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Outline of a Report to Local Organisations

 V. I. Lenin

Outline of a Report to Local Organisations on the Poronin Joint Conference of the R.S.D.L.P. C.C. and Party Functionaries (1913)

November 29 (December 12), 1913

Collected Works, Volume 41, pages 297.2-298.

General theme—events of the strike movement and Party life since the summer of 1913. Conference resolutions. In particular, the following points are brought out:

1. A general strike on January 9, 1914. Conference decision. Necessity of the strike. Its slogans (democratic republic,   8–hour working day, confiscation of landed estates). Intensified preparations for the strike.

2. Insurance campaign. More extensive circulation of the magazine Voprosy Strakhovaniya.{2}—Formation of Party cells inside all societies and all boards. Getting our own, Party, majority on the boards (also in trade unions, clubs, etc., etc.).

3. The Six and the Seven. The main reasons for the split: (a) liquidationism=destruction of the Party. Struggle over that. The Seven incline to liquidationism; (b) the Seven do not recognise Party decisions; (c) the majority of the Party has been proved to back the Six. Main figures from Pravda. Issues with material on the question of the split should he on hand. (Resolutions for the Six should be p r e s s e d forward.)

4. Party congress. Necessity of it. Participation in it of all illegal Party cells. Its preparation: m o n e y is the main thing. Collection of fund for congress (mainly through the deputies). The task for each group or union of groups is by the spring to collect double the amount of expenses (expenses per delegate—150 rubles. Each group or union of adjacent groups must collect 300 rubles).

5. The need to develop ties—to strengthen them (teaching correspondence with the St. Petersburg Bureau and the Bureau Abroad). The correspondence is weak: that is why transport is poor. There must be agents everywhere.

6. A review of the main points from the resolutions of the conference. For instance, on the national question: (a) struggle against every brand of nationalism, even the refined one (cultural-national autonomy); (b) unity of workers of all nationalities; (c) struggle against Great-Russian Black-Hundred nationalism. (Idem briefly about the other resolutions.)

7. Legal and illegal press. Increase collections. The legal press will inevitably go down: concentrate efforts on creating an illegal one (see “Announcement”, pp. 9–10 especially).

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