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On A Fake History 2

A. Martirosyan
(unedited translation)

In order to finally clarify the principled position of Stalin in such situations, I will permit myself to cite an example that is very "related" to the meaning and external features.

In November 1940, with the official visit (at the invitation of the German side), Germany was visited by the closest associate of Stalin, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov. Before leaving for Berlin, a confidential conversation took place between him and Stalin, during which Joseph Vissarionovich outlined the thematic content of the theses for Molotov's probing talks with the Nazi leadership of Germany, especially with Hitler.

Everything happened orally, i.e. even in conditions of peace, Stalin did not allow himself to send anything to Molotov in writing. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich personally, from memory, in a semi-encrypted form on a small sheet of paper, abstractly sketched out everything that Stalin said. Now they are trying to pass this scrap of paper out for some, almost on the verge of instructions, Stalin's instructions to Molotov for organizing collusion with Hitler!

And these were just theses for probing Hitler's intentions, as shown in detail in Stalin's reaction to the results of his visit, reported by Molotov to the Politburo.

The reason why Stalin defined the theses for the sounding of the Hitlerite leadership by Molotov is trivial. According to intelligence reports, he knew that, at the initiative of the British Duke of Bedford and several other influential representatives of the British elite, confidential negotiations between the emissary R. Hess in the person of Albrecht Haushofer and authorized representatives from the British side began in Geneva in late August 1940.

Moreover, Stalin knew for certain that the British representatives had conditioned the British's readiness to establish peace with Germany with the eventual consent of the latter to the dissolution of the Treaty of Non-Aggression with the USSR of August 23, 1939!

Stalin was aware of the fact that Hitler planned to postpone the beginning of specific peace talks with England before the Balkans, for in this case the Treacherous Albion would have been more accommodating, since. The main maritime communications linking England to the colonies would have been under the German threat. On the other hand, it was just as certain that Churchill, who was then prime minister, ordered British intelligence to ignite the flames of war in Europe, so that it inevitably spread to the USSR.

That is why Stalin and instructed Molotov, almost on the verge of a foul, to probe the intentions and position of the Nazi leadership, incl. and by carefully "playing" some of the geopolitical maps that are particularly attractive to the Hitler. Slandage was a success - Molotov was able to feel the position of the Hitler, as evidenced by the assessment of Stalin's results of his visit to Germany. Like any political and state figure in the world, Stalin was absorbed in the cares of the security of his state and, for this reason, committed precisely those diplomatic maneuvers that are universally accepted throughout the world. This example is given to show that even in relations with such a close ally as Molotov, moreover, in conditions of peace, Stalin did not even give anything in writing!

On the so-called report of Merkulov to Stalin, allegedly a photocopy of which is given above. This is a forgery - primarily because the issues mentioned in it were not within the competence of the Deputy People's Commissar for Internal Affairs of the USSR, V. Merkulov! This level is only Stalin - Molotov-Beria!

For example, the decision to conduct the reconnaissance operation of the NKVD, repeatedly mentioned in the book, on the impact on the top leadership of Hitler's Germany in order to keep it from attempts to use chemical weapons against Soviet troops was taken only at the Stalin-Molotov-Beria level. at the level of the three main and most full-fledged members of the State Defense Committee. On instructions from Stalin, Beria only personally instructed the executor of this operation, PA. Sudoplatov, which should be talked with the agent of our intelligence - the ambassador of Tsarist Bulgaria in Moscow Stamenov.

And only personally in front of Beria Sudoplatov reported on the work done, and, apparently, it was verbally. Beria, in turn, also verbally reported this to Stalin.

In the same way, even before the war, the operation "Snow" initiated by Stalin personally (by the way, based on the results of Molotov's visit to Germany) began on the pre-emptive reorientation of the direction of the inevitable armed expansion of Japan in the southern direction. against the United States and Great Britain, which resulted in the attack of the Land of the Rising Sun on Pearl Harbor and as a result of which the United States was finally drawn into World War II as a combat ally of the USSR.

Everything was done verbally, including the promotion of relevant information to the top leadership of the United States and Japan. There were no written traces in the intelligence materials, and abroad - especially. If it were not for the memoirs of the veteran intelligence officer General V. Pavlov, then no one would ever have known about this operation10.

I emphasize that this is a general rule for reconnaissance operations, especially when the issues to be resolved are at the level of the highest world political science.

The general is common, but first of all it should be borne in mind that during the entire war, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin never and under no circumstances entered into any secret, including. and separate negotiations with the Hitlerites. On the contrary, during the entire war he faithfully observed the commitments made to the Allies on the anti-Hitler coalition to categorically prohibit such.

It's you, a million pardons and excuses, not some Winston Churchill, who has been suffering from an incurable Anglo-Saxon pathology since time immemorial - to constantly adore by the principle "one write, two daggers in the mind and three snakes in the bosom"!

For only Churchill and others like him, as a matter of course for the man of the West, could get into the head with one hand to sign an allied agreement with the USSR, the content of one of whose items forbade even an attempt to enter into secret separate negotiations with the Hitlerites, and another - to all the countries of Europe, including Hitler's Germany, in which he urged them to consolidate their efforts for the assured destruction of the USSR, and under the guise of which this defender of British democracy still managed to enter into secret negotiations with the Hitlerites in 1942 on the division of territories and property of the Soviet Union! "

Such, sorry ... (this word begins with the fourth letter of the Russian alphabet) was an "ally" in that war. A thousand times right already quoted above Yu.I. Mukhin, who called U. Churchill "our sneaky friend"!

And in conclusion of this aspect of the topic mentioned, it is interesting to note that the idea, more precisely, the ideix about the allegedly separate Soviet-German negotiations during the war, is not new. Immediately after the war, the historian Basil Liddel-Tartp, closely knit with British intelligence, "slightly moved his mind" on this.

He "jammed", I must say bluntly, very stupidly, for he carried these speculations to 1943, i.e. after the victories of the Soviet Army in Stalingrad and in the Battle of Kursk, when it became clear to everyone that the ridge of the fascist beast was broken and there was nothing to discuss with him, it was only necessary to finish him off.

"The Legend of Liddell-Hart" partly echoes with what, unfortunately, so easily bought V.V. Karpov ...

Further analysis of the fake leads to the conclusion that, in addition to everything else, it completely violates the attributes of secret reconnaissance with Stalin during the war.

From June 30, 1941 and until May 9, 1945, Soviet intelligence, in this case the NKVD, sent its communications to Stalin, while strictly observing the following attributes of especially secret correspondence. As of 1942, it looked like this:

In the upper right corner of the document was put the classification of secrecy, in this case -

"Sov. secret "(occasionally," Top Secret "). 13.

Immediately after the stamp of secrecy, the number of the specimen was indicated, i.e. it looked like this:


Ex. No. _ " 14 .

Of course, Stalin sent the first copy.

The addressee was indicated as follows:

"STATE DEFENSE COMMITTEE t.Stalin, t.Molotov, t.Beria" (if the document was not signed by Lavrenty Pavlovich) 15.

In documents of that time, especially 1941-42, there are also such formulations of the addressee as, for example:




Surnames can be specified either as "Comrade Stalin, t.Molotovu" or "Comrade Stalin, t.MOLOTOVU" or "tov.STALI-ou, tov.MOLOTOVU" occasionally "tt.STALINU, Molotov" 19 .

