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Special report on the most important points of a negative nature in industrial enterprises and working areas of the Soviet Union

 A source: "Top Secret": Lubyanka Stalin on the situation in the country (1922-1934), v. 8, part 1, 1930, Moscow, 2008 Pp. 134-136

Archive: CA FSB RF F. 2. Op. 8.D. 653.L. 99-103. Certified copy.

March 9, 1930

Top secret

I. Bulk Loan Dump

Moscow.  The weakness of the outreach of the essence of the reform loans 1  is widely used anti-Soviet elements, leading enhanced campaign that "a new loan - a new robbery of peasants and workers. The Soviet government feels that it will soon collapse and wants to ride on our money.  They drove the workers into bondage, we have loans, but don't you dare dispose of them. "

Along with this, the anti-Soviet element spreads provocative rumors among enterprises and in queues at the savings banks: "Hand over the remaining bonds as soon as they will disappear, sell the loan of the Moscow City Council, it will be united," and so on.

Under the influence of anti-Soviet agitation, the dumping of government bonds sharply increased in the 20th of February; the turn of selling loans reaches 150-200 people.

In total, from February 20 to February 25, inclusive, in all districts of Moscow, the dumping of bonds exceeds the amount of 3 million rubles, of which about 1,900,000 rubles. across the Krasnopresnensky district. The dumping of bonds for large sums was noted mainly by employees and the unearned element.

It should be noted that under the influence of anti-Soviet agitation that "money from current accounts will not be issued until the end of the five-year plan," in some areas, the outflow of deposits from savings banks (Khamovniki) and the transfer of bearer deposits (Krasnaya Presnya) intensified.

II. Anti-Soviet leaflets

In recent days, 7 leaflets have been found in a number of districts (IPO, Nizhny Novgorod Territory, Ural), of which 4 are directed against the party's policy in the countryside. The flyers make extensive use of supply disruptions for anti-Soviet agitation. Here are the most typical leaflets.

IPO. On February 28, 1930, a leaflet with the following content was found at the Kostroma cutting factory: “Comrades workers and workers of the factory! For you they give an unbearable rate, but you are silent. You know that the Soviet power is being mocked over you. They create shock brigades and say: "We need to work in a shock manner." But they don't give you bread and starve you, but the red merchants live for you, i.e. communist cats. They are promoted to good positions, but a non-party worker is nowhere. Comrades workers, we are ready to free you from the oppression of the power of Bolshevism. Our armed hand will sweep away communism. Dear comrades, do not go to the collective farm, they will take everything away from you and give you a small ration, you will die of hunger. Comrades workers, we would prepare a gallows for the Jews, beat the Jews, save Russia! Abroad, they are already preparing a campaign against the communists. "

IPO. On February 28, 1930, a postcard was sent to the machine shop of the Krasny Perekop factory with the following content: “Comrades, the attack on wages is intensifying. The latest deception of the dictators, speaking impudently on behalf of the workers, is the limit to which we must answer: "Hands off the paycheck, or we will harm as much as possible and wherever possible." Down with the yoke of the Bolsheviks! Down with the last loan! Long live freedom!" The postcard is signed by the "Initiative Group".

Nizhny Novgorod Territory. On February 25, 1930, a plywood board with the following text was found at the Krasnoye Sormovo Ship Department at the construction site of one schooner: “Comrades, we are so tired of you, like dogs. Soon we will crush you and hang you, because the whole of Russia has been ruined. On the peasant cross you will not go far. Give up all your predatory plans, otherwise there will soon be an uprising of the workers. "

February 23, 1930 in the club with. Kopsov Sormovskiy district at a meeting of workers on the report on the anniversary of the Red Army, 6 notes were submitted to the presidium containing threats against the communists.

Ural. In the city of Nadezhdinsk, a leaflet was found with the following content: “You have taken the church away from the people, starve to death. You think that you are building socialism, you do not see or hear the deeply hidden discontent of the people. Think before it's too late. They ruined us, because of you our children were thrown out into the street. You cannot live. "

III. Strike

Ural.  Chelyabinsk Traktorostroy.  Two cartels' artels (105 people) refused to go to work in the future until their demand for an increase in wages was satisfied. The administration, given that the workers of these artels do not have sufficient qualifications, offered them to join other artels in order to be able to get higher wages. The senior artels opposed this proposal of the administration, agitating among the workers for the need to increase wages, without joining other artels.

Agitation was noted on the part of certain anti-Soviet elements: “The Soviet government is deceiving us, we will perish from hunger and cold. We need to go home. I am a worker, and my last bread is taken away. "

IV. Delays in salaries and supply interruptions in logging

Ural. Perm district. At the Pashiysk and Teplogorsk factories of Uralles, due to lack of funds, there is a delay in the payment of wages for 1 month to lumberjacks and horse carriers. The issue of grain and forage supply is also acute there, often there is only a two-day supply of food and fodder.

V. Fires

Siberia. On the night of March 3, the house of Lenin burned down in the Urals from arson. Loss - 180,000 rubles. 6 people were arrested on suspicion of arson. An urgent investigation is underway.

L IN. On February 27, 1930, a sawmill and a machine shop were destroyed by fire at the Svoboda Glass Factory (Pskov District). The causes of the fire and losses are being investigated.

Vi. Accidents

Ukraine. At the Dnepropetrovsk plant them. Petrovsky On February 28, 1930, the gas pipeline of blast furnace No. 5 exploded, resulting in a fire. The fire was extinguished after 2 hours. 30 minutes. Blast furnaces are slow-running. An investigation is underway (it should be noted that this is the fourth accident at this plant during the last week).

At the plant them. Dzerzhinsky (Dnepropetrovsk district) On March 1, 1930, a breakdown occurred in the crimping mill, the rail and beam shop was shut down, the launch of which is scheduled for March 5.

The original signed by: Assistant to the head of the OGPU SOU OGPU Olsky

Assistant to the chief of INFO OGPU Gerasimov Correct:

Secretary of INFO OGPU Kucherov

1) Berry; 2) Messing; 3) Evdokimov; 4) Artuzov; 5) Olsky; 6) Prokofiev; 7) Bokiyu; 8) Blagonravov; 9) Agranov; 10) Tovstukha (for Stalin); 11) Molotov; 12) Kaganovich; 13) Ordzhonikidze; 14) Malenkov; 15) In business; 16-18) In the department.


1 . Loan reform - this meant the announcement in February 1930 of the state loan "Five-Year Plan in Four Years", in connection with which all bonds 1, 2 and 3 of industrialization loans were subject to exchange for bonds of a new loan.

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