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Komsomol members organize shock brigades

 The electrification of the USSR. Collection of documents and materials 1926-1932. Publishing house "Economy" Moscow - 1966, pp. 87-88.

Archive: Pravda, No. 62, March 4, 1930

March 4, 1930

One of the main directives of the district conference of the Komsomol of Ukraine and the party committee, held in January, to involve 100% of Komsomol members in shock brigades by March 1, was fulfilled by the Komsomol organization. The Komsomol organization did not limit itself to this and set itself the task of drawing all non-Party youth into socialist competition.

The team of the electromechanical department organized 33 shock brigades, 6 shock shifts, 2 shock groups. Two workshops declared themselves shock.

The team of the Communist Youth League of the hydrotechnical department of the left bank of the Dnieper organized 47 shock brigades, which include 485 non-party workers. Several hundred shock brigades were organized for the construction, which took on certain economic tasks to compact the working day, reduce costs, raise labor productivity, etc.

A number of Komsomol brigades show real examples of selfless work. A team of boilermakers, for example, reduced the cost by up to 25%. The tinsmith team reduced prices for large and small cartridges on Sanderson machines by 20%, reduced rejects from 25% to 1%, reduced absenteeism to zero percent, and increased labor productivity by 30%.

Now a technical campaign is being carried out, which pursues the task of bringing the technical and rationalization base under shock movement. Courses were organized to raise qualifications and technical knowledge, covering 485 people (7 units), 9 rationalization groups and a team of specialists in leading shock brigades. Arranged a production exhibition. Special reports are held in workshops, red corners and barracks. However, the campaign against Dneprostroy has not yet received the necessary scope due to the fault of the cells of the Komsomol themselves. There is also no proper assistance from the party, trade union and economic organizations.

There are, of course, a number of shortcomings. So, many drummers do not work in a shock way yet. It is not uncommon for some of them to be found sleeping in production. Part of the shock brigades did not fulfill their obligations. Not all of the Komsomol masses and workers are yet familiar with the degree of fulfillment of the production program. The plan is not everywhere brought to the site and the machine.

The Komsomol of Dneprostroy is taking only the first steps to be leaders and actively fight for the fulfillment of the tasks of the government and the Central Committee of the party: to increase labor productivity by 25%, reduce costs by 15% and complete Dneprostroy ahead of schedule. Success will be ensured if the party organization pays even more attention to the work of the Komsomol.

Pravda, No. 62, March 4, 1930

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