Those. specified in the so-called. "The report" to the addressee "To Comrade Stalin" is nothing but a farcical design of a fake.

The registration number given in the fake - No. 1/2428 of February 27, 1942 - in its turn, is capable of provoking an ironic smile.

The fact is that the registration of outgoing messages addressed to the head of state was carried out by intelligence separately, and, consequently, this number should mean its order character. In turn, this means that only the NKVD reconnaissance of the USSR from January 1 to February 27, 1942, i.e. in just 58 days (worldwide, in any business, registration starts from January 1 and ends on December 31) sent 2428 messages to Stalin! It turns out that only the NKVD intelligence sent him 42 messages a day ?!

Theoretically, it can be assumed that for a day or two, well, at most, five days out of these 58 days, intelligence could indeed send 42 messages, but not only to Stalin, but to all those who are interested in its information. But to survive such a frantic regime for 58 days in a row - after all, it's almost 2 messages per hour and then at the rate of round-the-clock work, which even during the war was not.

Yes, intelligence can get a huge amount of information per day, especially during the war, but not all of them meet the requirements presented to the head of state! This level corresponds to 10 to 20% of all extracted information, and Beria, as he treated, was a high-quality intelligence professional, in order not to rush to the Kremlin for nothing!

In this allegedly registration number, it especially "touches" that a clumsy faked out fake should be, in sense and spirit, treated as "OV", i.e. documents of "Special importance", but after all, she has a fake, then - the current registration number, while similar documents were then registered in a separate magazine! And consequently, the number would have to be much less!

Something, but in matters of secret record keeping in the days of Stalin-Beria reigned "iron order"!

Here the following words would be quite appropriate: "From 1938 to 1945, L.P. Beria was People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR. He was a good commissar, the best estimate in such cases is the evaluation of the enemy.

Collection "World War 1939-1945", section "War on land", General von Butlar:

"The special conditions that existed in Russia greatly hindered the obtaining of intelligence data on the military potential of the Soviet Union, and therefore these data were far from complete. The exceptionally skilful disguise by the Russians of everything that relates to their army, as well as strict control over foreigners and the impossibility of organizing a broad network of espionage made it difficult to verify the few information that intelligence officers could collect ... "

Specifically, personally in the USSR for "the impossibility of organizing a broad network of espionage" answered L.P. Beria 20 .

The "cap" of the supposedly documented "FIRST DEPUTY PEOPLE'S COMMISSIONER OF THE INTERIOR OF THE USSR" - and the signature under this alleged document: "First Deputy People's Commissar for Internal Affairs of the USSR (Merkulov)" causes no less "emotion".

Never and under no circumstances during the war such documents addressed to Stalin from the NKVD of the USSR were not sent! Moreover, intelligence messages were not sent on official forms - this was not generally accepted in correspondence between state security bodies, especially intelligence agencies, and the USSR Instance, i.e. The Politburo, and above all Stalin.

Such a "cap" in this, if I may say so, "document" - one of the most lethal evidence that we have a fake. There is not a single sign of even a minimal correspondence to the blank documents of that time. As the main sign of conformity, the following should be the case: all attributes of the sender must have been typed in the upper left corner of the sheet, except for the date and number.

Since the beginning of the century, only one order of sending intelligence information to the USSR was adopted: on the clean sheet of white paper of the A-4 format, all restrictive attributes, the addressee, the content and signature of the head of the security services (intelligence), as well as the date with the registration number in the lower left corner of the last sheet of the document).

In those cases when intelligence messages for the above address were to be sent during the war, that is, in the "STATE COMMITTEE OF DEFENSE OF THE USSR T. Stalin, t.Molotov, t.beria," they were signed by the head of the NKVD intelligence P.M. Fitin, the formulation of his post up to the next division of the NKVD and NKGB in 1943 looked like: "Chief of Intelligence of the NKVD Union of the USSR", or "Head of the Intelligence Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR (Fitin)" 21 .

When Fitina destination document signature was as follows: "The National Defense of the USSR (sometimes UNION SSR) Comrade Stalin, t.MOLOTOVU, t.BERIYa, and just below NKVD - Merkulova" 22 .

It was Fitin, as the intelligence chief, who signed the majority of intelligence reports of the USSR NKVD to Stalin as the chairman of the state short-term bonds. Yes, in general, Stalin had no address in the war years, except for "GKO, Stalin." I emphasize that it was Fitin who signed the majority of intelligence reports, incl. and on especially important issues.

It is connected with this, in particular, the additional addressee of the "NKVD of the USSR - T.Merculov", behind which lies one subtlety: Merkulov was informed in parallel as the first deputy of the People's Commissar and only. In the same cases, when the information was particularly important, the message was signed personally by L.P. Beria, whose wording for the signature looked like this:

"People's Commissar" of the USSR Internal Affairs "or

"People's Commissar of the" Internal Affairs of the USSR " 23

If something that, unfortunately, turned out to be accepted at face value would indeed have taken place, then the document would have to be signed in accordance with the above-mentioned rules that were valid at that time, and even more so would not look ridiculous the formulation of Merkulov's post "First deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR ".

However, even the totality of the above subtleties will clearly fade against the background of the most lethal documentary argument, even alone and unconditionally exposing this heinous fake.

Photographing under No. 11 shows the alleged signature of Merkulov under an alleged document in the name of allegedly Stalin, and under No. 12 is a sample of Merkulov's original signature under the official document for 1941, i.е. eight months before the date specified in document No. 11. In addition, samples of handwriting and signatures of Merkulov for 1938 (see No. 13) and for 1953 (see No. 14) are given to represent the dynamics of a possible transformation of the signature, which, as is known, takes place in life with the age of a person.

As you can see, the signatures of Vsevolod Nikolayevich Merkulov for 1938 and 1941. - the same, and even if in three years it has not undergone any transformation, especially in connection with a sharp change in the position of Merkulov (in 1938 he was only the head of the department of the Central Committee of the CP of Georgia, and in 1941 - already a People's Commissar state security of the USSR), then, you know, it hardly changed at least somehow on February 27, 1942!

That is why the sample of his signature (No. 12) under Directive No. 136/6171 of June 24, 1941 (the Directive of the NKGB of the USSR to the People's Commissars of the State Security of the Republics, the State Security Offices of the Borders and Regions of the Borderland on the tasks facing the state bodies security in wartime), the original of which is kept in the Central Intelligence Agency of the Federal Security Service. F. 12 wasps. Op. 3. D. 4. L. 241 242, 252-254. I emphasize that the above signature VN. Merkulov was taken directly from the original of the directive with which the state security organs headed by him entered the war - when publishing this document, the Central Intelligence Service of the FSB directly stipulated its authenticity!
Samples of handwriting are personal letters of V.N. Merkulov in the name of L, P. Beria, were taken from the archival investigation file against Vsevolod Nikolayevich as "an accomplice of Beria." The documents were quoted on the 123rd page of the book by A. Sukhomlinov "Who are you, Lavrenty Beria?" (M., 2003) 25.

Their value is also in the fact that they give a holistic view of the handwriting of V.N. Merkulov, which provides an opportunity to make sure once again that on the used V.V. Karpov's ostensibly document shows a stupidly forged signature of Merkulov!

