonstrations in Europe specific and world in general, one can easily claim that the rhetoric of "peace is more dangerous than the war" does not reflect the opinion of majority masses of people. This is the opinion of the military industry and finance capital expressed through their bureaucrats that make up the state institutions.

Is this rhetoric only motivated for the profit interests of the finance capital and military industrial complex?

With the unrests mushrooming and intensifying in Europe, it aims distracting the attention of masses from the deepening economic crises within these countries. As history has proven, only the war cries and war is capable of distracting the attention of the masses from the economic problems and rallies the masses against an "evil enemy" and for the war.

What objective facts lie behind these dissatisfaction with the EU establishment and what are the other causes of economic and political collapse?

EU is an organization of the capitalists under the dominance of three largest of them; Britain (although withdrawn from it officially but not practically), France and Germany. For the rest of them there is no political independence to speak of. Every country is economically dependent on one to other in different degrees. In EU case, losing the political independence the decisions of the ruling bureaucrats are guided by the economic and political interests of the dominant countries, rather than a broader, meaningful strategy embracing the entirety. EU's responses to major questions are more reactive than purposeful and always in line with the interests of dominant countries and dominant finance-military industrial complex. That's why EU's decision-making process is often undemocratic, for the decisions are made by bureaucrats rather than directly by the countries and of their citizens.

National nihilist approach of the dominant countries for EU, yet not for themselves made the EU governance that lacks the depth or meaning beyond economic benefits, yet they could not produce the economic benefits to all its member countries. Bourgeois classes of other EU countries have become the extension of the finance capital and its industries; comprador bourgeoisie with no nationality. As Stalin stated once; " “Formerly, the bourgeoisie was considered the leader of nations; it maintained the rights and independence of nations, putting them ’before all else. ’ Now not a trace of this national principle remains. Now the bourgeoisie will sell the rights and independence of their nations for dollars. The banner of national independence and national sovereignty has been thrown overboard. " It is the difference between the dominant and dominated countries, between the imperialist countries and their subjugated countries with "comprador" charactered ruling classes.

It is the national nihilism promoted for the EU and defended by the liberal left that " national nihilism is necessary in the struggle against social-chauvinism" by considering the EU as a "country". It is not coincidence that these left are mouth pieces of the dominant countries and dominant classes who in fact points to the chauvinist nature of them demanding that the EU countries take up national nihilism and cease its struggle against it. These sophists like to brush their bourgeois theories with Marxist colors and always bring about the words of Marx and Engels; “The working men have no country. We cannot take from them what they have not got”.. This statement however has nothing to do with national nihilism. Marx and Engels immediately go on to say in the very next sentence: “Since the proletariat must first of all acquire political supremacy, must rise to be the leading class of the nation, must constitute itself the nation, it is, so far, itself national, though not in the bourgeois sense of the word.” EU and its mouthpiece leftists demand that all the European peoples adopt the position of national nihilism. This way, with their national nihilist ravings the European "Left” replaces the internationalism of the proletariat with the cosmopolitanism of the EU imperialist big bourgeoisie and their comprador extensions in Europe. They defend the "merging of nations under EU (and NATO for that matter). Unlike the "European Left", Marxism-Leninism has a very different perspective on the question of the “merging of nations.” For the merging of nations, the breaking down of national barriers can only be realized with the establishment of fraternal equality among nations. Merging of nations cannot be realized under the EU imperialist domination.

As Enver hodja stated; “The Eurocommunists do not want to see the existence of a major national problem, the question of American domination in Western Europe and the need for liberation from it. From the end of the Second World War down to this day, American imperialism has bound this part of Europe with all kinds of political, economic, military, cultural and other chains. Without breaking these chains you cannot have socialism....The Eurocommunists’ denial of the existence of a national problem in their countries, concretely, the need to fight the American domination and dictate and to strengthen the national independence and sovereignty, is further proof of their political and ideological degeneration and their betrayal of the cause of revolution.”

It seems that US, at least in regard to the Ukraine question, deserting the EU to deal with the question itself. US, with the economic sanctions to Russia brought about an economic crises to Europe and benefitted from it by selling at multiple cost what Europe was buying from Russia at low cost. It is clear that the economic crises in Europe hitting the dominated EU countries harder than the dominant ones. It is an inevitable consequence that nationalism is replacing national nihilism in European countries. As it is for NATO, the future of EU is questionable as far as its viability and continuity.

In addition to all, the most important concrete reality of Europe is that its once politically and militarily relevant countries ; like Britain, France, and Germany have become irrelevant countries in the world politics, economics and military power. All their provocations so far to have US involved in their cry for war directly could not be fruitful. It is not that the US don't want to but because US , slowly but surely, is realizing that the world has changed from the unilateral world in where they were the only superpower and was able to dictate their will to all the countries of the world, to a multipolar world. US will not and cannot risk a direct war with Russia since the" risks outweigh the benefits".

Europe- EU frustrated and in panic with no military power to speak about, and with deepening economic crisis, is acting, like Zelensky in the oval office, with arrogance and ignorance of the concrete realities. In reality, as far as the people of Europe is concerned, peace is the only viable alternative.

A faction of Neo-Cons is waking up to the realities of the current world, while the other faction of the Neo-Cons still live in a fantasy land divorced from the realities of the world. The EU extension of Russophobia Neo-Cons are still living in the same fantasy land and sleep-walking in the path of an awakening with a nightmare.

Any peace at war time regardless of how temporary it is, it serves the interests of laboring people, but in most cases counter serves to the interests of warmongers and military-finance industry.

The rhetoric of "peace is more dangerous than war" is facade in general and suicidal rhetoric in EU particular. Although large section of the people of ex-colonizer countries living comfortable to a degree due to the share they have been receiving from the exploitation and plunder of so many other countries, have been oblivion and impartial to practices of their countries' , this time, because it directly concerns their own fate, they will have to take their fate in their hands and mobilize against war.

We will wait and see.

Erdogan A
March 2, 2025

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