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The old-world order is changing with the collapse of Ukraine

An article from the storm (Central Organ of the Workers' Party No. 268) Iran

From the very beginning of the invasion of Iraq, the United States announced that it would establish a new world order that focused only on US interests. This policy was based on the theory of the neocons and theories of Paul Dundes Wolfowitz, a Zionist, former World Bank chairman, US Deputy Secretary of State under Bush Jr. , the architect of the invasion of Iraq. According to this theory, in order for the United States to remain an undisputed power in the world, it must use its military might to prevent the United States from collapsing and defeat all of America 's rivals before they can substantially compete with the United States. Arbitrarily, in the name of defending US national security, to break above all international and UN standards with a preemptive war. They argued that the enemy must be crushed before finding the necessary capabilities to prevent a world war. This aggressive policy of the United States has continued safely since the collapse of the Soviet Union to this day, regardless of which president and which party has been in power in the United States. Let's not forget that Donald Trump officially stated that the United States should always be considered first. And, accordingly, enmity with China and violation of international treaties and international standards in the interests of the United States. In opposition, he officially announced and acted on it. To this day, the United States is committed to this extortionate theory, and to achieve it, it has bloodied Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, riots and sabotage in Venezuela, coups in Bolivia, war with Iran, and so on. It violates the legal rights of our homeland under the pretext of fighting terrorism and the axis of evil, freezes our country's wealth, and steals and raises Iranian oil. And more recently Russia has also used its "gifts" to fight and weaken China.

This is a situation that is now prevalent around the world, and we are facing it and we cannot take our assessments out of this format.

Lenin spoke of the uneven growth of capitalism, according to which capitalist countries do not grow in unison. One group surpasses the other and the balance of their class and military forces in the world is changing. On this basis, today Russia , led by Putin , who himself had previously sought to cooperate with US imperialism and wanted to join NATO , has risen to the side of China as an economic giant of neoliberalism , deregulation in the West , and globalization and globalization of capital .It has made good use of it, benefited from its clever and wise policy, and consolidated its economy by using the tools of the World Trade Organization . Other countries have emerged as emerging economies that challenge US aggressive and predatory policies. The United States must fight on a large scale in order to consolidate its undisputed dominance in the world. Let us recall that in this conflict in the Middle East, Iran has become a very difficult morsel for the United States, which was underestimated by the former master of Iran. In this way, Iran, as the key to the Middle East and Central Asia , is easily out of the throatAmerica will not go down.

With the escalation of the conflict, which has reached its peak in Ukraine, global groupings have taken on a new form. The powerful Eurasian group that brings with it the future of the world, which includes China, Russia, India, Iran, and the countries of Central Asia, is even politically backed by Africa and Latin America. The recent UN vote, in which the world's most important countries, politically, economically, militarily, and culturally, stood up to the United States and refused to participate in anti - Russian sanctions Anti- Americanism is dominant in the world.

One of the goals of the current war is to neutralize Europe and bring it to the Eurasian front. There is an important conflict with the United States in this area. The United States wants to bring Russia and Europe together in the form of NATO to emerge from this struggle of powerful Anglo- Saxon imperialism. Europe, which is under severe US pressure and is aware of US goals, is trying to avoid a direct confrontation with Russia in Ukraine. It is already clear that Europe emerges from these conflicts with deadly wounds, the components of which will face economic and social crises.

This is a situation that has arisen in the world, and any analysis that wants to be done realistically and scientifically cannot be in the context of mainstream.

Now the conflict is over the current world order, and this conflict is determined by its fate in Ukraine. Justice, uphold and approve the decisions of the American courts that legislate for the world, acknowledge murder and crimes against humanity, accept piracy, plunder the wealth of countries, freeze the bank accounts of countries, and so on. Or let this politics be filth and blood and restrain this symbol of barbarism. The defeat of the United States in Ukraine is the defeat of the theories of preventive war, and this defeat is a guarantee of the sovereignty and independence of the peoples of the world and the condition for their progress and development. This is a strategic failure that begins with the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and ends in Ukraine. This defeat opens new horizons for the development and progress of countries and cuts off the hands of global taxpayers and their knives to a great extent. This defeat will allow many countries to breathe, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, many countries in Africa and Latin America are among these countries.

After this war, in which the United States sacrificed the people of Ukraine to its greedy greed and collaborated with the Nazis, the United States can no longer speak of the undisputed power of the United States. More than two-thirds of the world's population is officially opposed to this oppressive power. Europe, which was supposed to be crushed in this war and accept the undisputed domination of the United States, will resist. The agreements between these countries are only superficial and propaganda and have no practical value. They are already because of their dependence on Russian raw materials, or goods made in China which is itself the product of the globalization of capital, they are being hit hard and it is not clear that they are willing to sacrifice their interests for the sake of America. After the defeat of the United States, European resistance will increase, and the existence of the European Union will be questioned.

" The world after the Ukraine war will not be the same as before," Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva-Kinova, CEO of the International Monetary Fund, was quoted as saying by Euronews on 12/05/2022. "The consequences of Russia 's military invasion of Ukraine on the world economy will have the greatest impact on the future of energy, challenging governments to provide the energy security needed by the people and national economies," he said.

The head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) acknowledged that governments would move towards securing strategic reserves and ensuring energy security based on the experience gained from the war, stressing that such a situation would make the world more vulnerable to military conflict. . »

These are not the words of Putin 's "supporters", these are the words of the agents of American imperialism themselves, who are already considering and planning for the post- war picture. It does not matter to him what the fate of the war is, the important thing is that the post-war world is changing completely, and this change is to the detriment of the United States.

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