In conclusion of the topic on the authenticity of Merkulov's signature, it would be interesting to point out that even the transformed one - apparently under the effect of his sudden arrest in 1953 - Merkulov's signature on the prison questionnaire of the arrested person (in his archival criminal case) does not look like the signature , depicted in the above V.V. A carp fake. 
Compare once more the sample under number 11 (fake) with the signature of Merkulov on the prison questionnaire (No. 15) 26. The signature on the questionnaire is identical, in any case purely visually it is so, the signature on Merkulov's personal letter to Beria in 1953 (before the arrest).

3. To an even greater extent, the fact of falsification is proved by the fact that the basis of those alleged negotiations between Soviet and German intelligence officers was a "General Agreement" between the NKVD and the Gestapo.

So easily bought on fake VV. Karpov let the dust into his eyes, that he had only recently read this document, obviously having foreseen the fact that he had read it with a printed sheet of the notorious company "Memory" -the newspaper of the same name for No. 1 (26) of 1999, from. 12-13!

Not only Karpov "slipped" on that, if I may say so, "the printed edition." The author of the book "Guillotine for Demons" (St. Petersburg, 2001) Roman Perin almost all his work built on this ...

It was in this issue of the newspaper "Pamyat" that this fake was first published.

Look closely at the "caps" of the photocopies of the same alleged document: under No. 16, what was printed in the newspaper "Memory" and in the book by R. Perin, under No. 17 - what V. Karpov quoted.

And if you look closely, try at least to yourself to answer a simple question - how can the same document have two different "caps" ?!

But do not hurry with the answer, because it's still "flowers". As for "berries" - "wolf berries" of falsification, then please, here they are.

None of the international documents in their names:

a) are not listed in the order of homogeneous members of the proposal without (logical) completion of the meaning of the names of the spheres to which the documents apply; those. if someone was willing to burgle this fake, then it was necessary to think what should be done by nature and not by the opposite place and, accordingly, to call this dirty fake should be so: "The General Agreement on Cooperation, Mutual Assistance and Joint activities ";

b) the more not indicated are mutually absorbing synonyms, and if one wants to make a fake, then in Russian it should have the following form:

"General Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance" or

"General agreement on mutual assistance and joint activities".

The enumeration of the three synonyms, separated by commas, is meaningless, especially if one considers that the word "cooperation", especially in combination with the word "mutual aid", completely absorbs the meaning of the term "joint activity".

You can hate the past, the people of the past, their actions, after all, you can not be surprised that some anthropologists hate their homeland, but you should not assume that the people of the past were uniform idiots!

Firstly, because for all its Georgian origin, both Stalin and Beria spoke Russian better than another professor of Russian literature.

Secondly, in the Lubyanka and in those times were highly skilled, incl. and in the field of international law, experts, to prevent such oak blunders.

After all, the NKVD, and even earlier, the OGPU, even before the war, carried out international cooperation with the special services of Mongolia, Turkey and Czechoslovakia, and carried out on the basis of relevant treaties. And, accordingly, they knew well what and how to make out in writing. Meanwhile, even on formal, i.e. attributes, signs, everything is broken, to which the dirty paws of falsifiers have reached.

For example, in the title of the post LP. Beria has a gross distortion. The fact is that he is listed as the chief of the Main Directorate of State Security - the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR - while his main post at the time, which, in fact, he was transferred from Georgia, was called "First Deputy People's Commissar of Internal affairs of the USSR "28. And he was appointed to this post on August 22, 1938, 29 but the chief of the GUGBB Beria became only September 29, 1938, 30 and then concurrently.

The main position (especially so high) completely absorbs the second, which he held concurrently. This rule is all the more applicable, especially when signing contracts and similar documents, incl. and international, when the highest position of the signatory is indicated.

The moment is legally as subtle, equally important, especially as it is indicated in the forgery that the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR (we will immediately point out that this was not written in any document, for the usual formulation was that only , the word "Narodnyi" was written with a capital letter, the rest with a small, except, of course, the USSR .- AM), hereinafter: "The NKVD, represented by the head of the Main Directorate of State Security, State Security Commissioner I Rank Lavrenty Beria" which, by the way, would have been much handy her, if even the NKVD in his face, to indicate that the NKVD in his face as the First Deputy People's Commissar of the Interior! At least this would be legally more competent, especially for such an allegedly document with such a high-profile title as the "General Agreement" - that is, it would be understandable, that the document was signed by a truly authorized official. Beria was a pedagogue in matters of record keeping and knew the sense, incl. and in the papers. He certainly would not have thought of using the journalistic stamp "Lavrenty Beria" in an official document of an international character!

And, by the way, since the hunt was once again to trample LP. Beria, then we would have moved the date for another 14 days, i.e. until November 25, 1938, when Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria was officially appointed People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 31 and they would have "soldered" to this "General Agreement

"in any case, a purely fake would have acquired a much more convincing appearance, without ceasing to be a fake, of course ...

But no, it was unbearable to "tie" this dirty fake to November 11, 1938. Why ?! Especially when you consider that the power of attorney was issued to "papa Muller" on November 3, 1938?! And there is an adequate answer to this story, which is a little lower, but for now that's what.

Before the "emotion" is struck by the unique dullness of the falsifiers, just to the point of stupid idiocy with names of institutions and the post of signatory on the German side.

In the "cap" of the so-called. "The General Agreement" (see No. 16), the German "signatory" is listed as the "General Directorate of Security of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (Gestapo)".

Yes you will know that, firstly, in accordance with the decree of Hitler on November 1, 1938. The main security department of the NSDAP of Germany, and this is primarily the Security Service (Sicherheitsdienst-SD), i.e. SD, ceased to be the Security Service only NSDAP, i.e. party secret service, and was officially declared the security organ of the entire Third Reich . 32

On November 3, 1938, "Papa Müller" could not legally get a power of attorney on behalf of the NSDAP GUB. Moreover, he could not speak on behalf of the GUB NSDAP on November 11, 1938. So what, but you can not take away the sharpened accuracy in the papers from the Germans - they are world-famous pedants in terms of records management.

Secondly, in fact, this office since June 26, 1936 was called the General Directorate of the Security Police and SD! 33 It included the Gestapo and Creep (criminal police).

By the way, the name "Gestapo" is semi-legal, spontaneous.

When in 1933 H. Goering created in the Prussian Ministry of the Interior "Secret Department of the State Police", i.e. in German "Geheime Staatspolizeiabteilung", some official invented an abbreviation, which was read as "Gestapa."

For some time, but still under Gering, the term "Gestapa" was used, but then another "craftsman" from the same agency replaced the letter "a" at the end of the "term" with the letter "o" and it turned out that is notorious in the world - "the Gestapo" 34 .

Accordingly, the term "General Directorate of Security of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (GESTAPO)" could not be used in the title of this supposedly "general agreement", since such writing means the complete identity of what is in brackets, to what is indicated in front of them, which in reality was not. The Gestapo was just one of the constituent parts of this office.

As of November 1938, already as a secret political police - from October 1, 1936 the term "Gestapo" was extended to the entire political police of the Reich - the Gestapo was just one of the departments of the Main Directorate of the Security Police and SD (the second was the Criminal Police Office - Creep, which was headed by one of the largest police forensic experts of Germany Arthur Nyobe) 35 .

