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Stalin Quotes On the advantages of socialist management

On the advantages of socialist management

 In contrast to capitalist countries, where an economic crisis and growing unemployment now reign , the internal situation in our country presents a picture of a growing rise in the national economy and a progressive reduction in unemployment. Large-scale industry has grown and accelerated the pace of its development. Heavy industry strengthened. The socialist sector of industry has made great progress. A new force has grown in agriculture - state farms and collective farms. If two years ago we had a crisis in grain production and relied in our grain procurement work mainly on individual farms, now the center of gravity has shifted to collective and state farms, and the grain crisis can be considered largely resolved. The bulk of the peasantry finally turned towards collective farms. The resistance of the kulaks was repulsed. The internal position of the USSR became even stronger.

This is the general picture of the internal situation of the USSR at the moment.

("Political report of the Central Committee to the XVI Congress of the CPSU (b)" vol. 12 p. 261.)

What is the reason that the USSR, despite its cultural backwardness, despite the lack of capital, despite the lack of technically savvy economic personnel, is in a state of growing economic growth and has decisive successes on the front of economic construction , and the advanced capitalist countries, despite the abundance capital, an abundance of technical personnel and a higher level of culture, are in a state of growing economic crisis and suffer defeat after defeat in the field of economic development ?

The reason is the difference in economic systems between us and the capitalists.

The reason is the failure of the capitalist economic system.

The reason is the advantages of the Soviet economic system over the capitalist system.

What is the Soviet economic system?

The Soviet economic system means that:

1) the power of the capitalist and landowner class has been overthrown and replaced by the power of the working class and working peasantry;

2) tools and means of production, land, factories, etc. were taken away from the capitalists and transferred to the ownership of the working class and the working masses of the peasantry;

3) the development of production is not subject to the principle of competition and ensuring capitalist profit, but to the principle of planned management and the systematic raising of the material and cultural level of the working people;

4) the distribution of national income occurs not in the interests of enriching the exploiting classes and their numerous parasitic servants, but in the interests of systematically improving the material situation of workers and peasants and expanding socialist production in town and countryside;

5) systematic improvement of the financial situation of workers and the continuous growth of their needs (purchasing power), being an ever-growing source of expansion of production, guarantees workers from crises of overproduction, rising unemployment and poverty;

6) the working class and working peasantry are the masters of the country, working not for the capitalists, but for their working people.

What is a capitalist economic system? The capitalist economic system means that:

1) power in the country belongs to the capitalists;

2) the instruments and means of production are concentrated in the hands of the exploiters;

3) production is subordinated not to the principle of improving the financial situation of the working masses, but to the principle of ensuring high capitalist profits;

4) the distribution of national income occurs not in the interests of improving the financial situation of workers, but in the interests of ensuring maximum profits for the exploiters;

5) capitalist rationalization and rapid growth of production, aimed at ensuring high profits for capitalists, encounter, as an obstacle, the poverty-stricken situation and a decrease in the material security of the millions of working people, who do not always have the opportunity to satisfy their needs even within the extreme minimum, which inevitably creates the ground for inevitable crises of overproduction, rising unemployment, and poverty of the masses;

6) the working class and working peasants are exploited, working not for themselves, but for someone else’s class, for the class of exploiters.

These are the advantages of the Soviet economic system over the capitalist system.

These are the advantages of the socialist organization of the economy over the capitalist organization.

This is the reason that we, in the USSR , have a growing economic boom, and they, the capitalists, have a growing economic crisis.

This is the reason that here, in the USSR , the growth of consumption (purchasing power) of the masses constantly outstrips the growth of production, pushing it forward, while among them, the capitalists, on the contrary, the growth of consumption of the masses (purchasing power) never keeps up with the growth production and always lags behind it, every now and then dooming production to crises.

This is the reason why they, the capitalists, consider it quite normal to destroy “excess” goods during crises and burn “surplus” agricultural products in order to maintain high prices and ensure high profits, while here in the USSR the culprits of such crimes would be sent to the insane asylum.

("Political report of the Central Committee to the XVI Congress of the CPSU (b)" vol. 12 p. 320.)

 The capitalist cannot use his income to improve the welfare of the working class. He lives for profit. Otherwise he would not be a capitalist. He extracts profits in order to put them into additional capital and take them to less developed countries in order to extract new, even larger profits. This is how capital flows from North America to China, to Indonesia, to South America, to Europe, from France to the French colonies, from England to the English colonies.

With us the situation is different, because we do not pursue and do not recognize colonial policy. In our country, income from industry remains in the country for the purpose of further expanding the industry, for improving the situation of workers, for increasing the capacity of the domestic market, including the peasant market, by reducing the cost of industrial goods.

("Conversation with the first American labor delegation" vol. 10 p. 121.)

The Soviet system provides enormous opportunities for the complete victory of socialism. But possibility is not yet reality . To turn a possibility into reality, a whole series of conditions are necessary, among which the party line and the correct implementation of this line play not the least role.

("Political report of the Central Committee to the XVI Congress of the CPSU (b)" vol. 12 p. 339.)

...we must strictly distinguish between the possibilities available in our system and the use of these opportunities, the transformation of these opportunities into reality .

("Political report of the Central Committee to the XVI Congress of the CPSU (b)" vol. 12 p. 341.)

 ...the policy of steadily reducing prices for industrial goods is the cornerstone of our economic policy, without which neither the improvement and rationalization of our industrial economy, nor the strengthening of the alliance of the working class and the peasantry is unthinkable.

Bourgeois states have a different policy in this regard. There they usually organize enterprises into trusts and syndicates in order to raise prices for industrial goods within the country, turn these prices into monopoly prices, pump out more profits on this basis and create a fund for exporting goods abroad, where capitalists sell the same goods at low prices. prices for conquering new markets.

The same policy was carried out here, in Russia, during the period of bourgeois order, when sugar, for example, was sold within the country at exorbitant prices, and abroad, for example in England, the same sugar was sold so cheaply that it was fed to pigs.

The Soviet government is pursuing a diametrically opposite policy. It believes that industry should serve the population, and not vice versa. It believes that a steady decline in prices for industrial goods is the main means without which normal industrial growth is impossible. I'm not even talking about the fact that the policy of lowering prices for industrial goods contributes to the growth of the population's needs, increases the capacity of the domestic market, both urban and rural, and thus creates a continuously growing source necessary for the further development of industry.

("Conversation with foreign workers' delegations" vol. 10 p. 229.)

 Dear comrades, workers and workers of the “Red Triangle”! Please accept my friendly greetings on the occasion of the Red Triangle's transition to a 7-hour working day.

In capitalist countries, your brothers and sisters work 10-12-14 hours. We, the workers and workers of our workers' and peasants' state, will work from now on 7 hours a day.

("To the workers and workers of the "Red Triangle"" vol. 11 p. 330.)

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