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Putin’s speech ; its aim and implications as a peace offer followed by a serious warning.

Putin’s speech in which he offered a peace proposal coincided with Zelensky’s Peace Summit” in Switzerland. Disastrous Swiss-hosted peace conference initiated by Ukraine resulted in a communique signed by the participants majority of which made up of the West and their usual suspect-pawns. The document includes three out of the ten points from Ukraine’s peace formula, it does not lay out any specific steps toward peace - those have yet to be formulated.

It has been confirmed that, It was signed by 78 (57 of which is European) out of the 92 countries present (out of 160 invited) at the forum. Armenia, Bahrain, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Libya, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, (surprisingly) Thailand, the UAE, and Mauritius refused to sign the document. Considering the preceding approaches, Hungary, Turkiye and Serbia signed not because they agreed but because they believed it was the “politically correct” action to take. Katar is the only Middle Eastern Country signed the communique. In Latin America, Pro-Israel, Pro-West  Argentine is the only large country signed it. Almost all of the major countries outside of Europe either did not attend the summit or did not sign the communique.

Countering this “Peace Summit-which was not”*  Russian President Vladimir Putin laid out his terms for a ceasefire with Ukraine at a meeting at the Russian Foreign Ministry on June 14.

“Today, we are presenting another concrete and genuine peace proposal. If Kiev and Western capitals reject it again, as they have done before, then ultimately, it becomes their responsibility, both political and moral, for the ongoing bloodshed. Clearly, the situation on the front lines will continue to evolve unfavorably for the Kiev regime, altering the conditions necessary for initiating negotiations.

Let me underscore the key point: the essence of our proposal is not a temporary truce or ceasefire, as the West might prefer, to allow the Kiev regime to recover, rearm, and prepare for a new offensive. I repeat: we are not discussing freezing the conflict, but its definitive resolution.

And I will reiterate: once Kiev agrees to the course of action proposed today, including the full withdrawal of its troops from the DPR, LPR, the Zaporizhya and Kherson regions, and begins this process earnestly, we are prepared to commence negotiations promptly without delay.”

Putin’s peace offer message is directed mainly to the Global South, not the US-West.

As we predicted in our assessment two years ago, winning the hearts and minds of people and the leaders of the rest of the world is one of the important part of Russia’ strategic goals. In the eyes of the world public, Russia is offering peace with concrete conditions based on the realities of the war on the ground. Whereas West-Ukraine  playing games and coming up with peace conditions detached from the current realities on the ground. That is the perception what Russia wants to create world wide and they are justified in doing so since they come up with concrete and logical peace offers.

Is it really  a serious offer? Yes it is in its context. And no, it is not in the sense that Russia already knows that it will not be accepted by the US-West. (Regardless, it is a publicly  recorded, concrete, detailed peace offer) 

Peace offer is an extended version of Istanbul agreement with the additional conditions, or more detailed and are tougher than before, reflecting a new political landscape. The Istanbul talks were about recognizing the two Donbass republics only, while now Moscow conditions  that the outcome of the 2022 referendum be recognized.

Again, as we have predicted in our assessments, the longer the war lasts, the tougher the “peace” conditions will be in a way that will turn the Istanbul agreement into a great opportunity that is missed.

The fact is that, even it is considered, while West-Ukraine debating the peace offer conditions, it looks like Luhansk region will already be liberated in a couple weeks. The other region, Donetsk will be liberated within four to six months. So, for Russia , the offered peace conditions will already be achieved without the peace.

Trying to make a sense of Russia’s chess game like tactics and unpredictable moves, one cannot say what is next, where the next offensive move will be, or if they will make their all-out move. Will it be Kherson? Or East Kharkov? No one can predict because Russia changes the tactics based on the existing and altered conditions not only in the region specific but also international developments. Either way, Russia has already won the war in the sense that they have the control over it’s duration and speed. That is why, in the case of no agreement,  Ukraine will lose more territories; Kharkov, Dnieper, Nikolaev and most likely, as most likely the last one, Odessa.

So, the latter, future  peace offers will be much more extended versions of previous extended version based on the concrete realities of the war-situation and liberated areas.

Peace offer followed by  a serious warning

Putin, following his peace offer, made comment on US-Wests' supplying weapons to be used against Russia;

"Our adversaries, meanwhile, continue to supply the neo-Nazi Kiev regime with money, weapons and intelligence information, allow - and, effectively, encourage - the use of modern Western weapons and equipment to deliver strikes on the Russian territory, aiming at obviously civilian targets in most cases," the Russian president lamented. "They are threatening to send their troops to Ukraine. Furthermore, they are trying to wear out Russia’s economy with more new sanctions and fuel socio-political tension inside the country,"

“Supplying weapons to a conflict zone is always a bad thing…Especially if this is linked to the fact that those who supply them are not only delivering weapons but managing them.”