Thirdly, the "confusion" of the falsifiers in the question of the post of "papa Muller" is especially "admired," because they managed "ahead of schedule" to raise him in office and rank!

As of November 11, 1938, Henry Muller was not the head of the IV Directorate (Gestapo) of the Main Directorate of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany - by the way, note that in the "cap" of this "document", ie. in its name, the GUB of the NSDAP of Germany was identified as "Gestapo," and in the preamble of the agreement the Gestapo is listed as "4th Department of the GUB NSDAP", which is already nonsense. This, of course, does not mean that horseradish is sweeter than radish, however, it is not a sin and a measure to know.

Such a delirium of a gray mare could only arise because of the fact that the Gestapo became the IV Office (AMT-4) only on September 27, 1939, when the so-called "Seventeen" the moments of spring "- RSHA (RSHA - Reichssicherheitshauptamt), i.e. General Directorate of Imperial Security 36 .

As of November 11, 1938 G. Muller could not subscribe to the "general agreement" as the head of the IV Office, the more so the GUB of the NSDAP. And even more so the Hitlerites could not give him the power of attorney as the head of the IV Department of the GUB NSDAP!

Because, as of November 11, 1938, he was only the head of the abstract (department) II-1A of the Main Directorate of the Security Police and the SD, was engaged in a struggle with the communists, church, sect, immigrants, Jews and Freemasons 37 .

Moreover, "papa Muller" especially could not act as the actual signatory on the German side, because at that time he was simply SS Standartenfiihrer, ie, only Colonel 38 . At that moment, Beria was the rank of commissar of state security of rank 1, i.e. General of the Army, and in post - First Deputy People's Commissar (Minister) of the Interior 39 .

The general rule is that whoever and whatever signs on international cooperation issues, in all circumstances, full parity in posts, powers, and, if necessary, in titles, is observed.

Meanwhile, parity here is not respected, not only in principle, but even technically: Beria's status is indicated in the preamble in full, including his Chekist title at the time, but the status of G. Muller is limited to mentioning, and then inaccurate, only his office , without indicating the rank!

And at the same time G. Muller allegedly acted on the basis of an alleged power of attorney, and Beria - is unknown on the basis of what! Just the NKVD in his face ?!

However, no power of attorney in this area does not work - it's not a way to get the shoes from the warehouse! In the sphere of interstate relations, but regardless of the level at which they are implemented, the rule that is unshakable for centuries is that both parties are obliged to show each other their written powers, which is then reflected in the text of the interstate agreement.

For example, how the powers of the German Foreign Minister, I. von Ribbentrop, were signed in writing to sign the Non-Aggression Treaty with the USSR: Hitler personally signed these powers (see No. 18)! And we are offered to believe in a debilitating tale of some kind of power of attorney ?!

Falsifiers contrived to everything else to "extradite" G. Müller with a power of attorney from one organization at a time when he allegedly signed the agreement on behalf of another?

Well, how could you write such nonsense - "The General Directorate of Security of the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, represented by the head of the Fourth Directorate (Gestapo), Henry Muller, on the grounds (before that, the word" acting "was clearly missed in the forgery.) -448 / 12-1 of November 3, 1938, issued by chief of the Reichsfuhrer SS Reinhard (correct: Reinhard-AM) Heydrich ... "?!

After all, it turns out that G. Muller from one office, and "power of attorney" was given to him "benefactors" from another office!

He is listed as the head of the Fourth Directorate of the German Social-Democratic Labor Party in Germany, and the power of attorney from the Reichsführer SS GU German G. Himmler!

Under no circumstances would Beria even sit down at the negotiating table with such a "representative", to put it mildly, which, moreover, is much lower than him both in rank and in office, so also he knows who "represents"! Not to mention the fact that the Party Security Service of the USSR NKVD under no circumstances would not have to deal.

In the NKVD of the USSR, as well as in the special services of Germany, it was quite brilliantly examined in international law and interstate contractual practice by professional lawyers to prevent such oak "blunders"!

... Hardly anyone knows, except, of course, a very narrow circle of specialists, that, for example, until the Second World War, the headquarters of Interpol was in Berlin, and already by this circumstance the Nazis were forced to clearly understand the issues of international cooperation between special services ...

No less "emotion" is caused by the allegedly signatures themselves, and especially by the format of these allegedly signatures under the so-called. "A general agreement."

If, for example, you use the nowadays frequently found yernike formula, then concoct a signature similar to the signature of Beria and Mueller, and at the same time print (how many announcements on poles!), Similar to the NKVD of the USSR and the GUB of the NSDAP or even of the entire Third Reich - easier to steam turnip!

Documents in the archives of a lot, including. and trophy, the corresponding "craftsmen", incl. and especially high-class, - all the more reason! So there is nothing complicated in this part.

Yes, as a matter of fact, which of the modern readers saw first-hand the authentic signatures of Beria or the same Mueller? Who knows the real press of the NKVD of the USSR, and even more so the Gestapo or the same GUB of the NSDAP or the Third Reich ?!

Anything you can "draw," produce and give out for the present, and no one even suspects falsification, especially since all photocopies of the print are deliberately blurred.

However, we are still suspicious and will not believe.

So, under No. 17, the alleged signature of Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria under the supposedly "general agreement" allegedly signed by him, and under No. 19-23 several samples of the signature of the true Beria in the late 1930s. - for 1937 and 1940, taken from various documents40. Naturally, as in the previous case, there is no need to lay claim to the laurels of the expert-graphologist (handwriter) - it's enough just to look closely at these samples with the naked eye.

A closer look, with surprise to find that there are no signs of even external similarity - and then no! Why? The question, of course, is interesting - in fact, in principle, the signature of Beria is not something top secret, because in the archives of thousands of documents with his "autographs". However, the answer to this question, strangely enough, is very simple: for a sample, LP Beriya's signature was taken at least 1944!

Compare: No. 17 - counterfeit and No. 23 - a sample signature of L.P. Beria in 1944. In this case, there is a partial similarity, and even a very close, but still fake, is seen from afar, because as a model for a counterfeit it was necessary to use Beria's signature of the late 1930s, not the end of 1944!

As for the signature of "Mueller's father", I regret to state that it was not possible to find yet undoubted samples of his true signature of the late 1930s. However, one must assume that everything above and below will be enough to recognize unconditionally that the whole "history" is a vile and mean falsification.

As for other aspects of the forgery, it is much more important that in the part concerning the universally accepted international legal signature format, everything that has only been possible to violate is violated. First, in accordance with the rules established in the international treaty practice that have been established for a long time and which have been applied in international treaty practice, it is also pointed out first of all that a certain document is drawn up (and not printed!) In so many copies and on such- then languages. Those. instead of a semi-anecdotal record that "printed in Russian and German in a single copy" (?!), which is also "tied up" (?!), in accordance with normal contractual practice, the following :

at least - "compiled in two copies, in German and Russian languages ​​(in such a sequence that there is an indispensable element of the obligatory protocol courtesy of the receiving party in relation to the foreign one), in Moscow on November 11, 1938"; as an optimal variant - "this agreement is made in two originals, in German and Russian, each of which is authentic, in Moscow on November 11, 1938."

