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International Counter-Revolution

J. V. Stalin
July 14, 1906

Works, Vol. 1, November 1901 - April 1907

In many ways, present-day Russia reminds us of France in the period of the great revolution. This similarity finds expression, among other things, in that in our country, as in France, counter-revolution is spreading and, overflowing its own frontiers, is entering into an alliance with counter-revolution in other countries — it is gradually assuming an international character. In France, the old government concluded an alliance with the Austrian Emperor and the King of Prussia, called their troops to its aid, and launched an offensive against the people's revolution. In Russia, the old government is concluding an alliance with the German and Austrian emperors — it wants to call their troops to its aid and to drown the people's revolution in blood.

Only a month ago definite rumours were afloat to the effect that "Russia" and "Germany" were conducting secret negotiations (see Severnaya Zemlya,1 No. 3). Later these rumours spread more persistently. And now things have reached such a pitch that the Black-Hundred newspaper Rossiya 2 openly states that the blame for "Russia's" (i.e., the counter-revolution's) present difficulties rests upon the revolutionary elements. "The Imperial German government," says that newspaper, "is fully aware of this situation and has therefore undertaken a series of appropriate measures which will certainly lead to the desired results." It transpires that these measures amount to preparations by "Austria" and "Germany" to send troops to assist "Russia" in the event of the Russian revolution proving successful. They have already reached agreement on that point, and have decided that "under certain conditions active intervention in the internal affairs of Russia with the object of suppressing, or curbing, the revolutionary movement may be desirable and beneficial. . . ." So says Rossiya.

As you see, international counter-revolution has long been making extensive preparations. It is well known that for a long time past it has been rendering counterrevolutionary Russia financial assistance in the struggle against the revolution. But it has not confined itself to this. Now, it appears, it has decided to come to the aid of counter-revolutionary Russia also with troops.

After that, even a child can easily understand the real significance of the dissolution of the Duma, as well as the significance of Stolypin's "new" orders 3 and Trepov's "old" pogroms. 4 . . . It must be assumed that now the false hopes entertained by various liberals and other naive people will be dispelled, and that they will at last become convinced that we have no "constitution," that we have civil war, and that the struggle must be waged on military lines. . . .

But present-day Russia resembles France of that time also in another respect. At that time, international counter-revolution caused an expansion of the revolution; the revolution overflowed the borders of France and swept through Europe in a mighty flood. The "crowned heads" of Europe united in a common alliance, but the peoples of Europe also extended their hands to one another. We see the same thing in Russia today. "The old mole is grubbing well." . . . By uniting with the European counter-revolution the Russian counterrevolution is steadily expanding the revolution, uniting the proletarians of all countries, and laying the foundations for the international revolution. The Russian proletariat is marching at the head of the democratic revolution and is extending a fraternal hand to, is uniting with, the European proletariat, which will begin the socialist revolution. As is well known, after the January 9 action, mass meetings were held all over Europe. The December action evoked demonstrations in Germany and France. There can be no doubt that the impending action of the Russian revolution will still more vigorously rouse the European proletariat for the struggle. International counter-revolution will only strengthen and deepen, intensify and firmly establish, international revolution. The slogan "Workers of all countries, unite!" will find its true expression.

So go on, gentlemen, keep it up! The Russian revolution, which is expanding, will be followed by the European revolution—and then . . . and then the last hour will strike not only for the survivals of serfdom, but also for your beloved capitalism.

Yes, you are "grubbing well," Messieurs counterrevolutionaries.


1. Severnaya Zemlya (Northern Land) — a legal Bolshevik daily newspaper published in St. Petersburg from June 23 to 28, 1906.

2. Rossiya (Russia) — a daily newspaper expressing the views of the police and the Black Hundreds, published from November 1905 to April 1914. Organ of the Ministry of the Interior.

3. In June and July 1906, P. A. Stolypin, the Minister of the Interior, issued an order to the local authorities demanding the ruthless suppression by armed force of the revolutionary movement of the workers and peasants and the revolutionary organisations.

4. D. Trepov — the Governor-General of St. Petersburg, who directed the suppression of the 1905 Revolution.
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