Stalin- Order on the publication of newspapers for the population of the occupied Soviet regions
No. 29. Order on the publication of newspapers for the population of the occupied Soviet regions
No. 0256 July 30, 1941
1. For the political service of the population of the Soviet regions occupied by the Nazi troops, create special newspapers under the political administrations of the fronts.
2. Create newspapers:
the political administration of the Western Front - in the Belarusian language,
with a circulation of 200 thousand copies;
the political administration of the South-Western Front - in Ukrainian, with a
circulation of 300 thousand copies;
at the political administration of the Southern Front - in the Moldavian language, with a circulation of 50 thousand copies ..;
at the political administration of the North-Western Front - in the Latvian language, with a circulation of 30 thousand copies. and in Lithuanian, with a circulation of 30,000 copies.
3. Assign titles to newspapers:
Belarusian - "For Soviet Belarus";
Ukrainian - "For Soviet Ukraine";
Moldavian - "For Soviet Moldavia";
Latvian - "For Soviet Latvia";
in Lithuanian - "For Soviet Lithuania".
4. Newspapers to publish two or three times a week on two large pages .
Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Army Commissar of the 1st rank L. Mekhlis
4, op. 11, d. 65, l. 213 - 214. Original.
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