The use of these formulas makes it possible to avoid the idiocy indicated in the expression "printed in Russian and German in a single copy", since a normal formulation "is composed in two originals in German and Russian languages".

It contains both the meaning of the document and its printing in a single copy in each of the two languages, because the expression "composed in two originals" was used.

By the way, it was precisely this formula that ended, for example, the Treaty of Non-Aggression between the USSR and Germany of August 23, 1939.41

Secondly, never and under no circumstances bilateral treaties and agreements in international practice are signed in a column (successively) one after another - the standard format for signing signatures is long and unequivocally requires the equal distribution of signatures in one line (at the same level).

If this "general agreement" really took place in history, the signatures indicating the posts of signatories would have to be arranged as follows:
Head of the Main Directorate of State Security, Commissioner of State Security 1st Rank

L. Beria

Head 4 of the Office of the Chief Security Directorate of the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, the SS brigadefuhrer

H. Müller

Falsification brazenly protrudes from the system of location of the signatures and seals in the Russian and German originals:

in German - in the first place in the column is the signature of G. Muller and, accordingly, the German press, and in Russian - on the contrary (see No. 26).

It happens only in stupid fakes, and not in these documents.

Third, technologically, the format of signatures in such documents must necessarily include a precondition in the form of an instruction, in which the signatures would look like this:
For the NKVD of the USSR (more precisely, for the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR)

Head of the Main Directorate of State Security, Commissioner of State Security 1st Rank

L. Beria

For the General Directorate of Security of the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany Head 4 of the Office of the Chief Directorate of Security of the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany, the SS brigadefuhrer

H. Müller

Fourthly, between the preamble and the signatures - a crude legal discord: the fact is that "papa Muller" allegedly acted on the basis of a power of attorney, and Beria - is unknown on the basis of what. We have already spoken about this earlier.

The agreement between the special services is a matter that is strictly within the competence of the top leadership of any state, therefore, in both cases it should be stated that either "under the authority of the government (the Soviet formula of those times) or" for the government "(" on behalf of the government " ) - the German formula of the same times.

By the way, falsifiers missed one of the most important nuances from the practice of those years. In especially important and especially scrupulous cases, and cooperation with the special services of a foreign state from this category, a specially secret decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) On this issue was made, in which it was necessarily indicated that, after considering such and such a question, t .e. on cooperation with the special services of a certain state, the Politburo decides to recognize such cooperation as expedient and instructs such and such (ie, the head of the relevant Soviet special service) to resolve this issue in accordance with the current legislation, in this connection, authorizes him with the right of first signature, t .e. instructs him to sign such an agreement. On April 14, 1937, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) On the initiative of Stalin (see RGASPI.

F. 17. On. 163. D. 1145. L. 62-63) adopted a special resolution "On the preparation of questions for the Politburo of the CPSU (b)", according to which to resolve issues of a secret nature, incl. and foreign policy, a special commission consisting of five persons was created. Without the knowledge of this commission, not a single issue of this order was resolved.

Moreover, this should have been in the case under consideration, since speech allegedly was about cooperation with the secret service of an extremely odious and extremely hostile state of the USSR - Hitler's Germany.

Without such a decision, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) Beria would not even have thought about this topic, not to discuss it, especially in 1938. Moreover, when he was just the first deputy People's Commissar for Internal Affairs of the USSR. Already something, but crazy LP. Beria was not to take such an initiative and take full responsibility for such a step42.

Consequently, taking into account all the above circumstances, the format of authentic signatures, more or less consistent with the established rules of international legal practice, should have approximately the following form:
Under the authority of the Government of the USSR

For the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR First Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, State Security Commissioner 1st Rank

L. Beria

(tentatively) Under the authority of the Government of Germany

- For the General Directorate of the Security Police and SD of Germany (and not only the NSDAP!)

Head of the II-1A Division (Gestapo) of the General Directorate of the Security Police and SD of Germany, SS Standartenfiihrer

H. Müller

As you can see, in a more or less true form, there could be a sharp disparity of posts and titles of signatories.

From ignorance of the nuances of grief-falsifiers took and ahead of time raised G. Muller in rank before the brigadefuhrer SS, i.e. before the general-major, while in early November 1938, again I emphasize, he was just a standard-officer of the SS, i.e. Colonel.

The title of Brigadeführer SS Müller was received only on December 14, 1940. a year after joining the Nazi Party. And that I should not write "Brigadenfuhrer", but "Brigadefuhrer" - I'm not saying 44 .

Fifthly, the text of the agreements does not specify that there are so many pages numbered that there are so many pages punctured that the document itself is "sealed", etc. By themselves, or something, they convinced us of the weight of the deed?

Sixth, even the Soviet rules do not correspond to the indication of the place and time of signing: in Soviet documents of this type they never wrote in the manner of this agreement "mountains. Moscow, November 11, 1938. "

In Soviet documents, they would write:

"Moscow, November 11, 1938."

Moreover, the time of signing would not be indicated in the column:

" 15" hours.

"40" min. (see No. 26)

In Russian, if there was such a need, they would write like this: "15 hours. 40 min. "- i.e. in a line, but not in a column. And that such a nonsense of a gray mare would not have been handwritten, especially in an international document, it's impossible to say, as, indeed, and that, in principle, the time of signing, as a rule, is not is indicated.

In even greater "admiration" plunges the stupidity of falsifiers in the design of all this delirium with the so-called. "General agreement" in a particular case.

In the press photocopies of the covers of two cases appeared, allegedly from a special archive of the Central Committee of the CPSU (see No. 24-26).

Carefully look at the photocopy of the number 24. From the alleged ostentatious "Cases No. 36 t4" archival dies like follows the unambiguous conclusion that this is the cover of the ancestral case, started back in 1938, because in the lower right corner, where the word "store" is indicated, there is a stamp on the transfer of the case to the archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU. This should mean that the archives are transferred to the original in the original form.

And now, peering at the topmost line, with a bewildered astonishment, you will find that the typographical font is printed: "The Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Central Committee! " The most charming idiocy!

Figures on the pages of some publications and the above photos of covers are really an unprecedented blunt fake. Because the original cover of the case from the secret archive of the Central Committee of the Party was as follows:

- at the top in a typographical way, in large letters the following should have been printed: "Ts. V.K.P. (b). " I emphasize that this is exactly what the upper part of the original archive file looked like from the secret archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B)! 45

- in the middle of the cover a printed mesh of the following type was placed in a typographical way:

1 Table of Contents receipt date Signature

- In the bottom also printed "Save ______ years" 46 .

Those. nothing resembling the fact that the grieving falsifiers presented the world with light, there is no trace at all!

Until 1952, the only and the same ruling party was called the CPSU (B.), I.e. All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)! No CPSU in the 30's. did not have!

All this is all the more important, since it is stated on the cover of the allegedly primordial (primordial) case that the following materials are concentrated in this folder:

"1. Treaty of the NKVD - the Gestapo of the RSHA (11.11.1938)

2. Correspondence of the NKVD - Central Committee of the CPSU (b) (1939-1941 gg.)

3. Documentation of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) (1942 - 1945). "

I have to emphasize that the Stalin secretariat was distinguished by exceptional schooling, pedantry, accuracy, logically realized secret record keeping. And, naturally, the staff of his secretariat would never, under any circumstances, concentrate completely different documents in one folder!

