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On the course of checking and cleaning the Soviet apparatus

"We will liquidate the kulaks as a class"
 "All to the struggle against the wreckers of agriculture."
A source: http://sovdoc.rusarchives.ru
Archive: RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 3.D. 757.L. 11-13.

Appendix No. 2 to p. 46 ave. PB No. 97.

On the course of checking and cleaning the Soviet apparatus.

( Approved Politburo Bureau CCC WCP (b) 12.IX. 1929 g of .).

Having heard the report on the progress of the inspection and purge of the state apparatus, the Politburo of the Central Committee and the Presidium of the Central Control Commission of the CPSU (b) state that the very first results of this work show that the Soviet, professional and party organizations, including the local bodies of the RFL, have not sufficiently mastered the enormous importance of the purge of the state apparatus in the liberation of the apparatus from malicious bureaucratic-bureaucratic elements, the involvement of new cadres of workers in their place and the struggle for a clearer class line in the state apparatus and did not take into account the difficulties associated with the purge. As a result, the quality of inspection and cleaning of the state apparatus does not at all ensure the fulfillment of the above tasks.

The Politburo of the Central Committee and the Presidium of the Central Control Commission of the CPSU (b) emphasize that the liberation of the state apparatus from malicious bureaucratic-bureaucratic elements cannot be carried out by the forces of only one RCI, but should be the business of the entire party, trade unions, and the entire working class. Party organizations should pay as much attention to the purge of the co-apparatus as they do to the purge of the party.

To eliminate the shortcomings identified in the course of the work done on cleaning and checking the state apparatus, the Politburo of the Central Committee and the Presidium of the Central Control Commission propose:

1 . In view of the clearly weak participation of the broad masses in the purge and verification of the state apparatus and their completely insufficient mobilization around the main political and practical tasks of the purge, all party, professional and Soviet organizations, as well as the press, should focus their attention on the maximum involvement of the broad masses of workers in the purge and verification. , and above all, a broad asset of mass organizations (trade union activists, members of the council section, detachments of light cavalry, delegate workers) and the assets of the inspected institutions. In particular, it is necessary to expand the practice of creating work teams to check the work of the apparatus, involving the members of these teams to the most active participation in the direct check of work and the cleaning of co-institutions.

In particular, the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the CPSU (b) consider it necessary to point out the discrepancy between words and deeds among the Komsomol in its participation in the purge of the state apparatus. The Komsomol, which develops especially energetic and absolutely necessary criticism, should not be limited only to criticism, but also take an active and businesslike part in correcting the shortcomings of the state apparatus.

Instruct the Central Committee of the Komsomol to develop specific measures to involve the masses of young people in this work.

2 . The purge and verification of the Soviet state apparatus is inextricably linked with the task of revitalizing the activities of the soviets and improving their work. Meanwhile, this work so far ignores the councils, since the councils and their sections take an extremely weak part in cleaning and checking the state apparatus.

Therefore, the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) believe that the purge of the state apparatus should take one of the central places in the work of the Soviets and their sections. Cleansing commissions should establish closer communication and interaction with councils and their executive committees, making sure to involve their associated council sections and the workforce grouped around the sections in direct and practical participation in cleaning and auditing individual institutions.

3 . The Central Committee and Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) state that the leaders of a number of Soviet institutions often display an unacceptably passive attitude towards cleaning up their institutions and do not help the RFL. The Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party (6) believe that the degree of participation of the head of the institution in the cleaning and assistance in cleaning should be an indicator of his understanding of the tasks facing the party and his suitability as the head of the institution. Leaders who are passive about cleaning, and even more so in one form or another opposing it, should be held accountable, up to and including their removal from work.

4 . Soviet and party cells, as well as professional local committees, did not put the purge at the center of their activities and did not develop around the purge a sufficiently deep and businesslike study of the state apparatus and outlining measures to improve the existing shortcomings.

Meanwhile, the Soviet cells should consider the cleaning to be central and production, the main task of the next period and should basically build the whole plan of their work around this task, mobilizing all both party and non-party activists of the institution's employees.

5 . Despite the fact that according to the resolution of the party conference, the cleansing should be carried out with the close participation of the trade unions, since the cleansing and verification of the state apparatus is a direct and immediate means of improving the position of the working masses, the trade unions did not pay due attention to this work, limiting themselves to formal participation through their representatives in the work commissions. Therefore, the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks propose to the All-Central Council of Trade Unions faction to outline a number of concrete measures to strengthen the participation of trade unions in the purge and verification of the state apparatus and, in particular, to attract the working masses to this purge.

This applies primarily to industrial unions and the union of Soviet trade officials.

For the same purposes, for the greater involvement of the masses in the work of checking and cleaning the Soviet apparatus, to practice visits to factories and plants by the cleaning commissions and workers mobilized by them with reports on the progress of the cleaning of the state apparatus, as well as to illuminate the progress of the cleaning and checking of the central and regional state apparatus to the peasantry as a way departures and through print.

6 . The Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) believe that the bodies of the RFL should outline a number of practical measures and arrange the work of the cleaning commissions (by providing them with the necessary composition of the most qualified workers) so that they organically involve all the main mass organizations in the cleaning work.

At the same time, it is necessary to transfer the center of gravity of cleaning from a quantitative scale to the qualitative side of work, not scattering cleaning among different institutions, but focusing it on the most important nodes, moving from one to another, and first of all it is necessary to take institutions that are most connected in work with pursuing a clear class line and with the needs of the masses.

To this end, the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) consider it expedient to concentrate the work on the purge in the near future on the organs of the NKFin and NKZem, every three months hearing reports on the progress of the purge in them.

7 . The Central Committee and Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) emphasize that in all the work on cleaning and checking the state apparatus, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the purge pursues a qualitative improvement of the state apparatus due to the involvement of new fresh proletarian forces in the state apparatus in place of the purged ones.

Therefore, the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the CPSU (b) believe that already at the beginning of the purge, it is necessary to prepare reserves of young people, students and Komsomol, workers from the machine tool, lower employees in order to advance them into the state apparatus to replace the cleaned up. Heads of institutions, with the participation of the cleaning commission, should organize short courses to prepare the necessary reserves. Representatives of the cleaning commission, the trade union and the party organization should take part in the replacement of positions.

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