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Stalin - What is the Ukrainian Rada ?

 December 15, 1917

Below, the reader will find below a ciphered telegram intercepted by the Soviet Government which exposes the real nature of the Rada and the real designs of the Military Missions of "our Allies"on the question of peace. It can be seen from the telegram that something in the nature of an alliance has already been arranged between the French Mission and the Rada, and that "officials of the French Mission are working in direct contact with the Rada." It will be seen from the telegram, further, that the purpose of this alliance is to "maintain the semblance of a Russian front until February or March and delay the definite conclusion of an armistice until the spring." It will be seen from the telegram, lastly, that the French Mission has entered into "an agreement with the Cossack Assembly" (i.e., the Kaledin "government") with the object of "supplying coal and food to the Rumanian and South-Western fronts" (which according to plan are to be taken over by the Rada — J. St.).

In short, there exists, it turns out, an alliance of the Rada, Kaledin and the French Military Mission with the purpose of torpedoing peace, of "delaying" it "until the spring." Furthermore the French Military Mission is not acting independently, but on "the urgent instructions of the French Government."

We have no desire to dwell here on the conduct of the Military Missions of "our Allies." Their role has been sufficiently clarified: in August they helped Kornilov, in November they helped the Rada and Kaledin, in December they are supplying the rebels with armoured cars. And all this for the sake of "a war to a finish." We do not doubt that the coercive undertaking of the "Allies" will be thwarted by the struggle of the peoples of Russia for a democratic peace. The missions are behaving as if they were in Central Africa. But the "Allies" will soon have cause to learn that Russia is not Central Africa. . . . What . We are mainly interested in here is the ugly role assumed by the Rada.

Now we know why the Rada is concentrating the Ukrainian units on the Rumanian-South-Western Front: "nationalization" of the army is a camouflage with which it is trying to conceal its compact with the French Mission to delay an armistice until the spring.

Now we know why the Rada is not permitting the passage of Soviet troops proceeding against Kaledin: "neutrality" vis-a-vis Kaledin is a camouflage with which it is trying to conceal its alliance with Kaledin against the Soviets.

Now we know why the Rada protests against the "interference" of the Council of People's Commissars in Ukrainian internal affairs: talk of non-interference is only a camouflage with which it is trying to conceal the actual interference of the French Government in the affairs of the Ukraine and of all Russia, with the aim of liquidating the gains-of the revolution.

Ukrainian comrades frequently ask me. What is the Rada?

I reply :

The Rada, or rather its General Secretariat, is a government of traitors to socialism who call themselves Socialists in order to deceive the masses—just like the Government of Kerensky and Savinkov, who also called themselves Socialists.

The Rada, or rather its General Secretariat, is a bourgeois government which, in alliance with Kaledin, is fighting the Soviets. Formerly, the Kerensky Government, in alliance with Kornilov, disarmed the Soviets of Russia. Now the Rada Government, in alliance with Kaledin, is disarming the Soviets of the Ukraine.

The Rada, or rather its General Secretariat, is a bourgeois government which, in alliance with the British and French capitalists, is fighting to prevent peace. Formerly, the Kerensky Government delayed peace and condemned millions of soldiers to serve as cannon fodder. Now the Rada Government is endeavouring to prevent peace by "delaying an armistice until the spring."

For this, the Kerensky Government was overthrown by the joint efforts of the workers and soldiers of Russia.

We do not doubt that the Rada Government will likewise be overthrown by the efforts of the workers and soldiers of the Ukraine.

Only a new Rada, a Rada of the Soviets of the workers, soldiers and peasants of the Ukraine, can protect the interests of the Ukrainian people from the Kaledins and Kornilovs, the landlords and capitalists.

People's Commissar

J. Stalin

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