Especially correspondence between the NKVD organs and the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) For the period 1939-1941. could not be concentrated "under one roof", that is, in one folder, with the documentation of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) for the period from 1942 to 1945! This is complete nonsense, for Stalin did not keep fools in his secretariat.

Such uncharacteristic documents never and under no circumstances concentrate in one case, especially in one volume.

Obviously, the hidden meaning of this fake was to be an "unobtrusive suggestion" to readers, that the NKVD, that the Gestapo of the RSHA, that the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) were all one! It turned out, however, as always ...

This could not be because the correspondence of the NKVD with the Central Committee of the CPSU (B) is, first of all, information messages from security agencies on various issues.

And as a rule, one information message of the NKVD in the medium-minimal volume was 1.5-2 pages.

In principle, information on various issues was sent daily, but for greater objectivity of the following calculations, we assume that the messages were sent every other day. Altogether, 182 messages, each of which - according to the medium-minimum volume - 2 pages (including the incomplete second). Consequently, for the year this will amount to 364 pages, for two years - 728 pages.

Meanwhile, the Instruction on secret record keeping in the USSR limited the concentration of pages in one volume of the secret matter within 300-350 pages. I emphasize, at most, 350 pages!

And who would now explain how the falsifiers managed to cram only the materials of the NKVD correspondence with the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in volume No. 4 of Case No. 36 in the volume of up to 728 pages at a minimum ?!

But there is also the documentation of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.) For 1942-1945. in fact in four years: 1942,1943,1944 and 1945!

Even if we assume that the volume of each of these documents was not more than one page, and they appeared every four days-for maximum objectivity of calculations I specifically allow this option in four years-then it turns out that only these documents should have been be at least 365 pages. Total, all together from 965 to 1,065 pages in one volume!

For such a secret record keeping in those years, you could easily fly out of work, not to mention the worst outcome! And so that the staff of the Stalin secretariat risk so much ?!

No less stupid is the cover of the supposedly "archival case" (see No. 25) - on it the "inscription " "CONTRACT BETWEEN THE NKVD AND THE SECRET POLICE OF HITLER GERMANY OF November 11, 1938 " flaunts itself . And where did this "Gestapo" disappear with the RSHA?

I emphasize that covers, stamps, samples of signatures and seals can be found without much effort or do much, but a fake from this will not cease to be a vile and mean counterfeit! Moreover, the general form of the genuine archival case of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) was mentioned above.

4. The fact that this is indeed a very vile and vile fake, directly indicates the date of this supposedly "general agreement" - November 11, 1938.

Beyond the field of view of all those who, for various reasons, tried to perceive this fake as the alleged "sermyazhnoy truth" of History, famously slipped through the most important circumstances, clearly recorded by the True Genesis and therefore never noticed by anyone, and often deliberately.

First of all, it should be pointed out that 42 days before the supposedly date of signing the alleged "general agreement", a dirty deal of the West with Hitler was made, better known from history as Munich, against which the Soviet Union strongly protested.

And on June 24, 1938, even the prolonged validity of the Treaty on Neutrality and Non-Aggression between the USSR and Germany of April 24, 1926. 47

His prolongation for a five-year period took place in the spring of 1931, but under the pressure of the West, the pre-Hitler leadership of Weimar Germany intentionally delayed the ratification of the protocol on its prolongation, tk. and at that time there was an intensive preparation for an armed attack on the USSR by the consolidated forces of the West, in whose plans Germany was assigned the role of shock "cannon fodder".

In the spring of 1933, although with great difficulty, Stalin managed to squeeze Hitler and his government and force to ratify this protocol.

The Hitlerites did this only under the pressure of realizing that the continued presence of Germany outside the system of any coordinates of interaction in the sphere of neutrality (and non-aggression) with the USSR is fraught with almost instantaneous alignment of the united anti-German front in Europe with the active participation especially of France and the USSR , which was extremely undesirable for Hitler at the beginning of his reign. Moreover, all the prerequisites were there, including the non-aggression pact between France and the USSR of 1932, not to mention the brilliant system of similar treaties of the Soviet Union with many European countries, especially along the perimeter of its western borders.

However, by the above date of 1938 the term of the protocol on prolongation and, accordingly, of the treaty of 1926, had expired, and the West and Hitler had already "played the game" with four hands, which eventually led to Munich as a direct prologue to the Second World War . Moreover, Britain, in the person of its premier N. Chamberlain, frankly pushed Hitler to attack the USSR.

It went so far that in the same 1938 in the USSR all German consulates were closed, leaving only the consular department at the embassy in Moscow.

And so, in such circumstances, Stalin went to cooperation between the special services of the two states ?! Moreover, knowing from reports that during a particularly confidential meeting between N. Chamberlain and A. Hitler immediately after the signing of the Munich deal, the brown jackal quite frankly told the British scoundrel that now, that is, after the conclusion of the Munich conspiracy, nothing can stop him, Adolf Hitler, from attacking the USSR, to which the gray-haired traitor of the world from the Insidious Albion complacently agreed that "even now, when the threat of using airfields of Czechoslovakia by Soviet aircraft has been eliminated." Really, one should not strive to consider himself cleverer than Stalin - more than a very strong doctor of philosophy (political science)! He was a realist, not an adventurer, like all these mobs of mindless interpreters of his actions!

The fact is that in the international practice of cooperation of special services a rule has been adopted a priori-it is always based on state-wide contracts, at least on partnership or on cooperation and mutual assistance.

So, without exception, all known facts of cooperation between the state security and military intelligence agencies of the USSR in the pre-war period were based only on this base.

So it was with Germany in the 1920s, when the Rapallo Treaty of 1922 lay at the basis, so it was with Mongolia, cooperation with special services was based on the relevant treaties of the 1920s, and especially from 1936 on the mutual assistance in repelling aggression, just as it was in cooperation with Turkish special services in the late 1920s, because it was based on the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the two countries of 1921, and, finally, absolutely exactly the same .e. in the development of the Soviet-Czechoslovak Treaty on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Reflecting Aggression of May 16, 1935, an agreement on cooperation between intelligence services of the USSR and Czechoslovakia, primarily in the military sphere, was concluded at the same time.

Without a fundamental basis for normal interstate relations, no one in the world will cooperate with the special services! So it was then, so it continues today.

So, to put it mildly, Soviet state security agencies and British intelligence did not pay each other, but even as soon as July 12, 1941 the Anglo-Soviet agreement on a joint struggle against Hitlerite Germany was signed, as soon after its ratification, with mid-August 1941 in Moscow began close consultations authorized two special services, which, after a detailed discussion of issues of mutual interest culminated in the development of at least a detailed plan of joint actions 48 .

Or an example from our time. Everyone knows well how Lubyanka "loves" the CIA, however, the problem of combating international terrorism has only intensified, both on the basis of interstate agreements and especially agreements between the presidents of Russia and the United States, cooperation in this area between the FSB and the SVR GRU) with the CIA and the FBI ...

But, of course, the main reason why this supposedly "general agreement" could not be in principle is the following.