““If they consider it possible to deliver such weapons to the combat zone to launch strikes on our territory and create problems for us, why don’t we have the right to supply weapons of the same type to some regions of the world where they can be used to launch strikes on sensitive facilities of the countries?”

Who is this  message  directed to? Aside from being a strong warning to the US-West, again, it is directed  to the people and the leadership cadres of the countries of the rest of the world.  

Lavrov clearly stated ; “We don’t care about what the West thinks, whether they trust or believe us.”
Combining his words with  that of Putin, that literally means “supporting all the anti-American (anti Western) forces world wide where American bases are, where there is a conflict that American forces are directly or indirectly involved, like the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Latin America. It is a message to the leadership of anti-American, anti-West forces that Russia will be supporting them.

It is a time when even the US-West ex-colonels, ex-CIA analysts, expert US academicians clearly state that the US-West has no power to wage a winning war against Iran- never mind China and/or Russia. America who cannot afford a direct war against China or Russia or against both, may have to face forces allover the world if Russia (and China) starts arming American-Western foes. This is a serious threat, actually a taste of its own practice for the US/West.

US-West has been bluffing with a losing hand for the last three years or so. It seems that neither Russia nor China is taking its bluff serious for they have stronger hands.

Will America leave Ukraine/West to its fate in case of Russia’s (China’s) call of American bluff with a losing hand? Most likely it will be a repetition of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq without a direct war.

Western Media and analysists bring the question of nuclear war forward. I don’t believe the likelihood of an all out strategic  nuclear war for it will be the end of Europe first and foremost and of capitalism in general wit the vast destruction of the world. The world is not being ruled by the “bureaucrats or military generals” but by the capitalists holding their  (military and civil bureaucrats') strings in their hands. A nuclear war is not and will not be in the interests of capitalists as long as they remain to be among the most likely victims of such a war.

As a conclusion, the peace offer of Russia countering the “Peace Summit Stunt” of Zelensky, and warning of Putin did and will play an affective role in shaping the minds and attitudes of everyone.

Russia is accomplishing its strategic goals step by step and does not feel in need of hastiness. For the most part, Russia (and China for that matter) should be grateful to the exceptionalist, arrogant, aggressive, interventionist  policy of the US that made them stronger both economically and politically.


Erdogan A

June 18, 2024


* Ukraine Peace Summit; a political stunt to legitimize Zelensky as the leader.

Zelensky's illusionary claim that summit is a "history being made" is totally disconnected from the realities, as the headlines of the Western Media claim of "further step toward peace" is a fallacy.

A peace conference without the belligerent country and without the attendance of major government heads can only be a show, a show of a comedian.

Zelensky previously had a half a dozen "peace conference" since 2022. It started with 5 point, and then 10 point, now 3 point plan.

The Five Point plan was on September 2022 at the UN, 10 point plan was between November 2022 and January 2024- five different places.  None of the summits had any affect , brought any solutions to the problem because some of the "points" were imaginary and without any substance in relation to the war.

Ten point plan was calling for the capitulation of Russia. A demand can only be forwarded by someone who lives in a fantasy land disconnected from the realities on the war-ground. His fantasy at that time was that the Ukraine's summer offensive will be successful and force Russia to accept the plan. Realities however turned out to be different. Ukraine's summer offensive was a disastrous failure where Russia gained more victories on the ground.  Anticipation of success is shattered by the realities of the world in general and concrete realities on the ground in particular. With his denial of the facts he stubbornly kept on presenting the same plan due to his illusion reinforced by the US-West.

Waking up from his illusions, or most likely with the "advice" of the US-West, Zelensky dropped 7 of the 10 point plan. If Russia was invited (although highly unlikely that Russia would have attended) Russia would have come to an agreement with the remaining three points . 1-) Radiation and Nuclear safety, 2-) Nuclear security 3-) Release of prisoners and deported persons.

That is why they have excluded the main party to the war from the summit, because the summit had nothing to do with the peace but aimed at 'legitimizing " Zelensky as the leader of Ukraine. Probably, in addition,  it aimed to test the waters and see the current status of the geopolitical alignment.

Yes, it has been a "history in making", another history of "stunt" for the continuation of  a comedian as the leading actor on the stage.

As a conclusion the Peace Summit (which was not) as a stunt has failed miserably. The play put on the stage with the comedian Zelensky in the leading role did not impress any audience including the countries of the West.

It was not a "history in making" but a lousy theatrical play in making.

June 16, 2024

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