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Comrades! Our strong strike has delivered an awful blow to the hateful government of the Tsar. In confusion, the autocracy grabs on to its last remain.L."lg recourse: it struggles within the loving embrace of the bourgeoisie and its servants, the moderate liberals. The cowardly manifest of the Tsar 
is a solemn offering of hand and heart to our sworn enemies, our eternal oppressors, the bourgeois class. To the proletariat it insures nothing but cloudy promises of all liberties and new threats and coercion.--Our strike has delivered an awful blow to the Tsarist government, but it has also shown us  that it is impossible to kill it and wipe it from the face of the earth by means of' a strike alone."weapons" , "Give us weapons" that is the demand that resounded from all sides. The strike has united and organized us, it has shown the entire world our strength, it has opened the eyes of our blind comrades, it has sparked the thirst for liberty in all the proletariat. The present strike has played its great role, it has given all it can give. We can get nothing more from it . We propose that it be temporarily suspended. 

Temporarily, comrades. Because we will soon take the field again, we will take the field in the decisive struggle and for that decisive taking of the field we should prepare as follows-- To arms!" That is our immediate call. Arm yourselves, comrades, with whatever you can, obtain -weapons -wherever you can. We know that many who have aided us in the strike are leaving us. Many of these will become our enemies and will kiss the hand 'Which only yesterday whipped them. But the strong proletariat does not need false allies and is not afraid of its enemies as many as there may be. Organize, comrades, close your ranks tightly, and gather under our pure proletarian decisive struggle. We swear by the blood of our fallen comrades that we will not lay down our arms until we destroy the government and obtain the realization of our demands. --we will prove that contemporary society is supported only by the strength of' proletarian a.'lioulders. And let the entire bourgeois world lo:iow th.at 14e will bring nll our strength to bear against it if it thinks to stand in our way. Suspending the general political strike for nov, we propose that those of our comrades \tho ti.ave put forth economic demands, use all means to realize them. Along 'With that, we call u:pon all canrades to champion the liberty of speech and assembly with all their strength, everywhere where we have obtained it. And after that, we rlll quickly prepare ourselves, canrades, for the armed uprising. With a.med hands w will overthrov the tsarist government and then the provisional revolutionary government will call together a popular consti­tuent assembly, 'Which will legalize our immediate demands. Let our terrible calls carry over all of proletarian Russia like a storm. To amst Long live the uprisingt Long live the popular constituent assembly( Long live the democratic republic 1 Long live the struggle for socialim.t L:mg live the Russi.an Social ... Democratic Party..

P. Gorvi, Vospominaniia Sotsial-Demokrata, pp 582-584
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