November 10, 1938 (more precisely, the night of November 9 to 10) in the Third Reich was carried out the infamous operation "Red Rooster", better known in world history as the "Crystal Night" - the massive anti-Jewish pogroms in Nazi Germany, deliberately arranged by the Nazi leaders in retaliation for the murder of Ernst von Rath, the third secretary of the German embassy in Paris, by the Jewish seventeen-year-old youth Herschel (Herschel) Grinshan (Grynszpand, Grünschpan). Henry Muller directly supervised this operation-for his signature to all the Gestapo departments on November 9, 1938, a telegram went off:


To all organs and governing bodies of the state police.

It is urgent to give this telegram to the heads or their deputies.

1. In the next few hours throughout Germany (Austria was already part of the Third Reich - AM) there will be speeches against the Jews, especially with regard to the synagogues. Do not interfere.

2. If there is an important archival material in the synagogues, ensure its preservation by taking immediate measures.

3. Prepare throughout the empire the arrest of 20-30 thousand Jews. To select first of all the well-to-do. Further instructions will be given during the night.

4. The operation of the operation may involve both parts of the SS of special purpose, and the "General SS".

Head of Section II of the Gestapo Muller " 49 .

On November 10 and 11, the head of Division II (exactly II-1A) Henry Muller "summed up" this bloody operation with the head of the Main Directorate of the Security Police and SD, Gruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich.

The "results" were really bloody: 815 different institutions and 29 department stores were destroyed, 171 apartment houses were destroyed, 191 synagogues were set on fire, of which 76 were completely destroyed, 11 communal houses and cemetery chapels were set on fire, 20,000 Jews were captured ... 50

So you now understand that in the text of the supposedly "general agreement" indicated in the text of the alleged "general agreement", on November 11, 1938, "Papa Muller" could not physically be in Moscow: he had bloody blood in Berlin "Worries" - both with the Jews, and with reports of their beatings and arrests, not to mention the "disassembly" with their Gestapo marauders, who openly tried to steal something from the Jews, while not giving up, "naturally," the values in the treasury of the Reich!

And that the next day after the anti-Jewish pogroms that have thundered all over the world, Stalin would so openly associate himself with the Nazis at the level of special services, even under the veil of special secrecy, and even on such a dirty and unworthy outstanding statesman the path of anti-Semitism, than Stalin in general did not suffer ?!

Already aristocratic anti-Stalinists known historians - the brothers Zhores and Roy Medvedev, but they unanimously repeat that this was not for Stalin . 51

Zhores Medvedev, who dealt specifically with this problem, even published the book "Stalin and the Jewish Question" and as a deeply studied man, the man stated unequivocally and categorically in a recent interview: "Stalin was not anti-Semitic, not even anti-Semitic ... Stalin did not have this It was. There is not a single statement either in his official speeches or in archival documents that could be cited as anti-Semitic! " 52

Quite frankly, on this statement of J. Medvedev there is a reason to at least slightly delay the attention. Just think about, from whose mouth this unequivocal and categorical confession sounded!

The Medvedev brothers are not just anti-Stalinists - they are the sons of one of the repressed associates of Tukhachevsky Alexander Medvedev. And they suffered a lot during this time because of this. This, in the first place. Secondly, it would seem, they, the half-breeds, - their mother Julia Reiman was Jewish - and the sons of repressed in the Tukhachevsky warlord's case, as they say, and the cards in hand for Stalin's accusations of anti-Semitism.

But no, the brothers did not sink to the common stupidity of the oak propaganda of the democrats - on the basis of accurate documentary knowledge they categorically reject such accusations against Stalin!

Moreover, even those cases in which the persons involved were Jews, considered not from the standpoint of the alleged Stalinist anti-Semitism, but only from the standpoint of internal and external political situation of that time and strongly recommend all approach to these issues is because the only way 53 .

On the whole, it must be said that since the publication of their book "Unknown Stalin" the Medvedev brothers began a logical and profound drift towards objective perception and analysis of Stalin's figure and its policies. And not only they.

Figuratively speaking, the "wind of history", about which Stalin spoke 60 years ago, refreshes even such people - in the past, ardent dissidents.

Meanwhile, all this dirty and vile fake with the so-called. "General agreement" is rigidly tied precisely to the supposedly taking place among the traits of the character, views and inclinations of Stalin's mind, which is yidophobia.

It is alleged, for example, that the contents of the "general agreement", and also allegedly Protocol No. 1, are also being allegedly published, impregnated with a thick, bitter anti-Semitism mixed with a zoological-racial-geopolitical delirium on the same theme that was inherent only to "Mine" Kampf. "

Woe-falsifiers, and then vlyapalsya, as they say, under the full program. They claim that the alleged "general agreement" consisted of 9 paragraphs and two protocols.

Well, was it really incomprehensible that, in fact, the inter-state character of the allegedly "general agreement" is, in fact, almost the same thing as the treaty, and there can not be paragraphs in it as the basic structure of the text?

In documents of this kind, the structure is based on the article-by-article principle - this is a universal rule known to any first-year student of a legal university!

This ostensibly "document" should consist of articles which, in turn, and also in accordance with world practice, should have paragraphs, and, if necessary, subparagraphs, in whose role they could, but by no means necessarily, be Paragraphs are also used. But not in the quality of the supporting structure of the entire document!

Well, V.V. Karpov claims that the text of the "general agreement" had nine pages?

But who would explain how the same supposedly authentic document can have two completely different variants of the main parameter? After all, nine paragraphs and two protocols are not the same as the nine pages ?! Oh, at least this must have been understandable! That's what a stupid fake ...

In allegedly p. 1 allegedly § 2 allegedly "general agreement" grief-oligophrenic from the falsification of the negligible sumnyashey laid out the next bullshit of the blue mare, resulting in t.ch. and directly from Mein Kampf:


Item 1. The NKVD and Gestapo will develop their relations in the name of prosperity of friendship and cooperation between our countries. "

"P. 2. The two sides will lead a joint struggle against common main enemies:

- international Jewry, its international financial system, Judaism and the Jewish worldview;

- the degeneration of mankind in the name of the improvement of the white race and the creation of eugenic mechanisms of racial hygiene.

n. 3. Kinds and forms of degeneration, to be sterilized and destroyed sides defined additional protocol № 1, which is an integral part of this agreement " 54 .

... Pay attention to the construction of the phrase in paragraph 1 - this is pure water nonsense, because neither friendship nor cooperation, neither then nor since there was.

Used in this paragraph, the speech turn is good for a toast or some kind of rug, and even after the third glass, but not for an official document.

Well, if we talk about the real realities of that time, there has always been only a very utilitarian and pragmatic approach on both sides, especially from Stalin, in particular. and from August 23, 1939. Thus, the head of the legal department of the German Foreign Ministry, Friedrich Gaue, for example, testified in his diaries that when I. Ribbentrop arrived in Moscow, he tried to start a dialogue with pompous words that "the spirit of brotherhood that linked the Russian and German peoples .. . "Molotov immediately cut him off with the following remark:" Brotherhood can not exist between us. If you like, let's talk about the case. "55

And Ribbentrop himself in a report to Hitler on his trip to Moscow wrote that Stalin told him the following: "There can be no neutrality on our part unless you yourself stop building aggressive plans for the USSR. We do not forget that your ultimate goal is to attack us. "56 Stalin had a long-standing and strictly principled position, and that in such a position he would instruct the NKVD in cooperation with Gesta-

on "to develop friendship and cooperation"?! I do not know how crazy it must be to even imagine such a thing!

After all, in the USSR as far back as 1938. All the German consulates were shut down, under the guise of which the German special services were actively working.

Moreover, even under the terms of the Non-Aggression Treaty of August 23, 1939, this very "cooperation" from January 1940 to March 1941 was such that Soviet security agencies routed 66 German intelligence offices, exposed 1596 German agents operating in their composition, of which 1338 in the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus, as well as in the Baltics. "

Even more "close cooperation" was on the border between the border guards of the NKVD of the USSR and the border police of the Main Imperial Security Directorate (RSHA): from October 1939 to December 1940 only over 5 thousand German agents were neutralized on the border! Only in 1940 alone over 235 conflicts and incidents occurred on the Soviet-German border, including and with fierce exchanges, as a result of which there were killed and wounded on both sides.

And there is no need to speak about the unprecedented scale of reconnaissance activity in the frontier zone of both sides - and so it is known!

Truly, the most that neither is "the closest cooperation for the sake of prosperity and friendship"!

As for Protocol No. 1, it was for some reason first named as "Protocol No. 1 - Annex to the Agreement of November 1938 between the NKVD and Gestapo."

First, either the protocol or the application - "and ... and" does not exist! It happens only this way: either the text of the agreement explicitly states that there is an application to it and it is disclosed, which means this or it is not indicated, but in this case the order of registration is the following: at the top of the sheet the "Application to such an agreement between and so on from such and such a number of such and such a year ", and then, just below, the title, in this case" Protocol No. ".

Secondly, if the "agreement" itself is called "general", then what is the "protocol-annex" to the "agreement" simply ?!

How can you not understand this ?! Nevertheless, the falsifiers published this "protocol" in the following form:

"Protocol No. 1

Annex to the Agreement

from November 11, 1938

between the NKVD and Gestapo

Among other things, the parties determined that in paragraph 2 of clause 3 of the signed agreement, it is a question of the following types of qualification of degenerative signs of degeneration, such as:

- redheads;

- slanting;

- Externally ugly, limping and horseshit from birth, with speech defects: lisp, cartilaginous, stuttering (congenital);

- Witches, sorcerers, shamans and clairvoyants, Satanists and devil-worshipers;

- hunchbacked, dwarfs and with other clearly expressed defects, which should be attributed to the division of degeneration and degeneration; persons with large birthmarks and multiple counts of small, different skin color, eye color, etc.

The parties will additionally determine the qualification of types (types) of degeneration and degeneration signs ".

Even with a cursory glance at this nonsense it is already clear that the falsifiers are at odds with the Russian language in the sphere of legal vocabulary, for if it was so desirable to pester such an abomination, then it was necessary to write this:

"The parties also determined that under the clauses of degenerate degeneration described in paragraph 3 of § 2 of the General Agreement, they understand the following: ..." However, the essence is different. In the USSR, there have always been plenty of highly professional medical professionals of various directions, so that without external clues, and especially in a much more decent, objective, humane form, describe the physical shortcomings on the basis of which doctors could make a highly professional conclusion about the unfitness of certain individuals to one or another professions, but not global conclusions about the degenerate degeneration of nations or races. Nobody was engaged in this in the USSR!

In Russia, and then in the USSR, there have always been highly professional schools of doctors, psychiatrists, psychoanalyst specialists, so as not to resort to secret cooperation with the sinister organization of the misanthropic regime of Nazi Germany.

In the USSR, especially in the late 1930s, no one was engaged in "combating the degeneration of mankind in the name of improving the white race and creating eugenic mechanisms of racial hygiene"! Then for this it was possible to easily shlopotat at least the famous "quarter", i.e. 25 years of intensive regime camps in Kolyma, or, what would be even more appropriate and justified, a natural "vyshak", i.e. shooting, for inciting interethnic discord in especially serious forms! Stalin on this topic did not stand on ceremony - that is why the Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War was provided, perhaps, by the most formidable weapon, which the USSR possessed, whose name is the Great Friendship of the Peoples of the USSR!

The outstanding role of this formidable weapon in the war was assessed by Stalin in the following way (from his speech on November 6, 1944): "During the war, the Nazis suffered not only military but also moral and political defeat. The ideology of equality of all races and nations, established in our country, the ideology of the friendship of peoples won a complete victory over the ideology of bestial nationalism and racial hatred of the Hitlerites "(cited in: Zhdanov, Yu., In the Past, Rostov, 2003). .

Naturally, it would be highly inappropriate to deny the fact that, using revolutionary revelry, in the Institute of Experimental Biology in 1920 a department was created, which was called the "Russian eugenic society". The society was created under the auspices of the People's Commissar of Public Health of the Azerbaijan Republic. Semashko, the chairman was N.K. Kozlov, members of the board - psychiatrist TI Yudin, anthropologists V. V. Bunak, V.A. Bogoyavlensky, A.S. Serebrovsky. In1925. the society had already 95 members.

To be surprised, all this does not follow - during the years of the revolution and the Civil War, it just did not arise in our country: from futura - creativity, brutally lurid art, meaningless, if not idiotic, projects to the use of a swastika on banners (on many frames of the old newsreel it is easy you can see such banners even at the time of Lenin's funeral - they were also inscriptions that threatened world capital) and on the first banknotes of post-Russia Russia, and even the direct use of frankly Masonic symbols in at ributs of the early Soviet records management. Even A.M. Gorky was portrayed by the artist B. Grigoriev (in 1926) in the ritualistic pose of a "mason", ie, Mason (see photo No. 30-32). So it's really not necessary to be surprised - at such times all the madness of the human race emerges, like that ...

And in 1921, Yu.A. Kozlov and in the framework of the Academy of Sciences was created, "the Bureau of eugenics" 59. Close to the problems involved and also specially organized at the beginning of the 20s Blood Institute 60 . Similar problems have been and the then Soviet psychoanalysts 61 .

By the mid-30's. such studies were completely covered up, and the most zealous, inclined to engage in scientific racism of scientists "pack" on the "bear corners" of the immense Gulag, and some - and at all to the wall set ...

You can treat this as you like, especially to the fact that the power of the Lubyanka was used, but hardly anyone would dare deny that the most important asset of the USSR-the Great Friendship of His Great Peoples-was thus secured! Otherwise, they would not have won in that terrible war, if they continued such inappropriate and harmful "scientific research." It is a pity, however, that genetics were also slammed, although, on the other hand, given the current fears about transgenic products, how to look at it it does not happen without good!

It should be borne in mind, however, that all these "scientific" formations arose long before the reign of Nazi racism in Hitler's Germany. This is in the first place. Secondly, as the development of Soviet science, incl. and especially its nationalization and the transition to powerfully meaningful research, all this near-scientific shamanism was covered up, and not without the participation of state security bodies, since many studies were clearly racist in nature, which came into sharp contradiction with the Constitution of the USSR, especially in 1936, proclaiming complete and absolute equality of all peoples of the USSR!

Yes, I understand that it is not without malice to recall the numerous, unfortunately, facts of betrayal during the war by representatives of different nationalities. And I'm not going to argue: what was it was! But the question is about the peoples, not about the renegades and scoundrels! The peoples stood shoulder to shoulder as an indestructible monolith - therefore they won!

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